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Everything posted by Hardkill

  1. Does a university student have to worry about possibly becoming the school creeper if he approaches tons of girls in many wrong ways even if he didn’t mean to creep them out or offend them?
  2. Actually, it was Biden who first announced his support for gay marriage when he was Vice President, which then forced Obama to be the first sitting president to ever publicly support gay marriage. I worry though that the liberals, especially the progressives are pushing the Democrats too far to the left. James Carville, has said that progressives have become a liability electorally for Dems because of how much they have been pushing the Democrats to the left with he calls their “stupid wokeness.”
  3. This could be another right-wing conspiracy theory. I wonder if there will be a day when almost everyone in 1st world countries like the US who will no longer believes in this kind of stuff just like how less and less people these days in 1st countries world are believing in the Bible.
  4. According to recent news from Forbes, Fox News Channel Has Now Spent 20 Years In The #1 Spot On The Cable News Rankings and rose significantly in ratings while CNN and MSNBC has dropped significantly in news ratings. https://www.forbes.com/sites/andymeek/2022/02/01/fox-news-channel-has-now-spent-20-years-in-the-1-spot-on-the-cable-news-rankings/?sh=43e89e9172f2i https://www.forbes.com/sites/markjoyella/2022/03/01/fox-news-gains-as-cnn-msnbc-drop-significantly-in-february-cable-news-ratings/?sh=45e6219a1fd9 Also, other right-wing channels on Youtube like Newsmax and OANN have been growing fast over the past couple of years. Do any of you think that the legitimate news channels and left-wing media outlets have been doing enough to counter the rising spread of disinformation and poisonous conservative indoctrination of all of the right-wing media content that's been out there?
  5. I mean, I know that you don't want to come off as if you're kissing her ass. That's a mistake. However, in my experience and according to dating coaches it actually has helped when I validated a hot chick. In fact, they say that not validating a chick, even a hot chick can be cringe because it could convey that you're trying too hard to act "too cool" for her. It doesn't mean that you compliment her like crazy, but give a few quick compliments on something about her (it doesn't even have to be on her body yet) as long as it is authentic, confidence, and smooth and leads to her being turned on more and more sexually instead of coming off like you are just sucking up to her. I've actually been told by a number of attractive girls I've approached who told me something along the lines of "Wow! That's was ballsy! I've never been approached and tell me something like that in such a bold direct manner out of nowhere." Of course, hot girls will be hitting by many guys in their lifetime who practices cold approaching or who warm approach her. However, most guys in general, who have average to below average game and don't have enough confidence, will not have the guts to even approach her, let alone the skill to effectively increase their chances greatly of pulling her. That's why average to slightly above average looking girls usually get the most amount of guys approaching them because most guys perceive those chicks as being "easier" to get and settle for. Check this out too:
  6. I don't think that we can count on most people in a society to work hard on constantly developing themselves. So, if a higher level of education, better economy, better infrastructure, and greater diversity are not enough to evolve a society then how do you think that a whole society upgrades their values system?
  7. I’ve heard from one PUA expert that hot girls tend to be nicer than less attractive girls because they enjoy getting complimented by others for their beauty. Also, I heard of a lot of hot girls who don’t get hit on often as more average looking girls because because of how intimidating they can be to guys. So, they appreciate it when a male stranger has the guts and the grace to flatter them with respect.
  8. Of course virtually any Democrat or liberal would take Biden over Bush or Reagan, but I am surprised that you think that Biden is better than Clinton or Obama. I think that Biden is above average intelligence and definitely more knowledgeable and wiser than the average American. He certainly is many times more competent than Trump and a much smarter and wiser leader than W. Bush was. Plus, he now currently holds the record of having been the most politically experienced sitting president in all of US history. However, Clinton and Obama have more impressive intellect and were much more inspirational Presidents than Biden. My dad even thinks they came off as more savvy and more talented as leaders during their times as president than Biden is. He believes that if Obama or Clinton we’re still president in 2021 then they probably wouldn't have made the mistake that Biden has made, which was playing the “cool grandpa” by caving in to the progressives’ very liberal demands and wokeness. He definitely believes that Biden ARP stimulus was way too much and that Obama or Clinton probably would’ve never let the stimulus plan cost nearly as much as 1.9 trillion dollars. The ARP raised our national debt too much and has been estimated by a number of economists to have caused the headline inflation value to go up by about 2-2.5% more than it would have been if the ARP was much less than it was.
