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Everything posted by Hardkill

  1. I wonder why there hasn't been a nationwide movement for universal health care to a degree similar to that of the civil rights movement or the early 20th century progressive era?
  2. The myth of ha Having to wait too long for your doctor's appointment in Canada is largely a myth. The videos I posted up above explain it. I live in the US with my parents and my parents would have to wait weeks if not months to see a specialist. Overall, Canadians spend about half of what Americans spend on health care and have longer life expectancy and lower infant mortality rates. America is undeniably the richest country in the world, so we have more than enough resources to have both just like Canada, Australia, and every 1st world country in Europe does.
  3. Thanks @Sincerity So now, is there anyway for the US and China to engage in any kind of detente?
  4. Sorry, I posted this in the wrong section. Could someone please delete this thread?
  5. Yeah, Jocko does definitely seem to be much more of a reasonable person than David Goggins is. Though, I still greatly applaud Goggins for everything he has accomplished. Like Jocko, he's a true warrior. I wish I had the level of willpower those guys have.
  6. And you're willing to believe the arguments made by conservatives on single-payer system. You know that practically every conservatives in America lies many times more than moderates and liberals do about every single kind of issue. Not to mention, what good ideas on healthcare reform do Republicans and conservatives in America have in mind instead of single payer or instead of any kind of universal healthcare system? Oh yeah, that's right, they want to actually eliminate Social Security (including Medicare and Medicaid), and the PPACA. They also want to cut as much spending as possible on any kind of subsidies for the poor and minorities. Here are some good clips that have debunked the negative myths associated with a single-payer system: Also, I am not saying that single-payer is the only way forward for our country's healthcare industry, but why not have it along with allowing private health insurances to exist in America? The US already has a single payer system for those 65 years old and older and Canada has both a single-payer system and private health insurance companies. That could also work too.
  7. Day game is definitely strange considering the fact that most people don't do it, especially in these modern times. It also can come off as being really try hard and weird if you are seen doing mass approaches. It's also one of the most challenging forms of game. However, to say that Day Game or even Night Game is "for children" is ridiculous. Ironically, I am sure that he has actually done a lot of cold approaching during the day time and night time to find and recruit many vulnerable young girls for sex work. Locario and Miles gave a great analysis on the things Tate has been right on and many of the things that he has been wrong on. It's like the more you dig deep into who Tate is the more you realize how everything he has said and does is really just a facade.
  8. So, how did Canada get their single payer system implemented?
  9. hmmm....then may be I should buy some comfortable and not so heavy bulletproof vests and a bullet proof helmet. If I had ninja stars, then I would use my Demon Wind Shuriken technique on all of the baddies!
  10. You have a point. I honestly, don't like the idea of anyone owning a gun, except for the military, police, and possibly security guards at banks, schools, and workplaces. I am certainly not stupid not enough to be a part of any riot anywhere. I also don't plan on ever running for any kind of political office. But what if I was working at a school or some other kind of workplace and some psycho shooter randomly shows up at whatever place I happen to be working at, but I don't have a gun with me? How will I best be able to protect myself and other innocent people near me? Or what if I live in some dangerous neighborhood that has dangerous criminals or gangs near where I live? The best solution in that case would of course be to move to another neighborhood that's much safer, but moving to another area isn't always a viable strategy and how can anybody ever know for sure what's a truly safe area to live in?
  11. That's very unlikely to happen within the foreseeable future. I mean anything is possible, but I wouldn't certainly wouldn't count on that happening within the next 50 years from now. We earthlings can't just sit around and wait for miracles to happen.
  12. Trump and Obama weren't able to make Housing any more affordable than it is now.
  13. We really need major advertisements and a much more powerful method of promoting all of these progressive ideas to the public until they become overwhelming popular and heavily desired by the vast majority of Americans.
  14. Though it could cause unwanted backlash if progress is pushed too much on the masses, right? I am absolutely all for M4A, but if right now every American's private health insurance were to be replaced by a single payer system like Medicare for All, then many health insurance businesses, Big Pharma, and many everyday Americans might get so freaked out and get so enraged about it to the point of causing some kind of serious uprising against it, yeah? So many conservatives in America would become so furious with having their private health insurance replaced by M4A, that they would feel like they had absolute worst form of socialism/communism ever imposed upon their own lives. Same thing might happen if say the US government right now passed a constitutional amendment that permanently abolished the 2nd amendment. But maybe what should be done is to have tons of ads out there that constantly promote a single-payer system or some kind of universal health care system in order to persuade the masses to support and vote for it. There should also be some kind of heavy regulation on the advertisement and promotion of guns that could make the idea of having the right to bear arms much less appealing to the public than it is. That's how smoking no longer became popular in America.
  15. Well, I am sure it doesn't hurt to try out the creams just for fun. Penis enlargement exercises like Jelqing and stretching your own cock actually can actually cause permanent damage to your penis. Though I think penis pumps are okay to use. Here's a good explanation from a professional Urologist on whether certain PE methods actually work or not:
  16. Yeah, Leo also said all of that stuff too in both his "Why Bernie Sanders Lost" vid and "How Societies evolve" vid.
  17. That’s why I am considering owning a gun for my own protection. I fear there is going to be more chaotic political violence in the future for an indefinite period of time.
  18. Yeah, but how exactly are going to see the light and decide to vote for liberals or progressives within the next decade or so?
  19. I said that he has no soul as an expression. Is it true that his father abused him? Well, I am sure that his upbringing greatly influenced him to turn into the kind of monster that he is. Actually, he could've used his marketing skills to build his own successful kickboxing training company in many parts of the world. That would've been perfect for him.
  20. I get that, but what about the fact that we still have too many people in America who are primarily stuck at stage Blue or are somewhere between stage Blue and Stage Orange? What about even some of the other people in America that are between stage Red and stage Blue? How will all those Americans who are in those stages of the spiral transition into Green in the future?
  21. Leo did actually say that himself in his video on "Why Bernie Sanders Lost." But the problem with progressives isn't actually so much that they use these tactics of fear and shame. It in fact, the problem they really have is that most of them don't know how to relate well to people's cultures values or connect well with them on an emotional well. As James Carville has said before, "Wokeness is a problem" and progressives use “Faculty lounge” politics. Progressives might also be pushing the Democratic party too far to the left. That could be a real electoral problem for the party in the future. https://youtu.be/3d886hjFaYg?t=2155
  22. Is that why ass is sometimes called cakes?
  23. But even the courts have unfortunately a lot of times failed to bring real justice because the prosecutor and his client still couldn't gather enough evidence needed to prove the criminal guilty or because the jury might have had too many inherent biases that could've clouded their ability to make a truly fair and objective decision on the case. O.J. Simpson and George Zimmerman were not found guilty for their crimes even though they deserved to be. Furthermore, I don't know how much corruption there is Romania, but it's possible that in a country like that, the judges and the jury in the courts there might not be above being paid off to look the other way. Actually, the more I think about, the more pessimistic I am about Tate receiving the kind of justice that he deserves. I hope that I am wrong.
  24. Oh yeah, I am not saying that you should go out of your way to break any girl's heart or abuse them in any sort of way. In fact, I've always been generally cautious about leading any girls on because I've always believed that doing that or tricking girls into thinking that you want a serious relationship with them, when you really not looking for anything serious is shitty. That's why I try my best to make it clear to a girl as best as I can that I am not ready to commit to her yet until a while later.