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Everything posted by Florian

  1. I will try working out let's see. And no I don't meditate before but I will try that as well.
  2. @fridjonk well a bit. A few weeks ago I tried to implement a new way to work out for myself cause I heard somewhere in this forum that actually an hour a day is not enough and you need to use your body constantly or something (I think it was called blue zones or something, didn't do research though) and then I thought I would just do some bodyweight exercises every 30mins and I did for a few weeks I think I stopped somewhere around the time this problem started. It actually felt really good though.
  3. After you take psychedelics there are mecanics of your ego/mind to get back to homeostasis. If you become aware of these you could let them go and maybe keep your state of consiousness. I think the 4 wishes from the book the Sedona Method are a good orientation for how to let these mecanics go because they are basically the root of these mecanics. There are propably other methods but I thought of this first because I use the Sedona method a lot and I think it would be very effective. You propably need a very good understanding of this concept of the 4 wishes to use it excellently but I'm just saying that is a way to do it. The main point is that you could become aware of the mecanics that pull you back into unconsiousness and let them go.
  4. Seems to me like the/or one of the root causes of your problems is that you never got that love from your parents (maybe especially your mom) that you wanted and needed. I feel like letting go could help you A LOT if you practice that. For that I would recommend you the book "the Sedona Method". Really, it helped me tremendously and I had similar problems. Especially letting go of the 4 deep wishes that everyone has which is explained in the book. Or another thing to do is practicing self love. I guess you do that by becoming consious of one aspect of your identity and then just loving it as hard as you can. Leo has a video on that which I didnt watch so maybe there it is better explained. You seem to want to control your parents to get the love and safety you needed. That will propably not work. Use your creativity to get free from your parents.
  5. @The Don I think he means that 75% of humans were made while the parents were drunk
  6. @Raw Nature But what is the purpose of this list? I dont get it I mean like, do you want to learn about this or do you thing this is valueble information for everybody?
  7. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCeY3vg1r0KrvuyPOi7T39eA Seems reasonable to be placed in this category to me, give me your thoughts.
  8. Could be useful to rework this section to "healthy ressources" and then divide it into the different stages of Spiral Dynamics, so that a person who is for example orange could go to the orange section.
  9. @SoothedByRain I guess I misinterpreted the high consiousness section then. He is propably not valuable for people beyond yellow but if you are below that he seems like a very healthy guidance to get to that yellow-dating level.
  10. I think he's higher like yellow even. But I'm not an expert with Spiral Dynamics and I might be wrong.
  11. @Preety_India No, I don't think the average guy is aware of that. To me it seems like he has a pretty good understanding about dating, sex etc. and also a good way of communicating it. His titles seem very clickbaity, but I think that's actually good and he might do that purposely cause they attract the type of guy who propably has a toxic view on woman and could need this. To me it seems like he isn't shitting on woman or anything (except for titles) and gives guys solid advice. Seems to me like the next step from stage orange pick-up, kinda yellow even I think, cause he definetly has this green attribute of intimate relationships, but he knows that it just isnt going to work like "Let's all just love each other". I actually came to this post because I literally watched the same exact video and wanted to post this guy on high conciousness ressources and then saw the title of the video on the Main Discussions site.
  12. I would like to see this man twerk in the club.
  13. I just had this rather random thought that our world is binary and I felt like this is very true and important.
  14. So.. lately my life has been changing drastically. I think the main reason for that is that about one year ago I fell in the hole that was basically set up by the negative spiral that was my upbringing. I was so down that I could only stay in my room, be awake only at night so I would not have to walk across my family members during the day and basically give up on almost everything. The only important thing for me left was Leo's life purpose course, that I bought at that time, because I thought that the only reason for me to keep on living is, so I could finish that course and maybe find my life purpose and then maybe even live it and be free from my past life. So now my mission was to do the course and everything else I didn't care about any more really. I watched one video every day until I came to the values part. There I got stuck because I really had to think about myself now and it was emotionally hard work as Leo mentioned in the course and I basically only had enough energy every day to watch this one video and then there wasn't left anymore energy to do more. I filled a lot of pages of paper with my thoughts about the things I had to ask myself for the value passes but didnt seem to really find the real answers. This all happened from around mid-november last year to somewhere between January and March this year. Then I kind of got suck into "normal life" a bit again by one of my friends who propably noticed that I went down this spiral and asked me to hang out a lot after I stopped going to school (I just didn't go to school anymore around November last year and that's how I started just staying in my room) (before I did hang out with him and other friends occasionally but only because I was lonely and when I hung out with them I basically instantly wanted to get away once I got there) and also by my therapist who I went to around beginning of December last year. I have no concentration to keep on writing now and will maybe continue this soon.
  15. I think the one thing about NoFap is that you don't release so much dopamine anymore and so you have more motivation, but I'm not an expert.
