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Everything posted by Hardkill

  1. I think there have been some people who changed genders when they were toddlers.
  2. Sociopaths actually get laid more than male celebrities?
  3. Asking a girl your with to get a tattoo like that is schmucky. It's also dumb because there is no guarantee that a woman won't ever leave a man.
  4. They say that a college or university, particularly one that has a large student population, is one of the best places to meet women because there are some many young girls there are on campus. Yet, people on this forum have already said that meeting and dating girls isn't necessarily easy because they tend to be more closed off. Also, I've been struggling to meet and date women even though I've been working on my game for years and I am physically attractive. I also thought that a large percent of guys have met their significant others from school. I feel very disappointed and demoralized by this.
  5. Well, they don't have to know that I don't attend the university. But even when I've attended the university or college it still seems hard to meet and date girls there.
  6. I know it's not supposed to be this complicated, but what's with all of this talk of "Oh, college/university is one of the best places ever to meet and date girls, man" or "The girls in college/university are easy to get with because they are so young, they wanna meet all kind of people, and they wanna hookup and have fun"?
  7. I am sure an orgy is a really strange experience but I would think that some would enjoy it just for fun.
  8. He should ask her if a lot of girls can join the orgy.
  9. I know this is a little late, but yes this was indeed another big move made by the Biden Administration towards progress for our society.
  10. Muse reminds me of this pornstar named Mandy Muse. Do you watch porn often?
  11. *I accidentally put this thread on the Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events section. Could someone please delete that thread on that section, while keeping this thread here in this section? During the summer of last year, I first had a painting job at a University near where I live. I was laid off from it because they said I was too slow even I tried my hardest. I worked at a fancy hotel for 4 months, basically as a summer job. The manager and supervisor commended me for all of my hard work and the good job I did for them. They encouraged me to apply for either a permanent part-time position or permanent full-time position. I wanted to get the part-time so I applied for it. Unfortunately, they only had two openings for the permanent part-time job and they decided to hire two other guys who were not only coworkers of mine during that summer job, but also had already worked at the hotel much longer than I did overall. Afterwards, I then was hired to work as both a substitute teacher and an after school recreation teacher at a private school. They first told me how happy there were to hire me because they said that they were really desperate to hire someone for those jobs, really were impressed with my background according to the resume I sent, and appreciated my willingness to take those job offerings right away. A week after I started working at the school, the guy managing the after school recreation activities, then asked me to work more hours for him, which I was more than happy to agree to. Yet, a couple weeks later, that manager told me that he couldn't allow me to come back and help him because he said that unfortunately his boss told him that they had to make budget cuts. That of course that they had to let me go. I asked him if I did anything wrong or how well I was doing. He said that I was doing good overall, but that the school right now is wanting to keep those who had a lot more experience in working with children in after school sports. Furthermore, I got to do substitute teaching for only three days and the school never contacted me again for anymore substitute teaching opportunities. I emailed the school principal: "Sorry to bother you, but I heard just today that my present schedule would be ending tomorrow. I was surprised because only last week Ms. ______ remarked how much the children liked working with me and that she was happy to have me at the school; also, _______, who seemed relieved that he had some assistance, extended my work hours just last week. I realize that I was not clear about whether or not I will be kept per diem basis in any capacity, and was wondering if there were any skills that I could enhance. I really felt happy to be part of the school in a short time. I would greatly appreciate it if you could inform me about future plans." His response was: he said "Hi ______, Unfortunately, I don’t have any feedback for you. _____ would be the person to whom you would want to direct your questions. I’m not involved in the oversight or running of the aftercare program. As far as subbing is concerned, we bring in a variety of subs throughout the year, and based on their strengths and the feedback the office receives from teachers, we may use certain subs more than others. Unfortunately, I have no specific feedback to give you on that front either. My apologies." It's been well over a year since then, and I basically have never heard back from the school ever again. Then, I decided to look for a job in early December 2021 at a PT clinic because I want to be a Doctor of Physical Therapy one day and I needed observational hours for interning at a PT clinic in order to apply to any DPT school. I finally found a place who was desperate to hire me as a PT aide. So, I of course took the job offer. I worked there for about week before they let me go. I got laid off from there because they said that even though I was doing good they said that I was too slow. My manager said to me that she was sorry and how it was her own fault because she now realizes that she made a mistake by being desperate enough to hire me during the holiday season when it gets really busy, which doesn't leave them much time to teach me everything I need to learn to be fully ready to work with patients. She said therefore, that her and the owners of the business agreed to pause my employment for a while and that they will call me back when their clinic get much less busier and have a lot more time to train me more properly. It's been well over a year since then, and I of course have never heard back from them. I even tried a few times to contact the hiring manager back a few times earlier this year but she never responded back. This is why throughout this entire year, I've felt so discouraged from ever getting another job again. I don't feel optimistic about ever being able to maintain a job. I feel too demoralized.
  12. About a week after Lula was sworn in as Brazil's new president, supporters of Bolsonaro stormed the country’s Congress, courts, and presidential offices. They've been attacking the police. https://www.nytimes.com/live/2023/01/08/world/brazil-congress-protests-bolsonaro https://www.cnn.com/2023/01/08/americas/brazil-bolsonaro-supporters-breach-congress/index.html
  13. And yet, big protests already happened in China a few weeks ago. The protestors there actually were successful. Also, China has actually allowed protests to happen, but only at local levels.
