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Everything posted by Hardkill

  1. The news have just mentioned that "Putin’s nuclear threats move Doomsday Clock closest ever to Armageddon, atomic scientists say" https://www.cnbc.com/2023/01/24/putins-nuclear-threats-move-doomsday-clock-closest-ever-to-armageddon-atomic-scientists-say.html Should we panic?
  2. If the human will become extinct then I guess we should at least go out with a bang.
  3. Then, are all bootcamps not really worth trying out?
  4. You might say that now, but how will you truly react when the moment actually happens?
  5. So, what would be a better measurement for how close to doomsday we are?
  6. Night game is definitely useful, but this shows how Tate is the real creep.
  7. I am with Kyle on how all of these politicians, economists, world leaders, and executives and what have you at the Davos meeting are all corrupt establishment ghouls. But people like Kyle are taking it too far. Many of these people at the Davos meeting have been necessary evils for the world because they are much more skilled and savvy than the average person out there in the world who doesn't know how to run an essential corporation or manage an economy or how to effectively negotiate and coordinate with foreign nations like China or India or Brazil on issues relating to the global economy and international trade. Also, people at the world economic forum have lately been taking climate change seriously.
  8. OP, have you actually watched them have sex? If yes and they seem okay with that then may be ask if they want to watch porn with you one night. If no, then ask and keep asking them to watch until they get creeped out to the point of wanting to leave.
  9. Oh.... I didn't know about that. That's very sad. Now, I really feel bad for him. I know how it feels to be cancelled. I've had that happen to me several times. It really is very painful, makes you feel very isolated from the rest of world, can make you feel very depressed, and can cause your self-esteem to drop considerably. But many successful life and dating coaches, successful entrepreneurs, and successful businesspeople have talked about how going through all kinds of ups and downs in your journey to achieving your goals, dreams, and true success in area of you life builds your gumption, ability to handle failures and to get back up every time you're knocked down no matter what happens to you, your ability to not giving a f*ck no matter what any haters and naysayers say about you, etc. Many successful entrepreneurs and businesspeople have said that even if they lost their business or all of their money or became completely homeless, they still would be able to easily regain everything they lost plus more within a relatively short amount of time. So, what about all of that? Or is there actually a limit to how much any human being can deal with suffering and pain, regardless of who they are?
  10. Jamie Dimon is a no nonsense kind of a guy with a very high level of education and intelligence. He's also the CEO of JPMorgan Chase, which is the largest bank in the US and one of the largest banks in the world. He also seems like a reasonable person and he achieved the level of success and wealth he has through totally legitimate means and from having a very solid work ethic. So, he really knows what he's doing and knows what he's talking about when it comes to anything related to money. He's absolutely right about cryptocurrency being worthless and a “hyped-up fraud." Top economist Paul Krugman, just recently put out a new article of his on how Bitcoin has been absolutely useless.
  11. I see. That all makes more sense to me. Pickup coach Tom Torero committed suicide last year.
  12. Are some women being paid to cover for Tate or have some other kind of financial incentive to spread the lies about him or do they just have no idea what they are talking about?
  13. Imagine if you had sex with that girl on the subway.
  14. It can work even in a sub-optimal environment. However, if you do day game in a small to medium size city then it probably going to take a very long time to get laid from it. In fact, it took me about a couple of years of doing day game to finally get to very first lay and very first real girlfriend from cold approaching during the day time within a neighborhood of a medium sized city that I used to live in.
  15. He's being facetious. The point is that pickup can lead to self-hate.
  16. Perhaps. lol I feel like pickup and dating for me has led to the benefits mentioned by the OP, but at the same time it has had me feel demoralized and depressed a lot of other times.
  17. If doing constant cold approach and dating leads to major growth of character then why there have been pickup/dating coaches who have become toxic or are still psychological messed up? Why have some committed suicide?
  18. This is crazy. Tate really has become an influential cult leader.
  19. If you talk to enough powerlifters, bodybuilders, strongmen competitors, fitness models, other kind of athletes, doctors who specialize in sports medicine, physiologists, physical therapists, etc. many of them will tell you that every competitive athlete or physique/fitness competitor who strives to reach the elite level ends up using some kind of performance enhancement drug. There are also many other guys out there who look normal and don't compete in any sport or in any bodybuilding/physique/fitness competition, but are actually on gear.
  20. The US. just reached its debt limit today. The new US Congress, which is now controlled by McCarthy and the far right, have been trying use the debt limit issue as a lever to get some kind of spending cut agreement made with the Biden admin and the Dems in Congress. The Biden admin has already made it clear that it will not negotiate with the House Republicans over the debt ceiling. If the US government fails to lift the debt ceiling, then not only will the US economy will enter into depression but so will the entire global economy because America is the largest economy in the world and because the whole world depends on our bonds.
  21. I don't believe that they will let the government default but the last time this happened in the early 2010s, the stock market went down a lot, mortgage and interest rates went up, consumer went down a lot, and our bond credit rating went down permanently. That's why I am still worried about what will happen to our economy if or when Congress gets very close to breaching the debt ceiling, especially considering the fact that we still have an inflation problem in our country.
  22. Oh, is it actually illegal for minors in most countries to get gender reassignment surgery?