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Posts posted by Hardkill

  1. 1 hour ago, Leo Gura said:


    You can act with integrity and accept the consequences.

    That's that same naivety that Michelle Obama said "When they go low, we go high."

    I say play hardball first and damn the consequences. Only make pragmatic compromises in Congress when you can’t what you want done from playing hardball.

    How did that work out for the Democratic party during Obama's presidency when they didn't do enough to stop the gerrymandering starting in 2010, didn't do enough building a real liberal/progressive activist movement to counter the growing threat of the radical right, and didn't do enough to stop a monster like Trump from coming to power?

    How did that work out for all of the mainstream media out there who inadvertently helped Trump get elected president in 2016 and have in fact been complicit in letting the right-wing media get away with their extreme right-wing activism for decades all because they’ve been trying to be “fair and balanced”? 


  2. 2 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

    @Hardkill If you have to lie to your voters to get yourself elected to do the opposite of what you promised them, it's hard to imagine a greater evil/corruption.

    Yeah, but in politics, you have to do whatever it takes to win as long as it is legal.

    Hell, the FBI, CIA, and various police officers have had to use all kind dirty tactics including undercover work to catch all kinds of criminals.

    Besides, corruption has always been a major part of politics. In fact, there's been nothing more evil and corruption than Trump, MAGA, and the Republican party. For decades, they've been a radical insurgency who have completely backstabbed every one of their constituents! 

    Trump and all of the GOP elites hate this country and look at all of their constituents with complete and utter disdain. Every time they successfully enact a big tax cut policy and other lavish gifts for the rich white racist elites and the corporate tyrants, they celebrate it by saying "Those stupid voters who voted for us really thought that we were going to pass policies that would be helpful to them and their families. It's always easy to trick those dumb rednecks or those disgusting blue collar workers into voting against their best interests. Ahahahahaa!!!!!" 

  3. 53 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

    Crime rates are way down.

    Pollution and smog is way down.

    Technology is amazing and cheap.

    All the world's knowledge is available to you basically for free via AI.

    Cars are safer than ever.

    Racism, sexism, homophobia, and transphobia are way down.

    Psychedelics are much more acceptable and accessible and better-understood.

    The 3rd world is doing MUCH better, like China, India, Africa, South America, even Russia.

    And don't forget the most important one:

    Actualized.org exists xD

    A lot of that is true, but all of that could be taken away or reverse if we have WWIII/nuclear war, Trump becomes president again and MAGA comes back with a vengeance, more democracies around the word fall, the divisions and fighting in many parts of the world keep getting worse and worse, and if the economic inequality in America and around the world keeps getting worse and worse.

    It’s no wonder most people around the world don’t feel optimistic about the future like they used to.

  4. How can Leo still say that the world is still more peaceful and civilized than ever before?

    Weren't 80s, 90s, early 2000s, and even the 2010s periods of greater of greater peace and civility than what we have had going on in the world since 2020?

    I fear that 5 to 20 years every remaining democracy around the world, including the US, could all be replaced by dictatorships, and WWIII will occur.

    Things all around the world keep getting worse and worse and worse.

  5. If an even larger amount of new secret progressive GOP candidates get elected to Congress after purging the previous ones, pundits and conservative media might react with:


    1. Sheer panic: A sense of desperation and hopelessness, feeling that the party is being overrun by progressives.

    2. Existential crisis: Questioning the very survival of the Republican Party and conservatism as a viable force in American politics.

    3. Accusations of infiltration: Claims that progressives are engaged in a deliberate, coordinated effort to infiltrate and take over the party.


    4. Calls for radical action:

          Demands for drastic measures, such as:

          Purging entire state parties or local organizations.

          Implementing strict ideological litmus tests for candidates.

          Creating a new, more rigidly conservative party.


    5. Conspiracy theories: Speculation about shadowy forces, donors, or organizations secretly backing the progressive candidates.

    6. Blame-shifting: Pointing fingers at:

    • Party leaders for failing to prevent the infiltration.
    • Moderate Republicans for enabling the progressives.
    • Democrats for allegedly colluding with the progressive Republicans.

    7. Crisis mode: A state of emergency, with pundits and media outlets sounding the alarm and urging conservatives to mobilize and take action.

