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Everything posted by Hardkill

  1. As Leo said, Obama is unable run for president again because according to the Twenty-second Amendment (Amendment XXII) of the US constitution, no American citizen is ever allowed to be elected president for more than 2 terms throughout his/her entire life. Each presidential term is 4 years long. Obama already served as POTUS for all 8 years by first being elected president in 2008 for one term and then re-elected in 2012 for a second term. In fact, no US president in the history of the country ever served more than two terms, except for FDR, who ran country as president for over 12 years. The reason is FDR was able to do so and did so was for a number of reasons including: 1. FDR was president from 1933 to 1945 and the Twenty-second Amendment wasn't ratified as an amendment to the Constitution until 1951. 2. He was incredibly charismatic and popular. 3. Most Americans acknowledged him as a legendary hero or savior because of how much his policies immensely not only helped saved the entire country from two of the worst national crises ever in US history, but also made the entire country even so much better than it ever was before for the people during his time as well as for the generations of people who would follow. 4. Even though most Americans before FDR's time were averse to the idea of anyone being president for more than two terms due to the fear of anyone holding onto such tremendous power for life like a monarch or dictator, most Americans during his presidency, felt the great need to have him be POTUS for an unusually long period of time. This was because because of the first three above mentioned reasons; therefore, they believed that he was the only person in America at the time who can save them from any crisis. In any case, Biden was Obama's VP throughout all of Obama's presidency, has been a center-left Democrat who has been shifting gradually more and more to the left, and has already gotten done arguably more positive liberal policies for the country than Obama did when he was president. So, Biden has essentially been kind of a third Obama term but in some ways even better than what Obama accomplished as president.
  2. What makes you think that other past presidents since Lyndon B. Johnson like Obama or Clinton or Bush 1 or Bush 2 or Reagan or Carter or Nixon or Ford or Trump could have done better than Biden? After everything I just posted, including the video interview with that top historian on his assessment of Biden, how has everything that Biden has achieved as president not been like an Obama 2.0 and better?
  3. Oh, another thing that Biden also absolutely deserves positive credit for, is his administration's impressive management of COVID in America. If it wasn't for the highly competent job that the Biden administration did with getting us through this horrific viral pandemic during his first two years as president, then so many more people in the US would been hospitalized and/or died from COVID unnecessarily. His administration probably also significantly contributed to what seems to now be the end of the global pandemic phase or the global emergency phase of COVID-19 for good.
  4. Wow. It looked like he and his whole group of mercenaries were going to turn on Putin. But yeah it looks they're actually "turning around" now: https://www.cnn.com/europe/live-news/russia-ukraine-war-news-06-24-23/index.html
  5. This was a tragedy. It was the hubris and greed of OceanGate CEO that caused this.
  6. I am with you man. We have too many dumb reactionaries in both the heartland and the Southern parts of America. It's like about half of the people in the country belong in some kind of 2nd world or 3rd world country. I really wonder if it would have been better for both the northern states and the southern states if after the civil war the US government had instead let the southern states secede from the Union after freeing every slave in the South.
  7. No problem. Yeah, don't give the right-wing media any satisfaction by giving even an hour or a day of your time to listening to them or reading up on any of their articles or blogs or what have you. They constantly distort every possible fact and every kind of logic as part of their whole agenda, which is to only appeal to people by running on fear, hatred, and nationalism. Ever since the 90s, they have deliberately continually divided the entire country and have intentionally contributed to the increasing distrust in our country's institutions. They've always been framing everything that goes on in America as us vs. them including: liberals are mentally ill and conservatives are normal, Democrats are evil entitled socialists and Republicans are innocent hardworking capitalist, regulation of the economy is bad vs. free-market enterprise is good, public schools are terrible and private schools are great, science/medical/public health officials corrupt and christian religious leaders honest, urban areas are disgusting and full of crime whereas rural areas are clean and orderly, evangelicals/fundamentalists righteous and people of other christian denominations or other religions as sinful, white Americans as superior and every other person of every other race/ethnicity as inferior, poor people deserve no respect or sympathy while rich people should be praised, USA the best nation in the world and every other nation in the world are "shithole" countries, etc., etc., etc.
