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Posts posted by Hardkill

  1. Just now, Leo Gura said:

    At this point I am predicting a Biden landside.

    I want to predict that too; however, why is Biden currently not doing as well with the battleground state polls four weeks out as Hillary did 4 weeks out?



    Also, why is Trump's approval continually going up bit by bit? Is that just because he and his campaign team have been riling up the enthusiasm of his base?

  2. 5 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

    No one is talking about taking away their voice.

    Be they should not have a disproportinate voice as they do now.

    It is absurd that somehow rural areas are special and need more of a voice. Every person gets one vote. Just because your village is in the middle of nowhere does not entitle you to more voice. Your village matters less than NYC because it has 1000 times fewer people. It's not villages who vote, but people.

    Btw, why does Trump's approval rating keep ticking up, even though every day more and more are despising him for his terrible mismanagement of COVID, the economy, racism, etc.?

  3. 55 minutes ago, Forestluv said:

    Biden's ground game is one of his weaknesses. There isn't an energy for Biden. Who is going to volunteer their day canvassing for Biden? Most Biden voters wouldn't walk across the street to vote for him, yet they would walk across broken glass to vote against Trump. 

    Biden's strengths are 1) intense anti-Trump energy, 2) A shit ton of money to spend on ads, 3) he comes across as a decent guy, 4) a good network of lawyers (from what I've heard - hope it's right).

    Well, I wish I could do an in-person campaign for him in Michigan, Pennsylvania, or Wisconsin. The stakes are way too high for him to lose.

  4. On 9/30/2020 at 10:06 PM, Leo Gura said:

    You have to understand that most people simply do not follow politics.

    For example, my brother hadn't followed the news for like 3 years since Trump got elected. So he basically knew nothing about what was going on other than what he heard from me or from his wife. And he's a smart, college-educated guy. He just doesn't care about politics or government.

    Of course he knows Trump is a fool, but still. It's easy to never follow politics at all.

    Most people have simply tuned out of politics and government. As if it wasn't even a thing. Such people don't see all the harm being done by the Trump admin. They just assume it's gov as usual. But it isn't.

    I didn't actually realize that only a minor amount of people really follow politics. I mean it's not that complicated to follow it. I actually thought that most middle-aged people and most senior citizens follow the news including politics. Though, I see what you mean. My girlfriend hardly if ever follow politics or much of any kind of news like I do, even though she is much older than I am. 

    What a shame.

  5. I was just thinking. Do any of you think that the Biden campaign has not been doing enough campaign visits to certain areas like in the poor cities or town where there is a big number of blacks and Latinos who have been undecided for a long time? Also, do you think that there haven't been enough yard signs and billboards put up for Biden/Harris in places like the rust belt states or Florida? That's what Michael Moore said that he was very worried about. Then again, Biden currently has an outstanding lead over Trump in both the national polling averages and battleground state polling averages. What do you guys think?

  6. 25 minutes ago, Forestluv said:

    FoxNews Greg Gutfeld: “Trump didn't hide from the virus. And the reason why he didn't hide from the virus is he didn't want America to hide from the virus. If he was going to ask America to get back to work, right? To get back to work and experience a risk, he was going to do the same thing.He was going to walk out there on that battlefield with you, and not sit somewhere in a basement”

    Amazing how many people fall for this blatant gaslighting.

    And Trump is getting pumped up with antibodies, which will I prove his prognosis.

    It's absolutely unbelievable. People like that Greg Gutfeld guy are beyond the ability to ever be saved from being brainwashed. What a truly a sorry sight this has become.

  7. 2 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

    No. I see no connect there.

    Even if Trump survives this, he still comes out looking like a fool. Most people understand that Trump has been a failure on covid.

    Okay. Yeah, that's what I am inclined to believe as well. He has now really made himself look like a complete and utter ass. However, I wonder what wild cards will emerge from this.

  8. 5 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

    That is always possible, but not likely because there is no one quite like him, and also because the public will have a very source taste left in their mouth for narcissists for decades to come. It will be similar to how Germany reacted post-Hitler.

    The country will not be in the mood to elect some new Trump copycat.

    So, now what if Trump end up pulling through before the election? Then do you think that would actually inspire a significant amount of undecided voters to vote for him because he was able to prove how strong is and that the virus isn't as bad as the media makes it out to be?

  9. 14 minutes ago, Lyubov said:

    My IQ goes down just imagining being around this group of people. Imagine being undecided in 2020xD They didn't even have an excuse in 2016. Now they are just taking the piss...

    I know, right?! I mean, I know that people like me have a significant degree of bias for someone like Biden, but it truly blows my mind, that undecided voters like that group in that CNN vid clip still are having such a hard time recognizing, especially with only 34 days now until election night, that Trump is the true villain. What kind of evidence are they waiting for to prove that he is the real menace? Or is it because they believe that they are not hearing enough policies with sufficient substance or practical plans for our country from either Biden or Trump?

  10. 11 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

    I think people who love a strong-man will love Trump's aggressive style. That is all his supporters already though. They love him regardless. They will see it as a clear victory against sleepy Joe.

    Overall it seems like Trump's over-aggressive style turned off most centrist/undecided voters, which is who matters most:


    Yeah, that's what I was thinking. I did actually watch that one before along with a bunch of other news media panelists, commentators, and analysts from CNN, MSNBC, The hill/Rising TV, TYT channel, etc. They pretty much all say that Trump really blew it for this debate.

  11. 4 minutes ago, Gidiot said:

    @Hardkill it ain’t about charisma this time, it’s about how trump is compared to Biden, stop worrying and just accept what happens either way. We will survive

    I'd like to believe that this time, but Trump is the worst US president in history. People thought before with Bush that he wasn't going to be so bad, but then he turned out to be a disaster just like I predicted when I was only a teen. If Bush was a disaster, then can you imagine how much worse Trump will be during the next few years if he continues on as our President? Even Michael Moore, who also correctly predicted before that Trump would win the 2016 election not only just said a couple of weeks ago that Biden's campaign has been doing worse than the Hillary campaign did back in 2016, but he also said right afterwards that we cannot survive another 4 years of the Trump presidency.

  12. Just now, Gidiot said:

    @Hardkill definitely increased a bit after that debate

    Well, I'd to like believe that, but then we have people like Leo saying that Trump projected better optics and tone during the debates than Biden did. Also, John Sonmez from Bulldog Mindset said that Trump held the frame better than Biden did and was more charismatic than Biden. 

    Speaking of Charisma, I just watch a vid on the Charlie and Ben Podcast Youtube channel titled Trump Vs. Critical Race Theory. If I understand correctly what they were saying, both Charlie and Ben said in this vid that it's currently looking more and more like what happened about 1-2 months before the 2016 election, which is that just like what happened between Hillary and Trump, Trump again will in the end trail in the polls, but ultimately win the election. Btw, Charlie and Ben have also been the founders of the highly successful and popular Youtube Channel, Charisma on Command, and they last time correctly predicted before with absolute certainty back in 2016 that Trump was going to win the 2016 election. 

    To be honest with you all, these above-mentioned opinions are really scaring me. I don't know what I am going to do if Trump and his devilry win again. If he does, then it will feel like the end of the world. I will feel like all hope has been lost for decent people like myself who play by the rules and with honor.