    8. Rethinking the party's approach: Some might advocate for reevaluating the party's strategy, messaging, and policies to appeal to a broader audience and prevent further infiltration.


    Notable reactions could include:

    Sean Hannity: "This is a catastrophic failure of leadership! We need a complete overhaul of the party!"

    Tucker Carlson: "The Republican Party is no longer a viable vehicle for conservatism. It's time to consider a new party."

    Breitbart News: "PROGRESSIVE INVASION: GOP Leaders Fail to Stop Secret Progressive Takeover"

    Fox News: "CONSERVATIVE CIVIL WAR: Party Leaders Under Fire as Progressives Gain Ground"

  6. I get what you guys are saying, but what if there were secret progressives who pretended to be hardcore right-wing GOP politicians and were okay with serving only one term? 

    That way, the right wing mega donors and the whole party wouldn't be able to do anything about it.

    Also, I would love to see the shock and anger from every right-winger and GOP leader in the nation:

    "Betrayal of conservative values and principles."

    "A coup within the Republican Party."

    "A new era of bipartisan cooperation and progress."

    "A betrayal of trust and a violation of campaign promises."

    "RINO Apocalypse"

    "The Great Betrayal"

    "Liberal Wolves in Sheep's Clothing"

    "The Secret Progressive Coup"

    Sean Hannity: "This is a betrayal of the highest order! We need to clean house and restore conservative values!"

    Tucker Carlson: "The Republican Party is being hijacked by progressives. It's time for a new party that truly represents conservative America."

    Breitbart News: "Secret Progressive GOP Candidates Infiltrate Congress: A Betrayal of Conservative Values"

    Fox News: "GOP Leaders Under Fire for Allowing Progressive Infiltration"

  7. 1 hour ago, voxun said:

    Maybe RFK is a weirdo but Harris is terrible. The democratic party just appointed her. Isn't there supposed to be a pre-election to select the right canidate? Anyway President Harris wil just be more war. At least RFK seems like someone who would not seek out war. He did a lot of good in his life. Harris was in the prison business.

    You sure about that? RFK jr. is even more pro-Israel and more hawkish about the war in Gaza than even Biden and Trump have been. Not once, has RFK jr. called for a ceasefire or even mention a word about the suffering the Palestinians have been going through. 

    At least, Biden, Harris, Walz, and the rest of the Democratic party have been wanting to put an end to the war in Gaza and to help save as many innocent lives in Palestine as possible.

    Also, Harris was already on the same ticket as Biden was. Plus, look at the record amount of small dollar grassroot funding there has been for her and the tremendous amount of enthusiasm there has been for her. If that doesn't represent what the Democratic voters throughout the entire country truly want for their Democratic nominee for president, then what does?

  8. Man! I think the entire Democratic base is going to be so fired up!

    Cenk, Sam Seder, Kyle Kulinski, Vaush, BTC, the Pod Save American Bros., etc. and every other liberal/progressive out there are already in such great ecstasy over Walz! 

    I think Michael Moore is also going to love this pick!

    I never thought that there would already be this much enthusiasm for a Democratic presidential ticket. This really is feeling a lot like Obama in 2008.

    Maybe, just maybe, we now might have a real chance of defeating Trump and MAGA again.

    Walz comes off as a very relatable guy to the average everyday America, especially to those in middle America and rural America. He also comes off as a badass who is willing to fight hard for the people and attack Trump and MAGA hard. 

    I think he also should be able to do well with helping Harris win over enough moderates and Independents. In fact, he was already well known for a long time for being a "moderate" during his time as a congressman for several years. Even a significant number of conservative leaning folks and anti-Trump Republicans really seem to appreciate Walz.

    Plus, more importantly, he did an incredible job with enacting many progressive leaning policies during his time as governor of Minnesota!

  9. 1 hour ago, DocWatts said:

    Best possible choice for a VP pick. Popular progressive governor. A military veteran and labor advocate who's very likable, and gets bonus points for starting the trend of calling Trump and the Christian Nationalists 'weirdos'.

    I think you're right. 

