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Everything posted by Hardkill

  1. TYT keeps being incredibly frustrated with the Democrats “Doing Nothing" Cenk and Ana recently said that even if the Democrats had a supermajority of Democrats in both chambers of Congress or even if the entire Congress was made up of 100% democratic US senators and 100% US House of Representatives, the Democrats would get "nothing done" at all because they have become feckless and corrupted these days that they have no longer been willing to fight for the working class, the middle class, women, black, and brown, or for any of downtrodden folk in America. How accurate is that?
  2. Nevada does have a very high urban population and New Mexico has a relatively high urban population per capita. However, Nevada has a very low overall education per capita and New Mexico has a low overall education per capita. Plus, parts of each state are within the Mormon Corridor region of the country. New Mexico is actually more religious than most other US states and Nevada has a relatively big mormon population. Utah, is of course the center of Mormonism, but as I said in my most previous thread it has one a highest urban populations per capita and is considered to have an definitely a higher overall level education than most other states in the country. So, why have New Mexico and Nevada become mostly safe Blue states?
  3. Okay, I thought that that was possibly the reason with Nevada. But why did New Mexico become primarily Blue despite being ranked low in overall education per capita and having a higher religious population than those in most other states?
  4. I can't wait for the older conservatives to die off. That will help society progress more from the archaic dogma on absolute gun rights. I mentioned earlier that millions upon millions of conservatives all throughout the entire country may need to suffer and die themselves from some kind of numerous series of mass shootings in order to finally see that the idea of gun rights for all American citizens has been a grave mistake. Another idea is to have some kind of incredibly powerful nation-wide movement against guns rights for all on the level of the civil rights movement or some other kind of historic revolutionary movement. We would need some anti-gun right leaders all over the country who have exceptional charisma and would devote to fighting like hell for nationwide major gun reform for as many years as it takes to finally achieve success.
  5. I really hope not, but it may have to come to that. It’s like how Leo talked about the idea when some idea or method that works in the short-term turns out to be so ugly or so horrific that enough people will finally realize that it needs to change. You know, I actually don’t think that will work. After 1937, when the conservative coalition ended up dominating congress, FDR tried as hard as he could to bully as many conservative Democrats and conservative Republicans in Congress to vote for many of the pieces legislation that they were opposed to. But it didn’t work. He even tried to purge the conservative Democrats by campaigning against them like hell and have the primaried as much as possible. But that didn’t work at all either. He was only able to get one conservative Democrat primaried by another more liberal Democrat. In fact, the whole conservative coalition in Congress hardened their stance against FDR’s New Deal policies. They only allowed him to pass just one more New Deal legislation in 1938. After that, only regular legislation would get passed for the rest of his presidency. same with JFK and LBJ. Despite the massive democratic majorities they each had in both chambers of Congress, neither one of get any major policy changing legislation pass until the end of 1963. That was the time when JFK was assassinated, the conservative coalition finally lost their dominance in Congress, and the civil rights movement finally got through to both the public and the elite. That’s when LBJ was finally able to effectively use both his extensive experience and skill as a legislator and hardball tactics to get the supermajority of Congress from both sides of the aisle to pass the 1964 Civil rights bill. I believe that all of those events led to such a massive electoral victory for the Democrats in 1964 that not only did LBJ win by a landslide, but also more liberals got elected into both the House and the Senate. Ultimately, LBJ and the liberal Democrats gained enough seats in Congress to finally pass the 1965 voting rights bill, along with a flood of other historic Great Society bills.
  6. Sadly, I think that many conservatives are going to need to suffer from a profound level of gun violence themselves in order to genuinely accept the need for major gun reforms. Many members of their families and many of their relatives, close friends, long-term partners, etc. would have to die from such an unfathomably nightmarish mass shooting that has never happened since the American Civil War, if not worst.
  7. I am grief-stricken and angered by this. Fucking conservatives in our country can’t get it through their thick numb skulls about gun control. I also really can’t stand people like Manchin and Sinema with their bullshit idea of protecting the “precious” filibuster for the sake of bipartisanship. Even today, Manchin made another predictable statement pertaining to this shooting incident. https://thehill.com/news/senate/3500416-manchin-calls-for-common-sense-gun-limits-resists-filibuster-reform/ He knows very well that we will never have enough GOP senators sign onto to ANY gun reform laws with the filibuster as is.
