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  1. Thank you Mako! This is a great idea! The candle will definitely help me see the progression! Thank you
  2. Hi All, One problem I have is meditating consistently. I meditate every so often whenever I need it. Is it necessary to meditate every day? If so, how do you encourage yourself to do so? Thanks for your suggestions and tips!
  3. No problem Sarper. However, please note the book is not about HOW to love but what love is. Initially the book was disappointing to me because it did not provide me with ways to practice love - until I started realizing how much it had affected my understanding of love in subconscious ways and that made all the difference.
  4. I forgot to mention! Sarper and Stretch, if you care to know more or want to read more, check out the book The Art of Loving. The book just explains the practice of learning to love yourself, all man kind, and your significant other. It definitely has helped me in understanding love better.
  5. No problem at all Sarper. I understand protecting ourselves. Also it can be hard at first to be understanding in the moment. Give yourself some leniency to grow into this understanding - we can not change our habits overnight. What I mean is this will not be easy to do so understand that some times you will try to protect yourself until you build your new habit! Good luck!
  6. Hi Sarper, Great conversation going on here with really great comments. Simply put: YOU DESERVE TO ACCEPT LOVE FOR YOURSELF AND SHARE YOUR LOVE WITH OTHERS. Now believe that yourself and look inwardly to love yourself. We all make mistakes - all the time. That is what is amazing about life in that mistakes give us the opportunity to grow and learn. If we are perfect all the time, then there is no where else for us to grow - and life would be meaningless at that point. Go look at yourself in the mirror and tell yourself that you love yourself - do it everyday and suddenly you will believe it and you will begin to make choices to create opportunities to share your love with others. As everyone said, there is no "the one." You decide when you are ready to give your love to others. Good luck!
  7. Hi, I was in your shoes not too long ago. This is definitely a tricky situation. As Dominic suggested, we must accept others as they are and love them for who they are. However, that also does not mean you deny your needs. Go out and find friends who are interested in the same interests as you - get involved in your own life. The people you choose to surround yourself with will play a role in your life and your growth. In the same vein, that does not mean you are not friends with the people you mentioned. You can still be there for them when they need you and you can still offer your friendship. Choosing to look else where for friendships that more satisfy your needs does not deny your present friendships. Good luck!
  8. Hi Sarpar, I understand where your heart is at. People can be hurtful. However, majority of the people do have the best of intentions but are also lost in how to give love to others and accept love for themselves. It can be hard to look past the games but maybe you are also allowing your own ego to get in the way of understanding others. For example, when people are angry, typically the anger is utilized to mask the fear and hurt. They are confused on how to express this fear and hurt and it results in an explosion of emotion. Just like you, everyone is trying their best to care for others but some times we as humans have not yet developed the tools to do so in a healthy way. Next time you find yourself in this situation maybe state: "I hear what you are saying. Your words/actions make me feel _______. Can you explain to me what you are feeling?" It makes people stop and think and this is where true friendship and understanding starts
  9. Hi, Thank you for sharing the questions you are facing. I suggest reframing your question. Is it necessary to sacrifice anything in your life? No I think we can have it all but we consciously need to choose our priorities. Is your priority now to have a good career? Are you ready now to be in a romantic relationship? It is not about sacrificing anything - it is about balancing and prioritizing your goals presently and in the future. As Leo suggested, identify your values, your priorities, and your life goals - create a life time plan with short term goals and long term goals. See how they all can play a role. It is about the big picture. No worries you will have it all but at different times! It just takes concentration, patience, and discipline. I am also facing the same struggle. I want it all now but I remind myself that presently my priority is myself and establishing care for myself so that I can give back love to the people in my life. Therefore, I am focusing on my career and my growth. This priority will feed back into romantic relationships and growth of friendships - love inwardly will feed back love to others. Hope this helps! Good luck to you!