St Clair

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Everything posted by St Clair

  1. @RendHeaven Yeah I work a full time cafe job - its draining! But necessary .. I made the blunder of thinking I could survive off my work last year, earning an income from busking, and scheduling my days around mastery of my crafts, spiritual practice, reading and such. It was a major mistake - I ate all my money FAST, couldn't find a job when I needed one, ended up on the benefit, became complacent and lazy, couldn't use all my time wisely, and eventually even became a bit depressed. The work I was doing (my blog and Youtube channel) was growing extremely slowly and falling on deaf ears. So yeah, at this stage of my development, a job is extremely necessary, for my well-being and my finances. A lot of people glorify quitting their jobs to focus entirely on their life purpose, but I would say that it's a very risky move unless you are absolutely certain you can survive, both mentally and financially. Quite paradoxically, I am sometimes more productive while working a full time job, than I was when I wasn't working at all...
  2. @carlowillo Thanks for checking it out. That's a rad compliment!
  3. @RendHeaven It kinda just evolved naturally I guess. I was composing piano tunes before I left home, and then when I moved out and went to live in the mountains, I wanted to film videos there that matched the music I was composing. As I progress, I want to be able to really feel the essence of a place and try to describe it through creative film-making and music - full compositions, more than just solo piano stuff. My biggest inspiration is Jeremy Soule, who has composed for Skyrim, Guild Wars, and heaps of other epic games. I hope to be able to compose music as beautiful and adventurous as him one day!
  4. With my videos, I am sharing the beauty of my country (New Zealand) through music and film. Can't wait to take it world wide! I just hope to inspire more people to go out into nature, to love and protect it.
  5. I journal a couple of times a week. For one, as a writer, it is the most brilliant opportunity for me to practice my writing and develop my craft. But primarily, I see it that I am telling my story. If I were to die tomorrow, my legacy - all my ideas, aspirations, insights , etc - will be left behind for my family, tucked away in the 11 or so journals of the past few years. My journal is the physical manifestation of my journey. Take a look at those words side by side - they are twins! Peace and happy journaling !
  6. Search for the book ‘Cha Dao: The Way of Tea’. Taoism, Wu Wei, it gets deep. Ancient Chinese culture is of great magnificence.
  7. Time flies when you’re having fun.
  8. Mountains
  9. I would recommend picking up the book ‘The Healing Energies of Music’ by Hal. A. Lingerman. It’s a profound interpretation of classical music and the deeper connotations of the most magnificent composers. Look into the Mozart effect also. I’d say that the effect of this kind of music far transcends what we know today. Such wisdom has been usurped.
  10. The World is a mess. What a perfect setting for us, who wish to return home! If everything was perfect, there would be no journey.
  11. Do an epic hike in the mountains and listen to this. Mind blown to smithereens. (Soundtrack music is super powerful for mystical experiences!)
  12. I’d say from personal experience, that the best work you can do in this time is to face your tribulations and struggles with a renewed perspective. Instead of being tormented by them, see them as a chance to improve your character, your heart , your strength. This is why we face hardships and trials in our life; it is so we can improve ourselves toward ever higher levels. ‘Pressure makes diamonds’. In fact, you are in a much better position to make really solid progress in cultivating your being, than somebody who isn’t facing any problems at all. If life was all fairies and roses, how would we ever get a chance to improve our character, our conduct, our approach to life? With such a perspective, I would say that your situation could flip 180 degrees, and become a radical opportunity for self improvement, which is the aim of the game, right? Since you aren’t chasing cheese, I’d say this is preceisly what to aim for. All the best bro! Also, you could always come down to New Zealand and do fruit picking in Cromwell for some mountain inspiration, a breath of fresh air, I’d be pleased to meet you! Peace.
  13. This is what I do. I am telling my life story as it happens on a blog, titled ‘The Heroes Journey’. Writing is one of the main mediums for my life purpose, and the purpose I have set for myself is to essentially inspire others into walking their own Heroes Journey, and deeply respecting their own journey in life. I’ve been doing this for 3 months so far , just writing the past few years and catching up to myself first. I have found numerous benefits , too many to count! As for if it’s a good idea, it depends on how transparent you want to be with the world. But I consider ones own life story to be an extremely valuable and unique thing. So in my case, I hope to be wide open, in order to really and truly carry out my life purpose with absolute integrity and help awaken people , because I hold that nothing is more important aside from my own cultivation.