  8. for several years now, the progressives have loudly protesting until they are blue in the face, have been doing political activism like crazy all around the country, putting in 110% of their efforts in running for all kinds of various offices from the local levels to the highest national levels all throughout the country, trying as hard as they can to pressure Democratic leadership and Congressmen to pass more liberal legislation, etc., etc., etc. that they have been doing. Sure, the progressives have now become the largest House Democrat ideological caucus in Congress, and have recently won a few more local races in some big cities like Boston. Yes, Bernie gave Hillary a run for her money in the 2016 and gave Biden a run for his money in 2020. AOC, has indeed become a popular liberal amongst young voters in America for a few years. Yet, none of the progressives have been able to achieve anything materially for any American citizens. Other movements in history such as Gandhi's movement nonviolent independence movement, abolition movement in the 1800s, both the progressive movement women's rights movement around the turn of the 20th century, the civil rights movements for blacks in the mid 1900s, the latino movement in the mid 1900s, the gay rights movements all succeeded with their goals. But why hasn't the contemporary progressive movement in the US been able to make any real significant progress for many years now? Will the progressives be able to win in the end, but we just to wait for many more years until they finally achieve success, or the establishment democrats and conservatives right about their movement having become a totally hopeless cause?
  9. That's definitely true. Besides Trump winning the election, the other unusual thing about that election back then what that Both Hillary and Trump were arguably the two most unpopular and most polarizing presidential nominees ever in US electoral history.
  10. Are you serious? You don think former presidents Reagan, W. Bush, and Trump were not morons leaders? How about congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Green and many of the other right wing politicians who are in many powerful positions in our government.
  11. Scott Morrison, who is the conservative Prime Minister of Australia just lost the election to a centre-left candidate named Anthony Albanese. This is another victory for 1st world countries. https://www.cnn.com/2022/05/21/australia/australia-election-results-morrison-albanese-intl-hnk/index.html
  12. Indeed. Just like with Al Gore in 2000, had there been no electoral college, then Hillary would've won by a lot. Also, I am not trying to suck up to you, but I really think that both of your videos on Inside the Mind of Trump and Democracy vs. Authoritarianism, were much more accurate, intelligent, and perceptive on why Trump won the 2016 election than something like Corey Wayne's vid was. Yeah, he definitely is at stage Blue/Orange. Btw, I loved seeing this vid he made after Trump lost the last election: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yE-pTQl-Haw He really believes in the conspiracy theory that the Democrats stole the election. One the one hand, I didn't think that he was as stupid as the MAGA zombies were, but on the other hand, I knew before he put out this vid that he was gonna bought into it the whole idea that there is "evidence widespread of voter fraud" in the election simply because he genuinely believes that Trump is some kind of self-made business genius and is the most alpha male president we have ever had.
  13. From both a rational and pragmatic viewpoint, you're right that I should really just be focusing on what I can do myself. I gotta admit that that is actually what my parents have been telling me for several months now and I never thought that I would end up becoming so addicted to following politics. I know you keep saying that we are going to have for at least a few decades before the progressives prevail but do you think it's possible that their movement could be a lost cause given the fact that for decades none of their ideas have worked at all to materially improve the lives of everyday Americans? Also, how likely do you think we'll ever have another period of historic reform like we had during the Jacksonian era, Reconstruction era, early 20th century progressive era, New Deal era, or Great Society era?
  14. I saw that vid back then and that really made me extremely disappointed with him. He may be a successful self-made entrepreneur but he obviously is a very myopic libertarian who lacks deep compassion and is as backwards as rednecks are.
  15. I am surprised that Biden said this. This announcement does sound somewhat alarming, but he didn't specifically say how the US would militarily intervene.
  16. So, then her being creeped out by what I said has nothing to do with her thinking that what I said was too taboo or that she's afraid of coming off as a slut?
  17. My ex girlfriend was fine with it. Some girls like it and some don't. Just like some guys don't like it and some do.
  18. Some of the new ones may come into power.
  19. This is very sad. Many more American Christians have lately felt so threatened by the idea about their ideology dying in our country, that they feel like they have no choice but to resort to the lowest of right-wing scums in the USA to "save them."
  20. Yeah, I wish that the Democrats in America genuinely tried to support the working class again like they used to in the old days.
  21. Indeed. We need more leaders in the world who will contribute to the much needed progress of our world.
  22. Well, I could live with progress being slow as long as some progress gets made and eventually leads to massive change overtime. Btw, why do you think that corporations financially benefit by separating themselves from bigotry? Also, why do you think that Republicans ended up failing in their culture war against homosexuality?