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Everything posted by Hardkill

  1. Damn...So then that means that I going to have to wait at least another 3-4 years before I can ever get the chance to have a decent paying job, move out of my parents' home, and find a place to live in a big city like LA to devote another 3-4 years to practice my skills with cold approaching and dating like you and Leo have. I don't even know if for sure if I will even be able to afford a place live near live a big city given the constantly rising rental and housing prices every year in America, particular in or near cities LA, Las Vegas, or Chicago. Fuck. I am not looking forward at all to becoming a single 38 to 42 year old man, which is when my good looks, youth, testosterone, stamina, agility, physical recovery, joint function, sperm fertility and health, etc. will begin to seriously decline. I am already lost a fair amount of hair on my head and I am getting very worried about that because my looks have been of the only few natural strengths I have. Also, by that age, my mind will be transitioning more seriously on considering having a family of my own before I risk getting too old to have healthy and functional children of my own. I really don't know whether it is worth pursuing a DPT degree for 3-4 years before I committed to hardcore cold approaching and online dating or not. I've tried it mindfulness before but I never been able to muster up the discipline to consistently practice it. It's been one of the most challenge things I've been struggling with for much of my life.
  2. I know that some guys who are good with girls have been saying that if you are a guy that is in college then you got to go to as many frat parties as possible because those are the best places and times to meet the hottest and most popular girls in college. That would mean that a guy would have to join a fraternity it order to be to regularly be invited to these parties. However, what if a guy like me never wanted to be a part of a frat because of all of the stupid things you have do and the amount of extra time you have you sacrifice to commit to the organization? Would that mean that the guy's chances of ever getting laid with an attractive girl in college or university will be very unlikely unless he gets very lucky?
  3. Well, then that being the case, then you think that I shouldn't be making any excuses for not cold approaching at least to some extent in the University that's near me?
  4. I get that you still need to have the skill and confidence to pull hot girls in frat/sorority parties, but when I went to college at a big university I found it hard to meet a lot of attractive girls on campus without cold approaching, except at the few frat parties I went to. I wanted to go to more of these parties but I wasn't able to because I didn't join a frat and wasn't close friends with any frat guys. Perhaps, I shouldn't have said that joining was that stupid. Sorry. I just personally never liked the idea of joining one given what it involved like the hazing, the drinking games or tests, the negative reputation many fraternities have gotten, or what have you. Also, I wasn't able to manage my time well enough to be in a frat given how much I've always sucked with time management to begin with and how much classwork I had to do, how seriously committed I was to martial arts and fitness. You got me. I have generalized anxiety disorder, which is also sometimes called the "what if" worry syndrome. However, I've always had a such a hard time finding new girls to meet because of my anxieties and my social skills deficits. I've actually gotten so much better with my social anxiety as I've gotten better from learning and practicing how to manage it better and improving my social skill deficits after going through so much emotional heartache of constantly failing with many people and women through massive amount of time spent on online dating and years of trying to get good a cold and warm approach in as many kinds of venues, small towns, and medium sized cities as I could. The times when I did practice cold approach in a big city such a LA, where unfortunately rare opportunities for me. Additionally, after I graduated from that big university I never got the chance to live near a big city where I could always meet a lot of women without worrying about my rep as the village creeper or city weirdo. I do live very close to a university that is fairly large in its student population, but that's the only densely populated that conveniently near where I live and even then I'd still have to be mindful about how I may come off there. I obviously don't want to have a reputation there of being some creepy stranger who randomly hits on girls. Furthermore, I cannot afford to move to a big city like LA or even a place that's close enough to a city. I don't have enough money of my own, still living with my parents, and am currently focusing on trying to get into a DPT program (which will take years to complete. Even if I get into this DPT school and graduate from there, I will be in my late 30s to early 40s. I fear that by the time that happens, I may not have much youth left to devoted even more years into becoming truly successful with women.
  5. So, then why do a lot of girls like to check out a guy visually and sometimes during the very first second of seeing him will be like “oh, he looks cute☺️“ or “wow, he looks hot! ?” or “oh my, he looks handsome?”? I’ve even had that happen to me a number of times before in my life.
