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Everything posted by Hardkill

  1. There have actually been a few top legal experts who have been saying that according to the 14 amendment, section 3 Trump should already be constitutionally be barred from running for office again:
  2. That along with his nonsensical fight with Disney has been undermining the economy of his state. So much for Republicans being perceived as being better than Democrats at handling the economy, even though it's actually the opposite that has been true.
  3. Ha! I thought so! Btw, have you seen or heard about what's been going on his state with the latin immigrants protesting in his state over his extreme immigration policies?
  4. So, would you say that even Ron DeSantis is now taking it too far with his whole "Florida is where woke goes to die"?
  5. The Republican Party has become more unpopular than the Democratic party on the national level. Regarding presidential elections, they've only won the popular vote once since 1988 and actually haven't ever won a majority of moderate voters since 1984. The GOP senators have overrepresented their constituents way too much. The Democratic senators represent about 40-something million more people than Republican senators do even when the US Senate has a 50-50 split. Republicans have also gotten away with having a 20-something seat advantage for US House elections, and state legislative elections due to the gerrymandering since 2010. Conservative judges on the federal level have also become really unpopular amongst the general population. Trump and the MAGA Republicans have been costing Republicans an extraordinary number of elections at both the national and state level with their right-wing extremism. Yet, Republicans actually won the popular vote for both the US Senate and US House elections in the 2022 midterms. They also won the popular vote in both the US Senate and US House elections in the 2016 general election. Why is that?
  6. That still doesn't make sense. So, the Republican politicians, right-wing interest groups and donors, conservative activists, CPAC, and the right-wing media personalities would actually rather die with their base so to speak than actually be more pragmatic by not diversifying their coalition and trying to seek much greater bipartisanship with the Democrats?
  7. But aren't the GOP elites more worried about losing their political power?
  8. I actually just realized that one other big reason as to why Republicans sometimes still win the popular vote in house elections even though they can't win the popular vote at the presidential level. It's because the total voter turnout for all US House elections combined in any general election season has always been significantly lower than the voter turnout for any presidential election. It's probably because not as many voters in America don't care as much or don't understand enough of the effect those elections as much as they do about presidential elections. Total US Senate elections voter turnout of course are never nearly as high as the total US House elections because only a third of the US Senate seats throughout the whole country are up for election during each presidential and midterm election year. Plus, senate elections are still not as well-known or as popular as the presidential elections are. The total voter turnout for all congressional elections in midterm elections is also much less than it is during general election seasons.
  9. Legalizing prostitution everywhere would make sex work a lot safer for every woman who does it. So, would that significant reduce the negative psychological impact they have from being a prostitute?
  10. That's a good question. Well, I'd still think that a lot of prostitutes would still rather do their job as a sex worker at a legitimate organization or company, like in the red light district in Amsterdam, that would probably be much safer for them. I would think that women usually don't feel safe just having sex with a man, who is a complete stranger, in some creepy motel or dark alley, even if they got paid for it. That's good that you haven't ever gotten an STD ever in your life as a sex worker, but what if you weren't so lucky? I thought hookers actually got STDs more than the average person. Do most prostitutes off the street get tested regularly? https://prevention.ucsf.edu/research-project/sex-workers However, the the workplace policy in legal brothels, on the other hand, like the one in Amsterdam, are that women behind the windows are tested for STDs regularly as part of their contract with the brothel. Same with porn.
  11. the government doesn't make much of a profit like private businesses do. Regulation would protect prostitutes from dangerous criminals and would probably make sex work more safe from STDs.
  12. Yeah, he takes himself way too seriously and as an actor he has become a one trick pony. He lacks versatility. Not a true method actor like Daniel Day Lewis. How is saying that all psychiatric medications are bad a very intelligent thing to say when he has absolutely no expertise on that matter and is totally wrong about that? How is him being a true believer in Scientology, which is one of the most fraudulent and dangerous cults in the world, make him brilliant?
  13. Yeah, the damn right wing media ecosystem. Though considering when you put together the majority of moderate voters and almost all liberal voters in the country haven't the majority of Americans truly in favor of the Democratic party for a very long time? Why has the GOP become a minoritarian party that can't even seem to win even a majority of voters who identify as moderate? I hope liberals/progressives one day succeed with building a left-wing media ecosystem that will be able to drown out the toxic conservative media. Isn't that what about channels like Pod Save America are all about?
  14. Well, then I wonder if it has to do with the fact that usually not enough young voters (who obviously lean liberal/progressive) show up during the off year elections. They said that actually they were more registered Republican voters who voted than registered Democrat did for the 2022 midterms. Yet, there have always been more eligible voters who are Democrats than Republicans in the entire USA. It's sad that a lot of times the Democratic party can't energize the base as much as the Republican Party can. Could it be that even though the majority of Americans are on the side of Democrats, the Democratic party just can't message as well as the Republican party can.
