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Everything posted by Hardkill

  1. No incels typically say that it's all about looks or money or some kind of well-respected career like a doctor or CEO of a corporation that gets the women. I know that those are not the main factors to attracting women. However, we know that women, particularly young girls these days, are sexually attracted to men with high social status like a famous rockstar, popular jock/frat boy, or some kind of alpha male with phenomenal game. Also, the days of being to easily get a woman by being a mediocre guy with beta traits and finding your significant other at school, work, single events, your community, or what have you are pretty much over. Young girls, especially those who are hot, have been receiving a crazy amount of attention like never before due to rise of social media and dating apps. Also, feminism, hypergamy, and modern culture have influenced women to be even further picky: Kevin Samuels here talked about how most men these days can only get sex either through rare luck or from prostitutes because most guys now are always outcompeted by the alpha males or guys with fame and the average dude has now become too boring and too socially awkward for even the average girl:
  2. Well, I mean I have in truth found a number of women that I able to get with, but I feel like people these days have become so unbelievably picky that hardly anyone is willing to settle with anyone for any kind of relation unlike in the 1900s. Younger women these days keep turning me down just because I don't have either high social status like a celebrity or have the charisma of someone like Julien Blanc, Owen Cook, Todd Valentine, or any of those RSD guys.
  3. So, then what do you do if millions of different people don't find you compatible? Should you then just accept that you're never find anyone who will be the right fit for you no matter what you do?
  4. Why is it impossible to have such terrible luck that you never find any person compatible with you even if you meet and ask out millions of different people?
  5. No, but women are inherently pickier than men for some reason. These days, they are way more picky than ever before and have way more choices than ever before and a lot of men like me have gotten rejected by hundreds of women in a row. Hence, more and more women are turning down more men for even just a casual date. So again, I don't see why logically it would really be impossible to get rejected by millions of women in a row, especially these days.
  6. why is that necessarily high unlikely?
  7. This all sounds good, but what if after approaching 1000s or millions of new girls in a row that none of then turn out to be compatible with you in any way at all even if you have a decent appearance and give it your best effort to establish solid social frame and stimulate her emotionally and sexually ? How do you know for sure that won't ever happen? Also, what does one do if after trying approaching millions of new girls you still can't figure out how to connect with women? I feel I've tried every way possible to emotionally stimulate women and connect with women on a deeper level, but I still can't get that skill down. The small amount of girls I had success with seem to have only happened primarily from both luck and playing the numbers game, imo.
  8. I know that, but it's like no matter what I do I can't improve both my game and self-esteem significantly.
  9. Look, what you guys are saying have idea that sound good, but I've already tried all of them myself for several years and they only got me so far. As far as I am concerned, it just seems like a numbers game. Even then, just because I've already some success before, doesn't mean that I am guaranteed improve my success with women.
  10. This is not some random girl I met at a bar or club. She's like a colleague of mine in this program. So, I don't think that it would've been appropriate for me to go fast with her.
  11. I am currently in school for my Doctorate in Physical Therapy. My program started only about 9 weeks ago and total length of the program will be about 2 and half years long. I very much want to become a Doctor in Physical Therapy and so I've committed to devoting the next couple of years of my life to primarily focusing on making it through the program. Also, I want to continue with my workout regimen, read some books, continue following politics, learn more from gurus like Leo, etc. Therefore, I can't afford to go out often to meet new people (including new girls) at bars, clubs, parties, other kinds of social events, cold approach, or what have you. However, I have an unsatisfying social life, I am sexually frustrated, my social skills and ability to charm are still not great, and I have Asperger's. So, I don't want to have to miss out on developing those skills. Is there anything I can do about this?
  12. How do you know for sure? I don't see how that makes the game so easy. If anything because they are emotional it in many makes them too unpredictable like an erratic weather, which mean you really have very little to no control over the outcome. So, you largely have to rely on hope that she will be feeling for you at the moment or not. Otherwise, she won't be interested in getting with you or will leave you simply no for logical reason. Besides, if this was such an easy then why am I still struggling at this even after trying way harder than most guys for many years and trying virtually every possible way?
