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Everything posted by Hardkill

  1. Sounds like a right-wing talking point or a talking point from the US Chamber of Commerce or Big Pharma. California already has budget surplus, already has the largest economy in the world (arguably 5th largest economy in the world), one of the most successful states in America, and already has high taxes. Plus, given that democrats have had massive majorities in both chambers in the CA state legislature and a Democratic who said he was serious about implementing single payer in the state as governor. Plus, according to the polls most people in California have no problem paying somewhat higher taxes and switching from private to public health insurance. Therefore, there has already been a clear mandate from the people of California to enact a single payer system in the state. I don't see why a lot of businesses would move to other states when California is such a very popular place to live in. Also, I am sure that the top less than 1% of the rich elite people in California can pay enough of their fair share of wealth for funding a single-payer system. Furthermore, California's population is only slightly larger than Canada and yet Canada has been able to make single payer work well for everyone one of its citizens. Besides, Newsom doesn't seem to be pushing a lot of liberal/progressive policies when he should be. Governor Tim Walz of Minnesota has gotten a lot more liberal/progressive policies passed in his state than Newsom has in CA, even though Minnesota had a trifecta with only a one-seat state Senate majority:
  2. All because of that damn desertification that had to happen in Middle East.
  3. I see. That's what I kinda thought. Well, then it's a very very sorry sight for those Arab countries and for the rest of the world.
  4. So, then what do you think the solution might be for these poor countries in the middle east to get out of the rut they are stuck in?
  5. Oh yeah that's true with Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and UAE. Well, what if these poor middle eastern countries emulated the way it's been done in Israel? Otherwise, how the hell are any of these poor countries ever going to develop to any significant degree?
  6. Well, I know that about Saudi Arabia, but why can't a country such as Iran find another way to enrich their country to the level that Saudi Arabia has?
  7. I see. So, why did Saudi Arabia, UAE, Israel, and Qatar gain an abundant geography but all of the other middle eastern countries could not?
  8. Right. Okay, I understand that. So, why haven't Iran, Iraq, Syria, and Lebanon, and other countries like those in the middle east haven't yet figure out a way to improve the living conditions and infrastructure of their own countries like Saudi Arabia, Israel, and UAE have?
  9. Is the reason why most of these Middle Eastern countries are still so primitive and are still so dominated by Islamic fundamentalism is because they still have a poor economy and have poor infrastructure?
  10. Also, Biden was Obama's VP and most Americans, especially most African Americans recognized how close of a relationship Biden and Obama had during Obama's presidency. Therefore, the majority of Americans voted for Biden to essentially vote for a third Obama term. Plus, Biden has been recognized as a highly relatable middle class American.
  11. For sure. We also have to transcend the systemic racism we still have in this country.
  12. Yeah, I know! What about Cornel West and No Labels? Then again, they say that West and RFK jr. will have a much harder time getting on a ballot with enough name recognition like the Green Party because they are running as independents. I hope that's true. I am actually much more worried about No Labels. Although some say that they might only pull votes from mostly moderate Republicans who don't like Trump. Furthermore, I really don't like Cenk trying to persuade people to primary Biden or get him to drop out. Fuck! I really wish we don't have to stress out about this everyday until election day.
  13. Alright, well maybe for now. What about Canada, the rest of Western Europe, and Australia compared to the US?
  14. Well, they say given that he comes off as more of a right-wing conspiracy theorist, he'll probably spoiled it more so for Trump. That's why there are some reports out there on the Trump campaign panicking about it.
  15. Well, then perhaps Scandinavia isn't necessarily more developed than the US. Just different like you're saying.
  16. How do we know that Scandinavia wouldn't regress backwards as a society with racial backlash and far-right wing nationalism if it had same percentage and size of racial minorities and immigrants as the US does?
  17. No doubt has technology, medicine, methods of treatment for all other kinds of issues, been rapidly evolving in every possible way everywhere in America since the 70s to 80s. Yes, it is true that since the 80s, the world economy has become so much more globalized, and the career/financial opportunities for women and racial minorities have been continually increasing. Yes, it is also true that historic liberal/progressive changes have occurred since the 2010s including the first US black president, first woman of color VP, first latin woman and first black woman on the SCOTUS bench, gay marriage, other lgbtq+ rights, major improvements in our healthcare system, the growing legalization and decriminalization of weed and psychedelics, major reform of the financial system after the 2008 financial crisis, Biden's major legislative achievements and big policy changes, etc. Furthermore, it is true that in recent decades the percentage of white christians has been continually shrinking significantly while the percentage of non-whites and secular people have been continuously increasing at a significant rate. However, the amount liberal/progressive changes made in government policy since the beginning of the Reagan era seem to have been slow compared to any other time in US history before the late 70s/early 80s. The conservative era of politics occurred during the 80s, 90s, and 00s in the US. The growing partisan gridlock since the 90s have of course caused Congress to be much less productive than it would be otherwise. Corporate lobbyists and other wealthy donors have further contributed to the blocking of many liberal policies, particularly with regard to economic policies. Obama could only make big changes just during his first two year of his presidency. Then Trump came into office and and governed as a hard-right president, especially during his first two years. Biden also could only make big changes just during his first two year of his presidency. The US government's military/foreign policy has become too aggressive on foreign nations such as China and we may closer to the threat of nuclear war than ever before. What do you guys think?
  18. How do you know they are lying? How do I know that you're not lying?
  19. Well, I certainly don't know nearly as much about Canada as someone like you, but your country at least has a definitely superior healthcare system than ours and the economic equality in Canada is not as bad as it is in the USA. Also, Canada seems to have a better democracy than the U.S. https://www.bankofcanada.ca/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/sdp2022-16.pdf
  20. And why would Canada and Scandinavia have more historical and geographic conditions for societal development than the US? Just because they are more white than the US?
  21. I see. So, the difference between men and women in a night life scenario is that men have more of a tendency to hunt for sex whereas women don't tend to hunt for sex, but are still subconsciously open the possibility of that happening if the mood strikes them and if they spontaneously hit it off with a random guy they just met. Correct?
  22. So, then what are most girls in the night life scene in a place like Vegas initially looking for?
  23. If girls go to the clubs or bars to find a guy to have casual sex with then why do most of the girls by the end of night not go home with a guy for an ONS?
  24. Why is Hamas actually doing this when they probably aren't going to win against Israel?