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Everything posted by Hardkill

  1. That's a cruel and short-sighted way of handling homelessness. Wait to you see how many angry homeless people there would be in the country if enough republicans in charge just kept sweeping the homelessness problem under the rug without really addressing the root cause of it. It would be like what happened during the Gilded Age or the Great Depression.
  2. Do you think the right-wing megadonors are more of a threat to our country than the MAGA Republicans are?
  3. Well, I am glad he's okay. But you know, it's kinda spooky how many of his family members had died from tragic deaths and that could've happened to him too,
  4. UAW labor union is striking incredibly hard with a vengeance after not having an increase in real wages and real benefits, for so many years, especially ever since the 2008 financial crisis. The intensity of this strike from UAW has never happened before in the union's 88-year history. That's going all the way back to the beginning of the New Deal era.
  5. I don't see how Destiny is a sociopath. He's morally for all of the right things as a true, but sensible progressive. The falsehood right wing talking points have included "the welfare has enabled black people to be lazy, do drugs, and commit crime" and that "non-white just as much as opportunity as white people." There's been no real evidence to prove that a robust welfare system enables black people, brown, or poor people to be lazy, do drugs, and commit crime. Also, the percent of black people in America who are welfare recipients is the same as that of the percent of white people in America who are welfare recipients. Plus, the main reason why there have a larger percentage of black people than white people who commit crime in the US is due to the fact that most black people in the country are struggling to survive. They are angry over the unjust income inequality between black and white people in America and because they don't make enough of a fair living they a lot of times feel like they have no choice but to steal from others with money in order to survive.
  6. So, I should stimulate her first by making her feel safe and comfortable around me and whether or not she likes my personality?
  7. Why does she need an emotional connection with me when she'll probably never see me again after we bang? What does her being emotionally stimulated really have to do with her wanting to just fuck? If she wanted to be emotionally stimulated then she could just watch a movie or tv show she likes, read a novel she's into, watch some spectacular performance on stage, or go to a music concert. If she wanted someone to make her laugh then why doesn't just listen to or watch some kind of comedy?
  8. What other psychological reason would there be if it couldn't that she's hoping to have a serious relationship with me and just wants to fuck?
  9. Yeah, but why not just keep talking with her explicitly about sex in a fun way until she gets turned on enough?
  10. What if none of the girls in that group setting are attracted to you? Would they still not mind having sex with you?
  11. I agree that most people vote for a candidate based on their vibe, appearance, and whose cultural values align the most with the majority of their constituents. However, I don't agree that most voters don't care about a politician's policies. If most people didn't care at all about the policies of a candidate's or office holder's policies, then why have a lot of everyday voters rewarded an office holder who have made bold, dynamic changes in government policy? For example, why did most voters during the New Deal era say that one of the main reasons that kept voting for FDR again and again was because they loved his transformative life-saving policies? How come did the enactment of LBJ's Great Society programs cost many Democrats in Congress their careers? What about the fact that one big reason Reagan got re-elected president was because during his time most voters really liked his seismic changes and long lasting influence in economic policy in America including his major tax cuts, great amount of deregulation, and big increase in military spending? Why do most voters in West Virginia disapprove of Joe Manchin ever since he voted for Biden's signature IRA about a year ago, even though that legislation was relatively moderate and he has been well known for being the most conservative democratic politician in the country?
  12. So, how is that not appealing to voters based on policy? I remember when Kyle Kulinski mentioned a poll that shows how the vast majority of young voters all around the country are really liking how Biden is pushing as hard as he can on student debt cancellation and he said, "You see. Good policy is good politics."
  13. Yeah, I just saw that vid! He's a really skilled debater. It's very sad that all of these black conservatives bought into the falsehood of the right-wing talking points on big government.
  14. Even if his children suffered from the negative long-term effects of unchecked capitalism?
  15. Right. He can't stop feeding his own ego with endless praise from others. Do you think he might pay a price for this by eventually hitting rock bottom?
  16. Yeah, he a major narcissist who has gotten extremely addicted, to power, money, success fame, adulation, and other people telling him how brilliant he is. He obviously got too corrupted by everything he has gotten in his life.
  17. Yeah, his greed has really taken over him. I really hope one day that he gets attacked by a massive labor strike.
  18. If authoritarian regimes had checks and balances then I think those kinds of governments could work.
  19. I need to see proof that he donated that much money to charity. Otherwise, he probably is lying. Donald Trump himself has lied several times about having given tons of money to charities before.
