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Everything posted by Hardkill

  1. I think that it should be regulated much more than it is. However, I am not sure now if it should be permanently banned because there are probably millions of Americans who used it to promote their own businesses and numerous young political activists who have been using it to help get out the vote for Democratic, liberal, and progressive candidates throughout the country. Cenk and AOC mentioned in that vid that young liberal and progressive TikTok users arguably helped Biden defeat Trump in the electoral college. Even though Biden won the national popular vote against Trump by about 7 million votes, he was about a total of 43,000 votes in 3 swing states combined from losing the electoral college. Therefore, Trump was arguably close to being re-elected President. Also, there’s the legal argument that banning a social media platform such as TikTok could be unconstitutional as it might violated the 1st amendment rights of freedom of speech.
  2. Two poorly educated and not very bright individuals who need to stay in their lane by keeping their mouths shut about such matters. I can't stand it when a celebrity from any part of the entertainment industry publicly gives a contrary opinion about something that they clearly are not an expert in. It's completely asinine and arrogant.
  3. That is really tragic. Well, it’s not just the growing economic inequality that’s contributing to crime. It’s also because of the systemic racism that still occurs in our country. I also do believe that the government really needs to figure out why the law enforcement isn’t doing a better job of stopping the spikes in violent crime over these past few years.
  4. And yet the Republican’s policies for enforcing law and order almost always don’t work for reducing recidivism or crime.
  5. How so? please enlighten us as to how the Repubs keep the streets more safe than Dems do? Also, why during Trump’s last year as president was there such widespread social unrest throughout the whole country at a level that never happened before since the late 60s? There wasn’t nearly as much social unrest in America during Carter’s presidency (1977-1981) or during the Clinton era in the 90s or during Obama’s presidency. Also, Democratic Chicago Mayor Daley back in his days was well known for keeping the order very well in his city. Current Democratic NYC Mayor Eric Adams has been presiding over a significant decline in overall crime in his city ever since he took office. He also is a former police officer. Actually, contrary to the notion that there’s been more crime in Democratic run areas than in Republican run areas of the country, there’s actually been much more crime in red areas than in blue areas of the country overall. There have been a lot more fatal shootings and other kinds of murders in red states such as Texas, Florida, Iowa, Tennessee, Wyoming, Oklahoma, and Idaho than in blue states such as California, New York, Illinois, Oregon, New Jersey, and Michigan.
  6. Ever since Nixon and the Republicans in the late 60s officially declared the Republican Party as the “Party of Law and Order,” most Americans have mistakenly believed that the GOP does a better job of keeping the peace and order in our country. Reagan, H.W. Bush, and the GOP of course emphasized the notion of the Republican Party as the “Party of Law and Order” even more so further during the 80s. Clinton and the Dems in the 90s then tried to portray themselves as the Party of anti-crime in order to both compete with the Republicans and to really get a handle on the terribly high amount of the crime that occurred throughout many parts of America. Also, when Fox News and other big right wing media outlets emerged in the 90s, the right wing media was able to effectively promote the notion of the GOP being the party that backs the Blue and the military even more so than the Democrats do, despite the fact that that was a lie. Then, when W. Bush came into power and 9/11 happened during the early 90s, that probably further reinforced the notion that the Republicans are Party of Law and Order and strongest supporters of the military and the police. When Obama was president, I think he tried his best to get the majority Americans to believe that the Democratic Party enforce the law better than the GOP, but unfortunately I don’t think most Americans believed that. Probably because the growing influence of Fox News, Talk Radio, Rush Limbaugh, Alex Jones, and the emergence of many other new alt-right media outlets out there, further promulgated the lie that the Democrats have been causing disorder, destroying the moral fabric of society, trying to destroy Christianity and religion in America, trying to replace American capitalism/free markets with Communism/Socialism, have been conducting prostitution rings, molesting, children, promoting globalism instead American people first, imposing other crazy and dangerous radical left ideas in our society, etc., etc. Trump of course amplified those lies to such an extreme degree to the point of having brainwashed at least a third of Americans into believe these maddening right wing conspiracies and lies. The far-right wing has terribly misled most Americans who have been too dumb and too backwards to realize the truth.
  7. I can see South Korean men possibly being less masculine in their behavior because a lot of them do have that metrosexual look and vibe that you’re talking about and they live in 1st world country. However, I’ve seen a lot of Japanese men who also look and give off that metrosexual vibe and have been married to bossy women. Plus, Japan is also a 1st world country. As with men in China and North Korea, I would’ve that those men would actually behave in a more traditional masculine manner than the men in Japan and Southe because of how much more traditional and harsh the societies China and North Korea are than Japan and South Korea. I mean what about Kim Jong-IL of North Korea or Xi Jinping of China? Those men are extremely ruthless and highly authoritarian rulers of their own countries. Almost every citizen of China is scared of defying or questioning the authority of Jinping and CCP in anyways because of how much he and his party rule their country with an iron fist. Same thing with the people of North Korea. Citizens of North Korea have been absolutely terrified by the cruel tyranny of Jong-IL and his elite circle of political elite men who all rule the country.