  6. Let’s compared the stats for between the COVID pandemic and the Spanish flu pandemic (which was the most previous kind of worldwide pandemic that occurred). Spanish flu 1918 pandemic: - virus killed approximately 25–50 million (generally accepted), other estimates range from 17 to 100 million throughout the entire world. - about 500 million people worldwide were infected with the disease to varying degrees of severity. - pandemic lasted for a little over 2 years (from February 1918 to April 1920) - estimated population of the whole world from 1918-1920 was about 1.8-1.9 billion. - no vaccine or strong treatment of any kind was available for this virus COVID-19 pandemic: - Approximately no more than 6.21 million people have died from this virus. - about 500 million people worldwide have been infected with the disease to varying degrees of severity. - pandemic has lasted for more than 2 years (from December 2019 to present) - estimated population of the whole world is currently 7.9 billion. - various brands of highly effective and 99.99% safe vaccines and pills for this virus have been available for most of the general public worldwide and will of course continue to become increasingly accessible until practically every single living human on the planet can get vaccinated and easily get COVID pill prescribed by their nearest doctor. Taking a look at the difference between the outcomes of each these viral pandemics you’ll see that there were MANY TIMES more people in the world per capita who were infected and killed by the spanish flu virus than those who have been infected and killed by the COVID-19. The major reason for this difference is not just because of the use of lockdowns for this virus and no lockdowns in the past for the Spanish flu. It’s really because there was no vaccine or even an effective treatment at all for the Spanish flu, whereas there has been incredibly effectively vaccines and pills for either preventing you from getting infected with COVID or at least saving you from dying or even being hospitalized (unless you have a disease that makes you immunocompromised). Even if you are 65+ years old you’ll have about a 95% chance of not dying or even being hospitalized as long as you are fully vaccinated and boosted (unless you are maybe 100+ years old and/or have a disease that makes you immunocompromised)
  7. Many people have been saying that the main reason why about 50% of the people in the USA have been stuck in the right-wing dogma is because of how uneducated and unintelligent all of them are. But what if hypothetical speaking everyone out there in the world who is still uneducated and unintelligent become smart and well educated individuals? How do we know that all of those people won't just end up becoming a world wide population of highly educated and intelligent conservatives like Jordan Peterson, Ben Shapiro, Kayleigh McEnany, or Condoleezza Rice?
  8. The experts on this matter know about the long-term negative effects of it from extensive years of research and testing on both this virus and on different vaccine methods. The mRNA COVID vaccine for decades has had such exceptional success that it even surpasses the effectiveness and safety that of the viral vector COVID vaccine. It even is a lot more efficient to create an mRNA vaccine than it is with the viral vector vaccines (the usual types of vaccines which have a deadened version of the virus). That's why the virologists, other related medical scientists, bioengineers, medical doctors, etc. were able to greatly reduce the time needed to study and test the both the efficacy and possible long-term negative effects of taking any of the COVID vaccines. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mvA9gs5gxNY
  9. Sleeping with at least one model or a girl who looks as hot as model one day in your life should be an achievable goal for all guys no matter how many approaches it takes, yeah?
  10. “Yeah, but we don’t know enough about the possible long-term negatives effects of these vaccines. We need wait at least 5-10 years....” says the fool.
  11. Yeah, I really don’t see how the Biden administration itself would have much control over that issue. But “this transition to renewable is already hurting our precious American economy and businesses all around the country....” “Thanks to Biden’s lack of all of the above energy policies and the radical left’s impractical push for green type energy, we have 40 year high inflation, insufficient energy fuel, and an awful lot of our constituents are suffering financially.”
  12. Yeah, my dad, who like you is a wise centre-left Democrat that wants society to progress as much as it is realistically possible, and I totally agree that these progressives are being so foolish with these genuinely extreme green peace ideas (not the good and necessary liberal ideas that the conservatives and Republicans have been constantly framing as “radical left”). That’s why Biden and the Democrats from now on need to concentrate hard on messaging to the public more pragmatic centrist ideas and policies. In fact, they need to persuade the public on how they will sincerely work as hard as they can to find ways to materially improve the safety and economic situation of the people’s lives given the 40 year high inflation, possible looming recession, continual violent crime waves, and possibly reform immigration and perhaps improve national border security. Btw, what is your take of the criticism from conservatives and even some moderates saying that Biden hasn’t been doing enough to fix the Southern border immigration issue? Or how about the criticism from the right and the very center including Manchin himself saying that Biden’s attempts to transition our country’s energy usage from coal and fossil to renewable has been happening too much and too fast because it has been contributing to inflation and further undermined our overall economy and total energy availability?
  13. Does a university student have to worry about possibly becoming the school creeper if he approaches tons of girls in many wrong ways even if he didn’t mean to creep them out or offend them?
  14. Actually, it was Biden who first announced his support for gay marriage when he was Vice President, which then forced Obama to be the first sitting president to ever publicly support gay marriage. I worry though that the liberals, especially the progressives are pushing the Democrats too far to the left. James Carville, has said that progressives have become a liability electorally for Dems because of how much they have been pushing the Democrats to the left with he calls their “stupid wokeness.”
  15. This could be another right-wing conspiracy theory. I wonder if there will be a day when almost everyone in 1st world countries like the US who will no longer believes in this kind of stuff just like how less and less people these days in 1st countries world are believing in the Bible.
