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Everything posted by Hardkill

  1. I would've thought that JP had the grit and hustle to do it.
  2. So, did those pukey girls you pulled not even look hot?
  3. What if the drunk was gorgeous or really hot looking and was making out with you?
  4. So, why isn't he interested in letting go of his religious beliefs and deconstructing his own reality to a really deep level?
  5. I see. So, he still only perceives God at a superficial level. Why do you think he doesn't want to give up his christian beliefs of God?
  6. Ohh, I see. So, you gotta take enough psychedelics consistently and/or you have to be open-minded enough to truly let go of your ego and current worldviews in order to truly transcend through solid Green and beyond. Yeah, so you're saying that the only thing psychedelics has done for JP is only support his own religious beliefs in his own mind.
  7. Oh....I didn't realize that. For some reason, I couldn't find it anywhere on this forum where that was mentioned before. So, then why hasn't using and supporting psychedelics helped him to eliminate his Green shadow? Is it simply because his religious dogma is too strong?
  8. Hmm.....He seems to be quite a complicated person.
  9. I already used the search function as best as I could to find posts about Leo comment on JDP and psychedelics. All I could find from Leo posts were: Other people who posted on this entire forum regarding both JBP and psychedelics have only been saying stuff like "if only Jordan Peterson was open to using psychedelics..." Yet, no one ever mentioned in any of their posts that JP is very much genuinely open to the use of psychedelics.
  10. Yeah I wonder that myself. However, the point I am making is that Jordan Peterson is from an older generation of therapists and has been widely recognized as more of a conservative. He also has some kind of a stage Green shadow and holds an excess amount of belief in scientism and traditional academia as Leo said. Also, the researcher he interview is from an older generation as well. Yet Peterson in that vid really is in favor of something that is not even mainstream yet and could be considered progressive. I wonder what the moderators on this forum and Leo think about this.
  11. Oh, I am glad you are. I think you should still get vaccinated and then boosted after recovering from this virus. Though I think you have to wait for about a few months after getting over the infection before your body is ready to handle being vaccinated.
  12. We don’t want Republicans to take control of the government again. I’ll look into those juices. Btw, are you recovering at all?
  13. Economies around the world cannot survive another round of lockdowns. It would even be disastrous politically for Biden and the Democrats if lockdowns happen again in America. Also, it keeps getting more and more depressing when more people keep dying. So many of those deaths could've been easily prevented if many of those people had listened to the legit scientists and doctors,
  14. Not necessarily according to medical and scientific experts. Fauci even said that "Though many people are hoping that omicron heralds the end of the pandemic, Fauci has cast doubt on the idea that omicron will act as Mother Nature’s version of a mass vaccination event, warning a new variant could emerge that evades the immunity provided by omicron." Dr. James Lawler, an infectious disease expert at the University of Nebraska, says “I would be shocked if we don’t get another variant arising out of somewhere that has adequate immune escape and causes another epidemic wave. There’s no data that suggests strongly that the virus has exhausted all of its options to mutate and create new infectious variants.” “The whole idea that viruses by definition always evolve to be less pathogenic and less severe — that’s the stuff of fairy tales,” Lawler said. https://www.cnbc.com/2022/02/11/covid-no-one-knows-when-the-pandemic-will-end-after-omicron-upended-most-hope.html "WHO official Maria Van Kerkhove warned against theories that the virus will continue to mutate into milder strains that make people less sick than earlier variants. 'There is no guarantee of that. We hope that that is the case, but there is no guarantee of that and we can’t bank on it,' she said, noting that people should heed public safety measures in the meantime. What’s more, the next iteration of Covid may also evade vaccine protections even more, making the existing vaccines even less effective."
  15. No, Alpha, is not at all resistant to immunity developed by vaccines, particularly if one is fully vaccinated. Beta and Gamma are a little bit resistant to immunity developed by vaccines, but in most situations neither of those variants will cause any degree of infection as long as one or enough people are fully vaccinated. Delta is resistant to immunity developed by vaccines full vaccination, but is not able to resist immunity developed from both full vaccination AND booster shot. However, even if you are partially vaccinated but not boosted then you likely are not going to die or go to the ICU or perhaps not even be hospitalized from being infected by this variant. If you are actually fully vaccinated but not boosted, then you are extremely unlikely to die or get hospitalized at all from being infected by this variant unless you have a genetic disorder that makes an immunocompromised individual and/or you are 65 years old or older. Omicron is the only variant so far that is PARTIALLY resistant to immunity developed by being both fully vaccinated and boosted. Yet, Omicron has turned out to be the least severe variant of them all and you will still be definitely much more protected from this variant both fully vaccinated and boosted.
  16. Yeah that’s what I think too. It’ll probably be more like what happened during the Gilded Age. During that time not only was there a lot of political violence (perhaps even more so than there has been in recent times) but also the South suppressed black people from voting in their states. This period was also a time were the wealthy inequality was about as bad as it has been in recent times.
