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Everything posted by Hardkill

  1. Has he been officially diagnosed with bipolar disorder?
  2. Leo has talked before about how people as a collective need to have a good level of education, be financially comfortable, and be exposed to people of different races/ethnicities/cultures in order to transcend to stage Green. However, that doesn't seem to be the case with most people who are highly educated, wealthy, and have experienced being around other who are of different cultures, races, and ethnicities. Instead, most of them keep being stuck in stage Orange because of how corrupted they are by their preoccupation with their own success, wealth, status, etc. even though many of them pretend to care about those in need with all of their charities they do? In fact, why throughout history have Kings, Queens, Popes, other wealthy and high ranked religious leaders, and other members of royal families and members of nobility all of whom became highly educated, extremely wealthy, and have a more sophisticated about other cultures, races, and ethnicities out there in the world were never able to come close to transcending to stage Green?
  3. I get that the people of Russia can’t really do anything to stop Putin from continuing his war in Ukraine, but why doesn’t the Russian legislative branch or the Russian court system or Putin’s inner circle (the siloviki) put a stop to his madness? I understand that having Democratic, free, and fair elections doesn’t work in Russia, but why aren’t there at least any checks and balances at all in the government amongst all of the elites? What does Putin have over everyone else within the courts, the legislative branches, the siloviki that none of them are willing to do the right thing? Or is it that all of the elites have also been true believers of restoring the Soviet Union empire?
  4. That's true. It's too bad that they aren't enough of them who are clamoring for freedom and financial support from the government. Btw, what about the fact that there are a lot of people in Russia who want the war to stop because they have many family members and relatives who live in Ukraine? Or do those Russians represent only a small percentage of the Russian population? Ah, that would make sense. Yeah, I kinda wish that Zelensky and his government would be willing to compromise on something. Then again, it is certainly within his and his people's right to have all of Ukraine back in one piece especially after everything the Ukrainian have been through.
  5. But won't the people of Russia be gravely suffering financially from this war? Do you think then that Russia will inevitably succeed in taking over Ukraine?
  6. I see. So, that's why he never wanted to go to war with NATO. But what will Putin have truly gained even if he does succeed in taking over the country? According to a WSJ article on Russia's economy, Russian billionaire Oleg Deripaska warned this month that Russia is running out of cash. “There will be no money next year, we need foreign investors,” the raw-materials magnate said at an economic conference. https://www.wsj.com/articles/russias-economy-is-starting-to-come-undone-431a2878 The only big countries that would still be interested in doing business with Russia are India and Russia. Yet, economists such as Paul Krugman have already mentioned that China and India won't be enough to save Russia economically.
  7. Right, but what about equality including economic equality. That's what socialism was supposed to be about. Also, more people in China are becoming bold and angry enough to protest against the CCP.
  8. I though Xi Jinping has now been granted absolute power or near absolute power like a totalitarian socialist dictator such as Mao or Stalin. They say that the country under his reign has become increasingly authoritarian as he continues to rule more and more with an iron fist.
  9. hmm, I see. But to be fair, NATO hasn't been forcing any countries to join them. They've simply had an open-door policy that has merely invited other European countries to join them. Every single nation that has been a part of NATO had joined in because they wanted to and were happy to agree to all of the terms of alliance according to NATO. Ukraine, Finland, and Sweden now want to join NATO on their own accord. Even if NATO took over all of Europe except for Russia I don't think that NATO would want to invade Russia. In fact, the US and NATO are fully aware of the fact that if we did have a conventional war with Russia, then it would very well lead to an apocalyptic nuclear war.
  10. I am still not sure if Putin has been using the idea of NATO encroaching eastward as a pretext or some kind of BS excuse for wanting to invade and takeover Ukraine for his own selfish desires. How do you know for sure that Putin has not tricked you into believing what he’s saying? I mean he already lied about how Ukraine needed to be “de-Nazified.”
  11. Well, of course there is nothing we can do about it, but I just don't understanding why there aren't any check and balances for the entire government of the CCP in order to hold each branch of government accountable and to limit the amount of corruption in China.
  12. Yeah, but it doesn't explain to me why Xi Jinping should be allowed no limits to his power.
  13. Why did the CCP allow Xi Jinping to have absolute power?! Who will be able to hold him accountable or keep him in check?
  14. Weak?! Ha! Russia now doesn't even a chance to take on the US, let alone all of NATO! Russia has completely humiliated itself by struggling to win this war. This was supposed to be a piece of cake for them. Instead, his own plan completely backfired on him and his people. After this war ends, Russia's military will by far become even weaker than China's by far and its economy will become so weak that it might die in the foreseeable future.
  15. But aren't the other political elites worried that Putin has become a tyrant? Why don't the courts in Russia and the Russian Federal Power make it so that there is a separation of powers throughout the entire government? I know that Putin has only paid lip service to his people about democracy and freedom of speech in his country, but why doesn't he at least have enough honor and dignity to keep his word about democracy and freedom of the speech in Russia? Besides, Putin has already been failing miserably with this war in many dimensions for well over a year now. If the Kremlin let's this keep going on, then Russia will become a dying dump with 100+ million of good Russian people suffering through a profound economic depression that will probably be worse than the Great Depression was. By the end of this war virtually no Russian citizen will have any real sovereignty anymore.
  16. I thought that most Russian citizens don't like the war because of how much it is destroying their financial lives and the lives of many family members and relatives of theirs who live in Ukraine.
  17. In his opinion, casual sex leads to unintended negative consequences. Then again, I am not sure that is entirely true. I wonder if he is speaking from his own political and religious biases.
  18. How do we know for sure that the majority of Russians truly support the war or are just approving it out of fear of being imprisoned or killed by the Kremlin?
  19. But most Russian citizens are approving his invasion only because they are afraid of defying him or disapproving him.
  20. Building a Great Wall along the border won’t work because immigrants can easily dig underneath and can fly over or climb over. Plus, it’s way too expensive. Besides, Trump was only able to get about 2% of the “wall” done during his time as president. So, I don’t see how building this wall would work in reality. Also, I think that having a wall there would discourage immigrants with work visas from coming into the country. That’s in and of itself would exacerbate the labor shortage problem we’ve been having since Trump became president, thereby jeopardizing our economy.
  21. What exactly is the political stance of a healthy conservative individual? Is it someone whose political views are that of a moderate conservative?
  22. Bush 2 and McConnell no because of how far to the right they got or because of their war crimes? You know Reagan ironically passed a few relatively liberal laws such as some kind of gun control bill, immigration reform, and raised the taxes on the rich for COLA. He also didn't want to largely repeal laws that the New Deal Democrats passed during the FDR era and mid 1900s. Eisenhower in the 50s, Gerald Ford, and the Rockefeller Republican would actually definitely be considered as examples of healthy conservatives in US history.
  23. Right, I understand what you're saying. Would you say that Reagan or Bush 1 and 2 were also healthy conservatives despite never having been moderate Republicans? Or did they represent more of the extreme and toxic kind of conservatism? What about Mitch McConnell or Kevin McCarthy? lol