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Everything posted by Hardkill

  1. Did you tell her how entitled she must be and how she probably doesn't even know the meaning of real hard work?
  2. I see. many hot girls have also been abused physically and emotionally. Some have even almost been killed. This hot pornstar whose work I used to watch was severely traumatized by her ex who eventually was sent to prison and became suicidal: Another attractive pornstar named August Ames, committed suicide at the age of only 23 years old: Former Supergirl actress, Melissa Benoist, did a live instagram vid years ago about how she was a victim of domestic violence: There of course been so many other attractive women in the sex work industry and showbiz industry who have been sexually assaulted or raped or traumatized in some way. Harvey Weinstein and a lot of other high status guys in the entertainment industry have hurt a lot of women they worked with in horrific ways.
  3. Well, your work has been substantiated by a compilation of sources from numerous top experts throughout history. Also, I don't think you have developed any kind of off-the-wall theories that no serious intellectual out there would even seriously consider. I don't know. I am deeply skeptical about Chris Langan being some kind of true genius. Furthermore, if he was truly intelligent like how you've talked about true intelligence, then why is his politics the same kind as that of some kind of dumb MAGA zombie or redneck? Would you even consider Chris Langan as a stage yellow thinker?
  4. Then, why haven't they already been approved by the consensus of any of the top experts of philosophy out there in the world? Besides, isn't it a cause for concern that he's supported all kind of scary alt-right conspiracy theories like the 9/11 Truther Movement, white Genocide conspiracy Theory, opposition to interracial marriage, and antisemitic dog whistles? How about the fact that a lot of alt-right extremists have followed his work?
  5. Okay, but what has that done for society as a whole? Besides, he's been known for spreading all kind of toxic alt-right conspiracy theories.
  6. So, that means that most celebrities are more rotten to the core than the average everyday person? and what about all of these celebrities out there who say that they've been practicing transcendental meditation, religion, or some other kind of spiritual practice on a regular basis?
  7. Is that because most celebrities actually have weak character?
  8. But aren't a lot of attractive girls hard working like all of those hot famous female celebrities? But yeah, I believe that actually most men wish they were the 10% of men. The alpha males and the highest status men in the world. I wish I was. That's probably why guys like the Tate brothers are incredibly popular and have inspired millions of guys around the world.
  9. Yeah, that's true. Also, Fox News and others right-wing outlets have been trying their best now to convince Republican and conservative voters throughout the entire country to move on from him to someone like DeSantis.
  10. This guy is a conspiracy theorist and many of his theories have been incorrect. He really seems divorced from reality. Besides, what actual positive changes has he really made to the world? Has he developed some profoundly brilliant idea or made some historic discovery for humanity like how Einstein or Newton or Socrates or Leonardo Da Vinci did? Is he some kind of geneticist, evolutionary biologist, physiologist, or highly competent medical doctor? Is he a genius architect like Frank Lloyd Wright or genius engineer like Gustave Eiffel who designed and constructed a monumental historic building or structure? Is he a military genius? Did he create some truly unique and creative art piece like Picasso or Marcelle Duchamp did? Is he an elite level jazz musician or some kind of Mozart level classical music composer? Has he written poetry that's truly genius of Edgar Allen Poe or written brilliant novels like Ernest Hemingway? Did he figure out some new mathematically theory that has really changed the world of math and sciences? Is he a brilliant historian or social science expert? Has he developed some new kind high-level computer technology that no one else ever thought of before like Bill Gates Or Steve Jobs did? Is he even a computer scientist or computer engineer? Is he a professor or researcher of any subject at some top university or college? Does he even teach at any school? Is he some kind of top economist? Has he even created a highly successful business of his own? Has he even done any kind of brilliant political activism or campaign strategies that have benefited the people of our country? His academic credentials are not even that impressive. It's not like he has proven himself to be anywhere near as intelligent or as wise as someone like Noam Chomsky. Doesn't even seen as smart and highly educated in the Sciences as say someone like Sanjay Gupta or Dr. Fauci. He hasn't done anything that's heroic or admirable like a soldier, military veteran, honorable police officer, intelligence officer, firefighter, who served as a member of the government to protect the citizens of our country from all kinds of dangers. He's never done anything that's been praiseworthy like a good politician who passed laws or made policies that really improved the well-being and fairness of all of their constituents. He's not even some kind of lawyer who brought some kind of justice that a certain criminal would deserve. He also not some high quality journalist who either does their due diligence to deliver current event facts or investigates what corruption or unjust situations are going on behind scenes with some kind of business or gangs and makes good faith intelligent arguments to the people. So, why is he "the world's smartest man" and what great things has he actually done for the good of mankind?
