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Everything posted by Hardkill

  1. Two more hostages were released by Hamas: https://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/hamas-gaza-releases-hostages-israel-nurit-yitzhak-yocheved-lifshitz-rcna121680
  2. To me that's sounding like giving up fighting for what is right. You know, what's really frustrates me is that we haven't a serious liberal movement for like what happened with the abolition movement, early 1920s progressive movement, or mid 1900s civil rights movements. Why have the progressives today still not been able to generate a large enough on the ground kind of movement? Why haven't there been giant marches every single day? Where are the widespread sit-ins? Why haven't they organized the churches/synagogues and the unions together? Why hasn't someone like Obama continue to fight like hell for our democracy and rights like MLK did?
  3. We may not be able to follow our own life purposes for long if WWIII happens, nuclear warfare happens, cataclysmic climate change disasters occur, or if Trump and the MAGA tragically win in 2024. Any of those scenarios would lead to such nightmarish dark days for this world. And yet it doesn't seem like enough people in the US or even in many other parts of the world are waking up to the dangers we are in. Most people in the US don't trust our government or our political system. Also, Democrats keep still getting outmessaged by the Republicans. It's like it still doesn't seem to matter how great of a job Biden and the Democratic party have been doing for this country or how much more fucked up Trump and the Republicans keep getting. Both parties are still mistakenly perceived by the public as being about equally bad by moderates, independents, and undecided voters. It's absolutely unbelievable and truly scary! Yes, the toxic right-wing media ecosystem is largely responsible for this, but the Democrats and liberals in this country really dropped the ball by not playing hardball enough like the Republicans do and by not having built a powerful liberal/left-wing media ecosystem in the 90s, 00s, and 2010s. Sometimes, I think that maybe a lot of the corporate Democrats actually want their party to lose or be weak in order to appease their corporate donors.
  4. I've never been able to manage my worries about something that's out of control. It usually makes me feel hopeless and pessismistic when there is nothing I can do about a serious problem. So, how should we prepare for the worst?
  5. So, if Trump became president again and the Republicans took control of the Senate again and held onto control of the US House, then how would things still be business usual, especially when you factor the fact that courts, including SCOTUS, have been stacked much more favor of the conservatives/Republicans, than when Trump first became president 2017? Have you even heard of the terrifying plans that many big conservative groups such as the Heritage Foundation have already come up if they regain control of both chambers of Congress and the presidency? https://apnews.com/article/election-2024-conservatives-trump-heritage-857eb794e505f1c6710eb03fd5b58981 How about the fact that they will continue to destabilize the US economy and much of the global economy by further deregulating the whole financial system and passing even larger tax cuts for the rich and corporations? We could have another Great Recession if not Great Depression if they were in power again. Plus, that if Trump and the Republicans control the entire government again by 2025, then they will undoubtedly bring us much closer to WWIII or a global nuclear warfare. Not to mention, that they continue decimating our natural environment and further worsen the climate change problem. They are so hell-bent on wanting to get their revenge even if it risks annihilating this country, if not the whole world!
  6. I've tried that method before, but the problem is that I still have too much difficulty dealing with a worry or problem that is outside of my control. In fact, a lot of times, whenever it has to do with a problem or worry that I can't do anything about, then that makes me feels depressed or even more scared.
  7. So, I recently went on a date with a girl and on the date we first just had a normal chat about her, about me, what we like to do for fun, making jokes and teasing each other, etc. I also physically escalated with her gradually while paying attention to her non-verbal cues to notice how receptive she is to me escalating the sexual vibe. Then, in the middle of the conversation I asked her if she watched porn. She then gave me a weird look while saying "uh, no." Then she asked me why I would ask that. I said I am just curious. Then she was like "Okay?....Well, are you obsessed with sex?" I said "Oh no, I just wanted to if you happen to be into that. I mean there's nothing wrong with porn." She then said "Well, no there isn't, but that is a weird question to ask someone you just barely met." The date ended with a kiss, but a few days later she said to me over text that she didn't want to date again due to "personal reasons." Do you think this chick was just being a prude?
  8. Good question. I don't get it either. Maybe she just felt pressured into doing so?
  9. So, most Arabs around the country still don't think that Hamas are terrorists?
  10. But how can they ever really recover their reputation after the atrocities they've already committed?
  11. Yeah, I was definitely by surprised by this too. I wonder what's the catch.
  12. So far, Hamas actually released two of the American hostages to the IDF. This has been confirmed with 100% certainty. https://www.cnn.com/2023/10/20/middleeast/hamas-us-hostages-released-intl/index.html
  13. Okay, so there probably still won't be a nuclear war in the world. But what about threats to democracy and the global economy around the whole world?
  14. Did he tell the PA that that the reason why he was expanding the settlements was to promote ethnonational integration in Israel?
  15. But is it true that Bibi did secretly fund the Hamas militants and made illicit deals with them via Egypt for many years in order to weaken the innocent PA?
  16. According to The Times of Israel, Bibi allegedly has been secretly working with Hamas for many years and used them as part of his plan to divide and conquer the entire West Bank and Gaza strip. That means that he wanted Hamas to launch their attack on Israel in order to effectively pin the blame on Palestinian Authority and all of the Palestinians, thereby giving him a pretext for invading all of Gaza and the West Bank. https://www.timesofisrael.com/for-years-netanyahu-propped-up-hamas-now-its-blown-up-in-our-faces/?fbclid=IwAR1Il86r4Jm9_AQ2mXZ_EZO4MhOyJQfph-uXOALr5CP13u05GjqmAfFA4vk https://www.npr.org/2023/10/11/1204923717/israel-gaza-hamas-palestinian-war "The goal for Netanyahu, according to Schneider, was to avoid the building of a future Palestinian state at any cost. And he did that in the way he approached Hamas, by allowing cash to flow into Gaza, which is ruled by Hamas, and making deals with the militants via Egypt." Is this really true?!
  17. Biden will be going to Israel and then Egypt tomorrow.
  18. Apparently, according to a poll in the Jerusalem Post, a majority of Israeli citizens blame Netanyahu for the Hamas attack. They believe that his failed leadership caused their country to be vulnerable to attacks by Hamas. Also, according to that same poll, most people in Israel want him to resign after this war ends. So, so far, Bibi hasn't gotten the kind of rally-around-effect that W. Bush had post 9/11 or H. W. Bush had during operation Desert Storm.
  19. You I can't stand these Republicans like Lindsay Graham who are already trying to make this situation much worse than it is already is. https://news.antiwar.com/2023/10/11/sen-graham-says-were-in-a-religious-war-calls-to-level-gaza/
  20. Would you say that we are now living in a new Cold War era? Or are we living in an even worse time than the Cold War era was in the 1900s?
  21. California is supposed to be one of the most liberal states in the country, has had veto-proof supermajorities of Democrats in both houses of the California State Legislature for several years, a Democratic governor for over 5 years who ran as a liberal Democrat who ran on many liberal/progressive policies including wanting to enact a single payer system, legalize/decriminalize hallucinogens, controlling drug prices, etc. Yet, Newsom just vetoed a lot of good left-wing policies that passed the CA state legislature and backed away from his support from making a serious push for single payer system in CA. Many liberals and progressives including myself have lately been disappointed by him.