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Everything posted by youngshinzen

  1. Day57: I relaxed my body from the inside while listening and realized that being relaxed and not in resistance leads to openness for unfamiliar music. The song could sink in better and it briefly felt like when I was a kid and I listened to everything, not being tied to one genre.
  2. @Zigzag Idiot Why did you post this picture?
  3. @Mu_ Maybe print out a face and stick it to the cam??
  4. Thanks for the reminder that it is a mechanism. It‘s conscious and subconscious and when I try to grasp it, there‘s a connection to my parents. It definitely feels conditioned, under pressure and inauthentic on my behalf. I can imagine that the dissolution of this mechanism leads to being fully present and not denying the present moment. So the word "pull" definitely resonates with me. It made me aware that there is a inner division of the awareness of my body happening. A part is already running away towards seeking a "higher goal“. In regards to the presentation, I would try a middle ground between "staring" into the cam and looking away. It felt like your words sunk in more when you underscored some words by looking into the cam. You did that in the beginning of the video, but lost it later on. Looking above for long periods of time leads to a feeling of dissociation for me.
  5. Day51: I remember the first time I heard this❤️