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Everything posted by Hardkill

  1. There's absolutely no way that America will ever become a communist nation. First off, the vast majority of Americans have always been too fearful of communism/socialism of any kind of since about the 1900s. Yes, there has been an increasing amount of young people in US who have been supporting socialism, in large part due to the influence of progressives and democratic socialists such as Sanders and AOC. However, even Sanders, AOC, and virtually every other progressive and democratic socialists in the US don't believe that the government should own practically everything. Bernie has already talked about how government shouldn't own the means of production or end of all forms of privitization. In fact, he advocates for workers owning the means of production. Plus, he and AOC have arguably never been true democratic socialists. They have been more like social democrats. Second, is that most people in America already know how primitive communism turned out to be in countries such as Russia, China, Venezuela, Cuba, North Korea, and what have you. Almost everyone in America knows enough about how authoritarian the country would become if the government owned and ran almost everything including every home, every business, every land, every kind of institution, every kind of media outlet, etc. throughout the whole country. Plus, we all know that communism has always made a country poorer than capitalism or social democracy has.
  2. Does the criminal justice system have a way of making sure that a certain video evidence is not fake? A lot of videos can be easily doctored these days with methods such as Deepfakes.
  3. But what if someone was wrongly convicted for murder? Btw, have you seen how humane the Scandinavian prisons are even for murderers? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l554kV12Wuo
  4. This turned out to be a really pleasant surprise. I think it's also great that the Democrat who beat her was an Alaskan native. Plus, I am really glad that ranked choice voting was used in this election. I hope that method of voting gets used more and more throughout the entire country.
  5. Given that most of the federal courts in the US including the SCOTUS have been heavily dominated by conservative judges since late 2020 and the tragic overturning of Roe vs. Wade, what other liberal laws should we be worried about getting struck down by the federal courts in the US? For instance, how probable is it that the Supreme Court down will strike down the Inflation Reduction Act that Biden and the Democrats in Congress just recently passed into law? Also, will it be impossible for new law to pertaining LGBTQ+ rights to survive any new challenges in the courts for the foreseeable future? Moreover, what about Biden's executive order on student debt relief? How worried should we be about this getting struck down by the courts?
  6. I am also surprised that they haven't given up considering how polarized the entire country has gotten and will continue to be for perhaps a number of decades. I used to find TYT educational in many ways with regard to what really needs to change in our society. They also used to be more light-hearted and fun to watch. Now, I think they are getting too crazy. Since about the beginning of last year, they've been sounding more and more like highly irritable left-wing conspiracy theorists. I agree with Leo that TYT has become too populist, too anti-mainstream, and too impractical.
  7. I remember Leo saying in the last part of his 4 part videos series on conscious politics vids that we need to have term limits for all elected government positions in the US including term limits for all members of Congress. Interestingly, it hasn't just been a number of Democratic Congressmen who have supported term limits for Congress. A number of Republican congressmen have also supported this idea. https://www.termlimits.com/democrats/ https://www.termlimits.com/mitch-mcconnell-signs-u-s-term-limits-pledge/ https://www.cruz.senate.gov/newsroom/press-releases/sen-cruz-colleagues-reintroduce-constitutional-amendment-imposing-congressional-term-limits Yet, Bernie Sanders does not think that that is necessary. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t-Iz8sh0ehM
  8. But what I don’t totally get is why haven’t the people of China evolved enough to demand more rights such as freedom of speech, freedom of the press? Americans in the mid to late 19th century had rights like freedom of press and freedom of speech but didn’t have anywhere near the level of technology, infrastructure, and overall level of education that China has had in recent times.
  9. You're right. We definitely need make a massive, powerful awareness campaign throughout the entire country on the fundamentals problems with our entire government.
  10. But I thought that the people of China don't want a democracy because most of the citizens of China are primarily around Stage Blue, don't believe in democracy, and wouldn't be ready for it. You've talked before about how the kind of leaders in power and the kind of government a country has is generally a reflection of what level of societal development most of the country's citizens are at, correct? Otherwise, the majority of the laymen and enough of the elite in China would already be revolting against the CCP and establish a new more evolved kind of government with more evolved laws.
  11. I agree with all of that. That's why I think approximately 20 years would probably be the sweet spot for the term limit for every member of Congress. However, I believe that the 20 year term limit shouldn't be applied for the total amount of years you served in both chambers of Congress. For example, if you served as a member of the House of Representatives for about 20 years, then I believe that you should still be able be eligible to serve as a Senator up to about 20 years. Same with vice-versa. What do you think? I guess it's because the people don't mind having an authoritarian leader ruling their country.
  12. So, Bernie is wrong?! He said that if a congressperson is still competent, honorable, and well liked by his constituency, then there should be no problem having that person be re-elected for an unlimited number of times. Also, what about the fact that members of Congress who have been in office for many years generally have greater legislative acumen than inexperienced members of Congress, because of the great of amount experience they've had working in Congress? The CCP has already removed the term limit for president in their country.