  11. Although, most Americans are uninformed, stupid, and easily influenced by right-wing conspiracy theories and Fox News. So, it may not be totally out of the realm of possibilities that about half of Americans may be easily fooled into believing that he was wrongly convicted.
  12. That's technically correct. If that happened then it would no doubt be the most surreal and most bizarre thing that's ever happened in all of US history. Our country would also be recognized by every other country in the world as a truly disgraced nation.
  13. If DeSantis was a moderate Republican like Mitt Romney, McCain, Eisenhower, Nixon, or Ford, then I would be okay with him being president. However, his economic policies are still are still too far to the right. There’s no denying that unless you are a right wing extremist or even a Reagan/Bush Republican. Btw, I don’t like his stance on the War in Ukraine. Like Trump, he doesn’t support the need to help Ukraine stop Russia.
  14. Because people in the West are getting smarter and wiser as a collective. That means that more and more people western societies have become increasingly skeptical about the ideas of Christianity or of any kind of religion being supported by any facts. Furthermore, most people in the West have become increasingly influenced by more secular lifestyles and less so by religious lifestyles. This is because the environments of western societies keep getting more and more modern and the faith on religion gets increasingly replaced by faith on science.
  15. But how much of Russia's economy and people is he really willing sacrifice to win this war?
  16. Oh, alright.... Well, he would still ruin the US economy in the long-run if he became president. Not to mention he would appoint even a bunch more far-right wing judges all over the country. Also, if we have another financial crisis or another health related crisis in the US, then he would do a disastrous job of handling it.
  17. Ok fair points, but what about his banning of African American studies and some of the “critical race theory” stuff? Also, what about his banning of mask mandates and unjust control of businesses like DisneyWorld? How about his creepy mandatory period test policy on girls?
  18. Then why is undermining people's freedoms in his state? Why is he bullying Disneyworld, schools, and other businesses in his state? Why has he banned African studies in schools in his state? Why is he being a creep with his mandatory tests for girls to check to see if they have their periods or not?
  19. That's very sad. Do you think that one day the majority of people in Florida will come to regret having a right-wing extremist running their state?
  20. Oh..... but over 5.6 million people voted for Biden in 2020, which was almost half of the entire voting population in that state. So, what do all of those voters feel about him?
  21. Why is DeSantis so popular in Florida when it about as urban, as racially diverse, and as educated as people from New York, California, or Illinois? What do the several millions of liberals, Democrats, women who are not conservative, black people, Latinos who are not cubans, and Miamians in your state feel about him? Furthermore, Florida is one of the 11 states left in the US that have not expanded their Medicaid eligibility for its people. Yet, it's one of the most populous and diverse states in America and is a wealthy state. So, why aren't there enough people in that state not demanding like hell for the Medicaid expansion to happen?
  22. I believe that only moderate Republicans and moderate conservatives in America are perhaps a mix of stage Blue, stage Orange, and some stage Green. Otherwise, most Republicans and conservatives in the US seem to have very little to no stage Green traits.
  23. Okay, I see what you mean with the first part of your answer. As for the second part of your answer, what was wrong with the kind of tax system we had in the mid 1900s, when it was much more fair for everybody before Reagan became president? Even, rich liberals and Democrats like Warren Buffett have said that the tax rates for the rich and corporate are grossly unfair to everyday people. There will be a day of reckoning for all of the greedy right-wing rich pigs like Carl Icahn and Robert Mercer who have been destroying the middle and working classes and have been trying to kill our democracy.
  24. Why have progressives and liberals been unsuccessful with their movement on taxing the rich and corporations a lot? I get that most Democratic and Republican politicians are still heavily influenced by corporate and wealthy donors who don't want their taxes raised, but why aren't most Americans not outraged by this? Given massive economic equality that has been constantly growing since around the 80s, why hasn't there been enough of a widespread social activism by the poor, middle class, working class, liberals, and progressives like what happened around the turn of the twentieth century?
  25. I believe what the GOP have been doing ever since around the Obergefell v. Hodges ruling in 2015, is that they have shifted their targeting of homosexuals and bisexuals to those who are transgenders or queers. The Republican party has been like "Alright fine, gay rights is now considered acceptable by most Americans and the matter has now settled throughout all of America. That means that we can no longer offend gay people or speak out against marriage, otherwise it will really hurt our chances of winning future elections. Therefore, we concede that there's nothing we can do about this issue anymore......But, you know what we can still do? We can still constantly persecute anyone who is a trans or some woke queer. It's the only possible thing we have left for being able to preserve some semblance of sexual/gender norms in our country. Otherwise, our entire society might very well fall apart and God will send us all to hell. Plus, that should be enough to help us win over our fellow conservative voters and hopefully convince enough moderates and independents to side with us."