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Everything posted by Hardkill

  1. I posted a video on this on my thread “This is a frightening scenario.” I too am about this possibility. Though I think Roy is probably right.
  2. Dude, you’re asking for a ban from this forum.
  3. So, then you think that Leo and social science experts have been wrong about the decline in overall racism, huh?
  4. I remember Leo mentioning in his "How Society Evolves" vid, on the necessity of people from older generations dying off and being replaced by the younger generations. He said that the people from younger generations are generally more conscious and more liberal than those from the older generations. That means that younger people theoretically are in general less racist than older people are. However, I am not sure if this is the case here in America with those who are conservative or Republicans. It seems like the younger generations of Republicans or Conservatives are just as racist as the older members of the GOP are, if not worst. What are your thoughts on this?
  5. Well, I figure that there is no point in being respectful to them because both sides are never going to be able to get along with each other. It's a fantasy.
  6. Why should I be more empathetic to them when they are the ones who are being totally selfish and unempathetic? They need to be held accountable in some way.
  7. So, what if there is an "anti-vaxxer" in all of the us? The sad fact is that nothing can be done to change the minds of these dangerous morons. They will have all passed away by the time we all pass away.
  8. Anti-vaxxers have rotted brains. End of story.
  9. Well, then that's disheartening. Is it possible that the passing of all of the civil rights acts for the black and brown in the whole US actually merely suppressed their racism within most Conservatives and Republicans from top-down instead of actually getting them to work on transcend their racism? As cold-hearted as this sounds I wonder if maybe the passage of all of these civil rights laws became a long-term mistake for the greater good of the country just like how it was a grave mistake for the US to go to middle Eastern countries such as Iraq and Afghanistan and try promoting democracy in those countries by way of top-down force and suppression. Communism suppressed religion in Russia and still continues to most of religion in China; however, that didn't work at all to make the citizens of each of those countries transcend religion to secularism.
  10. Yeah, but I wonder if racism hasn't been declining at all from the GOP or American Conservatives. I am worried that Republicans and Conservatives as a whole population may have actually gotten more racist to the point of wanting to truly back to the old times when the Jim Crow laws existed.
  11. Nobody knows yet. It could've been death from a heart attack. Heart attacks are silent killers.
  12. I actually like some of the Indian films. Some of them are very creative and unique.
  13. This is shocking and very sad. May he Rest In Peace.
  14. I have to say, I am really amaze that India has had some kind sustainable democracy. It may not be as good as the democratic governments within 1st world countries, but it seems to have somehow worked out for its own country. I wish I knew how India has been able to have it for such a long time when it has over a billion people the country, most of whom are still so poor, its country has a very underdeveloped infrastructure, and the vast majority of its citizens are not secular. Why hasn't India slid back to being an authoritarian state?
  15. There is this book called The Red Queen: Sex and the Evolution of Human Nature by Matt Ridley. I haven’t read it, but I’ve heard that it is a good book to read on why women are wired the way they are from a scientific evolutionary perspective. There’s also Rollo Tomassi’s book called The Rational Male which discusses in depth the sexual market value of both men and women. I haven’t read that one either, but it’s been pretty popular within the Manosphere.
  16. https://www.npr.org/2021/12/31/1068930675/us-election-coup-january-6-military-constitution What if numerous members of the US military decide to go against the chain of command to instigate a military coup after the 2024 election?
  17. So, it take that you think that women like this one don't know what they are talking about:
  18. Some Canadians are now worried that not only will the right-wing may end up turning the US into an authoritarian country by 2030, but also there authoritarianism could end up spread even further north all the way up into Canada.
  19. https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2021/09/america-having-violence-wave-not-crime-wave/620234/ Ever since 2020, we have had such political unrest that has never seen since the civil rights movements of the mid 1960s: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2020–2022_United_States_racial_unrest#Kyle_Rittenhouse_protests,_November_1,_2021–ongoing
  20. https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/the-genes-of-left-and-right/ https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.theatlantic.com/amp/article/280677/ Yeah it is.
  21. We all know that’s most Democratic politicians in this country take money from corporate including every conservative and moderate Democrat out there. Some of them have “pledged” that they haven’t taken any money from corporate lobbyists, but we all know that that is total BS. If progressives have had the integrity and will to genuinely deny all corporate donations, then why haven’t all of the moderate Dems done the same?
  22. Yeah, I agree with you guys. Ever since I first started my college years, I've never believed in the old-fashion idea of waiting until you find that "special one." I am all for casual sex and experimenting sexually with different kinds of women. However, what if you are a religious person who truly believes in just finding genuine romantic love with someone just because of the way you have been brought up? Also, does having a lot of casual sex have a risk of causing one to lose a sense of strong family values and having a meaningful genuine connection with a partner?
  23. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-fix/wp/2015/12/30/the-increasing-uselessness-of-speaking-on-the-house-floor/ Let me know your thoughts on this.