  13. I've always wanted to hook up with and/or date a girl who is a fitness model or a real athlete of some kind. I've been to many gyms, martial art studios, and other athletic clubs for many years and have talked to many girls at every gym I've been to. I've gotten with a couple of fit girls from this one LA Fitness gym I used to belong. My ex girlfriend was about a 7 to 8 in looks and she did yoga/pilates and some aerobics every week. However, none of those girls I got with had bodies that I would consider to be truly a 9 or a 10. Also, none of them were like college athletes, crossfit trainees, martial artists, or a well trained athlete of some kind. Every other gym girl and female athlete that I've ever talked to who were 9s or 10s, were either in a relationship with someone else or were single, but weren't interested in meeting up with me ever. I've been told by my family members that I don't need to get the hottest looking woman and I should just settle for someone who looks decent enough and has good qualities as a person. I agree that it is better to be in a long-term relationship with someone who is okay looking and a good person than with someone who is really hot but is an asshole. But that's not what I am looking for right now, and I really feel like I got to experience hooking up with or dating a super hot fitness babe at least one time in my life because those type of girls that really turn me on like crazy. Also, I've always been very much into fitness and have always loved playing all kinds of sports throughout my whole life. Therefore, I think I should be able to really connect well with some kind of super hot fit girls and athletic babes. I just don't know what to do at this point.
  14. I don't think that's the way to go, unless a guy is in his mid 20s, hasn't lost his virginity yet, and has little to no experience dating women. Have you ever paid for an escort?
  15. Oh yeah, this definitely should make him more appealing to the majority of the american people in some way. They say that the Biden administration has now done the most that any presidential administration has ever done in all of US history, even when adjusting for inflation. I mean maybe conservative voters are not gonna like this because they going to perceive this as a "form of socialism" and as being unfair to those who either had to work hard to pay for their own student debt or decided not to go to any postsecondary education school in order to not have any debt. However, I think that all liberal voters and probably even most moderate voters out there are going to appreciate this. Though, I hope that the conservative douchebags in the courts don't strike this down. I also hope that economists like Furman and Summers are wrong about this worsening inflation to any significant degree.
  16. That's extremely unlikely to happen given how competitive it is. Besides, most of the hot fitness and athletic girls that I've come across who were 9s and 10s had boyfriend or husbands who had no status in the fitness industry.
  17. The unemployment rate in US is now 3.5%, which matches its lowest level in the last 50 years. Also, as of two weeks ago, America finally recovered all of the approximately 22 million jobs that were lost from the Pandemic. Yet, there is still an unprecedented labor shortage throughout the entire country. So, why is there still a labor shortage problem in the US?
  18. Given how increasingly competitive businesses and start-ups have become along with the fact that the US has been experiencing the worse levels of economic inequality since the late 19th century, has America become the become the hardest country 1st world country in the world to become a successful entrepreneur?
  19. How do I know that that guy in the vice video mostly got lucky?
  20. Some dating experts/coaches say that a guy shouldn't be a nice guy or a bad guy, and instead be a good man.
  21. So, would you say that even though abortion has now been banned in most states, there probably won't be anymore rights taken away from the people? Also, what about the Supreme Court possibly allowing republican state legislatures to steal national election results after hearing the Moore v. Harper case?
  22. Biden finally signed the bill into law: https://www.nytimes.com/2022/08/16/business/biden-climate-tax-inflation-reduction.html I am curious to see what Leo and others in the forum think or feel about this.
  23. In a shocking turn of events, Democrats in Congress actually successfully passed a new version of social spending Build Back Better bill with climate provisions and much more! Believe it or not, it all started out with Manchin and Schumer having tricked both the Republicans and all of the media! Manchin came to an agreement with Schumer in secret on this new new bill they worked called the Inflation Reduction Act. A couple of weeks ago, Manchin pretended that he could no longer support any climate provisions or tax provisions at all after the June inflation report came out last month. Then, about a couple weeks later, he surprisingly reversed his position on the matter. It turns out that he only pretended to not support any of those climate or tax provisions in the bill in order to manipulate McConnell and the Republicans in the Senate into voting for the Chips Act bill. The Senate Republicans, especially McConnell, said that they will block the Chips Act bill if the Democrats pushed any version of BBB. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uggkiXAPzIA Republicans of course got pissed about this (too bad for them). Afterwards, Sinema also came to an agreement with this new bill. The Senate parliamentarian then approved almost all of the provisions in the bill, except for the one that would've imposed imposed hefty penalties on drugmakers that boost their prices beyond inflation. Senate Democrats then finally passed their version of the Inflation Reduction bill last Sunday. Today, every Democrat in the House finally passed their version of the bill! https://www.cnbc.com/2022/08/12/house-to-vote-on-inflation-reduction-act-tax-and-climate-bill.html It obviously didn't turn out to be anywhere near as large as the original build back better was, but this is considerable to be undoubtedly an historic accomplishment for all Democrats in a number of ways. What do you guys think about this now?
  24. Yeah, I agree. FDR and LBJ were able to get an immense amount of liberal legislation passed during their times as president because they had a supermajority of democrats in both chambers of congress for 6 to 8 years, respectively. The 74th Congress, which was from 1935-1937, was the period that FDR was able to get the most amount of liberal legislation passed during his presidency, largely because that was most liberal Congress he had during his entire presidency. The 89th Congress, which was from 1965-1967, was the period that LBJ was able to get the most amount of liberal legislation passed during his presidency, largely because that was most liberal Congress he had during his entire presidency.