  16. According to recent news from Forbes, Fox News Channel Has Now Spent 20 Years In The #1 Spot On The Cable News Rankings and rose significantly in ratings while CNN and MSNBC has dropped significantly in news ratings. https://www.forbes.com/sites/andymeek/2022/02/01/fox-news-channel-has-now-spent-20-years-in-the-1-spot-on-the-cable-news-rankings/?sh=43e89e9172f2i https://www.forbes.com/sites/markjoyella/2022/03/01/fox-news-gains-as-cnn-msnbc-drop-significantly-in-february-cable-news-ratings/?sh=45e6219a1fd9 Also, other right-wing channels on Youtube like Newsmax and OANN have been growing fast over the past couple of years. Do any of you think that the legitimate news channels and left-wing media outlets have been doing enough to counter the rising spread of disinformation and poisonous conservative indoctrination of all of the right-wing media content that's been out there?
  17. I mean, I know that you don't want to come off as if you're kissing her ass. That's a mistake. However, in my experience and according to dating coaches it actually has helped when I validated a hot chick. In fact, they say that not validating a chick, even a hot chick can be cringe because it could convey that you're trying too hard to act "too cool" for her. It doesn't mean that you compliment her like crazy, but give a few quick compliments on something about her (it doesn't even have to be on her body yet) as long as it is authentic, confidence, and smooth and leads to her being turned on more and more sexually instead of coming off like you are just sucking up to her. I've actually been told by a number of attractive girls I've approached who told me something along the lines of "Wow! That's was ballsy! I've never been approached and tell me something like that in such a bold direct manner out of nowhere." Of course, hot girls will be hitting by many guys in their lifetime who practices cold approaching or who warm approach her. However, most guys in general, who have average to below average game and don't have enough confidence, will not have the guts to even approach her, let alone the skill to effectively increase their chances greatly of pulling her. That's why average to slightly above average looking girls usually get the most amount of guys approaching them because most guys perceive those chicks as being "easier" to get and settle for. Check this out too:
  18. I don't think that we can count on most people in a society to work hard on constantly developing themselves. So, if a higher level of education, better economy, better infrastructure, and greater diversity are not enough to evolve a society then how do you think that a whole society upgrades their values system?
  19. I’ve heard from one PUA expert that hot girls tend to be nicer than less attractive girls because they enjoy getting complimented by others for their beauty. Also, I heard of a lot of hot girls who don’t get hit on often as more average looking girls because because of how intimidating they can be to guys. So, they appreciate it when a male stranger has the guts and the grace to flatter them with respect.
  20. Of course virtually any Democrat or liberal would take Biden over Bush or Reagan, but I am surprised that you think that Biden is better than Clinton or Obama. I think that Biden is above average intelligence and definitely more knowledgeable and wiser than the average American. He certainly is many times more competent than Trump and a much smarter and wiser leader than W. Bush was. Plus, he now currently holds the record of having been the most politically experienced sitting president in all of US history. However, Clinton and Obama have more impressive intellect and were much more inspirational Presidents than Biden. My dad even thinks they came off as more savvy and more talented as leaders during their times as president than Biden is. He believes that if Obama or Clinton we’re still president in 2021 then they probably wouldn't have made the mistake that Biden has made, which was playing the “cool grandpa” by caving in to the progressives’ very liberal demands and wokeness. He definitely believes that Biden ARP stimulus was way too much and that Obama or Clinton probably would’ve never let the stimulus plan cost nearly as much as 1.9 trillion dollars. The ARP raised our national debt too much and has been estimated by a number of economists to have caused the headline inflation value to go up by about 2-2.5% more than it would have been if the ARP was much less than it was.
  21. I know that Ben Shapiro was born and raised in an orthodox Jewish family, but I wonder why someone as smart and educated as him and who is a millennial young man born in a first world country, was never skeptical of all of the right-wing ideology and traditional values? I thought that the more educated you are, the more intelligent you are, the younger you are, and the more highly developed of a society you were born in, the more skeptical you are of traditional or conservative views, thereby making you more of a liberal. Also, I tend to think that Jewish people are a bit more liberal than Christians and Muslims are.
  22. Sorry. I often don’t have faith in my ability to figure out this kind of stuff, especially when I don’t know as much as someone like you do about these bigger picture concepts.
  23. Why would it take more than a lifetime enact such strong laws or an amendment? Does that mean for the rest of our entire lives that nothing will fundamentally change for government and other core institutions?
  24. Do you think that there will one day that a constitutional amendment that bans all of corporate lobbying and influence in all of politics will ever happen? Or will that idea always be too much of a pipe dream for that to ever happen?
  25. I get that younger people tend to be more liberal than older people and that history in the grand scheme of things has shown that societies become more liberal over time in the long-term. However, right-wing propaganda is usually more emotionally appealing to the average folk than is centrist and left-wing propaganda and given that the sociopolitical opinions from the right-wing media and right wing echo chambers have been continuing to grow a lot around the world lately even in many 1st world countries, is it very concerning that this will cause the younger generations of people, especially the younger conservatives to become as far to the right if not even more so than those from older generations?