  9. I know that Ben Shapiro was born and raised in an orthodox Jewish family, but I wonder why someone as smart and educated as him and who is a millennial young man born in a first world country, was never skeptical of all of the right-wing ideology and traditional values? I thought that the more educated you are, the more intelligent you are, the younger you are, and the more highly developed of a society you were born in, the more skeptical you are of traditional or conservative views, thereby making you more of a liberal. Also, I tend to think that Jewish people are a bit more liberal than Christians and Muslims are.
  10. Sorry. I often don’t have faith in my ability to figure out this kind of stuff, especially when I don’t know as much as someone like you do about these bigger picture concepts.
  11. Why would it take more than a lifetime enact such strong laws or an amendment? Does that mean for the rest of our entire lives that nothing will fundamentally change for government and other core institutions?
  12. Do you think that there will one day that a constitutional amendment that bans all of corporate lobbying and influence in all of politics will ever happen? Or will that idea always be too much of a pipe dream for that to ever happen?
  13. I get that younger people tend to be more liberal than older people and that history in the grand scheme of things has shown that societies become more liberal over time in the long-term. However, right-wing propaganda is usually more emotionally appealing to the average folk than is centrist and left-wing propaganda and given that the sociopolitical opinions from the right-wing media and right wing echo chambers have been continuing to grow a lot around the world lately even in many 1st world countries, is it very concerning that this will cause the younger generations of people, especially the younger conservatives to become as far to the right if not even more so than those from older generations?
  14. Yeah, I know Leo says that it’s because devilry is always more associated with right-wing ideologies than with left-wing ideologies and that in the end devilry always loses, but how will enough of the younger laymen, especially young conservatives be convinced to no to be brainwashed by the proliferating toxicity of the rapid spread of the ideology, memes, echo chambers, and more appealing brands of the right wing?
  15. Then why are people like Leo optimistic that the masses of societies will continue to be influenced to become more liberal in the long-term?
  16. Is that why the Republicans have been doing worse and worse with the national popular vote for presidential elections in the long-run since 1992? Is that also why Republican US senators have been way overrepresented for far too long? Is that further why the 2 years that Warren G. Harding was president, the first two years of Herbert Hoover's presidency, and first two years of William H. Taft's presidency, were the only three very short periods of time since 1911 (which was around the time the GOP shifted back more to the right) that Republicans ever had a more than three-fifths supermajority in either chamber of Congress? Is that additionally why the Republican Party became increasingly unpopular during the Gilded Age because of their growing right-wing extremism? Is that why liberals on the other hand have had massive majorities or supermajorities in each chamber of Congress many times more than conservatives have had in all of US history?
  17. Also, North Korea has always been in close proximity to Russia too. In fact, after the Russians occupied the northern half of the entire Korean Peninsula (the original whole entire country of Korea before it split into North Korea and South Korea) around 1945, the whole northern Korean population was forced to adopt the Soviet Union's communist/socialist style of government. I do worry that America might one day turn into some kind of hybrid regime kind of like @DocWatts is saying. However, after studying and learning a lot more within the recent months on US history, world history, current events on domestic cultural affairs, international cultural affairs, concepts pertaining to sociocultural evolution, and what have you I don't really think anymore that there is any significant chance that the USA will turn into some kind of authoritarian regime like in Russia, China, North Korea, or in any other 2nd or 3rd world autocratic nation out there. While America's democracy certainly has notable concerning flaws (hence having been officially downgraded from being a full democracy to that of a flawed democracy), it still been overall successful in America (for the most part) and has been firmly established within all of American culture for so long (for well over 2 centuries). In fact, up until about the turn of the new millennium, did the level of democracy of America continually increase in the long-run since the very beginning of the history of its existence. Although since around 2003, the LGBTQ+ community has been increasingly gaining significantly rights, especially ever since Obama first became president. The June 15, 2020 US Supreme Court ruling that the 1964 Civil Rights Act protects gay, lesbian, and transgender employees from discrimination based on sex was undoubtedly a historic win for all LGBTQ+ Americans.
