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About Florian

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  1. I think logic is what defines relative truth and creates order
  2. @Michael569 maybe I should do a test first though yea but thats kinda expensive and im saving for something right now
  3. @Michael569 I have symptoms I heard a lot were corelated general to parasites and apparently they are a relatively widespread problem (correct me if thats wrong)
  4. How can you get rid of parasites?
  5. @Princess Arabia @aurum Thank you both, I will check the videos out and Happy New Years!
  6. Nope, already cut that out
  7. @aurum I can breathe though my nose throughout the whole day. What is BOLT? And Im going to test my limits exercise-wise, but I am sick right now, so that will have to wait a bit.
  8. Hello, I have the problem that I only breathe through my mouth in the night even if I tape it shut, 90% of the time I will wake up with the tape gone and my mouth dry, I think i even fucking ate the tape once in my sleep. I know that this damages the microbiome in my mouth which is connected with the gut microbiome and the brain and has overall very negative effects, which I can also observe on myself. Does anyone have any tips on this? I would greatly appreciate it
  9. I had a conversation over instagram with a guy some time ago who does his thing and also has a podcast which gets pretty little views but honestly I was pretty impressed to see he has over 200 episodes that are hourlong with guests that for his size (only averages viewers in the 100s) are pretty impressive. He asked me if I got any recommendations for his podcast and I give him your name. I dont know if he reached out to you or not, but his name is Andy Mai and his Podcast is called The Flip Side in case you want to reach out to him.
  10. I stoped really using this forum since I had a disagreement over something some time ago and decided I didnt really want to part take in this anymore and also felt pretty overlooked. However lately I started watching Leos videos again and I realized how valuable they are and how much they shaped me since I found them relatively young, watched a lot of the very profound videos at a young age and really understood a lot. I propably would not even be alive anymore without Leos help since I had a ton of baggage and he gave me the tools, with his book list, his course and his free videos to deal with that and keep fighting. I am still in the process but when I look at myself I see something great in the making. I integrated so many extremely deep insights into my being which propably no human being ever had and I can see myself become someone truly great. And all this is possible because of Leos work. It reminds me of the quote from Newton when he said he is standing on the shoulders of giants. So even though I saw some personal flaws with you Leo I want to speak out my immense gratitude here. Thank you. I hope you see this @Leo Gura
  11. Because 99% of people are not aware of it and its not active. My point is that there is a blueprint in everyone, doesnt mean everyone lives by it. This is not about creating my personal value system but about identifing what is already there. It seems to me that everyone has some kind of blueprint for their value system already inside of them, just like everyone has a blueprint for their physical body in their DNA. I get what you are saying with god doesnt care but god is literally everything and gods infinite intelligence literally designed everything so god also cares.
  12. Yea, but this isnt about ultimate truth, its to get to know your character as a human better. Its just that the human value system seems to be designed in a way that moves him towards the ultimate truth.
  13. I think not really, rape in that case would just be your highest form of freedom or love. Oneness is not really a value but more like the overarching source or goal or whatever thats constant between every individual. I'm adding the concept of masculine and feminine heart from david deida to the idea of a value system I got from your life purpose course and also looking for a design in the concept of the human value system because I think it has a specific form, not just ranked from 1-10 or 100.
  14. Another update: It's more like a mix between a scale and a pyramide now. it always starts with oneness on the top between the two scale pans (im not sure about the word in english) and then both pans (or sides) are always freedom and love, so basically the same as before when it was just a pyramide, however now you need to now what you value more between freedom and love. (i got this idea from david deidas concept of a masculine and a feminine heart) and depending on that you put either side higher or lower then the opposite, like this example of someone with a feminine heart (the specific values below freedom are of course specific for the individual): Oneness Love Family Nature ....... ....... ..... Freedom Justice Honesty ....... ......... ....... Also maybe below the two values below Freedom/love there is not again two below each but one in the middle that connects both sides and one specific for each. Idk why but feels right.
  15. More complete form would propably be: Oneness Freedom Love .......... ........... .......... .............. in that case it's important to know the personal balance of how important love and freedom each are for the individual