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Everything posted by Hardkill

  1. I decided to create a mega thread on how the Republican Party devolved over time from the party of liberalism, progressive policies, higher principles, and economic intervention to a party of radical right-wing views, reactionary policies, shamelessness, and economic irresponsibility. I will be posting videos on here that provide different sources excellent of in-depth explanations in chronological order with some of my own commentary pertaining to each of the vids how the party change over time from the mid 1800s to present time.
  2. I actually asked him this question on another thread about 2 years ago: However, I now can tell you why in my new thread:
  3. But what about mobs that led to necessary and successful revolutions throughout history like the English Civil War, the French Revolution, the American Revolution, and the Bolshevik Revolution? Or where those things not same as mobs?
  4. I don’t get why the right wing actually waited until Lula got sworn into office to storm the whole government. I mean I am glad they didn’t, but from the viewpoint of logistics and timing it doesn’t make sense.
  5. I too hope that the police and the rest of the innocent people down there will be okay.
  6. Yes, Florida indeed has become lost cause for the next several years. Unfortunately, significant parts of rust belt has unfortunately been slipping away from the Democrats hold since 2016. However, the sun belt (except for maybe Florida) appears to be a future Democratic stronghold. Did you check out my thread "The Sun Belt in America turning blue is inevitable" in this section of the forum?
  7. I know.... Maybe 10 years from now it could shift back toward blue?
  8. My thoughts and prayers go out to him and his family. I really hope he pulls through.
  9. I get that he's not really a right-wing extremist and that he's a moderate conservative. So, if his views aren't that far to the right, then why is he going off the rails with all of his talk about the importance of conservatism, particularly when he is not even a politician or a political activist or a top expert in political science? I mean it's one thing to discuss about your own viewpoints and ideologies, but why he is bothering to try so hard to get his opinions across the world?
  10. I don't understand why Jordan Peterson thinks that what he's doing and saying is worth the risk of undermining his own career.
  11. Andrew Tate has the very same stage Red/stage Orange traits that Donald Trump has. But it sounds like he has had a history of much more physical violence than Trump. He also probably has fake stage Blue traits, given that he’s probably been pretending to be a new practicing Muslim.
  12. https://www.cnn.com/politics/live-news/house-speaker-leadership-vote-1-4-23/index.html https://www.nytimes.com/live/2023/01/04/us/house-speaker-vote https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2023/01/04/house-speaker-vote-live-updates-kevin-mccarthy/ The New US Congress was just sworn in yesterday and the House GOP are off to a very embarrassing and comical start.
  13. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/live/2023/jan/05/house-speaker-vote-republicans-kevin-mccarthy
  14. I hope you're right and that it's not too rosy of a forecast for me.
  15. I've feel like I've maxed out on practically everything I could possibly do to improve my game as far as possible. However, I am beginning to wonder if I am getting really close to hitting the ceiling, as if I am no longer able to significantly improve my level of game no matter how much I try or what new thing I try. Sadly, I do have Asperger's and as I've mentioned before in many of the previous posts I've made on here, for years I've tried meeting girls at all different kinds of places and learned from many of best dating/seduction gurus out there, constantly asked advice on many different seduction/pickup forums, watched and applied what I've learned from Leo's "How to Get Laid" series, done online game like crazy, etc., etc., etc. I ultimately got laid with less than 10 reasonably attractive girls and one girlfriend I was with for years before she broke up with me. I am going to be 35 years old very soon and I am very worried about the possibility of not being able to improve my game anymore because of the fact that my brain was never wired for social adept person given my genetic limitations.
  16. So, how does one stay hopeful that one day I'll get a job that I'll be able to keep for life?
  17. Also, Leo was right all along about Biden arguably becoming even more successfully progressive than even Obama:
  18. China finally ended their draconian zero-COVID policy. Yet, experts say that this has now caused millions of new COVID cases per day and will probably lead to well over 1 million deaths in China. This is because there own vaccines have not been effective enough, they are still refusing to accept any western mRNA vaccines, and hospitals and pharmaceutical companies were not prepared enough to handle the upcoming widespread COVID cases and death throughout the entire China. Top experts are saying that this could very well lead to more worrying new COVID variants that could spread all over the whole world. Such new COVID variants could very possibly evade all of the immunity gained from previous infections and vaccinations. I hope this won't cause any more lockdowns worldwide or cause the entire global economy to crash again.
  19. I can't afford to move to a big city now. I have one more prerequisite class I have to take before I begin my DPT program this summer. That will take a couple of years to complete all of that.
  20. Why do you think she didn't just start out as a conservative Republican before?
  21. The kid in this video accurately points out how the Sun Belt is on its way to turning blue: Obviously, this is not gonna all happen within the 5 years, but given the demographic trends that have been occurring since around 2000, more and more and more of the Sun Belt region has been turning blue until one day practically all of it becomes blue. The Democratic Party is going to have to work even harder on improving their messaging and canvass the entire region like never before in order make sure that they take over the entire Sun belt one day.