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Everything posted by Hardkill

  1. It’s an omnibus bill containing more than one bills with many different kinds of provisions in it. This is the definition of an omnibus bill according to wikipedia: “An omnibus spending bill is a type of bill in the United States that packages many of the smaller ordinary appropriations bills into one larger single bill that can be passed with only one vote in each house.”
  2. Both chamber of Congress just passed a $1.7 trillion omnibus bill that includes the Electoral Count Reform and Presidential Transition Improvement Act of 2022. Biden will of course sign this into law ASAP. The main provisions of this act include: - Identifies each state's governor as responsible for submitting certificates of ascertainment. Unless otherwise noticed by state laws or constitutions. - Provides for expedited review, including a three-judge panel with a direct appeal to the Supreme Court, of certain claims related to a state’s certificate identifying its electors. - Requires Congress to defer to slates of electors submitted by a state’s executive pursuant to the judgments of state or federal courts. - Clarifies that the vice president cannot solely determine, accept, reject, or otherwise adjudicate disputes over electors. - Raises objection threshold from one member of each chamber to 20% of each chamber. - Prohibits state legislatures from declaring a "failed election." They can instead move their election only by “extraordinary and catastrophic.” There were only about 38 states that were a part of the United States by in 1887 and times were obviously very, very different back then compare to today. Not to mention, Trump tried to get Congress to overturn the 2020 presidential election. Therefore, this new law basically modernizes the outdated 1887 Electoral Count Act in order to further ensure that Trump or someone else like him will never be able to steal a presidential election in the future. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electoral_Count_Act *See very bottom of that wiki article to read up on Clarifications and revisions made to the ECA of 1887.
  3. Do you use mouthwash and floss your teeth everyday? Have you tried scraping your tongue everyday?
  4. I see. I just read that article, and it really had an interesting explanation of autism. Maybe that's why I have had an unusual amount of off days academically, athletic, and socially given my own Asperger's.
  5. Yeah, so China basically has a more modern day and capitalist version of the Soviet-Style Socialist regime.
  6. Ah, I see what you mean now. So, just because the CCP is a unified one party system that still owns a number of businesses across the country, that doesn't mean that China is really a socialist country. China has instead been always going totally against the true principles and ideals of socialism/communism. I guess that means that in that case, the only thing they have in their country that could arguably be considered socialistic is the fact that they still greatly emphasize the idea of total unity in their country.
  7. So, I need to change my perspective of how big of a deal failure of something is? Every time you fail at something, do you ever worry that you may never succeed at it?
  8. How is China primarily capitalistic when it has some degree of a planned economy, still has many state-owned businesses, and the means of production in the country are nationalized as well?
  9. I never understood how to not compete with others when I've always been a competitive person my whole life. Being competitive to me has always meant not wanting to be a loser and in some dire situations means doing whatever it takes to survive. After all, life is brutal in many respects. The weak and foolish die and the strong and wise survive. So, how do I let go of competing with the world? Furthermore, how do I stop getting so easily discouraged or demoralized by every failure?
  10. Right, I see what you mean. What about celebrities in the sports and entertainment industries? Do you believe they deserve to be paid more than those who provide truly greater essential value to society such as teachers, firefighters, military personnel, policemen, scientists, mathematicians, engineers, doctors, other healthcare and STEM professionals, architects, lawyers, etc.?
  11. You say you did well with academics but not with intelligence-based tests. Where the intelligence-based tests not based on anything pertaining to math, science, writing, speaking, etc.?
  12. So, how can I ever retain girls for more than one time?
  13. But doesn't the CCP government still own many businesses in China? That's a form of socialism. Plus, they have only a one-party system and its officially a very irreligious, atheist state. That's also a trait of socialism.
  14. But at the same time, you believe that no CEO or any other successful individual is never commensurate with that of a billion dollars, correct? Besides, why does anyone in the world need to have more than approximately $10 million? Why especially do celebrities in the sports and entertainment industries need to be paid way more than those who provide truly greater essential value to society including teachers, firefighters, military personnel, policemen, scientists, mathematicians, engineers, doctors, other healthcare and STEM professionals, architects, lawyers, etc.?
  15. You said before that: If that's the case, then wouldn't people like them still be motivated to be hard working and productive individuals in a socialistic society? If so, then wouldn't that also mean that capitalism isn't really needed to incentivize people to work hard and be as productive as possible as long as people work hard at something they have a passion for?
  16. Even if or when reign over the GOP ends, the Republican Party will still be controlled by the far right. Now, I am getting worried that DeSantis will become the GOP nominee for president. Trump’s favorability keeps going down and down, and now there are more and more polls coming out showing Trump as being no longer the front runner. Democrats really need to figure out a way to one day defeat traditional conservative Republicans like McConnell and DeSantis in the future. Otherwise, how will the Republican Party and the Overton window for the country ever shift to the center?
  17. I guess we all need some kind of post-nut clarity in all of our lives to help us be in tune with reality.
  18. There's been more encouraging news on this matter lately. Apparently, it's not just the three liberal justices and Chief Justice Roberts in the SCOTUS who are totally against the idea of allowing State Legislatures to have the power to just discard or overturn the popular vote in each of their states and award Electoral Votes to the Presidential nominee whose party that happens to be in power in a respective State's legislature. After SCOTUS heard the oral arguments for this case that was brought them, even the conservatives justices Amy Coney Barrett and Brett Kanavaugh seemed skeptical about the arguments for allowing State Legislatures to have such unprecedented power over elections. An expert on this matter said on the Brookings Institute that ".... think the safest thing to say is it’s unlikely that you’re going to have a Supreme Court embrace wholeheartedly the most aggressive version of the independent state legislature theory..." https://www.politico.com/news/2022/12/07/supreme-court-independent-state-legislature-theory-00072713 https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2022/12/7/23498507/supreme-court-moore-harper-amy-coney-barrett-democracy-voting-rights-north-carolina https://www.brookings.edu/podcast-episode/moore-v-harper-who-has-the-power-to-set-state-election-rules/
  19. Theranos founder, Elizabeth Holmes, just received her sentenced today. She will be serving more than 11 years of time in prison for major fraud and conspiracy. https://www.cnn.com/2022/11/18/tech/elizabeth-holmes-theranos-sentencing/index.html
  20. Two Trump Organization companies were convicted on all charges in Manhattan criminal tax fraud case today! It's unfortunate that Trump and his family were still not charged in the case, but at least this is something serious for real in relation to Trump. https://www.cnn.com/2022/12/06/politics/trump-organization-fraud-trial-verdict/index.html
  21. I just came across this article that was written by FiveThirtyEight a couple years ago: https://fivethirtyeight.com/features/why-so-many-black-voters-are-democrats-even-when-they-arent-liberal/
  22. Like Lisa Murkowski, Susan Collins, John McCain, Larry Hogan, and perhaps Mitt Romney. All of these Republicans have been willing to make reasonable compromises and have been for serious bipartisanship. They also don't constant criticize moderate Democrats as "the radical left," when those Democrats aren't. Furthermore, they've always been much more principled and have always been for some amount of economic regulation. Staunch conservatives and right extremists, on the other hand, like Mitch McConnell and Newt Gingrich have always believed that compromise is a dirty word and had always made it clear to the public that their number goal has always been to stopping any Democratic president from making any significant achievements. Republicans have very little to no principles.
  23. You mean even some moderates can get too closeminded?