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Everything posted by Hardkill

  1. Okay, but abortion has also been part of the status quo for almost 5 decades now. Yet, conservatives want to go back to the times when abortion was never legal in any part of the country.
  2. Maybe he has been living under a rock his whole life and has never even heard of some of the most beautiful and sexiest women in the world who are either black, Latina, or Asian such as Halle Berry, Tyra Banks, Jlo, Lucy Lui, Priyanka Chopra, and many more like them that exist around the whole world. Can’t forget all of those super hot Brazilian babes of different skin colors out there too. How about all of sexiest and most attractive looking black, Asian, Latina, Brazilian, and middle eastern pornstars? I am a white guy and I consider the pornstar Nyomi Banxxx (in her prime) to be one the most gorgeous and sexiest women to have ever existed.
  3. So, conservatism is not just about keeping the status quo. It is also about going back as much as possible to the way things were in beginning of America. You say that no conservative these days would ever wish for something unthinkably backwards to happen like having colored people enslaved again, but how do we know that’s true? How do we know that most white southerners these days don’t wish for something like that deep down inside them or in secret?
  4. So, you think that the conservatives justices and politicians don't care if overturning roe vs. wade causes such an electoral backlash against themselves?
  5. Not all conservatives are fascists, but most conservatives in the US have become fascists or are turning into them. I wonder if all of the right wing echo chambers will one day lose its grip on its viewers and voters.
  6. This sounds like a cliché. I agree with you to some extent; however, the idea that adversity will always make you stronger doesn't always work for everybody. Many people have either been permanently crippled or died from going through too much adversity. Look at what happens to soldiers after after a battle or war. Virtually all of them either get killed or survive but become permanently damaged psychologically and physically in some horrific way. The ones who do make it back home never ever become completely healed either on the inside or the outside or both no matter how much therapy, rehab, or medicine they receive. That's why almost all war veterans live the rest of their lives in such tragic misery. Furthermore, people like Bruce Lee, Leonardo Da Vinci, and great Olympic athletes only represent 1 and a million people that have ever existed in all of history. In fact, legendary figures in a lot of ways make me feel discouraged because I know that unlike them I was born to be a mere mortal for probably the rest of my life.
  7. It's already been close to a year and a half now since Trump first faced a flood of legal allegations made against him. No prosecutor or investigator throughout the entire country has ever been able to bring Trump to justice for any of the crimes he has ever committed throughout his entire life. Yet, more and more experts are saying that doesn't seem like he will ever be charged with, let alone be imprisoned for any of the crimes he has ever committed because of how challenging and complicated it these cases have been turning out to be and given how difficult it is in general to convict a high-profile individual of any crime. They also say that if none of these legal cases ever become successful at all, then it will embolden all of his followers and may even get more people to think that Trump was "right all along" about the entire system being corrupt and that all of these cases made against him were nothing but a major "witch-hunt." https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2022/03/why-criminal-cases-against-trump-are-doomed/627113/ This is extremely disappointing and sad. We all thought that one big reason Trump didn't want to lose the 2020 election was because of how scared he was of being in massive legal jeopardy he would be after no longer being POTUS. What happened to the idea that "devilry loses in the end?" Will Trump's devilry never result in his comeuppance?
  8. More education and greater intellect also makes you and a society as a whole more developed. Yet is it possible that the good majority of the American population could one day become about as educated and as smart as JP or Ben Shapiro but still end up being as conservative as them? Or it is impossible to have most people in any given society to be right-wing intellectuals?
  9. Manchin and Sinema don't want to eliminate or weaken the filibuster to pass a pro-abortion federal law. Sadly, those two heartless democrats won't change their minds about "protecting the filibuster." However, given both how underrepresented the majority of voters have already been in America for years, undemocratic our system has gotten, and the abuse of the filibuster by the senate Republicans along with Manchin and Sinema, don't you think it's time that the filibuster gets eliminated or at least significantly carved out in some way?