  18. But if Trump or someone else like him comes to power again as president and the Republicans end up reversing almost every thing Biden and the Democrats have done, then wouldn't that mean that everything that Biden and Democrats in Congress will have been all for nothing and that things will go back to the way they were like during Trump's presidency? That sound like a vague generality with no specific plan or specific set of reasons as to why the Republicans will ever change their ways. I mean know that there is no way to predict exactly how the future will unfold even when it comes to politics, but generally what do you think will happen that will stop the dangerous authoritarianism of the Republicans? Will perhaps the younger generation of Republicans become much more conciliatory, centrist, fair, and stand up to the extreme right-wingers?
  19. Then, how worried are you about the possibility of the Republicans of reversing practically every thing Biden and the Democrats have done? Given Biden's poor polling, the majority of Americans now wanting Republicans back in charge of Congress, probable recession within the next 2 years, the all but certain outcome of Republicans taking back the House of Representatives and maybe the Senate after the upcoming 2022 midterm elections, many pundits in virtually all media outlets are sounding the alarm on the frightening possibility of someone as bad as Trump (or possibly Trump himself) in 2024 taking back the presidency, does this not bode well for the Dems?
  20. Yeah I know. Some people are saying that Biden might end up being like the next Jimmy Carter, who was ranked as a below average president (still far better than Trump of course) given the limited success and the inflation and looming recession they both had to deal with and both lacking the ability to inspire confidence and hope in the people of America. What do you think? Also, aren’t you worried about the possibility of the Republicans of reversing practically every thing Biden and the Democrats have done after they very likely take back the House of Representatives and maybe the Senate after this upcoming midterm elections, and then take back the presidency with someone as bad as Trump (or possibly Trump himself) in 2024?
  21. So, do you think that it's been all of the news media including all of the mainstream media out there that have been making really unfair comparisons between Biden and all of the other modern US presidents (besides Trump) in combination with the extremely politically polarized climate we've been in?
  22. I agree with all of that. He also definitely has got to a lot more work on physically escalating with the girl. When practice that a lot that really improved my chances of getting laid massively to the point where it only a matter of time before some chick would want to make out and fuck me. Eventually, that became one of the key things that got me laid with a number of girls. Considering how physically attractive his overall appearance must be given his great success with Tinder then he definitely has no reason to be afraid to be more sexually aggressive with a girl (without being too forceful or scaring her away).
  23. All kinds of male celebrities these days have to be very careful with sleeping with a fan or some nobody because those girls could take advantage of such a situation by reporting them for harassment or sexual assault just in order to get the attention, publicity, money, or other resources from the guy.
  24. No, I get that, but just because you don’t have to do much as a girl to sex from anybody doesn’t mean that you know how to seduce or attract them a guy enough to want to still be with you for the long haul. If you are good at really turning a guy on sexually, project confidence, have wit, know how to tease him, screen him, be really good at connecting with a guy emotionally in a way that most girls may not be able to, know how to be cooperative with him, submissive to his primal desires, are good enough at sex and kissing, then the kind of good man that you truly desire and match with will more than likely want to stay with you for a long time. This is what happens when an female escort or stripper has such tight game. A lot of the guys they were with get so attracted to them that they feel like they have to see those same girls over and over and over again. Now, if you have both the ability to seduce/attract and the kinds of looks that he’s really into then that kind of good man you really want will end up falling in love with you. Btw, checkout dating gurus on Youtube such as Mr. Locario and Rebecca Lynn Pope on how attract and keep the guy you want. They both are definitely legit and really tell it like it is when it comes dating, sex, and romance.