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Everything posted by Hardkill

  1. Over past several years, a sizable amount of Americans have become more and more angry about not being paid as much as they deserve and not being able to afford good housing, good education, and access to healthcare and necessary prescription drugs for themselves and their families. Yet, most Americans have not been seriously demanded the government to demand for more government policies that would greatly reduce the unjust economic inequality in our country. Here's a good article why most Americans haven't been angry enough to in this country even though: https://inequality.stanford.edu/sites/default/files/Pathways_Presidential_Anger.pdf Is there any hope that one day the liberals and progressives will ever be able to reverse all of this economic inequality in our country in any of our lifetimes?
  2. So, does that mean that you will probably vote more for politicians who have conservative idealogy and policies?
  3. A lot of what you guys say are true, but then why did a lot black people, brown people, working class, and poor people say that felt let down by Obama not having fulfilled as many of the grand promises he made on dramatically changing their lives for the better? In fact, why do many people in America say they have gotten sick and tired of all politicians always letting them down?
  4. But aren't most Americans suffering from this crisis of economic inequality? Also, if normies don't care about changing the system then why did Obama successfully sell people on the idea that he would bring major hope and change for everyone in America by dramatically changing the entire system for the betterment of all Americans? Or have the solid majority of Americans actually been okay with the status quo of our society?
  5. But how do we know for sure that Putin wouldn’t have invaded Ukraine anyways even if NATO didn’t continue to expand eastward? Also, Putin’s statement about Ukraine needing to be “de-Nazified” was just a pretext for invading Ukraine. So, how do we know that Putin hasn’t been using the notion of Ukraine joining NATO as just another pretext for invading Ukraine? Hitler used the notion of the blaming the Jews, non-white people, Communism/Socialism, and every other developed country in the world for all of Germany’s problems as pretexts for world domination.
  6. James Carville said “Putin is dead wrong about NATO expanding eastward. In truth, the newest NATO members expanded west … out of their own free will. The West has a pull: that pull is about freedom. That pull is about liberty. That pull is about respect for the individual.”
  7. Wisconsin is supposed to be a purple state but The GOP has basically subverted the will of the majority of Wisconsinites by their gerrymandering. The governor is a Democrat and the only main reason why the state legislature have been controlled by Republicans is because of the gerrymandering they did back in 2010 which has given them such a major unfair advantage in winning state legislatures and national level congressional elections.
  8. https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/elections/wisconsin-supreme-court-election-liberals-win-majority-rcna77190 This is great news for the people of Wisconsin Democrats and liberals who now will more than likely be able to bring back abortion rights in Wisconsin and overturning the disgusting gerrymandering that the Republicans have gotten away with for over 12 years.
  9. I am sure that would make a lot kids and teachers feel very nervous about that. But you know that conservatives say shit like how faculty members and school administrators should take responsibility for school safety by learning how to use a gun and bringing them to school to protect themselves and the students from potential school shooters.
  10. Maybe AI could one help reduce a lot of these horrific mass shootings in the US.
  11. https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/politics/live-news/trump-indictment-hush-money-stormy-daniels/index.html
  12. The DNC did not rig primaries in 2016 or 2020. The notion that the DNC did so is a conspiracy theory.
  13. We might very well need nationwide militant labor strikes that will be able to effectively pressure Congress and the Presidency to pass laws that will raise taxes on the rich and corporations back to what they were during the 1950s to 1960s. Those were the golden post WWII decades of egalitarian growth for all people of all classes in America.
  14. I wonder how much this will affect his chances of becoming the Republican nominee for president in 2024.
  15. How do you know that Russia is winning? What sources are telling you this?
  16. It doesn’t look like Putin can win this war unless he resorts to using tactical nukes or chemical weapons. Also, this one war historian expert says that if Putin loses this war or if he is perceived by his people to have lost this war, then he will very likely be overthrown by force and face some kind of very serious punishment for his failure.
  17. @Danioover9000 @Leo Gura You both make valid points. Also, if the US did ban TikTok, someone else in the US will probably come up with a US version of that app. I guess we’ll have to see how this plays out in Congress and possibly in the courts.
