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Everything posted by Shakazulu

  1. Anything we consider " weird " is new, outside a set of fixed information. Meaning is relative, I feel this is how cults come to existence. People see the meaning or the divinity of a subject
  2. Develop loving kindness/ compassion. it's possible for your love to spread to every human on the planet. Good karma comes from right action, right speech, right intention
  3. @FoxFoxFox @Serotoninluv Thanks guys
  4. Like Leo said because our existential nature is boundless and free. We're interested in manifesting ourselves into finite forms for experience. Our nature is unlimited this is why dualities are tricky, we create dualities for our personal agenda. Truth is no ones agenda is more important than another's. E.g: I expect my ex to suffer because she cheated on me > I got cheated on for the greater good, if you wanna get scientific (hypergamy)
  5. @FoxFoxFox true enough, I'm going to have to find a balance between not knowing & knowing for liberation @Inliytened1
  6. Hah, I thought I was right and everything
  7. @Serotoninluv @sausagehead I will definitely look into more research! I did holotropic breath work for a year now. Trauma is coming up, I'm finding insights occur when I'm expressing myself
  8. Ayahuasca sounds like a healing medicine! How is it different from DMT? Many people go to South America for their ayahuasca retreat. Can I do it with shamans in my city?
  9. Is there a possibility information is hidden in " foreign " languages?
  10. Hey everyone! I'm thinking about going on a vipassana retreat. How does one find the highest quality vipassana in their region? (I live in Toronto ) Or maybe I should do a vipassana at home but what would I do? Stopping life purpose for a week seems like a long time, I've built a consistent streak on training for my life purpose- it'd suck to break it. Is going for the vipassana worth time off from life purpose?
  11. In the prescence of a Guru, since they are in a state of love & non-judgement. Do they know things about us we don't/ Can they access our past?
  12. @pluto IM SO glad you shared that last part, I feel you man!
  13. @Tony 845 amazing!!!! It's mind warping @Anton_Pierre that's an interesting gift you have! You just might be a guru @Serotoninluv " anything can happen in infinity "
  14. I'm feeling a lot of sensations in my right ear. the (Visarga) - it's like a ringing, pulsating feeling> anyone identify?
  15. - the girl at @4:30 tripped me out yet made me very curious.
  16. @SunnyNewDay @Girzo @thesmileyone THANKS TO ALL ? . | ? | \ / ____| |____ / ✊__/ \_✊
  17. @Leo Gura what's the most LSD you've consumed?
  18. @JohnnyBravo good idea, I'll check one out
  19. @d0ornokey sounds good. Where can I see this stuff ?