    It was a tough call, but I think that Shapiro probably turned out to be too controversial of a pick given the fact that he Jewish and criticized too many young people and pro-Palestine voters for their protests. Mark Kelly probably got too much flack for also coming off as "too pro-Israel" and too moderate.

    Progressives like Cenk thought that Mark Kelly would've been a bad choice because Kelly is too much of an establishment/corporate Democrat and that people don't really care about the fact that he was an astronaut. Plus, I think Democratic operatives thought that their Democratic could not afford to lose a Senate seat if Kelly were to be elected VP.

    Democrats already have a razor thin majority in the Senate and they are already going to lose a senate seat from West Virginia because Manchin is not running for re-election and Jim Justice, who is the current GOP nominee for Manchin's seat, is too popular and too strong of a candidate for any Democrat to defeat in West Virginia.

    Liberals/Progressives probably also thought that Buttigieg was also too much of an establishment/corporate Democrat.

  10. 13 hours ago, Joel3102 said:

    @Hardkill The black community which is a core base for the Dems having conservative social values could be an issue on this 


    13 minutes ago, ryandesreu said:

    @Hardkill  I agree. I'm all for Pete, but now is not the time to risk anything. The Dem ticket should include the top two candidates to win the election, period.

    Yeah, besides it doesn't look like he is going to be chosen as the VP even though he was one of the 6 VP finalists:

    The two finalists who are the most likely choices are now Tim Walz and Josh Shapiro.

    The two finalists who are the 2nd most possible choices are now Mark Kelly and Andy Beshear

    The two finalists who are the least likely choices are J.B. Pritzker and Pete Buttigieg.

  11. 16 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

    @Hardkill Those who are homophobic are already voting for Trump.

    It makes no sense to overlook a perfect VP like Pete just because he is gay. That is literally pandering to homophobes. Dems need to grow some balls.

    I worry that many middle age to older voters who are moderate to conservative leaning will still get too spooked by the idea of a gay man being second in line to the presidency.

    Even my parents, who have been liberal Democrats all of their lives think that it would be a terrible mistake to have Buttigieg as her running mate. 

    How will straight white Christians who still make up a very substantial portion of the electorate in the country feel about having a black/asian women for president and a gay man for VP?

    You even said that most Americans are still God fearing low educated individuals who believe in “good old Judeo-Christian American values.” 

    Yes, most people in America now accept gay marriage and other LGBTQ+ rights and I believe that gay people should be treated with the very same respect we give to straight people in our country. However, I honestly just don’t see a homosexual becoming the Vice-president let alone the next president of the United States anytime soon, especially when the Democrats are already taking enough of a bold risk by having a black/asian woman at the top of the ticket.


  12. 20 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

    The sidelining of Buttigieg it not cool. He's a diamond:


    I like Pete Buttigieg, but wouldn't it be political suicide for Harris if she picked him to be her VP running mate? I don't think most people in the country, even in this day and age, will feel comfortable with having both a black woman for president and a homosexual VP representing the entire country.

  13. Let's say that about half of the Republicans in Congress turned out to be secret liberals/progressives and helped the Democrats in Congress pass major pieces of liberal/progressive legislation for the country:

    Major Policy Shifts:

    • Passage of significant liberal/progressive legislation, potentially including universal healthcare, climate action, gun control, and more.
    • A significant shift in the country's policy direction, potentially leading to a more progressive society.


    Republican Party Upheaval:

    • A civil war within the Republican Party, with conservative members feeling betrayed and seeking to purge the secret liberals/progressives.
    • Potential splits or rebranding within the party, with some members forming a new, more moderate party.


    Democratic Party's Reaction:

    • Initial shock and surprise, followed by delight and potential attempts to capitalize on the situation.

    • Potential efforts to work with the secret liberals/progressives to pass even more legislation.


    Public Reaction:

    • Widespread surprise and confusion, with some people feeling betrayed and others celebrating the unexpected turn of events.
    • Potential increases in political engagement and activism, as people respond to the new political landscape.


    Historical Precedent:

    • This scenario would be unprecedented in modern American politics, with no clear historical analogue.
    • Potential comparisons to historical events like the Civil War-era Republican Party's shift towards abolitionism or the 1960s Democratic Party's shift towards civil rights. 


