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Everything posted by Florian

  1. I think there was a thread with examples of people who are extreme masters at something but I can't find it anymore. But I really want to share this dude since I really love him he's so fcking good.
  2. @Leo Gura Bruh, me too
  3. Hey, I remember long time ago I watched a video about this golden indian temple (Sri Padmanabhaswamy) which supposedly has several chambers underneath it of which all but one have been opened and there were great amounts of gold etc. inside. But this one door is cursed or something and it is said that it can only be opened by a powerful monk or something like that. I don't know how legit this is but I found this super exciting and just wanna know if some people here know about this temple and can tell me something about this since this also has something to do with spirituality.
  4. @Leo Gura What kind of music do you listen to?
  5. @Kinjal it does from my experience
  6. @JessiChell From what I understand anger comes after fear, when you decide to fight whatever frightens you. Then your brain turns off and you go into fight mode. So it's an emotion that helps you fight. But as most emotions they don't really help you in the world we live in today most of the times but hold you back rather.
  7. Isn't swedens approach more yellowish?
  8. Yesterday when I went to bed and was already asleep basically I had this experience where I became aware and then I felt my body trembling. It was also like I could hear into my body and I heard how my bones were rubbing against each other because of that trembling. Since I was kind of aware and I could feel my body a bit I tried to move my arm and get up because I got very scared but I couldnt move. Then I accepted this situation and just welcomed this sensation and it became stronger and or it really went inside me or something like that. (I barely can remember this) And then I woke up and could move again and wondered wtf that just was. By the way this trembling felt like I had a nuclear reactor or something like that inside me which caused it.
  9. It very like that yea. If I had any insight? Idk maybe would have to think about it to say specifically. And thank you really, I find this very interesting now and I will read whatever you linked there.
  10. @inFlow I wasnt asleep for very long, maximum 30mins. About the trembling: I can't much more then I wrote at the beginning cause I can't remember it very well. But to add a little bit: I think I was very calm but then I noticed how I'm actually massively trembling inside and it felt very powerful I thought that maybe my arms are actually trembling and from outside it must look like I have a seizure or something. Plus: I also thought that this is related to the stress I have latetly. But that day I actually spent a lot of time letting go and calming myself so I thought I might just have become super sensitive in that moment and just felt this stress very very exact. (I kinda remember that I also had the thought that its my stress boiling over and me burning out or something)
  11. @Dazgwny This is interesting because I actually kinda felt like this afterwards. I remember that I had a thought thats very similar to the things you are discribing like that I could get out of my body or something like that. Maybe now I'm just making things up cause I read what you wrote and try to make sense of it but I really feel like there was something familiar to that. Idk if I want to learn that but I'm pretty sure that if I try and go any further then last night I will shit my fucking pants as well.
  12. @Preety_India yea pretty much exactly that. I literally thought "what the fuck was that" and then went back to sleep. But afterwards I also wanted to get back because this vibrating or whatever it was, was so interesting, I thought it might be some weird and fucking huge energy I could use if I manage to control it.
  13. @Preety_India I don't know about sleep paralysis but even though this was scary its more interesting to me now.
  14. @SoonHei why the fuck the ninja? @Member I didnt't see anything at all just felt. But I have severe sleep problems at the moment, like I always wake up in the middle of the night after 2-4hours of sleep only and cant fall asleep again at all. @Javfly33 whats a hypnogogic state?
  15. @28 cm unbuffed I think its like this: Every possible life purpose is basically the same in the way that they all serve to find love. They just look different just like people look different.
  16. @Leo Gura To be honest I am not really into this work so I don't know what karma is either. But reading this: it still seems possible to me that these strengths are related to this. Maybe they just scratch the surface of it but if someone has "light karma" maybe that "manifests" as the strenth of Spiritualty. I mean if someone observed the human being as a being and wondered what it is and then made up these strenths to understand what a human being is about but he didnt take a very deep look into it then doesnt that mean that these strenths could be seen as like the branches of a human (if you compare a human with a tree) and the karma you talk about is like the roots or something And: Is it still possible for someone with heavy karma to get free of it and then have light karma like these people you mentioned? Like even if someone is not spiritually hardwired enough for a certain level of spiritual advancement, why can't this hardwiring change? How is this hardwiring recognizable? Can you see it when someone easily gets into fight or flight mode or if he/she always thinks about food/sex or sees everybody as competition or something like this? If this is the case (I really don't know) then what happens if this person lets go of this deep desire for like for example this classic survival in the flight or fight style. Does this lift some of his karma? I just don't see why it wouldnt be possible to become more spiritually hardwired. From my perspective it's either possible that I just don't understand karma, this spiritual hardwiring and overall am just a newbie and don't understand things or you somehow are wrong about this maybe because you want to make people believe that they can't get to these levels (maybe you are too proud of your achievements and want to keep it the way it is)
  17. For around 2 weeks now I have the problem that if I go to bed to a normal time I wake up after 2-4 hours of sleep and cant get back to sleep at all. Normal time means I fall asleep around 12 am and would normally sleep 8 hours and have a timer at 8 am. Some backgroundinformation: -Before those 2 weeks my sleep rythm was very fucked up. I slept all day and was awake at night basically which means specifically going to bed somewhere around 6 am-8 am and getting up 4 pm-6 pm. -The day it started I planned to change my whole life basically because I just finished Leos life purpose course actually and I said to myself I will see my "old life" as dead from now on and the time that I have left is like a bonus and I will use it completely do what I want and have an adventure or whatever. -I noticed that I had nightmares ahead of the first times I woke up and I wrote down what I could remember after it happened a couple of times cause I thought that it might show me the reason why this is happening and if there are any dream experts here I could write what I dreamt because I feel like that actually means something. -The first few days I just had very little sleep all the time, then I just surrendered and went back to my fucked up sleep schedule and started taking valerian which is supposed to help with sleep but takes a little while to have an effect. Now I took it one week and tried to fix my sleep again skiping a day of sleep to be able to fall asleep early in the evening and this shit happened again nothing changed. I feel like subconsciously I just fear what I wanted to do and don't want to give up my old life which basically is full incel lifestyle. And now I traumatised that part of me or something to the point that I have no control over it. I would really appreciate some info that gets me out of this because I feel like this could become very harmful to me in the long run.
  18. I thought it might be that the "Spirituality, sense of purpose, and faith" one could be related to spiritual talent but I don't really have a good understanding of these strengths and I don't really know what you mean by spiritual talent either.
  19. @Leo Gura Does the spiritual talent you mention stand in any relationship with one of the 24 strenghts from the source within your lifepurpose-course?
  20. Either I don't understand what you say, you don't understand what I mean or you just answer some shit that has nothing to do with my question. So I understand the grace which you talk about as "luck" but I mean more like what potential would someone who has better "spiritual wiring" or spiritual talent than Leo Gura who also puts in the same amount into it have for potential? Obviously it is not 100% that he reaches this potential and he needs "grace" (if thats what you mean by it) to reach that potential. And what do you mean by apppearance? Is this "spiritual wiring" just appearance? Have I misunderstood this? Or do you talk bullshit?
  21. What do you mean by grace? And if so what if Leo happened to be much more "spiritually wired"?