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Everything posted by Hardkill

  1. Yeah, I know Leo says that it’s because devilry is always more associated with right-wing ideologies than with left-wing ideologies and that in the end devilry always loses, but how will enough of the younger laymen, especially young conservatives be convinced to no to be brainwashed by the proliferating toxicity of the rapid spread of the ideology, memes, echo chambers, and more appealing brands of the right wing?
  2. Then why are people like Leo optimistic that the masses of societies will continue to be influenced to become more liberal in the long-term?
  3. Is that why the Republicans have been doing worse and worse with the national popular vote for presidential elections in the long-run since 1992? Is that also why Republican US senators have been way overrepresented for far too long? Is that further why the 2 years that Warren G. Harding was president, the first two years of Herbert Hoover's presidency, and first two years of William H. Taft's presidency, were the only three very short periods of time since 1911 (which was around the time the GOP shifted back more to the right) that Republicans ever had a more than three-fifths supermajority in either chamber of Congress? Is that additionally why the Republican Party became increasingly unpopular during the Gilded Age because of their growing right-wing extremism? Is that why liberals on the other hand have had massive majorities or supermajorities in each chamber of Congress many times more than conservatives have had in all of US history?
  4. Also, North Korea has always been in close proximity to Russia too. In fact, after the Russians occupied the northern half of the entire Korean Peninsula (the original whole entire country of Korea before it split into North Korea and South Korea) around 1945, the whole northern Korean population was forced to adopt the Soviet Union's communist/socialist style of government. I do worry that America might one day turn into some kind of hybrid regime kind of like @DocWatts is saying. However, after studying and learning a lot more within the recent months on US history, world history, current events on domestic cultural affairs, international cultural affairs, concepts pertaining to sociocultural evolution, and what have you I don't really think anymore that there is any significant chance that the USA will turn into some kind of authoritarian regime like in Russia, China, North Korea, or in any other 2nd or 3rd world autocratic nation out there. While America's democracy certainly has notable concerning flaws (hence having been officially downgraded from being a full democracy to that of a flawed democracy), it still been overall successful in America (for the most part) and has been firmly established within all of American culture for so long (for well over 2 centuries). In fact, up until about the turn of the new millennium, did the level of democracy of America continually increase in the long-run since the very beginning of the history of its existence. Although since around 2003, the LGBTQ+ community has been increasingly gaining significantly rights, especially ever since Obama first became president. The June 15, 2020 US Supreme Court ruling that the 1964 Civil Rights Act protects gay, lesbian, and transgender employees from discrimination based on sex was undoubtedly a historic win for all LGBTQ+ Americans.
  5. But if Trump or someone else like him comes to power again as president and the Republicans end up reversing almost every thing Biden and the Democrats have done, then wouldn't that mean that everything that Biden and Democrats in Congress will have been all for nothing and that things will go back to the way they were like during Trump's presidency? That sound like a vague generality with no specific plan or specific set of reasons as to why the Republicans will ever change their ways. I mean know that there is no way to predict exactly how the future will unfold even when it comes to politics, but generally what do you think will happen that will stop the dangerous authoritarianism of the Republicans? Will perhaps the younger generation of Republicans become much more conciliatory, centrist, fair, and stand up to the extreme right-wingers?
  6. Then, how worried are you about the possibility of the Republicans of reversing practically every thing Biden and the Democrats have done? Given Biden's poor polling, the majority of Americans now wanting Republicans back in charge of Congress, probable recession within the next 2 years, the all but certain outcome of Republicans taking back the House of Representatives and maybe the Senate after the upcoming 2022 midterm elections, many pundits in virtually all media outlets are sounding the alarm on the frightening possibility of someone as bad as Trump (or possibly Trump himself) in 2024 taking back the presidency, does this not bode well for the Dems?
  7. Yeah I know. Some people are saying that Biden might end up being like the next Jimmy Carter, who was ranked as a below average president (still far better than Trump of course) given the limited success and the inflation and looming recession they both had to deal with and both lacking the ability to inspire confidence and hope in the people of America. What do you think? Also, aren’t you worried about the possibility of the Republicans of reversing practically every thing Biden and the Democrats have done after they very likely take back the House of Representatives and maybe the Senate after this upcoming midterm elections, and then take back the presidency with someone as bad as Trump (or possibly Trump himself) in 2024?
  8. So, do you think that it's been all of the news media including all of the mainstream media out there that have been making really unfair comparisons between Biden and all of the other modern US presidents (besides Trump) in combination with the extremely politically polarized climate we've been in?
