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Everything posted by Hardkill

  1. Well, I pray that one day there will be another major, powerful voting and equal rights movement in the US like the US abolitionist movement in the 1800s or the civil rights movements in the mid 1900s.
  2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VTKyfmJfWq8 Sam mentions how Biden is no LBJ and should've tried since the very beginning of his administration to play hardball politics on the Republicans and conservative Democrats. He now says that the speech Biden gave in Georgia on voting rights sounded good, but that it was too late. Given, that the Martin Luther King holiday is right around the corner and the fact that the voting rights of minorities all around the USA are in serious jeopardy, I think that this is a very appropriate time for all of us on this forum to talk about this extremely important issue.
  3. So, how is India able to maintain some kind of democracy when it is so underdeveloped?
  4. Yeah, I agree with @Sempiternity. It actually infuriates me that Trump still hasn't been convicted of ANY CRIME! Even after he has done for most of his life!
  5. Maybe he could hire somebody to make the timestamps in his vids?
  6. Yeah! I thought the same thing myself. Leo definitely should try to add timestamps in his video. It would help people review more quickly and efficiently which specific parts of Leo's speech or lecture in the vid they need to go over.
  7. Why do you think that India has been able to have it for such a long time when it has over a billion people the country, most of whom are still so poor, its country has a very underdeveloped infrastructure, and the vast majority of its citizens are not secular?
  8. Alright, thanks for your responses. I am curious see what any of Mods' responses are to this thread.
  9. Bad news.... Today, the US Supreme Court ruled to blocked Biden's vaccine mandate for all large businesses. This mandate which would've been enforced by OSHA would've forced every single employee throughout the entire country who works in a business that has 100+ employees to either get fully vaccinated or go through weekly testing.
  10. So, I've very recently have approached some more girls near where I live and I got most of them to genuinely laugh at or with some of my sexual jokes. For example, one of the girls I randomly approached was talking with me about food and she mentioned during the conversation how she doesn't like to eat unusual foods like cow tongue because she think it's so disgusting and dirty and you don't where things like tongue has been. So, my response was "that's what she said." She right away made a good laugh. So, that worked and eventually by the end of the conversation I got her number. However, when I made other kinds of sexual jokes in the past I got myself blown out. For instance, a few years ago, there was this one night where I approached a cute chick at a bar and started out having a good conversation with her. At some point in the conversation she asked something along the lines of "so, how come you are here by yourself and what brings you here?" So, my response was "Well, I am looking for some kind of friends with benefits?." She then gave me a weird look and was like "uh....okay, yeah...then I am going to go....bye." Right away, I said "wait, wait, wait, I was joking! I was joking!" Yet, she said that it was not funny and kept walking away. I don't know why some of the sexual jokes I make don't always work, but other times they do.
  11. So, you're saying that the probably of an official authoritarian taking over the country is extremely unrealistic. Then, how come Russia slid back from having a democratic government to an authoritarian one right after Putin took charge of the country?
  12. https://www.cnn.com/2022/01/12/politics/mitch-mcconnell-biden-speech-reaction/index.html https://nypost.com/2021/09/10/joe-bidens-divisive-speech-helped-neither-the-nation-nor-him/
  13. How would an American dictator get assassinated If he ends up controlling the most powerful military in the world?
  14. I see what you're saying. What makes me curious about this is why guys sit in their room alone more often than girls do? Why aren't we men naturally as social as women are?
  15. Oh, I thought these days that there are now as about many women as there are men who play video games. So, young women still generally don't stay in their room alone as much as guys do?
  16. Oh ha ha. So, even if she rejects me I will still have my pride and confidence and others around me will still think I am cool, yeah?
  17. You know how you said before that the social skills of most men from the millennial generation have atrophied a lot from having played a lot of video games, computer games, texting on the phone more than calling on the phone, watching too much tv shows/movies at home, jerking off to porn, etc.? Well do you think most women from the same generation have also had their social skills atrophied a lot these days from having done all of those things?
  18. A lot of times it's hard for me to read the room. I mean I thought back then that the conversation was going well at first and we met in a bar, which we know is a kind of place that many girls go to find someone to hook up with. Also, I didn't think that what I said was totally out of left field. hard for me to know what is appropriate at the moment and what is not. Yeah, I get that sometimes certain girls I meet just won't vibe with me either because they were not in the right frame of mind or because they simply weren't compatible with me. I also get that the more direct or more aggressive your approach is the more polarizing you will be to girls, which indeed will mean that you will get a lot more rejections from a lot of girls, but also a lot more makeouts/sex from a lot of other girls. Okay, from now on I'll try to avoid making sexually explicit jokes with new girls I am talking to, unless the girl I am talking to is flirting hard with me or if I am sure that she's into me. What's an example of saying a sexual joke from a shitty state? Also, when you say reframe the girl as her not having a sense of humor if doesn't laugh at my sexual joke, should I reframe the situation verbally by telling her something like she's a prude, or do you mean just reframe the situation in my mind?
  19. Good idea, OP. I've been a member of Toastmasters for over a year now. It definitely has helped improved my overall speaking skills in many ways.
  20. I actually have had the opposite happened to me. I am Jewish and I've have had Christian friends and other Christian missionaries out there who tried to convert me or persuade me to join their services, religion, or church. Yet, I had a muslim roommate when I was in college who turned out to be a good friend of mine and not one time did he ever to try to impose his religious beliefs nor did he ever try to convince me to join his religion or mosque.
  21. Good job, OP. I started out doing something very similar to this when I was a part of a CBT group therapy program for social anxiety. It helped a lot. Btw, this free approach anxiety program has a complete step-by-step practical method for tremendously improving your social anxiety: https://www.goodlookingloser.com/anxiety/program If after trying something like the goodlookingloser program still doesn't cut it for dealing with your panic attacks, then I would strongly recommend you see a psychologist or psychiatrist. There's no shame in seeing a qualified mental health expert or therapist. I've been to countless therapy sessions and have seen numerous psychologists and psychiatrists for most of my life. Those professionals can't totally solve all of your mental health problems, but they have definitely been both useful and needed for all kinds of people with all kinds of clinical psychological disorders and issues.
  22. Then what do you think it was? Bad karma?