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About Hardkill

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  1. Yeah, his brain is really melting and he's looking really moldy. Hopefully, he passes away very soon, which is very plausible given his terrible health and age. I wouldn't be surprised if he died of a heart attack by next year.
  2. It's true! I have to say, as much as I hate this whole war, I gotta hand it to Israel for killing the ultimate villain behind the Oct. 7th attacks. Sinwar was essentially the Osama Bin Laden of Hamas.
  3. So, what? The laborers will eventually find a way to coalesce together and revolt against a corporate oligarch like him when push comes to shove. Also, most people hate rich people like him these days. I wouldn’t be surprised if he gets frequent death threats in the future. History may not repeat but it does rhyme. Musk is getting very desperate because he knows that he won’t be able to hold on to all of the economic power he has for long.
  4. Even if Trump suppressed labor strikes, I really don’t think it would work in the end. This isn’t the Reagan era or the era of conservative politics like during the 80 to the early 2000s. Most people these days hate big corporations as much as they hate fascism or communism. Labor union sentiment and pro worker power sentiment are at the highest they’ve been since the 60 to 70s. Plus, economic inequality is at about a 40 to 50 decade high. The excessive suppression of labor strikes, especially during these times, will only backfire by causing widespread civil unrest like what happened during The Haymarket Massacre in the Gilded Ages or like what happened during the early 1930s.
  5. I can’t wait until the day the employees in his company finally decide that enough is enough with robber barons like him and cause an untold militant labor strike against him.
  6. What about the skyrocketing antisemitism occurring around the world?
  7. Most of the citizens in every developed country is very much against this now.
  8. Yeah, and now Israel has become as much of a pariah as Russia and North Korea is. I fear that Israel may not even survive as a country anymore because of this war.
  9. I really think that the Jews really should've been given at least half of Germany after WWII as a major form of reparations for them. Looking back, it's very obvious that the Zionists made a terrible mistake by deciding to make their home state in the middle of a fucking primitive region of the world.
  10. But wouldn't they become completely ostracized from the international community and lose all of their allies in the end if this goes on for decades? Also, does this mean that there is no hope for the pro-Palestinian movement to ever succeed? Are all of the pro-Palestinian protestors around the world just wasting their time completely?
  11. So, there's no hope for Israel to evolve as a society for decades, right? Mearsheimer says that the country is essentially doomed. I think the creation of Israel a country was tragically a failed experiment for the Jews.
  12. I've always been a staunch supporter of Israel..... but after watching these videos I feel like I've been deceived by Israel for so long. It's no wonder when I went on that Birthright trip to Israel that I thought that a lot of the people in the country looked attractive and why a lot of them there liked to party a lot. I mean I always knew that they were trying to encourage Jews in America to come live in Israel, but I never really knew before that part of it was for building their military power for oppressing innocent palestinians. However, I know that a lot of secular jews have been leaving Israel. So, I wonder if Israel's military will shrink.
  13. Yeah, Musk kinda ruined it for Trump:
  14. I am not sure how Elon Musk campaigning out there with Trump helps him. Elon Musk can try all he wants to make himself look like a man of people, but at the end of the day, he still gives off that vibe of being an elitist globalist nerd who is so out of touch with everyday people.