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Everything posted by Hardkill

  1. I see. So, we just have to be more patience with all of this working itself out in the future.
  2. Mark Zuckerberg is still the CEO of Facebook and he has an intellect and personality that are similar to Musk's. Would you say that Zuckerberg should also not be the CEO of his own company anymore?
  3. Well then...2023 and 2024 are going to be 2 more years of wild politics.
  4. Well, he does Asperger's and it doesn't seem like he ever bothered to learn how to improve his social skills adequately given how many people in business and marketing find him to be both difficult to work with and socially inept.
  5. Not even the Big Name GOP donors who are also fleeing away from Trump will be able to do much to stop Trump, huh?
  6. Yeah, perhaps you're right. He might be just sayings those things as mostly talking points.
  7. Will there ever be a way to stop the growing amount of alt-media in the future or are we doomed to living with it like a metastasizing cancer until it causes the whole world to tear apart?
  8. Oh.... alright, then definitely libertarians and MAGA Republicans believe in absolute free speech, but perhaps not establishment Republicans. Then again, what about Ron DeSantis who says that does believe that big-tech and the radical left are "monopolizing" free speech?
  9. But don't all Republicans, whom as a whole makeup nearly half the US country, all believe in absolute free speech, especially after being taken over by Trump? Trump and MAGA all keep saying BS like "You gotta have freedom of speech no matter what..." and "big-tech and the radical left are killing our 1st amendments rights!!!!" True. Non-Republican libertarians are indeed a minority.
  10. Yeah, the next generation will definitely be more liberal and open to new and improve changes. But given that younger generations tend to be more spoiled and entitled than older generations, wouldn't the younger generation be even more pissed about having their "free speech" being taken away from them? Also, I wonder how worried we should be about next generation becoming possibly more susceptible to toxic extreme-right wing messaging given how increasingly pervasive all kinds of information, including info. from alt-right media, has become. Also, how will the growing amount of right-wing and left-wing fringe outlets ever be stopped?
  11. I totally agree. However, it unfortunately looks like we may have too many people in the US who believe in absolute free speech and limited moderation. Do you think there will ever come a day when most Americans will be convinced by what people like you are saying?
  12. Yet, they have been saying that anyone who says that Republicans are racists are stupid. They say that the reasons they left the Democratic party were because the party never stood for solid conservative American values, has become too woke, doesn't promote personal responsibility, the mainstream media and liberal media have brainwashed or "mentally enslaved" many people including the black population into believing that the Republican party is the enemy, and that conservatives like Ben Shapiro and Candace Owens were right all along.
  13. https://www.libertarianism.org/topics/left-libertarianism
  14. Speaking of black Republicans, this is what the Hodgetwins or Conservative Twins said about the Capitol Riot back then:
  15. Despite the fact that the majority of women, the solid majority of latinos, and the vast majority blacks throughout the whole country still vote Democrat, what's your take on why their has been a significant amount of support blacks, latinos, and women from the Democratic party to the Republican Party ever since 2016? Has it been because of Trump's right-wing "populism"?
  16. True. The vast majority of African-Americans began to side with Democrats around the turn of the 20th century when the Democratic party back then became the party of organized labor and immigrants. This trend continued on during Woodrow Wilson's Presidency. Then, during the FDR era, black voters further increased their support for the Democratic Party due to the Great Depression and FDR's empathy for and appeal to minorities. When FDR passed away and his VP, Truman took over as president, Truman passed an executive order that allowed blacks to integrate with whites in the military for the first time ever in history. Truman, also declared to the public during his presidency that the Democratic party has now become the party of civil rights. This of course caused anger and resentment amongst most of the Southern Democrats within their party during the mid 1900s. Later on, Democrats in the 50s and early 60s continued their strong support for the civil rights for all people of all races/ethnicities, gender, religion, etc. as the civil rights movement was happening. JFK during his presidency tried, but failed to get the civil rights and equal voting rights acts passed during his presidency before he got assassinated. From what I understand, when JFK's VP, LBJ, took over as president, the combination of the powerful influence from the civil rights movement, the trauma of JFK's death, large Democratic majorities in Congress, and LBJ's great legislative acumen and aggressive pressure on Congress to pass the Civil Rights Act of 1964 finally resulted in the passage of that landmark law. Afterwards, when LBJ defeated Barry Goldwater, who was perceived as a right-wing extremist at the time, in an overwhelming landslide and the Democratic party won an even greater majority of liberals and democrats in Congress, that's when LBJ and the Democrat where able to pass the other landmark civil rights and voting acts along with the rest of the Great Society laws during the rest of the 60s.