  8. Oh yeah, of course! Healthcare in every country in the world, especially in every first world country, has gotten many times better in many dimensions since the 1910s thanks to the constant rapid advancements of medicine, healthcare technology, hospitals, manufacturing, media technology, communication, international trade, governments, businesses, commerce, exchange of ideas and beliefs from all different kinds of cultures around the world, etc.
  9. Okay, here are statistics on how many people worldwide suffered and died from the Spanish flu during 1918-1920, when there were no vaccines for the disease, no part of the world was under any kind of lockdown, and there only about 1.7 billion people in the world: Estimated Cases - 500 million approx. percent of people in the world who were infected - 500 million/1.7 billion = 29% Deaths - 25–50 million (generally accepted), other estimates range from 17 to 100 million approx. percent of people in the world who died (low ball estimate) - 17 million/1.7 billion = 1% https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spanish_flu Now, here are statistics on how many people worldwide suffered and died from COVID-19 from 2020-2023, with vaccines vaccines for the disease, virtually every part of the world was under some kind of lockdown, and there have been about 7.8 billion since 2020: Estimated Cases - 767,984,989 percent of people in the world who were infected - 767,984,989/ 7.8 billion = 9.8% Deaths - 6,943,390 percent of people in the world who were infected - 767,984,989/ 7.8 billion = .09% https://covid19.who.int/ As you can see, both the lockdowns and the COVID-19 vaccines made a dramatic positive difference for the whole world. The number of people per capita around the world who were infected by COVID was only less than a third of the number of people per capita around the world who were infected by Spanish flu. The number of people who died per capita from COVID was only less than one-tenth of the number of people per capita around the world who were infected by Spanish flu, even with a low ball estimate of the number of people who died from the Spanish flu. Also, the total of number of people who died from COVID was approx. 40.6% of total of people who died from the Spanish Flu, again even with a low ball estimate of the number of people who died from the Spanish flu.
  10. According to wikipedia "Despite Democrats holding only razor-thin majorities in both chambers during a period of intense political polarization, the 117th Congress is considered by political scientists to have been one of the most productive sessions of Congress in U.S. history. Some political scientists have described the legislative accomplishments of this congress as the most significant and sizable since those of the 89th Congress when President Lyndon B. Johnson passed many of his Great Society policies. Major policies enacted by the 117th Congress include the landmark Inflation Reduction Act, American Rescue Plan, Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, Postal Service Reform Act, Bipartisan Safer Communities Act, CHIPS and Science Act, Honoring Our PACT Act, and the Respect for Marriage Act." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/117th_United_States_Congress I knew that Biden and the Democrats in Congress ultimately got a lot of done, especially considering how extremely divided the US has gotten politically in recent years and the fact that they really only had razor-thin majorities in both chambers of Congress during Biden's first two years of his presidency. However, I wasn't sure before if this Congress would be considered by experts to be such a historic success. Obviously, the Dems weren't able to achieve nearly as many successes as they did during the New Deal and Great Society eras, but apparently all of successes they achieved during Biden's first two years as president basically measure up to all of the historic successes they made during Obama's first two years as president. This should definitely be considered an historic win for Biden and the Democrats.
  11. What absolute evil monsters the Kim Jong Un, his family, and his government have all been to its people. That country really must be very much like hell. Kim Jong Un and his family have been totally unfit to serve as the leaders of their people. They, along with all of the people in charge of their government undeniably need to be overthrown by force.
