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Everything posted by Hardkill

  1. Awww, but she’s a person too. Doesn’t she deserve to be loved?
  2. Interesting.... Well, generally speaking, men still want more sex partners than women do. Also, most men in western societies get easily pussy whipped by women they are in a relationship with because of feminism and the fact that most men have weak character. So, what should a woman who already has already with hundreds of men do if she really wants to be in a monogamous relationship with a guy?
  3. Then wouldn't that mean that if a man sleeps around with lots of women then his own psychology will also be damaged, have more difficulty bonding deeply with a woman, and will have a harder time becoming a good responsible father?
  4. Hilarious. Haha Yeah, girls generally can sex easily by just approaching any guy in a very sexual manner right away like she did in that vid. But almost no girl ever does that, unless they're really drunk, they are a prostitute, just happens to be horny during a rare moment when her sex drive just randomly spiked. This is because women generally have a fear of being slut shamed, while men are praised for sleeping with a lot women. It's also because, women have to worry way more than men do about potential dangers such as getting sexual assaulted, raped, pregnant, or murdered. Women also usually aren't horny as often as men are and usually take longer than men to get sexually stimulated.
  5. Imagine if everyone in America watched porn a lot more, read more erotica, masturbated a lot more, and had a lot more sex and and all of that became the key to bringing the country back together.
  6. Are you an expert in any of the social sciences? Also, if the nations who were responsible for killing close to 100 million humans during WWI and WWII didn’t have the level of technology they had for those wars then, I think that the amount of people who would’ve killed in from both of those wars combined would e probably been a fraction of what it was in total. Conversely, imagine if primitive tribes had the same level of military weaponry that Western civilizations or even Asian countries had during WWI and WWII? What do you think those tribes would want to do with that kind of weaponry?
  7. That's why tribalism and tribal warfare has always occurred around the world since the dawn of mankind. Many native America tribes got very violent towards one another in the old days. Furthermore, there have been many instances during ancient times, where a member of a tribe, in any part of the world, would not hesitate to harm or kill one of their own if they even suspect that person to be a traitor or some other kind of bad person. There are still some tribes who still act that way in the middle east. Maybe some other native tribes in Africa, South America, Central America, North America, Australia, Indonesia, Asia, Europe, are are sometimes that way too.
  8. So, it's not just that left wing is usually more right than the right wing. The main point is that we ultimately want to get to a point where the whole world is able to establish absolute equal rights and total economic fairness for everyone around the world. Ideally, we want to eliminate all forms of tyranny, correct?
  9. Didn't you say one of your vids that there have been periods in history where the left has done some abominable things? Would communism/socialism in the Soviet Union, Cuba, North Korea, China, and Venezuela be an example or examples of the left having caused more harm to people than the right? Or was communism/socialism in those countries actually far-right, not left-wing?
  10. You mean have each county or congressional district be its own country? If every area in the country has a mix of Democrats, Republicans, and Independents then how are you going to be able to evenly split up regions or areas of the country?
  11. It sounds like a good idea in theory, but the reality is that it would be way too complicated to do because of the fact that no state is completely blue or completely red. Each and every state in the country has a mix of blue areas and red areas. For example, the cities in California are blue while its rural towns are red. Some of the suburbs in the state are red and some of the other suburbs in the state are blue. In fact, every city in every state is blue even in southern solid red states such as Jackson, Mississippi. Most rural towns throughout the whole country are red even in northern solid blue states like some of the rural towns in upstate New York. Some suburbs in a red state are blue and others are red within that same state. Similarly, some suburbs in a blue state are red and other blue within that same state. Furthermore, not everybody living in a blue city is a Democrat, not everyone living in a red city is a Republican, not everybody living in a blue rural town is a Democrat, not everyone living in a red rural town is a Republican, not everybody living in a blue suburb is a Democrat, not everyone living in a red suburb is a Republican. Plus, how about the fact that Independent voters makeup the largest percentage of voters in this country? According to a gallup poll from "December 17, 2020, 31% of Americans identified as Democrats, 25% identified as Republican, and 41% as Independent. Additionally, polling showed that 50% are either 'Democrats or Democratic leaners' and 39% are either 'Republicans or Republican leaners' when Independents are asked 'do you lean more to the Democratic Party or the Republican Party?'"
  12. Constant rejection does undoubtedly cause one to feel very discouraged and demoralized. I almost lost hope after getting by hundreds and hundreds of girls in a row in real life. If I hadn't ever gotten lucky enough to finally get my first ever real girlfriend at 30 years old after years of countless rejection, then I could've either ended up in a hospital for major clinical depression or commit suicide or start taking drugs or drinking alcohol to numb myself from the trauma of failure and being unwanted or resort to paying prostitutes/escorts for the rest of my life or abandon my family to become a celibate monk for life or live alone in the wilderness until I get killed by some wild animal. Who knows what insane and self-destructive thing I really could've done to myself.
  13. I just realized that I've never really seen progressives debate or talk with moderate Democrats about policy, except on an official debate stage like in 2016 when it was Clinton vs. Sanders or Biden vs. Sanders. So, I looked on Youtube to find any progressives commentators out there who have debated or have had a conversation with moderate Democrats about policy. I actually stumbled upon a vid from TYT from 2016 on Cenk, Ana, John, and Jimmy talk about why conservative and moderate Democratic voters vote for moderate, conservative, and establishment Democratic politicians even when they point out why a progressive like Bernie has better policies than someone like Clinton or Obama. In this vid, Cenk explains that the reasons for this are because most people don't follow politics as much as progressives do, aren't as informed about various political issues as progressives are, vote more based on their own emotions and gut feelings about each candidate, prefer to stick with their own opinions and biases instead of changing them even when confronted with facts (especially when your in a country allows freedom of speech, freedom of the press, individuality rights, liberty etc.). These are the very same reasons that Leo gave as to why progressives usually don't win elections So, why progressives such as Cenk also like to keep saying every time a progressive loses an election that it was because of the media, the establishment, corporations, or unfair political schemes that caused them to lose?
