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Posts posted by youngshinzen

  1. Day90: Summary

    • Tried NF a year ago, made it to 14 days
    • went into this try with the feeling that I will succeed effortlessly
    • After a while I came up with the idea to get a tantric massage if I succeed, helped to have a goal and look forward to it
    • I saw how watching porn gives me more euphoria than normal youtube videos, even if I don‘t touch myself
    • two weeks before the end I decided to stop watching porn. it wasn‘t a big problem
    • Overall there was nothing special going on, I think that the carnivore diet that I started after ~60 days of NF made a difference, NF was just getting to a plateau and staying there
    • I did feel an increasing need to consume material stuff, but that tendency also developed before NF, maybe because I stopped taking antipsychotics and felt my fears more. So not necessarily an effect of NF
    • I don‘t know how healthy it is that the difficulty was 3,5 on average, maybe my libido is low. Will check for testosterone, also because of other symptoms

    Thanks for reading. ✌? 