  12. Interestingly, when he first arrived here in America in 1968, which was when he won his very first Mr. Universe pro bodybuilding championship title, he said that the reason he moved here to the US was because he thought that his home country, Austria, which has had more of a social democratic style of government at that time, was too socialist and did not allow enough individual liberties or have enough opportunities for people. During that year, he decided to be a Republican because he believe that the GOP was the party that really supported the traditional American values that have made the USA exactly the kind of great country he wanted to live in including: having one of, if not the most powerful military in the world, limited economic intervention and control by the government, fiscal responsibility, low taxes, free market economy, freedom of speech, and so on. He thought that the Democratic Party back then seemed too much like the kind of "socialists" that run the whole Austrian government. This is what he said in 1991: "I finally arrived here in 1968. What a special day it was. I remember I arrived here with empty pockets but full of dreams, full of determination, full of desire. The presidential campaign was in full swing. I remember watching the Nixon–Humphrey presidential race on TV. A friend of mine who spoke German and English translated for me. I heard Humphrey saying things that sounded like socialism, which I had just left. But then I heard Nixon speak. He was talking about free enterprise, getting the government off your back, lowering the taxes and strengthening the military. Listening to Nixon speak sounded more like a breath of fresh air. I said to my friend, I said, 'What party is he?' My friend said, 'He's a Republican.' I said, 'Then I am a Republican.' And I have been a Republican ever since." He then tremendously admired Ronald Reagan and thought that he was a great president and a hero. He also respected HW Bush and thought that he was a strong leader when he was president. He did approve of Bush 2's war on terror policy, but disapproved of his environmental policy stance. I am not sure though what he thought about Bush's presidency overall. However, Schwarzenegger has always been a moderate to liberal republican and I believe that ever since around 2009, he has evolved into more of a liberal. Plus, he had rightly condemned the Trump presidency, denounced the MAGA republicans for their dangerous right-wing extremism, and is appalled by how bad the Republican Party has gotten as a whole.
  13. I thought women want a men who has a dick with a big girth. In fact, I've heard from a number of women that girth matters more than the length of the penis. They say that it's because a large girth fills a broader area of the inside of the vagina, whereas a dick that's really long can end up just poking the vagina so deep to point of hitting her cervix, which can be quite painful for her.
  14. Of course women find men who are inspirational, emotionally compelling, and fun to be with. But I thought that most women also desire a mature man in many respects. A mature man is someone who comes off as experienced, strong, courageous, commanding, shrewd, wise, successful, has his shit together, disciplined, persevering, having high willpower, has a solid sense of purpose, pragmatic, reasonable, etc. There is that old saying about how something will "SEPARATE THE MEN FROM THE BOYS." The boys being the overgrown men who are weak, cowardly, foolish, losers, don't garner any real respect from others, don't know their asses from a hole in the ground, get too emotional, etc. versus the real men who grew hair on their chests, have balls, have a real the spine, self-assured, are looked up to as leaders and protectors of people including women, are true winners in life, know what they are doing, etc. Therefore, the boys are the ones who won't be able to hack it, whereas the real men, who are the alpha males, are the only ones who can do what most guys can't do.
  15. So, she had that Brazilian booty, yeah? That what I love about a lot Brazilian girls/women. A lot of them are also more direct than most women in America, which I find appealing.