  17. I no longer think that a civil war is going to happen within the foreseeable future or within the next few decades. Washington D.C. and the entire law enforcement throughout the whole country has way too strong of a monopoly of force these days. If any large groups of people tried to start a civil war or battle within the country then the US military and law enforcement will be able to easily intervene and put an end to such chaos and violence. Also, it actually doesn’t seem like most people serving in the military or in the law enforcement personnel are corruptible to the point of being influenced or coerced by someone else to cause mutiny or turn against their commanding officers or the chain of command. Furthermore, every state has a certain mix of Conservatives, Moderates, Liberals, Republicans, Independents, and Democrats. Plus, the blue states and the red states are not split so evenly from each other like in the 1800s. That already makes things too complicated to start a civil war between the left-wing and right wing. Hopefully, the 6-3 Conservative majority will face enough backlash that it will cause enough people in this country to demand a fundamental or major change in the court system.
  18. I agree with a lot of you are saying, but in America I really don't think that any official or employee working for the US government, especially these days, can be bribed off by any rich person. The only exception to this is corporate lobbying.
  19. So, then what do you propose is the solution to stopping right wing radicalization?
  20. I wonder what would happened if he got deplatformed from all social media. I wonder would happen if Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and Google deplatformed every right winger in the country.
  21. There will be a lot more backlash in the long-run the longer the conservative media, liberal media, progressive media, and alt-right media continue their divisive rhetoric. You even said in you Stage Green video, that the more each side tries to demonize each other then the more politically divided our country becomes to the point of being in a political stalemate, whereby virtually nothing gets done by the government for the country. Also, more and more people are going to get needlessly killed from all of this. This has indeed been very well substantiated according to late 19th century and early 20th century US history. Check out this thread I recently made: Right-wings including Fox News, Newsmax, OANN, Alex Jones, etc. and progressive YouTube channels such as TYT and Secular Talk all absolutely need to eventually be deplatformed as well in the future for the greater good of our country.
  22. If America was as corrupt as 3rd world countries or even as corrupt as almost every 2nd world country in the world, then Trump would've gotten away with easily overturning the 2020 presidential election results. He also would've been able to turn our government into an authoritarian regime. Also, while most Republican voters in the US may still believe that the Democratic Party "stole" the election, most American voters including some significant portion of Republican voters, virtually every Democratic voters, and the good majority of Independent voters all throughout the whole country still believe that Biden/Harris won the election legitimately. Furthermore, the solid majority of the entire US military, FBI, and other law enforcement personnel also honored the transition of presidential power and vice presidential power to Biden and Harris. Otherwise, if our military was too corrupt especially those in the upper echelon, then they would easily defied the rules of the electoral process according to the sacred established US constitution by doing a military coup for Trump. General Mark A. Milley who is the 20th Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the nation's highest-ranking military officer, and the principal military advisor to the President, Secretary of Defense, and National Security Council absolutely made it clear to the public before the Inauguration of Biden and Harris that he was already committed to not ever let Trump and any of his dangerous loyal followers allow them to take over the presidency and vice-presidency. He said "Everyone in this room, whether you're a cop, whether you're a soldier, we're going to stop these guys to make sure we have a peaceful transfer of power. We're going to put a ring of steel around this city and the Nazis aren't getting in." He also told his associates, "They may try, but they're not going to fucking succeed. You can't do this without the military. You can't do this without the CIA and the FBI. We're the guys with the guns." Same with every judge within the entire country. None of the judges, including all of the most conservatives judges and Trump-appointed judges throughout the entire nation from the local level to highest federal level of the courts, bought into Trump's big lie. Besides, stopping Trump from stealing the election and totally destroying our democracy, the government has become much less corrupt overall than it used to be.
  23. The US is not as corrupt as 2nd or 3rd world countries are, but it is more corrupt than almost every other 1st world country in the world. However, I think one of the main reasons for this is because of how large and ethnically diverse of a population the country has gotten. I also think that it's because we have A LOT more stupid and ignorant people in America than other westernized countries do. I think it's easier for a society to progress when it's much smaller and ethnically homogeneous and has a sufficient amount of educated and smart people, provided that the country has an abundance of good resources, developed technology, and developed infrastructure. I wished that only smart and educated people were allowed to vote in America. It wouldn't eliminated all of the corruption in the US, but it would definitely eliminate a massive amount of systemic corruption in the country.
  24. Alright, cool man. So, any guy can get laid with a model with enough hard and smart work on developing game and without having the looks, money, or status. Damn, you must really have an unbelievably awesome dress style. I've gotten countless compliments from girls on my body and face for most of my life, but the only time I've ever gotten compliments on my dressing style from girls were during Homecoming, Prom, ROTC Military Ball, banquets, and other special events during my high school years.