    Consequences for the Country:

    •  Potential improvements in areas like healthcare, education, and the environment, depending on the legislation passed.
    • A more divided and potentially volatile political climate, with some people resisting the changes and others embracing them.


    This scenario would be a game-changer for American politics, leading to significant policy shifts and a potential realignment of the political landscape.


  14. On 7/30/2024 at 6:36 AM, DocWatts said:

    A popular misconception about the Nazi's rise to power is that they were voted into power by poorest, most downtrodden people within German society, hurt most by the Great Depression. This is false - the poorest, most destitute people in German society gravitated towards Left wing parties, not the Nazis. 

    In actuality, Hitler's base support was largely what Marx would call the 'petty bougiewazie' - professionals, skilled tradesmen, managers, shop owners who were terrified of losing their comparatively privileged position within society (and potentially ending up poor themselves).

    All of what you said is true too. However, I thought that the majority of the Germany felt so incredibly desperate and vengeful that they like they had no other choice, but to let a strongman takeover the country as a major emergency. The government, led by Chancellor Brüning, began to rule by emergency decrees, bypassing the Reichstag (parliament) before Hitler took over. Afterwards, the Enabling Act, which was passed in 1933, gave Hitler absolute power over the entire government and judiciary.

    I also thought that it was because there democratic institutions were much less developed to begin with back then as they had only abolished the monarchy by around 1918. Therefore, most people in Germany, particularly the older generations of Germans, were not used to or not fully comfortable yet with having a democracy in their country during the 1920s. Then, when the Great Depression during the 1930s had devastated their country, faith in democratic institutions and parties declined as they seemed unable to address the crisis. Moreover, political divisions deepened, making it difficult for democratic institutions to function effectively.

  15. 1 hour ago, integral said:

    @ryandesreu should he drop out is different from Will he drop out.

    A dictator does not have the mindset to dethrone themselves.

    His top value is power, everything follows from that value.

    I wish he would, but if does then he'll have no other way to avoid going to court for all of the federal level crimes he committed. Also, needlessly to say, he still has a boundless lust for power.

  16. 3 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

    Because in the end most people are not total fools. At least half the population sees through Trump's BS.

    Hitler didn't win by majority either. Extremists often take power by overpowering the sane majority, because the sane majority isn't as zealous and active as a minority of extremists are.

    Christian Nationalists are effective because they are so delusional as to believe that Armageddon is coming. That delusion creates a motive force to rally people around. Whereas being sane does not create such a motive force.

    The crazier you believe, the crazier you will act. Whereas sane people are just chill. But crazy action is great for grabbing power.

    Oh, I thought that it was because both the Great Depression and the great rage the Germans had toward virtually every country that surrounded them created such a major political opportunity for Hitler and his Nazi regime to rise to power. He would seize on this opportunity by coming off as a charismatic right-wing populist.

    But what happens when the true majority of the people become scared of such tyranny and angry about such injustices?

  17. 10 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

    Trump, like a typical capitalist, isn't anything. He's just an opportunist who does whatever gives him more power and money.

    Trump would be Satan worshiper if it would get him power and money.

    The reason Trump is so successful in politics is because he has zero moral qualms or principles about telling fools exactly whatever they want to hear. When the majority of people are ignorant, this is extremely effective for gaining power. Just tell the most ignorant segment of the population exactly what they want to hear, reinforce all their deepest hatreds and biases and they will love and vote for you.

    Trump does the exact opposite of what I do with my audience.

    If I wanted to have the most successful YT channel, I would tell fools exactly what they wanted to hear: Here's how to get easy sex, money, and fame by using tricks and shortcuts.

    So, then why did Trump lose the popular vote twice by a lot? Why is still unpopular amongst the general electorate?

  18. 11 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

    He doesn't need to replace all, just enough of the top ones.

    He will for sure replace the entire executive cabinet and all top military advisors. You have no idea how serious that is. They will all be corrupt MAGA lunatics.

    There will be zero limitations from Congress. Congress will rubberstamp all of Trump's bullshit. We already saw this.

    You guys don't understand how power works. This is not a game.

    We all need to buy some heavy duty weaponry in case a MAGA led government takes over the country and intrudes upon our freedoms and destroys our entire justice system.