  16. My situation: A year ago I droped out of school (I was 17, now 18) because I just couldnt go anymore. At the time I wasn't so aware of how fucked I was/still am (but definetly not as hard) emotionally or maybe I just didn't care at all (which is a sign of how fucked I was I guess), like I definetly knew that I had problems but I just didn't care, for example I once actually almost killed myself and I didn't really care about it afterwards. I sat on the edge of a tall building and wasn't sure if I should jump or not but maybe I would have jumped if it wasn't for a woman I saw in a building next to the one I sat on who was on the phone, I thought she might have called the police so I ran out of that building pretty fast cause I wasnt sure if I really could kill myself and if not I knew that I would be in a lot of trouble because that building was an old factory and private property so it was illegal to even trespass. So anyways.... I droped out of school, went on to not leave my room, only be awake at night because my condition grew even worse to the extend that I got pretty strong anxiety if even somebody just walked by my room and yea... I bought the life purpose course from Leo and saw it as my big hope to get out of my old life and start a new one and have a purpose because I felt so useless and didn't really want to live without a purpose. Fast foward I didn't really have enough energy and motivation to do the course, I just made it to the value part and got stuck there but in normal life I got help from a friend of mine and my psychologist that I started to go to and so I didn't end up 100% fucked but rather got into my old life again. Fast foward again to September this year, I went to school again. I was definetly better off emotionally (what actually helped me the most I think was the book I read about the Sedona Method btw) and also a bit socially (I never really learned how to behave socially) than the year/s before but eventualIy I ended up droping out of school again 2 weeks ago. The reasons for that: -I can't really concentrate, especially at school in the presence of all the other students and teachers mixed with 0 drive to actually do something for school -> I was on the edge of not getting through gradewise but I would have still had a chance, but I then decided to just say fuck it again. Now I am in a similar situation to last year. The differences: I have a better relationship with my father which gives me a lot more security and I am when I think about it actually MUCH better off emotionally then last year (actually my psychologist was amazed by how much I have changed and even laughed about it (in a nice way of course) and told me she would really like to show me videos of how I acted the first times I was there and then now). But still I am again mostly living in my room (but I could go outside potentially) and again my only real goal is to finish the life purpose course and then plan the future according to my life purpose or at least some valueble information I got by taking this course. Big BUT: I am still a lazy fuck. It's not like I'm making 0 progress but still just too little. I actually set my self the goal at new years to quit distraction like videogames, porn etc. until I finish the course and I didn't even make it half a day until I was completly back to normal. I was so drained out after one of the valuepasses that I couldnt do it anymore. So my plan now is to just fucking do the course tomorrow after I wake up before I do anything else and then see how far I can go and then adjust my plans according to that maybe. But some advice could defintlty be helpful so go ahead and post some if you like. Thank you.
  17. Btw, I think the things that helped me the most are: learning about emotions and letting go. I started this by reading the book Sedona Method by hale dwoskin. + even though I didnt even watch that video. (I watched like the first 15 min or so but that just made me realise that this is actually what I discover for myself though, I think what triggered this for me was one setence I read in the book the way of the superior man by david deida where he said that you have to love your problems before you go past them or something like that)
  18. Well, thank you for the advice and attention but I feel like I actually am on a good path right now and this post just helped me to rewind the last year and partly let go. @AwakenedSoul444 wish you good luck, maybe fuck enlightment and just pursue the lower needs of you (look at Maslows pyramid of needs), I think thats what I would do in your situation but I mean I dont really know much details. @K VIL thank you, wish you good luck too @Average Investor thank you, I'm starting to improve sleep and exercise @Nahm diet is shit except I drink the blueberry smoothie, Leo made a video about, every single morning. I started going to a boxing club 3 that would be 3 times a week and I started going to a basketball club thats from my old school which would be once a week. With boxing I might have actually found a passion and the thing is, that I have a pretty big advantage over propably everybody else: I understand emotions to a good degree and I understand the importance of emotions in combat sport espacially. + I have Peter Ralstons book on body consiousness and this is also a big advantage over basically everybody else. + I understand mastery to a certain degree + I have a good killer instinct if you could say that -> I feel like I could actually become the worlds best boxer. My name is Florian and my last name starts with a B and has 10 letters (I'm kinda scared to give away my full name and I think this makes things more exciting). SO if you hear about a good boxer in the future with this name you know it's propably me hehe. - that would be so cool if I could get rich from boxing, cause then I wouldnt have to worry about money that much anymore.
  19. I don't know about that, I think it makes enough sense if he just has a big fucking sick ego, but who knows?
  20. @johncakecream Well, I think Trump is basically still a traumatised child and now he is playing his destructive games on a greater scale.
  21. @Sleyker Well.. in the great perspective you are already awoke and you just put yourself to sleep because you want to experience this, so why would you just awake? You created this "asleepness" so you can experience it and part of awakening is doing what you came here to do which you discover by following the life purpose you chose. In the end life purpose is propably just a way of awakening thats different for everybody. At least thats what I think.
  22. @AlphaAbundance Same thing. If you have a strong desire for this, you will have an emotional filter that could block something valueble. This will propably not solve this need directly but it's definietly not bad advice to drop it, that might lead to you finding actual financial freedom. And maybe if Law of Attraction is really real in the sense that you litterally pull the things you put your attention to, then removing this need will serve you very very good because you then don't put your attention on the need anymore.