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Everything posted by Hardkill

  1. No, but there has to be some way to cool down it like they did during the turn of the 20th century in the US. Something definitely has got to change with the way politics affects our everyday lives because its not working well and this political divide just keeps getting worse and worse for everyone in America. Otherwise, I fear that we will never get pass the gridlock we keep having and we might not ever be able to effectively control the political violence in our country. It's very possible that some kind of unforeseen and unimaginable horror might occur one within our society one day in the future.
  2. Aw, that's sad that you believe that. There's gotta some way in the future that you can live much longer than 70 years old. Maybe in the future when tech and medicine becomes advanced they will finally have come up with something that will treat if not cure your thyroid issue.
  3. I think that politics should be greatly deplatformed throughout almost all forms of media. If that happened then everything would be much less politicized including science related material and we as a country would be much less divided than we are now. Not only would allow much more trust in our country’s core institutions, but also there would be much less political gridlock which would allow our government to make a lot more progress. Plus, there would be much less hatred and violence from both sides. Furthermore, much less stupid, ignorant, and lowly educated people would get involved in politics and voting because they would get too easily bored with politics and conspiracy theories. That’s what was so great about the “Great Quieting” period after the Gilded Age. It calmed entire political atmosphere so much throughout entire country and also skewed the skewed the voting process a lot more in favor of highly educated people. Afterwards, the government was able to pass a flood of new historic progressive laws and constitutional amendments during the early to mid 1900s. Also, bipartisanship increased tremendously throughout all of America.
  4. I see what you're saying. I also should've mentioned before that even most white British, French, and Austrian men who are protestants and WASP American men, particularly those who are upper-class, have also been somewhat envious and scared of a lot of Irish, Italians, Russians, and other Eastern and Southern Europeans because of how dangerous and smart a lot of them are in their own unique ways.
  5. Alright, then.....I guess I am just going to have to get used to making a lot of really cringy, painful, and stupid cold approaching mistakes even when trying my best not to. Hopefully I eventually learn from all of the mistakes that I will make along the way.
  6. Then, what is the difference between the kind of dumb I did before versus the kind of “dumb” you guys are talking about?
  7. It actually does make quite a difference. Why do you that kings, queens, princes, and princess, the rich clergymen, and other rich folks out there have always on average had longer lifespans? Also, people like Buffett and Trump also don't smoke or drink. Those things definitely have been beneficial for their overall health.
  8. Much of it has to do with genetics. However, a lot of also has to do with how wealthy someone is and how much access someone else has to certain medical and healthcare resources. People Trump and Buffett had always been very rich.
  9. We'll have to see about that. The Republican Party has become increasingly and unpopular and increasingly dysfunctional ever since Nixon became president. Nixon was the first Republican who promoted the political polarization between Dems and Repubs by using the "Southern strategy," to increase political support among white voters in the South by appealing to racism against African Americans. He was liberal in some respects; however, he was undeniably a racist and was the very first and only US president ever to be forced to resign from office. Reagan was the only Republican since the 1960s to have historic levels of charisma, and yet he was fucking lowly educated greedy moron who also tried as hard as he could to regress our country back to the old days when black and whites were segregated. Furthermore, he was the main architect who popularized neoliberalism, which has caused disastrous negative long-term consequences for the US for the past 40+ years. Thanks to him, he influenced Republicans to be much less moderate and much less reasonable in their political views, which caused even further division between Dems and Repubs. Former Republican US House Speaker Newt Gingrich in the 1990s, undermined democratic norms in the United States and contributed to even more political polarization and partisanship between Dems and Repubs. W. Bush in the 2000s decade, was another moron who became an even worse president than either his father or Reagan did. Ever since 2008, even most Republicans throughout the entire country regretted voting for and supporting him. Btw, he lost the popular vote to Gore and had SCOTUS during the 2000 presidential election not suppressed the Florida recount, then Gore would've actually won the Electoral College. Bush also barely re-elected after narrowly defeating Kerry in the 2004 presidential election. Last, but not least was Trump, who as we all we turned out to be one of the worst US presidents ever and also arguably the most dangerous one ever in all of US history. He lost the popular vote against Hillary in the 2016 presidential election by about 2.9 million. Then, when he lost to Biden in the 2020 presidential election he didn't just lose the popular by over 7 million votes, he also was decisively defeated in the electoral college. In addition, Trump became the only president in US history to have ever been impeached twice. Additionally, he is the only US president to have been permanently banned from most media platforms and channels.