  10. You know, according to history, the right wing has actually has never had a supermajority filibuster proof Senate ever in all of America history, whereas the left wing has had that power several times in history. I believe that’s one reason why conservatives in the US haven’t been able to repeal most good liberal leaning laws that have ever been enacted since the beginning of our country.
  11. That being the case then why isn’t there enough of mandate from the people for Congress to enact popular policies like universal health care, negotiation of prices for prescription drugs, paid family leave, universal pre-K, gun control laws? Millions upon millions of Americans have been constantly suffering in countless ways for far too long from not having any of these vital policies passed.
  12. A constitutional amendment for that will never happen in the foreseeable future just like as any new constitutional amendment probably will never be enacted until our country heals enough from the political divisions in our country.
  13. This very likely will lead to some kind of electoral and societal backlash in the future.
  14. So, why do you think that we should be optimistic that things will ever get fundamentally better for our world and that the “universe has a plan?” or that “God has a plan” for everything? You know, I envy people like you and many others on this forum who have the mental fortitude to accept all of the tragedy that goes on in our world. I’ve tried my best to fight the negativity and hopelessness in me but I can’t. I just feel too weak to handle it in my head.
  15. How do you live and die being genuine and integrous while surviving all of the evils out there in the world and achieving real success?
  16. But what is the point of even trying if I can't succeed even if I played by the rules and do the "right thing" and if some monster will just take or ruin everything I have done? Try telling a poor person who is doing everything they can just to survive. How can he focus more on providing value?
  17. What is the point of focusing on my life purpose and the contributions I want to make if I can't do much given my lack of political and economic power I have? I often think what is purpose of doing anything if everything I work or accomplished will just be overshadowed by or or perhaps stolen from someone who is less principled than I am simply because their power was just too much for me to do anything about it? What's the point of honor, integrity, and abiding by the right rules if in real life it really just comes down to either winning or losing?
  18. Then why are some legal experts saying "Attorney General Merrick Garland is not going to save democracy. Nor is the attorney general of New York, Letitia James; the Manhattan district attorney, Alvin Bragg; nor the Fulton County district attorney, Fani Willis. As the apparent collapse of the New York district attorney’s investigation makes clear, criminal cases are hard to make. Donald Trump, despite his many seemingly criminal acts, is unlikely to ever spend a day in jail"? Why are other experts saying that Trump could very well still win or steal 2024 given how favored the Republicans have unfortunately become and Biden and Trump about dead heat in the polls? If Trump doesn't go to prison then what other justice could he face?
  19. It just doesn't add up to me. Why are prosecutors and investigators still failing for years to find anything on him that can convict him even after everything he has done? Aren't you afraid that if Trump does get away with absolutely everything he has done then criminals and low conscious individuals will be encouraged to commit more crimes in our country? How will Trumpism in America ever be stopped? If Trump does face justice, then we move on to holding someone like DeSantis accountable as well and then the next one will need to be held accountable and so on and so on... Devilry isn't supposed to win in the end.
  20. Honestly, I am scared of what he might still be capable of.
  21. So, then what do think gurus like Leo are talking about when they say that devilry always defeats itself in the end?
  22. Well, I’d like to believe that, but then why is it looking like he legally won’t be convicted of any crimes at all? Why are many pundits sounding the alarm over Trump very possibly winning or stealing the 2024 election? Why are the Republicans almost certain to win the 2022 midterm elections despite all of the devilry they have done?
  23. My mom thinks that progressive policies like Medicare for All, big gun control rights, free community college, banning private financing for all political campaigns, big renewal energy legislation, etc. might be enacted by the US government in the future. My dad doesn't think so given how many times the progressives have failed miserably with all of their proposals ever since the 60s. What are the reasons to be optimistic that these kinds of policies will ever become a reality in the future?
  24. Yes, including all of those in elite positions. How much suffering do you think people like Trump, Reagan, Bush, Cheney, Republicans, many other political leaders, many corrupted business leaders, have gone through or are going through?