  17. What do you mean you can't? Why don't you try it out yourself?
  18. @LiberatedMonkey It's a medium size city. It's not nearly ideal for finding many attractive single girls to cold approach. I actually used to live in a city that has only about 135,732 residents, and it took me a few years to successfully get laid with a very few amount attractive girls/women I cold and warm approached. In fact, one of them became my very first girlfriend ever who I was with for almost 3 years. She was hot. There were several other girls in the city I met who I didn't get laid with, but at least got to date. Also, what really helped me to improve my social life, social skills, meet new girls, etc. was going to meetups, bars, clubs in that small to medium size city I lived in every week. My sister also helped me a little bit to meet new girls. So, if you have any siblings that you're close with, then they might help you meet even more young girls. So, it is still certainly doable, and probably even more practical in a city like yours which is obviously much larger than mine. However, it's probably going to take you a lot longer to achieve some real success with hot girls than it would if you were living in or nearby a big city, particularly if you are hardcase newbie like I was.
  19. Joe Biden just turned 80 years old today. Happy birthday to him. In one sense, it is amazing that America, which is the third most populous nation in the world, and is still undoubtedly the most powerful nation on the planet, is actually being lead by a President who is now that old. Yet, for many people, his age has become a worry not just in terms of his electability, but also with regard to running the country. My dad is actually the same age as him and he thinks that Biden has gotten too old to continue handling the extremely high demands and responsibilities of the job. Then again, my parents and I think that he has done an absolutely fine job as President overall and was fortunately able to make a very significant amount of progress for America. Furthermore, practically every policy he implemented through executive order and practically every provision within each of the major pieces of legislation he passed with Congress have all been popular. Almost all of these policies, not only have been excellent and much needed for America, but they also became immediately popular as soon as they got either passed into law or done through executive order compared to the initial unpopularity of some of policies done during either the Clinton administration or the Obama administration. For example, although the ACA became one of the best laws ever passed in US history and in recent years finally became popular, it first started off as being relatively unpopular during the earlier years of the Obama's presidency because it was wrongly perceived by the majority of the people as a big government socialist policy in large part due to both the unfair negative attacks on it by the GOP and the failure of the Democratic party to frame it in a way that would appeal to the people's culture values of American tradition. That sadly became one of the big reasons the Dems got totally crushed in the first midterm election during Obama's presidency. Another example is the the major tax hike law that got passed during the Clinton administration in the early to mid 90s. While that tremendously helped to balanced the nation budget (to the point of creating a historic national surplus) and made corporations and rich people really pay their fair share of the wealth to the working and middle classes, it still started off as a very unpopular bill. That along with Clinton trying to pass his own version of a national healthcare law (which he unfortunately failed to achieved) became one of the main reasons why the Dems badly lost in the first midterm election during Clinton's presidency. On a sidenote, it also back then sadly became the first time the Dems lost the House after controlling it in Congress for over 50 years. This time however, Biden and the Dems seem to have successfully framed everything they have gotten done since beginning of Biden's presidency as being relatively, moderate, nonpartisan, non-socialistic, very pragmatic, quite popular, and traditionally American and forward-looking at the same time. Furthermore, Biden has presided over the best first midterm election ever compared to any Democratic president since JFK in the early 60s and one of the best 3 to 5 midterm elections for any party holding the white House within the entire history of the country. Additionally, presidential historian Allan Lichtman, who has accurately predicted every presidential election since 1984 (except for the Bush vs. Gore anomaly which was an extremely close race and sadly got unfairly rigged by both the conservative leaning SCOTUS and the outdated electoral college system), says that Biden absolutely needs to run again in 2024 despite his age because he is still the incumbent and he would prevent any unnecessary intra party conflict for the Democratic nomination from ever happening if he were to run again. What do you guys think?
  20. So, then is our country doomed to becoming a perpetually polarized country until the end of time? Or will ever come a time when there will be a widespread great quieting of all extremely divisive information from every echo chamber in the country if our country ever gets to the brink of a second real civil war?
  21. How do you think the divisive and antagonistic rhetoric on social media, Fox News, and others outlets will ever cool down? Or do you think that it's all just going to keep getting worse and worse and worse until an actual conventional war breaks out?
  22. Sadly yes... https://www.washingtonpost.com/technology/2022/11/19/trump-musk-twitter/?utm_source=alert&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=wp_news_alert_revere&location=alert
  23. Don’t worry guys, she already said that she is “100% confident” that she’s going to win. ? oh yeah, check out Cecily Strong doing a spot on impersonation of her on SNL recently:
  24. Trump totally let COVID in America undoubtedly become an unmitigated disaster. If he had handled it competently, then about half of the amount of people who died from COVID would still be alive today and we probably would've had about less than half of the total amount of cases that have occurred in the country ever since around December 2019. However, I wonder if the disastrous effects of COVID economy recession we had in America could've actually been mitigated if Trump had somehow done a much better job of handling. The economies in other developed countries such as those in Europe, Canada, Australia, etc. I think were all devastated by the pandemic as much as the US economy was, if not even more so. What do you say about that?
  25. Best first midterms results in 60 years for the Democratic Party holding the presidency. It also was the third or 4th time in all of US history where the party holding the White House did well in a midterm election.