  14. I see. Well, I am worried about the millions of poor people and minorities out there who will continue to suffer from the structural problems and injustices we still have in our country.
  15. Then, would you say that being moderately liberal is the most practical ideology for pushing for effective progress?
  16. Is what Dave Ramsey said true or is this just another conspiracy theory?
  17. I know that, but that's not what I am asking. I am asking why is it that every time a progressive loses an election progressives like TYT and Secular Talk say that the will of the people was subverted in some way by the media, the establishment, corporations, underhanded tactics from the DNC, etc.?
  18. True, but I am talking about girls who had about 3 or less alcoholic drinks. Have you ever come across any girls who asked you to take them home and they weren't so wasted and are well aware of what was happening?
  19. Well, yeah I don't think that every guy can achieve top 1% level of game or higher. But I think that any guy can get above average game if you devote about 2 to 3 years of cold/warm approaching and dating and if you approach like 10 to 25 new girls a day 3 to 7 days per week. Guys like us are really going to have do at least 5,000-10,000 approaches and get some good experienced wings to get dramatic results.
  20. Yeah, careful man. If Leo sees this he may ban you for complaining. Haha. I feel you, man. I used to complain a lot about the fact that women don't have work hard to get sex or get a date. But actually I now realized that women actually have to work harder than men to keep someone in a relationship. It's just that most men give away their power of being able to easily keep a girl they've been dating too quickly. Also, guys who have game actually have dating, sex, and romance easier don't just have it easier than all other men. They have it easier than EVERY women in the world. So, if you are able to greatly improve game overtime until you become like an expert at it, then you'll be on the top of the world. Not even hot women will be able to get as many good choices as the top guys in the dating world are able to. Btw, you actually are practically guaranteed to get laid at least once and get at least one gf if you approach hundreds of different women out there, even if your social skills are like barely average, even if you look homely, even if you are poor, and even if you have no social status. Also check this out:
  21. Yeah, if you don't live in a big city and don't work hard at improving all areas of your life. Particularly, if you don't work at improving your social and seduction skills hard enough, then it really is going to suck being a guy.
  22. I actually met my very first girlfriend ever from having done a cold approach on her during the daytime out on a sidewalk near a coffee shop in a city we both lived. She was a really attractive looking older woman and we were together for a couple of years. Even before I dated her, I also dated a few other girls I met through other cold approaches I did during the daytime and nighttime. I went on a date with a woman whom I approached in a coffee shop during one evening. She was a little bit older than me. I went on a date with another cute woman whom I approached in a dark alley with some nightclubs and bars. She also was a bit older than me and we made out at the end of our date. I went on a date with a really cute asian girl I randomly met on one of my walks in the day time. She was very new in town and in her late teens. Well no, of course a guy doesn't really need to be some kind of superhero to get a girlfriend or wife. Most women still end up settling for men who are mediocre, just as most men end up settling for women who are mediocre. It's also true that if a guy approaches and talks to enough girls and make enough advances on them, then he will eventually get laid with at least one of them and at least one of them will want to be his girlfriend. However, I know that women on a subconscious level are greatly attracted to men who are charismatic, socially savvy, masculine, and are strong and wise leaders. I'd say that examples of men who exemplify all of these highly seductive traits that all men should strive for would be William Jennings Bryan, Teddy Roosevelt, FDR, JFK, Bill Clinton, and Barack Obama from the left. Examples of men from the right would be John C. Breckinridge, James Blaine, Warren G. Harding, Eisenhower, Ronald Reagan, and Donald Trump from the right. Although Harding, Reagan, and Trump were all ignorant fools, they still have been widely considered to be very seductive to many people in general including many women. Eisenhower, wasn't exactly charismatic, but he was no doubt recognized throughout the entire country as a historic national war hero because of what he accomplished as a top commanding general during WWII. Plus, with regard to his character, he was a truly noble and honorable man with great compassion for those in need and had a really solid work ethic. Those are all great core character traits that all men should have and of course women want men in who have those traits, when it comes to long-term relationships. Also, while you may not agree with on this, the fact is that a majority of women still are physically attracted to a guy who looks toned, strong, and fit. That doesn't mean that men have to go to the extreme by looking like a bodybuilder freak or giant strongman monster or a massive football player, but most women are still appealed to a guy who looks like he takes care of his body, doesn't look like a pussy, looks strong enough to protect her, and has a lot of stamina for sex. Also, some women like the idea of a strong guy who give her hard rough kinky sex. That's why they say that it's the alpha males who get the most amount of women and the best quality women, whereas the beta males get only a small amount of women and usually women who are not of great quality overall.
  23. You're right that men can't just complain about the fact that this is happening to them. Men do have to accept their share of the responsibility for this. In fact, true men always take full ownership of everything they do with women. A woman wants a man who she feels is her rock or hero that she can count on to protect her and guide her no matter how bad things are. A true man is a man who accepts the burden of the great responsibilities that come with manhood including leadership, guidance, resolve, bravery, adaptability, growth, ambition, competitiveness, strength, protection, assurance, resilience, principles, integrity, wisdom, competence, and acceptance of his own mistakes and faults. Some say that being a true man is a thankless job. Now, given how much the world has changed, men must work even harder to not only become successful with women, but also earn real respect from other people in general.