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Everything posted by Hardkill

  1. Scientists and doctors have already proven it. Besides, it doesn’t take a genus to realize that a lot of people in this world are too ignorant and brainwashed by all kinds of toxic ideologies that have existed throughout the entire world since the dawn of mankind.
  2. It used to be true that violence in the US was on the decline. However, violence has now skyrocketed since 2020 due to the pandemic, rise in BLM and antifa riots, ever increasing rise in right wing threats and terrorism since the January 6th capital riot event, and the extreme divisions our country is still facing. These things may eventually be resolved some day in the far future, but by the time that happens all of us alive as of now will have passed away. I really don’t see how any American alive right now will ever get the chance to experience the kind of peace that we once had like during the mid to late 90s or early to mid 2010s.
  3. Well, a lot of it is genetic and a lot of is actually attributed to the toxic upbringing from parents who are either too dumb or too dogmatic or both.
  4. Elon Musk may be a brilliant engineer and amazing entrepreneur but he’s not is not a scientific expert in the field of demographics. Plus, he has undermined the trust and credibility of the real scientific and medical facts on COVID. Furthermore, he’s kind of a libertarian douchebag. Also, the medical scientists have been saying that it’s still possible that we could end up having a much more deadly variant than we’ve ever had if we don’t keep up our guard enough.
  5. That 99% survival rate might change to about a less than 10% survival rate if another much more horrific variant of the virus emerges that ends up being as deadly as the black plaque was if not much much worse. Besides, you’re not understanding the bigger picture to all of this. Even if the human race does survive through this (it’s still a big IF), all of those millions upon millions upon millions of those anti-vaxxers and so on and so forth throughout the whole world will still become a great liability for the next crisis that will undoubtedly emerge. It’s simply because of how rotted their minds have gotten. What’s even more sad about this is that even when those people pass away in the future their population will continue to increase given the fact that they will have more and more children. Look at how much the human population throughout the entire planet has increase exponentially decade by decade by decade by decade. That means that the amount of morons we are going to have in this world will undoubtedly continue skyrocket until the end of the time. Therefore, more and more future morons will continue the same toxic ideology that their parents had for generations to come. Then, those children will do the same with their children and so on and so forth. It’s truly a very very sorry sight.?
  6. So, you don’t believe that the sacred religious tradition of “waiting until marriage” or “abstaining from sex until you find the right one” has any merit to it?
  7. Anti-vaxxers are beyond all hope. There’s nothing anybody can do to stop them from contributing to the irreparable damage happening to this world. Because of them, the entire human race could be doomed to extinction in the future.
  8. The end is nigh! Pestilence, the horseman of the apocalypse is coming soon to a theatre near you!
  9. That’s why we may all end up killing each other. Stage Yellow has the view that the world isn’t going to make it because not enough of us can get a long with each other.
  10. The problem is that these progressives can't be stopped. I think that they have now become a great liability to our country's real progress.
  11. I am very sorry to hear this. I didn't know him, but my heart goes out to him, family, and others who were close to him. May he Rest In Peace.
  12. Probably, if I had either lived in a big city or lived close enough to a big city or lived near a big college campus. It was such painful experience I had to go through for 3 years.
  13. What's the point? People like him cannot ever be helped. The world would be a better place without some incorrigible monster like him.
  14. Why are you calling the CIA the real fascists? Sounds like you believe in conspiracy theories.
  15. Yeah, that's what I am saying. For example, if you were born with Down Syndrome, then you will sadly never be able improve your level of intellect to that of even average person's intellect.
  16. Well, that's unfortunate. I don't think that every guy can develop skill even if they approached 1000s of women and got tutored by wing men or coaches. Everyone has a different genetic potential.
  17. I see. Okay, that helped me feel better and see thing more clearly. Thank you.
  18. Obviously the “Shaman” was not ready to take any psychedelics. In fact someone like him may never be ready for it ever in their life. That’s why I also think that the world is not ready yet to have psychedelics legalized. However, I still think that they should be decriminalized everywhere.
  19. So, if I had started even earlier than I did then it would have been impossible for me to not get laid much earlier than I did. Same with other guys like Leo too, yeah?
  20. Well, I got my first ever when I was 19 years old. However, there were a lot of girls during my middle and high school who came on to me. A few even asked me to be there boyfriend. Though I wasn’t attracted to any of them so I respectfully declined all of them.
  21. It’s true. That’s why all leftists and moderates probably will need to buy a boatload of weaponry and armory to prepare for a possible dystopian future.
  22. It’s certainly possible, but unlikely for it to happen for a newbie. It actually took me several hundreds of approaches over the course of 3 years to get my first lay from cold and warm approach. I got to the point where I wanted to give up all hope and just kill myself even though I’ve always been physically attractive. Yeah, I finally got one, but what if I still didn’t get lucky even after those hundreds I made? What if I never ever got lucky in my life? Leo said that it took him 450+ approaches to get his first lay ever from cold approach.
  23. It’s so sad that we are all going to have to live with the extreme divisions within our country for probably the rest of our lives. None of us alive may ever get to escape this war torn world.?
  24. Sadly, we could all be doomed if not enough people listen to the right things.