  20. I just found two articles that together I think helps explain more as to why the Republican Party as a whole can't move towards the middle of the political spectrum: https://www.vox.com/polyarchy/2016/8/30/12697920/race-dividing-american-politics https://www.vox.com/polyarchy/2017/9/22/16345194/republican-party-pathological https://fivethirtyeight.com/features/why-there-are-so-few-moderate-republicans-left/ Basically, these articles together say that it's because the Republican elites have had a serious political dilemma ever since around 2008. The first article mentioned that ever since the late 60s to early 70s, the Republican party for decades had been inspiring racism amongst the majority of white christian in the US (especially those in the south) by using the southern strategy and promoting racist law and order messages in a subtle manner. Then, ever since Reagan first rose to the power in the early 80s, the party came to the idea of invoking the fear of communism/socialism by saying that big government intervention on the economy prevents prosperity, the welfare system enables too many black and brown people to take too much advantage of too many entitlements provided by the government, public education undermines religious freedom, mention enables racial minorities to take too much advantage of the welfare system, the government has no right to grant hospitals the choice to terminate the life of unborn children, etc. This of course really worked out so well for them that it lead to the growing political dominance of the Republican party from the early 70s to the middle of the 2000s decade. However, America has also for decades steadily become more diverse, more highly educated, and the younger generation has become much more culturally and socially liberal than the previous generation. Therefore, even though the Republicans might have been converting more Democrats to Republicans than vice versa, the Democrats were making greater gains among new voters, and also doing better and better among increasingly cosmopolitan wealthy Americans. So, while the demographics had increasingly favored the Republicans from the 1970s to the early 2000s, the demographics eventually began to favor the Democrats nationally from 2008 and since then has continually increased in favor of the Democratic party even still to this day. The article then said that by 2008, the Republican party really had two choices. One was to acknowledge that the GOP had now been representing the middle class voters and offer a set of economic policies that would support the growing struggles of middle class people. The other choice was to continue pushing very economically conservative policies that was preferred now only by the now minority-within-the-party wealthy establishment Republicans by promoting the idea of "big government is bad" to such an extreme, pathological degree. So, instead of saying the same kind of messages that Reagan used, they now would come up with messages that had outlandish conspiracy theories such as "the federal budget has actually been siphoning off all of the taxpayer money of all of the middle-class (mostly white) to poor criminal welfare recipients and illegal immigrants (almost entirely black and Hispanic)." Trump and the MAGA Republican would say false dark statements such as "our country is dying" and "the level of crime in our country is the worst it has ever been." They would also make extremely xenophobic messages such as saying that muslim immigrants must be banned from entering the country, Haiti and African countries are "shithole" countries, and that Mexican immigrants are bringing drugs, crime, and rapists. They also kept propagating the racist narrative that Obama was not born in America and that he has been running a secret plan involving black Muslims taking over the country one day. Moreover, Trump would present himself as a populist by saying how the entire system has been rigged by the government and the establishment. One reason the GOP leaders decided to push their party to the extreme right instead of promoting more moderate economic policies that would improve the lives of the middle class was because according to the second article, their party's donor-class have had too much of influence over them, especially ever since the conservative rulings of SCOTUS since the 70s have been increasingly allowing the wealthy and corporations to use more and more money to legally bribe the GOP politicians into pushing for more economic policy that unfairly benefit the rich and corporations. Therefore, the donor class for the Republican party will never let the Republican politicians promote more popular economic policies that would benefit middle class or working class people. The other reason the party chose to move to the far right is because of the racial backlash and nativist backlash from both their base and many swing voters. Trump shrewdly capitalized on this the best in 2016. The third reason for this was because of the partisan gerrymandering, which has made many congressional and state legislative seats throughout the US safe for each party respectively. Therefore, candidates running for each of those seats have no incentive to appear moderate and actually are instead forced to come off more extreme in order to compete for the nomination of their party for such an office. Plus, the right-wing media since the 90s and other right-wing activists since the 70s including the evangelical groups, anti-immigration groups, and gun-rights groups have been major contributing factors to the party's continuing shift to the far right even still to this day. All of these power players have been using whatever means necessary to influence the GOP to constantly take very unpopular right-wing positions for their own selfish reasons.
  21. Their base is shrinking rapidly according to changes in demographics, and for decades they've kept going further and further to the far-right. Plus, most their policies are unpopular amongst the vast majority of Americans. Their voter suppression tactics, constant gerrymandering, the 18th century structural advantages they have in national elections, the immense amount of financial support they get for their campaigns from the rich and their corporate donors, and the culture war distractions will not work for them forever. They've already lost too many big elections since 2018. They have become such a hateful party. So, don't they realize that they got to shift back a lot more to the center?
  22. The sad reality for guys is that most girls you approach, talk to, ask out, and sexually escalate will reject you. Even if you have top game or have very high social status, most girls will still turn you down. Yet, if a girl offered a hundred guys to go out on a first date with her, most of them will say yes. I get that people are getting more and more selective these days with the rise of social media influencing the illusion of "endless options," but why do guys have to get rejected way more than women do, even if you ask a girl out on just a casual first date? I think that the amount of rejection that men have to suffer from these days has gotten much worse than it was for men in the 1900s. It's crazy!
  23. We know that one of the biggest fears that women have is being judged as a slut. So, how do female sex workers including women who are pornstars, prostitutes, strippers, or what have you deal with being perceived as sluts? Do they just accept the fact that most people will believe them to be not relationship material?