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Everything posted by Shakazulu

  1. @Raze these videos helped a lot! Thank you
  2. @Tyler Robinson I like that! It is an auto eliminating process. I sure wouldn’t want to be dating someone who isn’t interested in me. We as people like what we can’t have or never will have.
  3. @Leo Gura thank you Leo! the RSD courses I have are The resonator - Jeffy Girlfriend Game - Max 10 commandments of game - Derek BOSS - Madison Hot seat at home - Madison Get your Ten - Madison
  4. @spiritual memes thank you
  5. @Leo Gura losing the girls who I’m compatible with happens pretty often. In my three years of gaming there were clear, open, great opportunities that I’ve fumbled through self sabotage in hindsight. There had to be about 40+ girls who were interested that I flushed down the toilet. Then their are four or five of the really special girls. The ones I would consider “ soulmates “ who I’ve pushed away because of my behaviour.
  6. @spiritual memes I feel that! I’m working through it much as I can! Any recommendations?
  7. @Superfluo thanks a lot king! I appreciate that
  8. @Leo Gura if im not being rejected, girls that lose interest in me are the girls I have most things in common with and the girls I’m most compatible with. I’ll meet them the first day, they’ll tell me about their life trauma and be on the verge of tears. The instant date will go well, They’ll talk about spirituality and they’ll be all hot and turned on. It’s almost like they’ll tell me everything I want to hear then after on text they’ll act completely different. I find one of these girls out of 20 or 30
  9. @Superfluo right now I’m reading The Living Legacy of Trauma book, what do you recommend?
  10. @Ulax the book is giving me a greater idea of what trauma is and how trauma makes me react.
  11. @Leo Gura oops, thought I was being concise. Im unable to sleep with them or even set up another date after the first time meeting them. 1. I’ll meet them 2. I’ll give off a great first impression & get their phone number/contact info 3. they’ll stop replying to me or lose interest after texting me for a period of time
  12. @Ulax thank you!!! for the Living Legacy of Trauma I’m on worksheet #6
  13. @Leo Gura ive been Gaming for three years so I guess the last three years I’ve been honing in on the attraction phase. I’m struggling to keep the ones I’m most compatible with. My texting game needs work. Once we start messaging after we meet, the relationship falls to pieces.
  14. @Ulax thanks a lot brother ? I just bought the transforming living legacy audiobook
  15. @PenguinPablo there’s a lot of people in Toronto. I wouldn’t be surprised if there are PUAs ? everyone I know has been to Montreal but me, why would you rather game in Montreal though?
  16. Hello hope you are well and happy. I’ve been gaming for about three years now and I’m looking for wings in Toronto feel free to DM me
  17. Sure you can sit around but sometimes aggressive people need to be put in their place. If you sit around and take his shit, he will continue to treat you anyway he desires. I’m not staying you have to start a fist fight with him but he might not respect you until you are willing to fight. The kid in the school yard who gets bullied is the one who’s not willing to defend himself.
  18. @eos_nyxia thank you! It sounds like you’ve found a process that works for you. It’s interesting how we look for the “ missing “ parts of ourselves in others. I’m starting to understand the importance of trust in one self and trust in others. My pain isn’t so much from the woman I attract, I tend to attract amazing girls but it’s me who is self sabotaging the relationship from going forward. Me being sexually abused at a young age created a high level of neediness for woman. It made me grow up with a lustful mind and as you know romantic relationships at a young age are about the value we can provide in the moment. So it plays out like this: I’ll meet an extraordinary girl, we’ll go on a date, we’ll talk about life, spirituality, what we want in the future, she’ll often open up to me telling me about her life struggles, traumas etc. have an amazing time then after the date when we’re texting, after about a week or two she’ll back off and lose complete interest like we never shared a special moment. To sum it up it’s about my neediness and woman losing interest.
  19. @Cassy0110 thank you Cassy ? I appreciate you!
  20. @Loba thanks a lot brother! It’s interesting to know that I’m not the only one. Self sabotage is a killer. Wishing you abundance and success ⭐️
  21. @Raze I’ve never done MDMA, I’ve done Bryon Katie’s loving what is, which was pretty cool. The Sedona method is something I’ve heard of. Maybe I should try it next ⭐️
  22. Been doing Kriya consistently, been practicing the beginner Pose for 80+ days, 20 min should I increase my time? How does one prepare for the next step of kriya practice?
  23. @charlie cho thank you hahaha. I needed that one. This injury stems from the days of me not seeing clear. Good thing we are awakening so now we can improve on our weaknesses.
  24. Every now and then when I’m practicing my yoga routine (Mahamudra) my right knee literally locks and I can’t complete my routine. Any solutions to aiding or building knee cartilage? 13 Years ago I slightly torn my meniscus on my left knee so I guess my right knee compensated for my left. I BELIEVE THIS CAN BE SOLVED, THERE HAS TO BE A WAY
  25. @undeather this is incredible!!!!!! Thank you, I’m thinking if I should get the book or the online course