  14. @Silvester Hey Silvester. It looks to me like you've got all the details right and you just need a bit of a push. A huge part of my life purpose is writing - I write in a blog and I want to publish fictional novels too. So, I'll give you a bit of guidance from my own experience with launching these endeavours. Focus on the blog first. Don't think too much about it, just do it. Just write things and publish it - get the ball rolling. Start off by doing it as a means of practicing your professional writing and building your platform. After a year or so of doing this, you would have built a platform for yourself and your ideas. Not to mention that you would have just done an entire years worth of writing practice/mastery (Super powerful!) . From there you will have a good foundation to take your life purpose and expand it - by doing the coaching, the insights , etc. The idea is to build this into a solid and consistent source of income, so that you can then start to work on your fictional novels without hassle. As for you fictional novels, I will tell you that fiction and story are both super powerful tools. If you are really passionate about emotional healing and shadow work, you can write stories that discuss these topics in ways that will just capture the hearts of so many people. The fact is that many people are still adverse and ignorant to these important facets of personal development, so we are trying to find 'trojan horse' ways of educating them on such ideas. I think doing it through storytelling is a pretty great way to do it. And as for 'just doing it', there really is no two ways about it aye. You just kind of have to put all thoughts aside and launch into it. And I mean this - don't wait for tomorrow. When you finish reading my response, go ahead and create your blog page and then write your first blog post. Just do an introduction to yourself and the blog. If you don't take action, you will likely always be overwhelmed. So the one cure is ACTION! Goodluck!
  15. The secret to a successful journey is journalling. Straight up. Just look at the words - they are twin brothers! If you journal your whole life's worth of experiences, you will become conscious of the fact that your life is just one big fictional story. Good thing happens? Story. Bad thing happens? Story. Same same.
  16. The question is not what we want to see, it is what you want to see. I don't care if its food, culture, history, the arts, etc, if you are embracing what you love about travel wholeheartedly and having a ball, then I will most certainly be entertained! I would say most importantly, I want to see you!
  17. Saying that "it's evil to evolve beyond green" is absurd. Are you proposing that we just stop the spiritual journey all together? Sure it will be good if the state of the ordinary human society becomes predominantly green. But we are here on for a reason - it is to rise above and become turquoise leaders, to show people the way. Not everybody can transcend like this, but for the fact that we are even here on this forum discussing spiral dynamics at all should be a hint into our very lucky position in the vast world. Don't go backwards in your evolution - you might get yourself stuck in the eternal cycle of samsara among everyday human people once again. We are here to transcend the human world! The journey has only just begun!
  18. @Feel Good Way too easy! haha, thanks for the reminder though brother. Can never hear this advice enough.
  19. @Cody_Atzori Hey thanks so much for the detail! It's weird, because my spirit brother Josiah just uploaded this video TODAY! ( Oh how I love synchronicity's ) Definitely a sign that I need to start playing chess!
  20. It might depend on the source. I purchase my monthly hit of LSD for $15. In the last city I lived in, the same dosage costed me $50, so it can vary quite dramatically. In any case, find a reliable source. As for your first trip, make sure to do your research. Watch all of Leo's videos on the matter. My own advice would be to spend a good amount of time thinking about and preparing for your trip. Write a list of all of your favourite activities, things to contemplate, your favourite food/drink (get heaps of fruit/veges, like grapes, they are like God's pebbles), and your favourite music, and prepare all of these things in advance. Prepare a comfortable space in your home, buy some incense, maybe some candles. Make your setting really homely, relaxing, calming, etc. Scout a good park or bit of nature that you can walk to if you are feeling up to it. I would highly recommend going to nature at some stage, but only do it if you are feeling confident. On the day of your trip, ensure you have no responsibilities to worry about for the next 2/3 days. Make sure to take your day slowly and don't rush into it. Start your day as normal, do a meditation, go for a walk, ease into the experience. Deactivate your phone/social media so nobody can disturb you. Take your hit, and get ready for a magical experience. If you find yourself lost and worried, refer to the list you wrote of your favourite music/activities. Wishing you all the best on your first psychedelic experience!
  21. @Cody_Atzori Hey. I just found a Chinese chessboard in my family home. I consider myself a Chinese soul, and this chessboard really resonated with me. I was wondering, is Chess a good game to take up? What are the benefits that you have noticed in your own experience regarding Self Actualisation? Cheers!
  22. It might not be related to the discussion, but I've found some serious insight from looking into words. When I contemplate, I first look at the word and try to figure it the secrets of the word (the label) itself. For example, I looked into the word 'Imagination'. I saw 'I - MAGI - NATION'. And then contemplated both 'Magi' and 'Nation'. It is where we can be wizards and magicians! I looked at the word 'Crystal', and saw correlations with 'Christ'. It made perfect sense to me. Jesus Christ was a deeply enlightened being, and his very presence was emanating powerful positive energy around him. The same is with crystals - they are like enlightened rocks, emanating powerful positive energy around them. Interesting huh? I looked at the word 'Mortgage', and I instantly knew NEVER to get one! I saw 'MORT - GAGE'. 'Mort' has correlations with death. 'Gage' is to offer/embrace. I understood Mortgage to be the death of freedom! Maybe I'm wrong. But it makes perfect sense to me. Words contain some powerful secrets! I wonder why they call the sides of our heads "temples". Perhaps there is something sacred in there, the third eye perhaps?
  23. @Hansu Thank you for recommending it. I train Wu Shu Kung fu, and only now am I seeing that he is a brilliant idol that I should be learning more about. A true warrior. Cheers!