  9. I agree with all of that. He also definitely has got to a lot more work on physically escalating with the girl. When practice that a lot that really improved my chances of getting laid massively to the point where it only a matter of time before some chick would want to make out and fuck me. Eventually, that became one of the key things that got me laid with a number of girls. Considering how physically attractive his overall appearance must be given his great success with Tinder then he definitely has no reason to be afraid to be more sexually aggressive with a girl (without being too forceful or scaring her away).
  10. All kinds of male celebrities these days have to be very careful with sleeping with a fan or some nobody because those girls could take advantage of such a situation by reporting them for harassment or sexual assault just in order to get the attention, publicity, money, or other resources from the guy.
  11. No, I get that, but just because you don’t have to do much as a girl to sex from anybody doesn’t mean that you know how to seduce or attract them a guy enough to want to still be with you for the long haul. If you are good at really turning a guy on sexually, project confidence, have wit, know how to tease him, screen him, be really good at connecting with a guy emotionally in a way that most girls may not be able to, know how to be cooperative with him, submissive to his primal desires, are good enough at sex and kissing, then the kind of good man that you truly desire and match with will more than likely want to stay with you for a long time. This is what happens when an female escort or stripper has such tight game. A lot of the guys they were with get so attracted to them that they feel like they have to see those same girls over and over and over again. Now, if you have both the ability to seduce/attract and the kinds of looks that he’s really into then that kind of good man you really want will end up falling in love with you. Btw, checkout dating gurus on Youtube such as Mr. Locario and Rebecca Lynn Pope on how attract and keep the guy you want. They both are definitely legit and really tell it like it is when it comes dating, sex, and romance.
  12. Okay, but seduction is a major factor to getting and keeping the kind of guy you want. Besides, what Kezia Noble in that abovementioned vid I posted said was that those girls weren’t just stripteasing for the male customers with their sexy bodies or whispering very sexual things to them. Those girls also knew how to charm the guys with their low-key flirting, banter, wit, challenge them, confidence, and emotionally connecting with them. It’s as if they learned really well from someone like one of the RSD guys or from Kezia herself on how to seduce or attract the kind of person they are looking for by using cold approaching and dating techniques.
  13. I know that Leo said that he doesn't think that women learning game to attract men would work for them because of how differently men and women get attracted to one another in general. However, according to history, women like Cleopatra were the ones who invented seduction in order to achieve the level success, power, and resources, and men they desired. The best female strippers out there aren't often those who the best or hottest looking ones, but instead have the best game. Like successful male players, these women have great sexual charisma because they know how to seduce men verbally and with physical escalation.
  14. So far, the conflict between the left and right keeps getting increasingly worse. I know that big tech platforms have already done a little bit more moderating of political content since the Jan 6th capitol riot incident, Trump and some of his supporters have been banned from all social media platforms, and the USA hasn't had a divisive president anymore for well over a year now. However, it still hasn't been anywhere near enough to stop the left and the right continuing to radicalize each other. How long will this continue to erode the trust in our democratic values, elections, core institutions, and scientific facts? How long will this keep causing more and more gridlock to the point of where nothing positive gets done anymore for our country? Will there never be a way to quiet down all of politics in the media? What exactly needs to change in order eliminate all of the toxic political info. coming from both the left wing media outlets and right wing media outlets?
  15. Btw OP, for newbies, especially for hardcase newbies who are really inexperienced and unskilled with socializing with people in general, it can take about a full year of consistently approaching and dating girl and perhaps even doing a fair amount of work on online dating to get your first lay. Also, definitely head over the Dating, Relationships, Sexuality to check to see if anybody else agrees with what I am saying.
  16. Yeah, I agree with those points too. Do you think that one day there will enough of a mandate from the people to have the government intervene in this situation in some way?
  17. I agree with that, however what if increasing amount of needed censorship causes a lot of Americans to get upset with that because of how many stupid, ignorant, and selfish people there are in America say who no matter what you say to them will fiercely hold on to the traditional belief that there freedom of speech always of paramount importance and it is the number 1 core right protected by the very first constitutional amendment?