  14. Oh....Well, a lot of economists say it was too much and some others say that it wasn't. I guess we'll just have to wait and see if the economists ever come to enough of a clear consensus on whether or not the stimulus package did contribute to excess inflation. Though, I am inclined to believe that $1.9 trillion was too much, and that the ARP should've instead been about $1 trillion to $1.5 trillion. Yeah, that's pretty much what I believe. True. Fortunately, inflation expectations are still well anchored. Overprinting and having interest rates too low for too long makes inflation worse.
  15. Conservatives and centrists say that inflation has primarily been caused by persistent overheating of the economy, while liberals and progressives say that the economy is primarily caused by the supply chain crisis and corporate profiteering. Is one side more right than the other or are both sides correct?
  16. Yeah, that’s what almost all of the economists have been saying lately. Top Economists including Larry Summers, Jason Furman, Jeremy Siegel, Mohammed El-Erian, Ken Rogoff, and some others like them urged the Fed back in 2021 to start raising interest rates and quantitative tightening then. Professor Siegel says the Fed should’ve started their whole tightening process around Spring 2021. Even Nobel laureate economist Paul Krugman and Secretary Yellen, who is also a top center-left economist, both admitted last year that they were wrong with the assessment they made in 2021 about the inflation issue being completely transitory. They now believe that it’s both the economy having been both overheated by the government and having been negatively affected by the supply chain issues over the past couple years. It's also because of the bad luck we got with the whole War in Ukraine. Btw, some of those above mentioned economists and others like them also said that the $1.9 trillion ARP stimulus that the Biden admin and the Democrats in Congress passed in March 2021 was too much. Do you agree with that? What’s your take on corporate profiteering and price gouging contributing to inflation?
  17. That's why every successful business, particularly every big corporation, always has its own team of lawyers constantly advising and discussing with their bosses the legal implications of everything their businesses do.
  18. It started all the way back to basically the beginning of the Gilded Age, which spanned the last three decades of the 19th century. The Republican Party during this period began to no longer become the party of Lincoln or Grant. They believed that they already had done enough reforms for blacks and other minorities throughout the country and that it was time for them to focus much more on building the nation's economy and businesses. Although around the beginning of the 1900s came the early 20th century progressive era of politics, and Teddy Roosevelt and his followers during the 1900s decade made the Republican party become liberal/progressive again. Unfortunately, by around the late 1910s to early 1920s, progressive era came to an end and the Republican party ultimately trended back towards conservatism. In fact, this was end the GOP decided that they would be the party of big business. The reason the progressive era ended was because most of the people in America by the late 1910s/early 20s finally got tired of progressivism and the enormous amount of changes that the government had already made to the whole country for approx. two straight decades. There also was a lot of racial/ethnic backlash that occurred throughout the whole country because so many of angry white male protestants throughout the whole country who became very upset with the massive increase in immigrants and the growing population of black and brown people that was occurring during the early 1900s. By the mid 1900s, the Republican party did become much more moderate after the Great Depression for a period of time. However, by the late 60s to early 70s, the Republican Party resumed its devolutionary process: Finally, Noam Chomsky explains how after the civil right era, the GOP came up with the idea of starting culture wars and appealing to the American people's conservative cultures values as a way to distract the general public from essential policy issues, but still being able to win over their votes. That way, the Republican Party would be able to elect more and more pro-business conservatives into office would be able to enact all kinds of handouts and tax cuts for the rich and corporations. They would also be able to appoint and confirm more and more pro-corporate judges who would rule in favor of the rich and corporations. Finally, by the late 80 to early 90s that's when the Republican party accelerated their shift towards right-wing extremism as explained by Vanderbilt University historian, Nicole Hemmer.
  19. I decided to create a mega thread on how the Republican Party devolved over time from the party of liberalism, progressive policies, higher principles, and economic intervention to a party of radical right-wing views, reactionary policies, shamelessness, and economic irresponsibility. I will be posting videos on here that provide different sources excellent of in-depth explanations in chronological order with some of my own commentary pertaining to each of the vids how the party change over time from the mid 1800s to present time.
  20. I actually asked him this question on another thread about 2 years ago: However, I now can tell you why in my new thread:
  21. But what about mobs that led to necessary and successful revolutions throughout history like the English Civil War, the French Revolution, the American Revolution, and the Bolshevik Revolution? Or where those things not same as mobs?
  22. I don’t get why the right wing actually waited until Lula got sworn into office to storm the whole government. I mean I am glad they didn’t, but from the viewpoint of logistics and timing it doesn’t make sense.
  23. I too hope that the police and the rest of the innocent people down there will be okay.
  24. Yes, Florida indeed has become lost cause for the next several years. Unfortunately, significant parts of rust belt has unfortunately been slipping away from the Democrats hold since 2016. However, the sun belt (except for maybe Florida) appears to be a future Democratic stronghold. Did you check out my thread "The Sun Belt in America turning blue is inevitable" in this section of the forum?