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Everything posted by Hardkill

  1. The inflation rate in the US has been back to a relatively normal level since about a few months ago and wage growth has been outpacing the rate of inflation for the vast majority of Americans for over 5 month now. In fact, some top economists have argued that real wages are now significantly higher than they were before the pandemic. What's really going on now is that the cumulative inflation over the past 2 to 3 years hasn't come down yet. That means that even though wages of everyday Americans has been growing significantly faster than the rate of inflation for 5 months now, it still hasn't yet compensated for the 2+ years of inflation that did outpace the wage growth of most Americans. Economists say that from here on out most Americans will have completely recovered their purchasing power sometime by end of next year as wage growth keeps outpacing the rate of inflation.
  2. If progressives including AOC and Sanders have won big elections with campaigns funded by only small dollar donations. So, why don't Corporate Democrats do the same and stop taking big dollar donations from the wealthy people and corporations?
  3. Yeah, but if Bernie didn't have a money problem in 2016 or 2020 with regard to getting out his message and an increasing amount of progressives have been winning big congressional races in recent years without campaign contributions from corporations and wealthy donors, then do moderate and conservative Dem candidates really need big money donations from corporate lobbyists and PACs to win elections?
  4. Why do moderate and conservative Democrats still take PAC money and big lobbyist money unlike the progressives politicians?
  5. First time in US history this has ever happened before! The GOP have reached a whole new level of insanity. https://www.cnn.com/politics/live-news/matt-gaetz-kevin-mccarthy-house-speakership-10-03-23/index.html
  6. Then do you think that it might be for Biden to step aside and allow a new young and strong candidate such as Gretchen Whitmer, Gavin Newsom, Josh Shapiro, or Wes Moore to run as the Democratic nominee for president to save our country instead of having the whole country on pin on needles? (sigh).....what would Obama do?
  7. I just found a recent vid that gave clear reasons on why Florida turned red:
  8. I used to think that maybe there was some truth about the idea that the 1950s or 1960s being the "good old days," but now I believe that to be largely a myth. I now get that things in recent times are still way better overall than they were during the 50s, 60s, or 70s, even though the country used to be so much more united and the economic system used to be so much more fair for the bottom 90-something percent of Americans during the mid 1900s than it has been since the early 2000s. However, my parents, who lived through the 40s, 50s, 60s, 70s, 80s, 90s, 2000s decade, 2010s, and so on, don't think that things have necessarily gotten better for the country overall since the 80s to 90s. I mean they've acknowledged that things have now been definitely much better for racial minorities, women, and members lgbtq+ community in America than during the 80s, 90s, or early 2000s with regard to social justice, civil rights, and school/job opportunities. However, they are aware of how much worse off things have been for racial minorities, women, members of the lgbtq+ community, and young people when it come to economic/financial issues since the 80s to 90s such owning a home, being able to afford to go to a college/university, making enough of a comfortable living, etc. Also, my parents never worried about the worsening climate change problems until about the 2010s. Plus, they said that never in their lifetimes had there ever been anyone in our country who was as dangerous to our country's democracy as Trump has been. Therefore, my parents see it as things perhaps haven't really gotten better overall in our country, but that it's been more like a trade-off since the 80s to 90s. In fact, they believe that the 80s and 90s were still the best decades they ever lived through because of the fact that during those decades peace, prosperity, optimism, and overall level of fairness was at its peak in America and throughout the whole world. What do you guys think?
  9. Oh, I see. I think that makes things more clear to me now. Thanks
  10. I don't think culture matters that much. Women biologically get emotionally attached to a guy after sex, regardless. At least I would think that is the case.
  11. Even if the guy was able to emotionally connect with her, stimulate her emotions, and the sex was good she still wouldn't want to see him again?
  12. Right, but why is that? Sex is still sex and a girl's main objective is to find a man who will commit to her. So, why can't a girl you slept with from a night club not get attached to you?
  13. If girls get invested in a guy they just had sex with, then why do some girls never respond back to you ever again even after you had good sex with her?
  14. Despite the fact that girls generally want to be perceived by others as having a low body count, why do some girls these days not care about telling a lot of other people how many guys they slept with, even if they say they slept with 10-20+ guys? https://www.actualized.org/forum/forum/3-dating-sexuality-relationships-family/?do=add
  15. Like a head manager in a business or a CEO at a job?
  16. Yet, you say that girls are attracted to dumb guys. Not the nerds with brains.
  17. You know, before 2021, he and his TYT crew seemed much more reasonable and chill than they currently are. I wonder if it's because progressives like him have become more and more and more frustrated over the past several years with not getting the amount of progress they want. But the actually point that he's really now making is that more and more Democrats are saying that Biden shouldn't run again because his approval rating are below 50%. Yet, Biden's approval rating has been only a little bit lower than Obama's was at the same points in each of their presidencies. Also, Biden hasn't even really started his campaign yet. So, when his campaign really takes place then all of the big changes and positive achievements Biden has made as president should really shine bright to the public, which should help improve his chances a lot with winning in 2024.
  18. For over 2 decades politicians in Washington have done nothing to fix the serious U.S. National Debt problem. A few days ago, the U.S. National Debt just topped ops $33 Trillion for the first time ever in US history. https://www.nytimes.com/2023/09/18/us/politics/us-national-debt.html Will this issue ever get taken care of by the federal goverment?
  19. So what? I think what Biden was a very bold move towards the vision that he campaigned on when he ran for president. He's the very first sitting US president to ever do something like this. Also one's of the core beliefs Biden has always had throughout his whole life has been to build the middle class and working class people of America, which is totally congruent with the idea of being a major supporter of labor unions. Labor unions and the working class in the US have been fucked over by the corporations and the spoiled rich twits for far too long. This is one big reason why the middle class in America is dying!
  20. and the Chamber of Commerce, CEOs, and investors are very upset with Biden for taking sides with the UAW union. Unfortunately, a corporate Democrat who was the head of the auto task force in the Obama administration said that Biden shouldn't have gone to the picket line because "There’s no precedent for it. The tradition of the president is to stay neutral in these things.” He then said that Biden did this as a political move after caving in to the pressure from the progressives. I personally don't agree with that. Both the Democratic party and the Republican party have caved in too much to the influence of their corporate donors and the rich. It's high time that labor unions regain the great labor power they've lost over the past 4 to 5 decades.
  21. Then, why do some girls whom you had a one night stand don't respond to your texts or phone calls the next day, even if the sex was good, you wanted to see her again, and girls get attached to guys they have sex with?
  22. That's true. lol. Although, I think that dating has gotten worse for most men and women since the 80s or 90s.