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Everything posted by Hardkill

  1. I actually only got 3 lays from all of the more than 500 cold/warm approaches I've done throughout my whole life. I wish I could approach 500+ new girls every 5 five months, but I don't live in or near a big enough city to do that.
  2. I honestly don't know for sure because after a certain point I lost count. Probably well over 500 IRL approaches in total throughout my whole life.
  3. Oh yeah, I am totally with you. Even if a girl has a big sexy bubblebutt and if the clothes she's wearing really show it, that doesn't mean that any guy automatically has a right to grab it or even touch it for free or without some kind of consent. Though maybe your girl may have to wear some baggy pants or something if you don't want any creeps touching her butt. Or maybe the next that happens to her, try threatening to call the cops or find that guy and use those brass knuckles of yours to clock him once. IDK. I only grab a girl's ass if she grinding her ass on my D on the dance floor or is facing me and gives me a look like she's really into me while we're dancing or is either making out with me. Even though I have some form of Asperger's/high functioning autism, I've been able to make that work for me with several different girls I met or dated by making one of the three ways I mentioned above happen.
  4. Damn, that's not right. I'd feel the same way you feel if that ever happened to my ex. Does your girl have a nice big booty?
  5. Thank you, I appreciate your response. I didn't you were also on the spectrum. I have some kind of high functioning autism. I was somewhat behind developmentally in my speaking and reading skills as a little kid. Reading and writing have always been my main academic weaknesses. I also always had trouble fitting and getting along well with my peers throughout my whole childhood until like my junior to senior year of high school. To make things sound even more weird and stupid, I liked trolling and teasing others a lot of times because I thought it was funny to me when it wasn't fun or funny at all to others. I also would have more than normal amounts of meltdowns whenever I lost a game or something else didn't go my way. However, I was always developmentally ahead in my motor skills and have always been very athletic ever since I was a baby. Eventually, I got addicted to fitness. I also have always been very good at and have always been much more interested in math, the natural sciences, and the arts. Also, by the time I was around 18 years old, that's when I fortunately learned how to be really funny around others. I even have a knack for doing many spot-on impressions of many celebrities and movie/tv characters. I know about the guy you're talking about who has no arms and no legs. He's Nicholas James Vujicic and I have watch his ted talk speech before. No doubt is he really inspiring. I am sure that he had a hard social life growing up given that he never had the chance to ever look like a normal human being like everybody else. Can't begin imagine what he truly went through. However, I don't see how having no limbs would've impaired his social skills or his ability to learn how to become socially adept around others. I've always been very easily preoccupied and obsessed with certain activities and interests. I still have poor coping skills. I still feel so frustrated with amount of progress I've made with my social skills and seduction skills. I'll take a look at the Wu Wei Wisdom book.
  6. I just finished my last semester for a science class I had to take at a community college I was at. I asked out some of the girls at this resource tutoring center whom I got to know as friendly acquaintances. I could definitely that they all enjoyed talking too. There were a few of them who smiled at me before I got to know them. Most of them would ask me right away what my name was. I thought they all really liked me. Then again, what girl wouldn't be into me? Every time I said to hi to them, they'd be like "Oh hey! How are you?!" or "Hi! How are you?!" or "Hey! How's it going?!" or "What have you been up too?" or whatever. We'd have fun conservations with each other by making jokes, bantering, getting to know each other more on a deeper level, talking about stuff related to school, etc. By the end of the semester, I'd ask some of them to hangout during the break or ask for their number, but almost all of them would either be like "Oh, sorry I don't really give out my number. I like having a private life." or "Oh, I am not really looking for any kind of relationship right now" or "I actually don't hangout." Yet, whenever I asked any girl in the academic classes I was in for their phone numbers, none of them had any problem giving me theirs. I did actually get one cute Asian girl to go out on a date with me. Though, I didn't get the feeling that that girl seemed all that interested on our date. I don't get, especially considering that I thought that dating girls from school would be easier than dating girls you met either online or from cold approach given how much familiar and comfortable an environment schools are. I know I am attractive, but I now feel really demoralized because if I can't succeed with girls from a school, especially after having already devoted years of practice into cold approaching and online dating and soaked so much knowledge and advice from experts on seduction like crazy.
  7. Yeah, at a college or university. Besides there have been always plenty of girls at the colleges/universities I've attend who have been in their mid 20s to mid 30s. I've already been on dates with a number of girls I've cold/warm approached in different college campuses. I got laid with 1 of them and almost got laid with 2 others.
  8. Okay, those are fair points. Although, one thing that's supposed to be a key to success with women is that a man must always assume that a girl/woman is attracted to her to the point of being delusional. Of course, I get that if after you ask her out or ask for her contact she has made it very clear that her answer is no in some way or form then the guy has to respect that and then move on. The point is that I thought I was supposed to always have confidence, whereby I always believe in my mind that the girl/woman I just met or just got to know is attracted to me. Women get turned on by a guy who presents himself with an attitude like that. Furthermore, I strongly believe that I have a number of attractive qualities both physically and personality wise. Therefore, I gotta believe that I do have sex appeal or that I am sex appeal.
  9. Well, I can get a lot numbers from girls at school in general, but even then I've been struggling to turn those numbers into dates and lays or what have you. I only got one girl from my class to go out, but she didn't seem all that into me sexually/romantically on the date. I am also still dumbfounded why many of the girls I've talked to who have given me strong indicators of interest didn't either want to give me their phone number or hangout with me.
