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Everything posted by Hardkill

  1. So, you think that perhaps the main reason why the country hasn't gone through such radical reforms like it used to about every 10 to 30 years including the eras of Jackson, Lincoln, Grant, Teddy Roosevelt, Wilson, FDR, Truman, and JFK/LBJ, etc. is because the late 1900s and 2000s haven't been nearly as painful or as traumatic as the early 1800s to mid 1900s were?
  2. Do you think that its possible that maybe a majority of Americans actually are okay with having the rich, corporations, and right-wing authoritarianism taking over our country? How likely do you think we will have another Progressive era like around the 1890s to early 1900s, where most Americans will finally get so enraged by the wealthy, corporations, and right-wing extremism in America, that the people will finally decide that it's time to elect leaders who will bring historic progressive reform both socially and economically like Teddy Roosevelt, Woodrow Wilson, and the early 1900's Congress did?
  3. Apparently, not enough Americans seem to either not care or realize how much both the corporate lobbyists and the Republican Party have been continuously eroding our democracy. Do you think that that means that maybe a majority of Americans actually are okay with having the rich, corporations, and right-wing authoritarianism taking over our country? Do you think that we will one day have another Progressive era like around the 1890s to early 1900s, where most Americans will finally get so enraged by the wealthy, corporations, and right-wing extremism in America, that the people will finally decide that it's time elected leaders who will bring historic progressive reform both socially and economically like Teddy Roosevelt, Woodrow Wilson, and the early 1900's Congress did?
  4. Then we should definitely get rid of states' right, eliminate the filibuster, and reduce the power of the senate.
  5. According to this Vox article, "In 2013, the New York Times pointed out that the six senators from California, Texas, and New York represented the same number of people as the 62 senators from the smallest 31 states." This in and of itself already is already overkill with regard to balancing to representing each states interest. Not to mention, that most people from all the smallest 31 states combined are stupidier and more bigoted than most people from California, Texas, and New York combined. So, compared to most people in California, Texas, New York, and other big ones such as Illinois, most people in the smaller states are already too underdeveloped to be voting in major elections for the entire country. Besides, as much as I am becoming more and more averse to the idea of states' rights, each of those smaller such as Wyoming could probably pass their own state laws that could to some extent water down any new federal laws enforced in each of their own states. Now that Roe vs. Wade has been overturned, McConnell and the Repubs in the Senate will probably carve out the filibuster to pass a nation wide abortion ban law throughout the entire country if the Repubs end up gaining control of both chambers in congress and the presidency. Take a look at Noam Chomsky said in an interview: "C.J. Polychroniou: Many Democrats wish to eliminate the filibuster — another Jim Crow relic — because with the wafer-thin majority that they hold it is impossible to pass into law landmark pieces of legislation. However, given today’s political climate, and with the possibility looming on the horizon that Trumpist Republicans will retake the House in 2022, aren’t there risks in abolishing the filibuster? Noam Chomsky: It’s a concern, and it would have some weight in a functioning democracy. But a long series of Republican attacks on the integrity of Congress, culminating in McConnell’s machinations, have seriously undermined the Senate’s claim to be part of a democratic polity. If Democrats were to resort to filibuster, McConnell, who is no fool, might well find ways to use illegal procedures to ram through acts that would establish more firmly the rule of the far right, whatever the population might prefer. We saw that illustrated recently in his shenanigans with the Garland-Gorsuch Supreme Court appointments, but it goes far back." https://chomsky.info/20210708/
  6. Obviously abolishing states' rights will never happen within the foreseeable future. However, I think that it honestly might've been a big mistake that our Founding Fathers made. Also, why should a state like Wyoming that has only about a 1.5% the population size of that California have as much of a say about the country as a whole?
  7. Actually, don't you think that there shouldn't have ever been a need for any kind of states' rights in the USA?
  8. The idea of having a minority rule a country might have merit in a second world or third world country because the elite running such a country are actually generally more intellectually and culturally developed than the vast majority of its citizens. However, it sadly kinda of the opposite situation in America, at least on a national level. The minority of voters are actually the ones who are more stupid, more backwards, more racist, and more devious than the majority of voters in America on a national level.
  9. I don't even think that scientists and the medical community have gotten enough test results on the long-term negative effects of vaping.
  10. I agree, especially after hearing your take on Why Bernie Sanders Lost. But I am surprised that Chomsky would make such a statement himself. I thought he was wiser, more shrewd, and at a higher level of conscious than most progressives are. Is it possible that he is not quite at solid stage Yellow himself or perhaps I am taking what he said out of context? Btw, what use are policy polls if they can't even convince enough members Congress or other politicians to pass new good laws? Or are they only useful for simply collecting data for political scientists and social science researchers?