  15. Really? It shows here in wikipedia what the Dems and Repubs got for the total popular vote in the 2022 House elections: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2022_United_States_House_of_Representatives_elections Am I missing something?
  16. Wait but it says that in the 2022 midterms, the Republican house candidates got 54,506,136 votes while the Democratic House candidates got 51,477,313 votes in total for all candidates throughout the entire country. That means that the Republicans won the total popular vote nationwide for 2022 US House elections by more than 3 million votes. Are you saying that gerrymandering has also rigged the popular vote in heavy favor of the GOP in House elections?
  17. Oh come on, I mean what about Trump and Reagan who dumb celebrity tv/hollywood actors turned politicians? What about Tom Cruise and his really moronic take on psychiatry and drugs? You really think that the Kardashians and their extended family really know how to start or run a business all by themselves like you did yourself? Either way, most of them don't have an impressive intellect. I am not a genius, but at least I graduated from top universities for both my bachelor's, Master's, currently getting my doctorate in physical therapy, took many other outside college courses to fully round out my education, have been a deep critical thinker about the world ever since I was in my mid-teens, have talents in real Fine Arts, read up on books on philosophy, have a greater understanding about the politics and the world than most people do. My parents who are highly sophisticated, intelligent, very well educated, well read, successful individuals who have lived very long lives look down upon most celebrities as being highly overrated simpletons who never bothered to develop their brains. Most celebrity musicians quickly run out new original kinds of songs that aren't really all that new. Many of them ruin their own relationships/marriages/families, drug addicts, alcoholics, high school/college dropouts, smoke cigarettes/weed regularly, get into a lot of times attempted or have to committed suicide, have stupid opinions and ideas about how to positively influence or help the world. Moreover, they eventually become fads. Same thing with most celebrity actors. Celebrity athletes are perhaps an exception. I actually respect the immense amount of real work they put into training and competing in their sport every single day. Bodybuilding/physique/fitness competition, CrossFit, strongman competition, long-distance events, combat sports are particularly some of the most demanding and challenging kinds of activities in the world. Besides, most celebrities eventually destroy themselves by the time the reach their 50s to 60s. I mean what happened to Mel Gibson after around 2006? He used to be this extremely popular and handsome actor in his prime and his acting was actually not bad at all back. Then, he blew it with his entire career because of his alcoholism, anti-semitism, and sexist abuse. There are tons of other examples of other famous actors/actresses like him.
  18. Could someone please delete this thread? I accidentally put it in the wrong section of the forum.
  19. The Republican Party has become more unpopular than the Democratic party on the national level. Regarding presidential elections, they've only won the popular vote once since 1988 and actually haven't ever won a majority of moderate voters since 1984. The GOP senators have overrepresented their constituents way too much. The Democratic senators represent about 40-something million more people than Republican senators do even when the US Senate has a 50-50 split. Republicans have also gotten away with having a 20-something seat advantage for US House elections, and state legislative elections due to the gerrymandering since 2010. Conservative judges on the federal level have also become really unpopular amongst the general population. Trump and the MAGA Republicans have been costing Republicans an extraordinary number of elections at both the national and state level with their right-wing extremism. Yet, Republicans actually won the popular vote for both the US Senate and US House elections in the 2022 midterms. They also won the popular vote in both the US Senate and US House elections in the 2016 general election. Why is that?
  20. So, even if prostitution was made safe like porn is, why would it still worsen a woman's psyche if she already has been psychological problems to begin with that had nothing to do with sex work she's been doing?
  21. Plus, there actually are a lot of celebrities and rich people who had it pretty easy to begin with like the Kardashians and the Jenner family. I mean I know that Kim K and her sisters have done some hard work to maintain their fame, success, and wealth, but like Trump they had it pretty easy to begin with. They never have had to face anywhere near as much adversity, risks, or other kinds of challenges as like Elon Musk did. Furthermore, most celebrities are not very intelligent and not very educated and have never been forced to use much brainpower to make it through the world or even bother to have enough of a deep understanding of the world. I don't like Musk as a person, but I at least gotta to give him real respect for being able to totally had to totally pull himself up by his own bootstraps and becoming a self-made man. Plus, he's way smarter, much more educated, and uses his brain way more for the good of society than most other celebrities out there who are just a bunch of dimwitted fools who haven't even got a clue about high intellectual matters. Most of them aren't even capable of being able to understand how the world works in a highly nuanced manner or even think in a deeply philosophical manner.
  22. Oh, so are you more like an escort or a call girl who just goes out on dates and nothing more? How objectified have you ever felt as a working girl? The guy you married must've had good game to be able to make you his girlfriend then wife.
  23. Oh wow. I've never talked to one before. How long did you do it for and did you get attached to any of the guys you had sex with?