  18. What happens when both sides of the media incite so much devastating violence and chaos in our country. Then what?
  19. I was just rewatching Leo's vid on Why Bernie Sanders Lost to further understand how voters and citizens in actuality choose their leaders within the society they belong to and why progress is not happening as fast as progressives and many other liberals out there want it to be. I totally get why America is still too far away from being ready to have a progressive POTUS. However, what I don't quite understand is that even though every society around the world has always continually evolved towards becoming increasingly liberal in the long-run even still to this day, Leo still said in that Why Bernie Sanders Lost vid that even most people in 1st world countries, particularly more so with the great majority of those in the USA, have always been tradition-oriented and emotion-oriented to varying degrees and therefore vote predominantly base on fear, anger, how inspired and compelled they feel about a particular political candidate, religion, societal norms, nationalism, patriotism, pride in their economic system, need for security, survival, etc. That being the case then why haven't the beliefs in tradition and survival of the masses prevented their societies from progressively adding more and more liberal policies for their citizens over the long-run? I know that Leo has mentioned before, especially in his How Society Evolves vid, that the main factors that cause a society to evolve include development of its economy and GDP per capita, development of infrastructure, improvement in levels of education improve overall for its entire population, younger generations of people continually replacing older generations, and more people living in areas that are more industrial and more ethnically diverse. I also know that Leo said that when enough people in a society suffer enough from the status quo, then there will be a sufficiently large mandate by the people for having some kind of positive significant change being made for the collective. Yet, regardless of the situation that is happening in their country or state, liberals have always made up the smallest percentage of people within its entire population, and right-wing activists and conservative media around the world have always been more successful than left-wing activists and liberal media at persuading people emotionally. Furthermore, all of the right-wing media outlets keep getting more and more prevalent and more and more aggressive in each and every first world country in the world. Therefore, haven't the solid majority of masses always felt too afraid to either give up enough of their traditional beliefs or risk their survival and security or forgo choosing a political candidate who a good old fashioned and charismatic nationalist to allow any significant progress in society to occur?
  20. Hey OP, I've actually been on about 40 in a row dates that didn't lead to any sex when I started out, even though many people including a lot of girls in the past throughout most of my life told me that I look hot or look like a model. Even when I put on a solid amount of muscle and became fit with quiet a nice looking physique overall, I still struggled like crazy. I eventually got some largely by playing the numbers like crazy both online and cold/warm approaching IRL as well as continually using the pickup and dating methods I learned from guys like Goodlookingloser, Locario, Leo, and Gunwitch. Also, in 2018, on my thread I just got banned from a pickup forum, I said to Leo "Do u think it's possible that cold approach won't ever work for some people even if they truly trued their hardest everyday, every week, every month, every year and approach about thousands of girls or more per year at various kinds of venues?" His response was "You've got a terrible case of victim mentality going. Notice this. Stop thinking about failure, and start visualizing your success. Of course if you talk to enough girls, some of them will sleep with you. It's only a matter of time. Even a blind squirrel stumbled into an acorn. If you go out long enough, the odds will become so great at some point, that a random girl will just want to sleep with you for absolutely no reason other than that she's horny and you're the closest guy around." Additionally, on another thread made by someone else, "Should i just settle for average/below average girls? Confused, need advice," the guy who made the thread said that he went on countless dates for over 6 months, did the best he could during that whole time by flirting with them, having a good time with them, escalating pretty well with them, reading the girls' cues and body language, etc. and still didn't get any sex. Leo's response was "that's just some bad luck. Keep doing what you're doing and you will get great results. You are giving up too soon. You must be more persistent and have more patience with the entire process. Sometimes I would go out for months and not get laid just because of bad luck. Then I would get a model. Dry spells happen in this game. If you are getting dates you so close to closing. Don't quit now. You need to reframe every date as a success, even if she never calls you back. This is an inner game issue. You're not framing this properly in your own mind." Even other guys out there that I have talked to who are some of the top dating experts out there like Locario and Gunwitch said that with enough volume of approaches that you'll eventually luck up on some sex with some cute girl out there even if your approaches and dating skills kinda suck. Once you get your first lay or two simply playing the number game (without doing anything that you know is obviously creepy with women), then you should focus more on tightening your game to get a better success rate with women.
  21. Trump truly became the ultimate demagogue of the century or of all American history. Yeah....if only the Democrats hadn't abandoned the working class since the late 80s to early 90s just as Noam Chomsky said.... Yeah, these factors which had developed over a period of about 5 generations really lead to these tragic unintended consequences for our country.
  22. It looks like there's some good news on inflation coming down soon according to economist Paul Krugman, https://www.nytimes.com/2022/04/12/opinion/inflation-consumer-prices.html He also say that he really does not see inflation in the long-run as being permanent like it was in the 70s to early 80s.