  11. Noam Chomsky says that Bernie is the most popular politician in the US simply because he has the most popular policies. He said in this vid down below that "Bernie would've won the Democratic Party nomination if it hadn't been for the Clinton-Obama shenanigans to keep the party from reflecting its popular constituency...." https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pP7mt_Ie04Y But why he say that when he is a stage Yellow thinker whom you would expect to know better than that?
  12. Clarence Thomas also said in his opinion that the "landmark high court rulings that established gay rights and contraception rights should be reconsidered now that the federal right to abortion has been revoked." https://www.cnbc.com/2022/06/24/roe-v-wade-supreme-court-justice-thomas-says-gay-rights-rulings-open-to-be-tossed.html I know you said that right-wing policies that do get enacted, particularly those that are far right, will inevitably get eliminated because of how unpopular, backwards, and authoritarian they are in general. So, then why haven't enough people been ever been furious with all of the far right economic policies that were enacted during the Reagan, Bush, and Trump eras?
  13. Should I also stop listening to the mainstream cable news and network news channels, like MSNBC, CNN, ABC, and what have you who are also warning about the threat of Trumpism and the endangerment of other rights in America?
  14. I can't help it when all of the fucking mainstream news channels and political Youtube channels and political Youtube channels, especially TYT, Secular Talk, and David Pakman keep sounding the alarm every single day about how our democracy is in great danger from MAGA and how our country could very well slide into fascism. Also, the progressive keep giving gloomy predications about how the Democrats are going to "bungle it up" in 2022 and 2024 and maybe even further in the future because of how weak and soft they are, and how disappointing, weak, and uncharismatic the Democratic leadership have been including Biden, Harris, Pelosi, and Schumer, while the Republican Party almost always has a stronger brand and almost always knows how to use their power ruthlessly. Pundits, donors, and the Democratic Party as a whole still cannot find any good replacements for Biden should he not run in 2024. My parents have been telling me that Desantis is probably going to be the next president which makes me even more depressed and hopeless. My dad says that he's getting sick and tired of the Democratic Party almost always put up these Democratic nominees for presidents who don't fight back hard enough and don't have enough appeal. He says that our only hope for Democrats in the future is find another impressive candidate on level of Clinton or Obama. Quite frankly, your original post on here has made me more worried. What can we do? You even said before about how approx. half of the country is poorly educated and has been stuck in a right-wing brainwashing alternative media echochamber that has rotted their minds, which does not bode well for future elections and how the alt-media echo chamber including FOX news, Breitbart, Alex Jones, Newsmax. OANN, etc. were only to be just as prevalent if not even more so. It's already scary enough that FOX news has been the most popular cable news channels in America for more than 2 decades. However, with the rapid rise of all of these extreme ring wing outlets out there and given how much each subsequent major election keeps revealing more and more and more how and under-developed the American population, I fear that the influence of the right wing media will become so profoundly frightening that it may one day take over all of the media and could end up brainwashing the vast majority of future generations of Americans. For the good of the country, this is why I really think that something must be done to stop all of these channels from corrupting and destroying the minds of countless Americans. Also, how will the Democratic party survive in the future if the Biden administration fails and the party doesn't ever find another political hero like Clinton or Obama who can save the party and save the country? Unfortunately, those exceptional people seem to show up out of nowhere only once in a generation. Even then, there's certainly no guarantee that another legendary savior will ever arise again.
  15. There’s no real chance of Texas seceding from America. This psycho Neolithic fringe party I believe only represents a fraction of the Texas population, especially considering the fact that voter demographics of Texas as a whole has become increasingly less red since 2000. In fact, the state will inevitably turn purple after about a decade from now. It will then keep transitioning into a solid blue state for the next 10 years. Also, from what I understand the process of seceding from the USA is legally way too complicated and will require a great majority of legislatures from all of the others state, a great majority of those in both chambers of Congress and the vast majority of the great population in Texas and maybe the great majority of the voting population in all other states to agree to let the state of Texas break away from the whole country.
  16. I don’t know what I’ll do if DeSantis becomes president in 2025. I am really scared of Biden becoming the next Jimmy Carter who lost re-election due to the perception of being too weak and having failed to control inflation and then Ron DeSantis becomes the new Ronald Reagan who shakes up the entire country for generations to come in a horrific way. DeSantis becomes president for 8 years like Reagan was president for 8 years. Then, after having a successful presidency, his Republican Vice President runs off of that success and becomes president from 2033-2037 like how GOP George H.W. Bush became right. Then, if the Democrats in 2036 still fail to find another charismatic presidential candidate like Clinton or Obama, the Republicans win another presidency for another 4 years. What if the Democratic never find another strong presidential candidate ever again or never take back the presidency by a lucky break ever again like Carter or Biden did?