  8. And cut down on calories. start with cutting down your usual daily caloric intake by 250-500 calories for about a month. If after a month that’s still not enough to reach your desired body weight, then cut down your daily caloric intake by another 250-500 calories for the 2nd month. If after that month that’s still not enough bring your weight down to the body weight you want to reach, cut down your daily intake for the 3rd month. Keep cutting down your daily caloric intake by 250-500 calories after the end of each month until you reach your desired bodyweight or at least until you see very significant weight loss. If after about 6 months to a full year of trying this process, you don’t actually seeing any real weight loss for some odd medical reason, then you need to see a medical doctor (preferably a specialist) who can diagnose whether or not you have some serious medical problem that’s causing you to not lose weight in a normal manner. Also, if you can afford to pay a good nutritionist who can also help you figure out a healthy meal plan to lose weight, that would be even better.
  9. I thought that many men in Japan in contemporary times have been easily bossed around by their wives or other women.
  10. Yeah, it's really a travesty of justice.
  11. So, women like Kim Kardashian who say that they work their “fucking ass” off to become successful and market their brand, are full shit? Or how about some of these female pornstars or models who say that “a lot of people don’t know what it’s like to do the kind of work I do. It takes a lot of work to post new Instagram pics for my fans, workout at least 3-4 times a week to keep my self in shape, do my actual job, and take care of my family, partner, or what have you. If I don’t keep up what I am doing everyday then I’ll lose my subscribes, fans, business, etc.” ?
  12. Obama and Biden never committed any crimes within our country. They never even got involved in any kind of real scandal that was illegal according to US laws and unethical like what happened with Bill Clinton and Monica Lewensky.
  13. Trump is really start to reek of desperation and cowardice. It’s as if he is begging his followers to save him.
  14. I've hooked up with several girls from dating apps and online dating sites. A lot of them just want some good dick and nothing more. About half of the girls I slept with from dating apps/online dating either had a boyfriend or were dating a number of guys including me.
  15. It's time we take back our power as men.
  16. So what? Where did she go to school and what did she do for a living? Even then, how compliant was she? Would she be willing to cook and clean for you? Would she be willing to work for your business or life purpose as a loyal servant? If she were to be in relationship with you, would she willing to respect you as being the one in charge of the relationship and that she doesn't get the right to get to question you decisions and that its her place to obey until she's proven her loyalty to you and proved that's she ready to be your partner for life?
  17. You should watch this one about how the sexual revolution failed women by making them have a much less happier lives:
  18. Well, there's a good chance that she's an uneducated bean brain with no valuable skills other than marketing. One thing I always ask myself is "what can she do for me to help my life purpose?" and is she relationship material? It doesn't matter how hot the girl is, she needs to prove her worth to me, if she wants to be my gf, and even more so if she wants to be my wife. Most women these days never learned how to be compliant to a man they like.
  19. Did you tell her how entitled she must be and how she probably doesn't even know the meaning of real hard work?
  20. I see. many hot girls have also been abused physically and emotionally. Some have even almost been killed. This hot pornstar whose work I used to watch was severely traumatized by her ex who eventually was sent to prison and became suicidal: Another attractive pornstar named August Ames, committed suicide at the age of only 23 years old: Former Supergirl actress, Melissa Benoist, did a live instagram vid years ago about how she was a victim of domestic violence: There of course been so many other attractive women in the sex work industry and showbiz industry who have been sexually assaulted or raped or traumatized in some way. Harvey Weinstein and a lot of other high status guys in the entertainment industry have hurt a lot of women they worked with in horrific ways.
  21. Well, your work has been substantiated by a compilation of sources from numerous top experts throughout history. Also, I don't think you have developed any kind of off-the-wall theories that no serious intellectual out there would even seriously consider. I don't know. I am deeply skeptical about Chris Langan being some kind of true genius. Furthermore, if he was truly intelligent like how you've talked about true intelligence, then why is his politics the same kind as that of some kind of dumb MAGA zombie or redneck? Would you even consider Chris Langan as a stage yellow thinker?
  22. Then, why haven't they already been approved by the consensus of any of the top experts of philosophy out there in the world? Besides, isn't it a cause for concern that he's supported all kind of scary alt-right conspiracy theories like the 9/11 Truther Movement, white Genocide conspiracy Theory, opposition to interracial marriage, and antisemitic dog whistles? How about the fact that a lot of alt-right extremists have followed his work?
  23. Okay, but what has that done for society as a whole? Besides, he's been known for spreading all kind of toxic alt-right conspiracy theories.
  24. So, that means that most celebrities are more rotten to the core than the average everyday person? and what about all of these celebrities out there who say that they've been practicing transcendental meditation, religion, or some other kind of spiritual practice on a regular basis?