  10. I tried playing dumb before by saying all kinds of random shit and stupid jokes when I was a kid, but it didn't work. Other people be giving me weird looks and say "what?" or say things like "what's wrong with you?" or "Why are you smiling? Are you drunk or high?" or "you're weird."
  11. https://www.cnn.com/world/live-news/omicron-variant-coronavirus-news-02-03-22/index.html According to this source, Our World in Data, which is considered to be one of top research and data organizations in the world on this matter, predicts that most countries around the world including the US will fall short of the WHO's goal of having every country around the world getting 70% of each of their populations fully vaccinated. So, if only about 70% of people throughout the entire world will be fully vaccinated and possibly boosted, then how the COVID pandemic ever become an endemic disease, when we will have enough people vaccinated to stop the spread of this virus and stop the emergence of more future worrisome variants?
  12. I know that, but how will COVID ever become endemic if about 1-2 billion people on this planet will never ever get vaccinated at all? Who told you that?
  13. Did you talk about very random things?
  14. I tried playing dumb before by saying all kinds of random shit and stupid jokes when I was a kid, but it didn't work. Other people be giving me weird looks and say "what?" or say things like "what's wrong with you?" or "Why are you smiling? Are you drunk or high?" or "you're weird."
  15. Yeah, but that doesn't mean that can't ever get infected by COVID again. Also, the antibodies you get from having had COVID before don't last as long as you think.
  16. I don't think that always works because you may still feel like you're missing something in you life.
  17. @K Ghoul Maybe get to know this girl and ask her if she has any kind of dirty fantasies about her professor?
  18. Look at how desperate and socially inept Todd V comes off to these girls: I am sure that this kind of disastrous set doesn't happen often with someone like him, but do guys like him still have occasional situations where they are so off to the point of actually coming off as a completely clueless social retard around girls?
  19. If she is dressing inappropriately for class, then that's one thing, but otherwise it's not your business and you don't have a right to be slut shaming her.
  20. There is nothing that anybody can or will be able to do about it until far far away into the future. Maybe in the next century it might happen. That's the sad reality. Like Leo said, we are all still living in the dark ages, no matter what part of the world you live in.
  21. So, you think Todd made a mistake or do you think that he knew that he was making a mistake, but did it anyway either for the purpose of entertainment or for a point that he was trying to make to his viewers?
  22. Sorry, I meant only superior complex and not inferiority complex.
  23. I think that racism involves some just being simply extremely arrogant. Others who are racists have a superiority complex, whereby they may come off as thinking that they are superior to black and brown, but deep down feel that they themselves are inferior.
  24. Many white people in America are getting scared of losing their economic and political power because they are afraid of what black and brown people might end up being capable of in the future when they have equal if not possibly greater power than them. Well, of course they installed the trans Atlantic slave trade largely because they could easily exploit them however they want back then. However, they also did it because they have a general sense of fear of what black people might be able to do that white people may not have been able to do. They perceived black people as being potentially stronger and more clever than white people if they were treated equally. That's because most black and brown before contemporary times were never given as much of an opportunity as white people were because of the greater quality and the greater abundance of resources that Europeans always had compared to the rest of the world.
  25. That's because most black and brown before contemporary times were never given as much of an opportunity as white people had because of the greater quality and the greater abundance of resources that Europeans always had compared to the rest of the world.