  16. According to this article from independent.co.uk, Trump said that the photo of him holding a baseball bat was real, but that he himself never put that photo next to the pic of DA Bragg. He claimed that his social media team put those two "unrelated" photos together. Here's more of his defense: “We put up a story that was very exculpatory, very good story from the standpoint of what we’re talking about,” Mr Trump said, referring to the link of an article that was shared with the photo. “They put up a picture of me, and you know, where I was holding the baseball bat, it was at the White House.” “Make America, Buy America. Because I did a lot of Buy America things and this is a company that makes baseball bats,” he said. “Then they put next to that picture a picture of Alvin Bragg.” “I didn’t do it, they did it,” the former president claimed. “I guess the people that do the paper or somebody put pictures together. But I was holding the baseball bat in order to promote ‘Made in America’.” “What they did is, we posted the story, but they had a picture up that they then put a picture up or the picture was put up that nobody noticed to saw or that nobody thought was bad. These were two separate pictures,” he replied. “They took that picture from the White House and they put it up and then they put a picture of Alvin Bragg up.” “But you know how it was interpreted?” asked Hannity, to which Mr Trump pointed to the “fake news media” and Democrats. Hannity then interjects and asks: “It wasn’t on your post on Truth social?” “What they did is, we posted the story, but they had a picture up that they then put a picture up or the picture was put up that nobody noticed to saw or that nobody thought was bad. These were two separate pictures,” he replied. “They took that picture from the White House and they put it up and then they put a picture of Alvin Bragg up.” “But you know how it was interpreted?” asked Hannity, to which Mr Trump pointed to the “fake news media” and Democrats. “Democrats are genius at a few things. They’re horrible at foreign relations. They are horrible at policy. They are horrible at everything,” he said. “But they’re good at a number of things though. Misinformation or disinformation, depending on your definition.” https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/trump-photo-alvin-bragg-baseball-bat-b2309173.html
  17. Well, according to the consensus of legal experts, given how long the trials will be for each of court cases that Trump will go through, followed by the appeal processes he will likely go through afterwards, and what have you, the final verdicts for each of those cases probably won't happen until 2025. Therefore, even if he were to go to prison, I wouldn't count on him being imprisoned until way after the 2024 general election is over.
  18. Trump has been threatening the prosecutors with violent imagery: Threatening a prosecutor in office in any way is already supposed to be grounds for a serious arrest:
  19. The MAGA Republicans don't just believe that DeSantis is a copy cat of Trump. They now, see him as someone who is really stabbing Trump and the Republican party in the back. Have you read some of the comments on DeSantis's instagram pics? The ReTrumplicans are now really angry at him for trying to take down Trump an and say that he really should've stayed in his lane by sticking with being governor of Florida. A lot of Republicans in the country are also believing what Trump said about how DeSantis has now been letting Floridians down. Btw, did you see Trump's ad on Ron DeSantis wanting to mess with people's Social Security and Medicaid with his "pudding fingers"? A lot of Republicans are already considering turning on DeSantis: Trump does a much better job than DeSantis with presenting himself to the Republican base as the "True Alpha Male."
  20. That basically goes along the lines of what I've been saying in the "Breaking News: Donald Trump has been indicted again" thread:
  21. This is totally unreal. It's like we are living in a some kind of political thriller tv series or a crime thriller movie and Trump is the main villain of the whole plot.
  22. @VictorB02 With all due respect, we don't want any of your extreme right-wing dogmatic views on any of your posts here in this forum.
  23. According to some polls out there the amount of people in America who support helping Ukraine win the war has been declining significantly. Now, Americans are divided over whether we should continue funding Ukraine for this war. According to University of Maryland Critical Issues Poll with Ipsos, shows that "A plurality of Americans, 46%, said the United States should stay the course in supporting Ukraine for only one to two years, compared with 38% who said the United States should stay the course for as long as it takes. The partisan divide was notable on this issue, with 62% of Republicans wanting to stay the course for one to two years, compared to 51% of Democrats who wanted to stay the course for as long as it takes." https://www.brookings.edu/blog/order-from-chaos/2023/04/28/americans-show-signs-of-impatience-with-ukraine-war/ Also, it seems that a majority of Republican voters in the US are now opposed to providing weapons and financial support to Ukraine according to an Axios/Ipsos poll. Of course, Trump, Desantis, and other extreme right-wing Republicans in Congress have been vocalization there opposition for supporting Ukraine. https://www.nytimes.com/2023/05/19/us/politics/ukraine-republican-skeptics.html Will the Biden administration and Congress eventually be pressured to stop funding Ukraine or will they continue to commit to helping Ukraine for as long as it takes even if undermines there political standing with the public?