  18. I think that it should be regulated much more than it is. However, I am not sure now if it should be permanently banned because there are probably millions of Americans who used it to promote their own businesses and numerous young political activists who have been using it to help get out the vote for Democratic, liberal, and progressive candidates throughout the country. Cenk and AOC mentioned in that vid that young liberal and progressive TikTok users arguably helped Biden defeat Trump in the electoral college. Even though Biden won the national popular vote against Trump by about 7 million votes, he was about a total of 43,000 votes in 3 swing states combined from losing the electoral college. Therefore, Trump was arguably close to being re-elected President. Also, there’s the legal argument that banning a social media platform such as TikTok could be unconstitutional as it might violated the 1st amendment rights of freedom of speech.
  19. Two poorly educated and not very bright individuals who need to stay in their lane by keeping their mouths shut about such matters. I can't stand it when a celebrity from any part of the entertainment industry publicly gives a contrary opinion about something that they clearly are not an expert in. It's completely asinine and arrogant.
  20. That is really tragic. Well, it’s not just the growing economic inequality that’s contributing to crime. It’s also because of the systemic racism that still occurs in our country. I also do believe that the government really needs to figure out why the law enforcement isn’t doing a better job of stopping the spikes in violent crime over these past few years.
  21. And yet the Republican’s policies for enforcing law and order almost always don’t work for reducing recidivism or crime.
  22. How so? please enlighten us as to how the Repubs keep the streets more safe than Dems do? Also, why during Trump’s last year as president was there such widespread social unrest throughout the whole country at a level that never happened before since the late 60s? There wasn’t nearly as much social unrest in America during Carter’s presidency (1977-1981) or during the Clinton era in the 90s or during Obama’s presidency. Also, Democratic Chicago Mayor Daley back in his days was well known for keeping the order very well in his city. Current Democratic NYC Mayor Eric Adams has been presiding over a significant decline in overall crime in his city ever since he took office. He also is a former police officer. Actually, contrary to the notion that there’s been more crime in Democratic run areas than in Republican run areas of the country, there’s actually been much more crime in red areas than in blue areas of the country overall. There have been a lot more fatal shootings and other kinds of murders in red states such as Texas, Florida, Iowa, Tennessee, Wyoming, Oklahoma, and Idaho than in blue states such as California, New York, Illinois, Oregon, New Jersey, and Michigan.
  23. Ever since Nixon and the Republicans in the late 60s officially declared the Republican Party as the “Party of Law and Order,” most Americans have mistakenly believed that the GOP does a better job of keeping the peace and order in our country. Reagan, H.W. Bush, and the GOP of course emphasized the notion of the Republican Party as the “Party of Law and Order” even more so further during the 80s. Clinton and the Dems in the 90s then tried to portray themselves as the Party of anti-crime in order to both compete with the Republicans and to really get a handle on the terribly high amount of the crime that occurred throughout many parts of America. Also, when Fox News and other big right wing media outlets emerged in the 90s, the right wing media was able to effectively promote the notion of the GOP being the party that backs the Blue and the military even more so than the Democrats do, despite the fact that that was a lie. Then, when W. Bush came into power and 9/11 happened during the early 90s, that probably further reinforced the notion that the Republicans are Party of Law and Order and strongest supporters of the military and the police. When Obama was president, I think he tried his best to get the majority Americans to believe that the Democratic Party enforce the law better than the GOP, but unfortunately I don’t think most Americans believed that. Probably because the growing influence of Fox News, Talk Radio, Rush Limbaugh, Alex Jones, and the emergence of many other new alt-right media outlets out there, further promulgated the lie that the Democrats have been causing disorder, destroying the moral fabric of society, trying to destroy Christianity and religion in America, trying to replace American capitalism/free markets with Communism/Socialism, have been conducting prostitution rings, molesting, children, promoting globalism instead American people first, imposing other crazy and dangerous radical left ideas in our society, etc., etc. Trump of course amplified those lies to such an extreme degree to the point of having brainwashed at least a third of Americans into believe these maddening right wing conspiracies and lies. The far-right wing has terribly misled most Americans who have been too dumb and too backwards to realize the truth.