  10. Once again, guys like you are just making blanket statements that are very unfair. Unhealed trauma from what? Are some kind of mental health expert or psychologist? You haven't even seen what I look or what my voice sounds like. Furthermore, I've already been to therapy and been on psych meds for most of my life. I've already looked into both Owen's and Julien's vids and they still didn't cut it for me. I've also tried many different kinds of seduction techniques from many of the best dating and seduction gurus out there and already hundreds and hundreds of girls in all different kinds of places for years. Also, how do you explain how many guys in high school and college who are ugly or homely and have never been all that cool been able to easily hook up with and dating girls in school? Surely almost all of them didn't use any seduction techniques from a pickup/dating expert because the vast majority of men out there in general, don't. Why do you think I've gotten so demoralized? How would you feel about your self-esteem and hopes for success with women in general if you were me? I really don't see how fixing a couple of issues with my game is going to take my game to next level from a realistic/practical standpoint.
  11. Dude, I think you're taking this way too seriously. You really most of the guys in high school and college who got girls knew what the hell they were doing let alone using seduction techniques from RSD, Mystery Method, Locario, ARC, etc.? Again, this isn't rocket science and not even supposed to be as hard running for some high level political office, persuading a cutthroat Shark Tank to invest in a business proposal of mine, or being a diplomat who's trying to make peace between a foreign country and his own country. Plus, every girl in high school and college ain't shit, regardless of how popular they are at school. Almost none of them are like famous celebrities or models. I am not trying to argue with you for the sake of arguing. I am just telling it like it is.
  12. There’s been more and more and more talk about China invading Taiwan, especially ever since Russia invaded Ukraine and tensions between China and Taiwan have been constantly escalating. Considering that China has the second largest economy in the world and has become the world’s largest trade exporter, if or when China invaded Taiwan, then will the whole global economy be in a severe recession or depression? How will the global be ready to handle such a major turn in events? Furthermore, if or when China does invade Taiwan would that start World War III?
  13. Leo has mentioned before how conservatism tends to be more of a masculine quality while liberalism tends to be more of a feminine quality. Generally, as people age, we tend to hold more conservative views. So, does that mean that the older you are, the more masculine your perspective on the world is and the more masculine your actions and decisions become?
  14. I've also been told by other dating and seduction experts out there that RSD is full of crap. Is there something suspicious going on with Owen Cook and RSD? Or are all of these guys just doing attack ads on him and RSD to try to outcompete him?
  15. The U.S. House Ways and Means Committee were able to release Trump's tax returns to the public! https://www.nytimes.com/2022/12/21/us/politics/trump-taxes-income.html https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2022/12/21/us/house-ways-and-means-trump-tax-report.html https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2022/12/21/us/politics/trump-tax-return-numbers.html
  16. Yeah, I agree with what you're saying, for the most part. I also get that I still have a lot to learn about getting good with women in general. I never said or even believed that I haven't done anything wrong in terms of my game. But I just don't understand why approaching and dating girls has to be as hard trying to win a business deal with one of the cutthroat investors from Shark Tank or something like that.
  17. I really believe that I've been coming off as a kind of guy who girls really love to talk to and I have been able to make strong connections with them. Besides, it shouldn't be this hard. This is not rocket science at all. This process of seduction is not even supposed to be as difficult as if I were to say run for governor of some big state like California or run for some office in Congress, let alone run for the office of the President of the Unites States of America. I don't ever expect to be the next Bill Clinton or Barack Obama or Ronald Reagan or Donald Trump or even be as savvy and appealing as someone like Gavin Newsom. Hell, I don't even think I'll ever be able to have the skill to relate to and connect with most people in general as well as someone like Joe Biden can. Not gonna happen.
  18. I've already cold and warm approached hundreds of girls in real life, that I actually lost count of how many I met and even madeout with in bars, clubs, meetups, streets during the day and night time, alleys between pubs and restaurants during night. I even got my very first girlfriend ever from cold approaching an attractive woman on the sidewalk during the daytime. We were in a serious relationship together for almost 3 years. Although, I will admit that I still don't nearly the amount of experience and skill with cold approaching and dating that someone like Leo does, let alone that of an official dating coach/expert like Owen Cook or Julien Blanc or Locario or Alan Roger Currie (may he rest in peace). So, I no doubt absolutely need to to approach 5 to 25 new girls a day everyday every week. Yet, I still don't live in or near a big city that would provide me such an opportunity for that. Also, yeah online dating is mostly shitty and most girls on online social media are attention whores. However, to be fair, I still got most of my lays from online dating. In fact all of the girls I slept with from online dating were about a 6 to 8 in terms of what I found to be attractive.
  19. What has been said by guys like NoSelfSelf was unfair and disrespectful. They don't even really have the facts about what's going on with me. They are just spouting out all kinds of blanket statements and cliches about what I am not doing right instead of giving some solid no-nonsense practical tips on why I am having a hard time seducing girls at school who are just young kids who are by no means female celebrities of any kind. Furthermore, don't tolerate that kind of toxic attitude. That's why I am standing up for myself. Not being very emotionally expressive is a form of stoicism. That's masculine, whereas being flamboyant is more feminine. Btw, almost all of the girls at the college I was at haven't accomplished anywhere near what I have throughout my whole life. These are nothing special. In any case, no one is answering why dating girls from school isn't easier than from cold approach or online dating. Most guys meet their significant other either from work or school or social circle. Therefore, it still doesn't add up to me.
  20. Today, The U.S. House Ways and Means Committee, finally released the whole rest of Trump's tax returns: https://www.nytimes.com/2022/12/30/us/politics/trump-tax-returns-takeaways.html
  21. I've never been entirely sold on the idea of 'compromise is king.' I mean when you're in a serious relationship with a woman, then you are going to have to make a minor amount of compromises, but I believe that for the most part that a man should never compromise his own principles, values, desires, etc. Locario explains it well here:
  22. How would fixing my inner-child work fix my compatability? I don't have something like PTSD or daddy or mommy issues or any kind of addiction to drugs/alcohol/tobacco. I always validate women when they deserve it.