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Everything posted by Florian

  1. I don't know about that, I think it makes enough sense if he just has a big fucking sick ego, but who knows?
  2. @johncakecream Well, I think Trump is basically still a traumatised child and now he is playing his destructive games on a greater scale.
  3. @Sleyker Well.. in the great perspective you are already awoke and you just put yourself to sleep because you want to experience this, so why would you just awake? You created this "asleepness" so you can experience it and part of awakening is doing what you came here to do which you discover by following the life purpose you chose. In the end life purpose is propably just a way of awakening thats different for everybody. At least thats what I think.
  4. @AlphaAbundance Same thing. If you have a strong desire for this, you will have an emotional filter that could block something valueble. This will propably not solve this need directly but it's definietly not bad advice to drop it, that might lead to you finding actual financial freedom. And maybe if Law of Attraction is really real in the sense that you litterally pull the things you put your attention to, then removing this need will serve you very very good because you then don't put your attention on the need anymore.
  5. In general or if that's hard to say more specific for: lion mane's mushroom and l-theanine.
  6. I just read this thread "Propably going to end up on the street" and someone commented something about ones inner child and that it must feel save before you evolve or something and I had this insight or idea about parents and what their job is and what the difference between bad, mediocre and good parents is. So one of the parents job is to make the child feel safe within the family and then maybe in some other situations in life so that the child can then when it becomes an adult operate in these areas. And the other job is to give the child the tools to make itself feel save in new areas of life. You can picture it as a point of light within infinite darkness. The light is the "safezone" and the darkness is the outside world. More specific to our world we live in: the light is for example everytime the child is in the house the family lives in and when it goes outside to let's say school for the first time it goes into the darkness. But since the parents come with the child it is not darkness anymore and then the child can go to school. And then they have to somehow show the child that it can make the darkness become light by itself. (the role of the parents could also be played by somebody else then the biological parents, for example a teacher) So the difference between bad, mediocre and good parents would be that bad parents give the child nothing, mediocre parents only give the child safety or only show the child how to make themselves safe and good parents would be parents that give the child both. This could also be recognized in the role of the mother and the role of the father. The mother is the one who gives the child safety and the father is the one who shows the child how to make safety out of unsafety or darkness or fear unknown or whatever you wanna call it. Safety could also be a synonyme for love and unsafety for fear. So basically parents job: Give child safety and show the child how to conquer the unknown/Give the child love and show it how to love the unknown.(thats propably deeper)
  7. Are there any experts here who see some downsites to this?
  8. I don't think this is terrible advice. If you really drop the feeling that you need to be rich you will propably see the ways to become rich clearer.
  9. @Raptorsin7 I'm not sure. Why?
  10. @modmyth I might use this to keep hold of some thoughts that are valuable for me and post it here so some guys who could comment something valuable can comment on it.
  11. Today I had the idea that my life purpose could be to write a story/be an author. And this story would contain a lot of wisdom about the world and how it works. Basically in some sense what Leo does with his videos but in another form -> built into a fictional story.
  12. I don't mean whether your diet effects your consciousness but the other way around. For example I watched a video about the "Lions diet" where you basically consume a lot of meat and it is healthy for people who suffer from immune diseases (at least from what I can tell, I just watched one video about it 10mins ago). And I thought that maybe Mikhaila Peterson (who made this video) might have these autoimmune diseases because she is so fixated on the dominance hierachie etc. that this maybe caused her body to release all kinds of substances that lead to her having to eat flesh or else her body rejects the food. Of course everybody is effected by the dominance hierachie which she is talking about (or basically all the ape stuff) but for everybody else it's rather under the surface and with Jordan Peterson as her father he propably taught her about all this stuff that he studied and so for her this was always on the surface and maybe effected all this within her.
  13. @SgtPepper Yeah, to me it seems too that this diet is healthy for her and any people with the same problem and I think I will try it because I feel like I have the same problems as she had but not quite as dramatically. But are there maybe any long-term effects?
  14. I think real art is the expression of something you don't grasp consciously, so in that sense it could be beneficial to observe in a way dreams can be beneficial to observe.
  15. @Buba She would say Allahu Akbar and then blow herself up (just kidding, I hope I don't get banned)
  16. I just had this thought about values and I think this might be valueble but I'm not sure. So I had this thought, that some values on the master values list of the Life purpose course are more fundamental then others like for example the value leadership might actually just be a mix of growth and impact or something like that. So that would mean growth and impact are more basic then leadership. But I know Leo mentioned that values are different for everyone and one value can have a totally different meaning for 2 different people and that might be the answer for this thought, but what do you think is there something about this?
  17. Is the human experience basically a path in infinity that is walked by loving the details of it and is over when every detail of this path has been loved by the human?
  18. Yeah but I thought I could give you all something with this post
  19. But this is propably nothing new I discovered and maybe it's exactly what Leo talks about in his video on Self-Love or his video on the point life. I watched parts of that video too and I think he said something similar there.
  20. @Ero I didn't say a path to infinity but a path in infinity. That example is propably not good to understand, I don't just mean the things you feel but everything you experience. Maybe you understand what I mean if I told you that I asked me the question "Why would I as god want to experience a human life" and this was my answer I think but not sure anymore because it's a bit ago.
  21. I believe I posted some gold with this but I am scared that a) I actually didn't and I am just deluding myself because I want get some recognition and/or b) This is actually true and very valueble but you won't see the value and it will get lost
  22. I really want @Leo Gura's opinion on this.
  23. @Highest I don't mean loving all of reality but just what you experience. What I mean by "you walk the path by loving the details of it" is for example: I become aware of one aspect of me, like I notice that I hate this or that person or I feel threatened by a situation or something "positiv" like I really feel like I can nail this one test in school and also do it. Whatever. And by loving this aspect of yourself you "walk" this path that this human experience is and go to the next and maybe in the end after you loved all of this you remember that you are god and go back to that state. I watched the beginning of Leo's video about Self-Love yesterday and that made me believe that what I wrote in this post actually is true or at least kinda.
  24. I don't know I actually wrote this text for something else but then posted it here so I'm not sure if I even keep this going.