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Everything posted by Hardkill

  1. Good news, everyone! Just this morning, the mainstream media broke the news of Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer's retirement plan. That now means that Biden will be able to appoint a brand new liberal justice to the SCOTUS and then have the pick confirmed by Senate Majority leader Schumer, Senate Majority Whip and Chair of the Senate Judiciary Committee Dick Durbin, and the rest of the Democrats in the Senate. Breyer won't formally announce the exact details on his plan for retiring until tomorrow; however, they say that Breyer will probably finish his time with SCOTUS this summer. https://www.cnn.com/politics/live-news/scotus-stephen-breyer-retirement/index.html
  2. Oh, so does the South have a lot more rural areas than the North?
  3. Right, but why didn't desegregation and full citizens rights for blacks help enough white southerners see that integrating with African Americans is not bad at all? Leo said a couple years ago that: That's exactly how I eliminated so much of the racism I had when I was a young kid. During all of my high school and college years, I was around many asian, black, and latino students. Also, my family and I also worked with a lot latinos throughout most of my childhood when we renovated houses. Furthermore, I had some black and brown teachers and instructors in a number of classes I took in high school, college, graduate school, and in the martial arts studio I used to belong to for over a decade. I wonder if there are more areas in the southern and middle regions of America that aren't as racially/ethnically diverse as there are in the Northeast and costal regions of the country.
  4. I think maybe what the OP is trying to get it is why there is MORE racism in the South than in the North, particularly compared to the Northeast. I actually still don't fully understand it either. I mean I know that the South has always had a history of having represented racism and bigotry since the 1800s. However, I thought that with slavery having been completely abolished and outlawed throughout the whole country since 1865, Jim Crow laws having been completely eliminated throughout the whole country since the late 1960s, and Obama having become America's very first black president ever from 2009-2017, that the South would no longer be as racist as it always has been.
  5. Ah, so stage Blue work ethic and discipline is needed to balance out the excess rationality, pragmatism, self-seeking aggrandizement, and pleasure-seeking from the stage Orange work values. So, then how do you think the work values of stage Red compare to that of stage Orange?
  6. Oh yeah, makes sense. So, then why do you think Leo said that without stage Blue work ethic or discipline you'll never succeed at anything? What would happen if you had the work ethic and discipline of stage Orange, without the work ethic or discipline of stage Blue?
  7. @Carl-Richard Does stage Orange have the same kind of work ethic and discipline as stage Blue?
  8. How is that not a fact? (sighs) Read this article: https://www.cnbc.com/2022/01/24/covid-pandemic-at-a-critical-juncture-whos-tedros-says.html
  9. Yeah, hopefully the Republicans will only be able to just delay the process for just a little while.
  10. That still doesn’t change the fact that the more this virus spreads the more worrisome variants we will likely have in the future.
  11. I get that generally speaking no one person or no one thing belongs to only one specific stage or color within the spiral dynamics model; however, usually individuals and organizations each have one specific SD stage or color where they are primarily at within their stage of development. The military is considered mostly Blue, while a combat warrior is stage Red at its core. So does that mean that some soldiers are at primarily stage Blue whereas other soldiers are at primarily stage red depending on what kind of specific military training and experience they have had?
  12. Ok fine, I’ll try not to start off that way even in a nightclub (unless some random chick I just met right away starts getting freaky with me). Btw, I never slut shame girls because I don’t ever judge any girl’s sexuality or sexual past.
  13. I am not saying that I am right. I was just asking you if think that that could work. I remember you saying that you can get away with a lot more mistakes during night game than during day game.
  14. Girls go to nightclubs often to try to get laid and they get horny from the loud music and drinking in the club, right? So, does that mean that I would be able to easily get just about any girl there to make out and have sex with me if I just walked up to one and started off right away being explicitly sexual?
  15. Aren’t college campuses actually supposed to be the best places to meet girls and get laid?
  16. I am very concerned that this may lead to much more unnecessary spreading of the virus throughout entire UK. I am worried that more variants may arise because of this decision.
  17. Ah, I see. So, you can get laid with a 9 or 10 model babe with cold approach alone. It's just that you can't count on pulling the hottest girls CONSISTENTLY without elite level social circles.
  18. I agree with that, but why did you say in your first "how to get laid" vid, that in order to attract the hottest girls you realistically have to offer something more than just a sexually charismatic vibe?
  19. Speaking of religion and conservatives why did US not become as secular as the Northern, Central, and Western European countries?
  20. https://apnews.com/article/coronavirus-pandemic-science-health-pandemics-dc99bc9f769dd6d7cb669e3d185c6261
  21. I can understand a little as to there has still been a sizable amount of people in the US who are still vaccine hesitant and it's mostly because they are afraid of the risks of the vaccines including the possible "long-term" negative effects it may have (even though they are wrong about that). However, why do we still have several millions of people in the US who are still extremely upset about mask mandates? There is a zero percent risk to wearing them and It's not like they believe that the masks might cause some kind of long-term negative effects to them.
  22. So, I watched Leo's vids on "Why Valuable Things Require Development Over Time" and after he talked about what it generally takes to escape wage slavery, I am actually doubting it. I get that there is no quick scheme or fast and easy way to get out of wage slavery just like there is no get rich quick schemes that actually work; however, I am not sure if it is a realistic goal for everyone to achieve even if someone put many years of blood, sweat, and tears into getting out of wage slavery. How does a poor person who has little to no realistic chances of upward mobility and wasn't born with any kind of unique talents that are also marketable end up creating a successful business of their own? How does someone who barely makes him a living get out working for someone else during times of economic recessions? Furthermore, how does one even come up with a successful business of their own if things have gotten way too competitive and practically every kind of business idea has already been done before by someone else? Moreover, even if one does end up succeeding in making a sustainable profitable business of their own how does that person know that their business won't end up being taken over by some big corporation from either a hostile takeover or by simply being outcompeted? Additionally, what if your successful business ends up folding due to a nationwide or worldwide recession or economic crisis that will happen in the future?
  23. lol. This is getting very philosophical. I am really going to have to think long and hard about this.
  24. Alright, well that's actually encouraging. Thank you.
  25. So, if I am just making up the definitions of "1st world country" and "democracy," then what is the correct definition of a first world country?