  17. Yesterday, I was talking with a friend of mine about what gonna happen when automation increasingly becomes the norm all around the world, particularly in 1st world countries. He believes that it will make poor even poorer as the rich get richer. My response to that was that it will momentarily make more poor people, but that more automation means more people are going to have no choice but to become more educated in order to learn how to operate new kinds of more advanced machinery, especially the kind that involved more automation. His response was that it was a liberal theory, I am living in a bubble, because the suffering is already happening and that many middle and working class people are not gonna get better educated when they end up living in a tent and worry about where next meal comes from. I said to him that he thinks that I am sounding idealistic, but that the thing conservatives don't accept is that given the trend history, things can never stay the same forever. He agreed with that, but said that automation is still gonna be a game changer labor force wise, he doesn't see rich lobbyists going "ok people need a living wage" hahhahaha, and that they already fight on hill they pick to die on to not raise minimum wage. He then went on saying that all of the current middle class even will be eating rats, while a taco bell meal will be 65 dollars. He also said that the rich and corporations aren't going to lift up and educate the poor. What are your thoughts on this?
  18. Didn't Osho, who was a stage Turquoise being, have a cult of his own?
  19. Didn't you read my posts on this thread? Look up the historical trend of the presidential elections and the US congressional elections for the states of Georgia, Arizona, North Carolina, South Carolina, Texas, Utah, Montana, and Idaho, starting from around the year 2000 and onward. You'll see how within each of those states the Democrats have kept increasing their vote share while the Republicans' margin of victory has kept declining since 2000. That's why both Georgia and Arizona shockingly already turned into purple states and look like they are on their way to becoming blue. This has been happening over the past two decades is not because the Democratic Party has done something to convince tons and tons of Democrats and liberals to moved from blue states to move in droves to these red and purple states. The reason this has been happening is because there have been many Democrats, many black people, many brown people, and many young liberal leaning people from the Northeastern states, West Coast, and urban areas of the Midwest who have been moving to these red and purple states due to financial reasons and cultural reasons. The red states are generally a lot more affordable to live in than blue states. Also, according to wikipedia, "since 1970, deindustrialization of cities in the Northeastern and Midwestern United States, growth of jobs in the "New South" with lower costs of living, family, desire to reunite with specific Black cultures (such as the Gullah people), kinship ties, the perception of lessening discrimination and religious connections have all acted to attract African Americans to the Southern United States in substantial numbers." Nevertheless, I think that the Democratic Party should actually try really hard to persuade even a lot more Dems and Libs from the blue states to move to the red states. lol As, to your point about Republicans countering this by have more Repubs and Cons move from red states to blue states, unfortunately that's kind of been happening with Florida. The reason why that state has become more conservative and Republicans over the past few years is not just because of Trump and DeSantis. It also because of significant percentage of Cubans who have a great fear of socialism/communism, and the influx of conservative white retirees flocking from the Northeastern region and urban Midwest to Florida.
  20. That's already been one of the root causes as to why the voter demographics in southern states including Texas, Georgia, North Carolina, and even South Carolina have all have been shifting more towards Purple to Blue since around year 2000. Utah, Montana, and Idaho have also become increasingly less Red since 2000. According to wikipedia, due to The New Great Migration of blacks in America, which has been going on since the 1970s, "African American populations have continued to drop throughout much of the Northeast, especially from the state of New York and northern New Jersey, as they rise in the South." Many Latinos, Asians, and younger liberals have also been moving from the coastal and northeastern regions of the country to the Southern and more middle regions of the country.
  21. I don't believe that chart is correct. Look, we need a new progressive reform era on the level of what Abraham Lincoln, Teddy Roosevelt, Woodrow Wilson, FDR, or JFK/LBJ did ASAP.
  22. Do you have any reason to be optimistic that things will truly get better for our country in any meaningful way?
  23. You’ve mentioned a number of times before about how devilry may win in the short-term but in the long-term it always loses. Yet, many corrupt politicians like Manchin, W. Bush, Cheney, Bill Clinton to some extent, Trump, etc. have never been punished by the criminal justice system for all of their crimes against humanity. The only punishments Trump has ever gotten was losing all of his social media platforms and losing the 2020 election despite every abominable thing he has done throughout his entire life. A lot of corrupt clergymen throughout history like the Borgia pope did countless despicable things and still lived a very long and free life without facing any accountability from anybody ever. There have been plenty of criminals who have committed some of the most heinous acts ever but never faced any justice by going to prison or even paying a heavy penalty throughout their entire lives. Numerous tyrants like Henry VIII, Putin, the North Korean Kim family, those in the House of Saud, never got their comeuppance for any of the atrocities they committed. So, could you please explain how devilry always loses in the end even if it may not always be so obvious?
  24. At least that country seems like it has a promising stable future and has a much higher level of democracy, whereas ours is on the precipice of Armageddon. I honestly am losing so much reason have pride as an American. The USA is the most overrated country on planet and is becoming the worst 1st world country in the world to live in. Why should I even believe that the American dream is still very possible for me to achieve when the growing economic inequality and rise of authoritarianism throughout the country is only going to get continually worse for the next 2-3 decades?
  25. I am seriously considering it. Though I don’t know how possible that would be for me.