  13. He's right about the fact that the Republican party really needs to at least take a moderate stance on abortion in order to stop right-wing candidates from themselves in the foot. However, he then went to say that in order for our country to one day have a complete nationwide abortion ban throughout the whole country it will take many more years for that to happen. The GOP was able to successfully overturn Roe vs. Wade after waging war on it for almost 5 decades. However, in what reality will the solid majority of people will ever support a nationwide abortion ban? America has actually become much more liberal overall ever since the Roe vs. Wade ruling in 1975, and most Americans will continue to become increasingly more liberal in the long-run (particularly after all of the conservative boomers have finally passed away).
  14. What if I end having the worst luck ever that I no longer can get even another girl to date or have sex with me even if I approached a unlimited volume of new girls that I am attracted to even if I give it my very best effort with each approach and conversation I make? What if I will never be able to learn well from my mistakes no how much trial and error I put into it?
  15. Yeah, but a lot of times I feel like I will never be able to learn how to present value successful on consistent basis no matter how much practice and help I get. I wish didn't feel the pain of rejection anymore and I wish I had real core confidence in one day being able to succeed with women.
  16. Could you please refer me to a source for me to a source that would help me understand why green energy is still not economical yet?
  17. renewable energy has in many ways actually cost less than the use of fossil fuels or coal. https://www.nytimes.com/2021/08/17/opinion/us-obama-renewable-energy.html
  18. I thought we already have the blueprint and technology needed for it. We just need a lot more public spending for these projects. Even China is already moving fast on this issue despite the immense amount of oil the country still consumes. Have you seen their big solar panel projects? panda-solar-farm.pdf
  19. That's not entirely true. If we had a some kind of overwhelming movement like what happened with the civil rights movements, women's rights movement, or Gandhi's civil disobedience movement at a global scale then such activism could successfully enough leaders in power to force the world to transition to renewable energy much faster.
  20. I can't move to another city until about two years from now. I am still mostly living off of my parents financially and even if I had enough money of my own did there's no way that I can afford to spend any time and money on moving out to find another house given the demands of my school program and other things I have going on in my life.
  21. For the time being yes, but the world now has the ability to transition to renewable much faster now than it has been.
  22. I don't know how I can when I live in a pretty small city with not many social events or other kinds of areas to meet a lot of new people.
  23. In the grand scheme of things that is a valid, but even the loss of approx. 10 million people around the world would still be such a historic tragedy that could've been prevented had we acted soon enough.
  24. I really don't like Cornel West wanting to run as a third party candidate for president. If he seriously goes through with his campaign, then he could very well cause Trump to be elected president again, by being a major left-wing spoiler in the 2024 presidential election, like how Jill Stein was when she spoiled the 2016 presidential election and caused Trump to become president back then. Same thing happened with Ralph Nader, when he spoiled the 2000 presidential election and caused Bush to be elected president back then. I also, don't like at all what RFK is doing either. He's undermining Biden's re-election chances by causing more the Democratic party to be more divided. If the entire Democratic party throughout the US does not completely unify together under Biden in 2024, then that may cause a significant amount of Democratic voters who voted for him in 2020 to either decide not to vote at all or vote third party. Biden can't afford to have that happen either in order for him to win re-election.
  25. Apparently, a nation may not need to have minimum wages/salary laws that state specifically what the actual number or numbers should be reduce or prevent excess wealth inequality. The Scandinavian countries actually have no minimum wage laws like the US, Canada, UK, or many of the EU countries do. Yet, all of the Nordic countries have such good pro-labor union laws and strong labor unions that every employee in each of those countries are paid good fair living wages/salaries through excellent collective bargaining agreements. https://www.ilo.org/global/topics/wages/minimum-wages/setting-machinery/WCMS_460934/lang--en/index.htm