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Everything posted by Hardkill

  1. Wait, but why is that kind of stuff unpopular to most Americans if all of those ideas or policies aligns with the fact that most Americans are tradition-oriented and are ignorant, selfish, and corrupt? How can I be the light if I don't have the resources or the manpower or the charisma to fight back?
  2. but why does it matter when about half of the entire country about forgotten about how horrific Trump was in office? Why do so many Americans no longer give a damn about his monstrosity anymore? Even after he's dead most people are going to forget about everything he did and go back to being the ignorant fools that they've always been and elect another radical right-wing authoritarian or disastrous right-wing president.
  3. You know, I am not sure what to totally believe now with all of this countless misinformation and extremely deceptive information out there like never before.
  4. But if Trump gets to effectively become a dictator starting on day one and he will have full command of the most powerful military in the world, the FBI and the law enforcement won't be able to stop him, the Supreme Court will never stop him, and the Dems in Congress who are too feckless and never fight back like hell? Even when Trump passes away and another radical right-wing authoritarian like possibly DeSantis or Vance take his place as the future king of America, who will be able to stop those monsters? Plus, the propaganda of the right-wing media ecosystem is still too strong! Too many Americans don't give a shit about what the hell is going on in our country. Right now, it's extremely difficult for me to see how any of these factors change fast enough to save our country before it's too late if Trump becomes a dictator. Even you said all of this recently yourself. So, what can be done from a practical standpoint in such a dark dystopian scenario?
  5. Unfortunately, yes. Also, the Supreme Court really has let us down by letting a tyrant take charge of the country because all they care about is ruling the country through a theocratic Republican regime.
  6. I thank you for your support. Though, it's very hard for me to see what I can do if not enough people are willing to listen to the right things because too many Americans have are too ignorant and too complacent. Not to mention, how can someone like me effectively cut through all of the noise of terrible misinformation out there in this day and age, particularly when I don't even have resources that a rich person or a successful business has to get out the message? Plus, what if Trump uses his newfound power as president to suppress all dissent?
  7. But you said it before that the right-wing media ecosystem has brainwashed way too many ignorant Americans. That's why the 2020 election was much closer of an election than it should have been. Well, it doesn't matter because debates presidential general election have no predictive value. John Kerry won all of his debates against Bush in 2004, but he lost the election. Hillary won all of her debates against Trump in 2016, but she lost the election. Campaigns in presidential general election also don't really matter either unless it's a truly exceptional charismatic candidate or legendary war hero like Eisenhower. Trump ran a much more energetic campaign than Biden did in 2020, but lost to Biden. William Jennings Bryan in both the 1896 and 1900 presidential elections was exceptionally charismatic and ran an extremely energetic campaign while his GOP opponent McKinley in each of those elections had a lackluster personality and had a front-porch. Bryan still lost both of those elections.
  8. I have visited the UK, France, Italy, Mexico, Israel, and a few others. I really wouldn't live in Israel or in Mexico. I am thinking about possibly living in the UK or Canada, but I am really not sure because yes every country has its pros and cons. I really don't know.
  9. No, I know that what they've been saying has been bullshit. However, I've been hearing from a lot of people outside of California who are moderates and independents who already have a preconceived notion about him as being a disastrous liberal.because of how much he has already been smeared heavily by so much of the media out there. The media environment we have been living in has kept ruining too many good possible candidates for all kinds of very important offices in our country. Even though the right-wing media ecosystem has lost some of its influence in recent years, it's still too much of a powerful cancerous force for us liberals/progressives in many ways.
  10. As much as I respect Gavin Newsom myself, he would lose Trump. Millions and millions don't like California and they've made it clear that they don't really trust him because he's comes as either too liberal for them or too much of a greasy car salesman. I worry that the right-wing media has already demonized him too much as "Greasy Gavin," who is an incompetent radical left politician who has done a terrible job of running California, even though I don't really agree with that. I also can imagine all of the right-wing media and even the mainstream media go on and on and on about the whole "French laundry" incident Newsom was involved in that partly contributed to him going through a recall election. Also, he doesn't have a record of immense accomplishments at a national to run on like Biden does or have the exceptional level of gravitas that Biden has. If he becomes the next Democratic nominee for president, then I wouldn't have a problem with that because, because presidential general elections are primarily a referendum on the governance of the party in power. However, nobody knows for certain if even he can make it through the presidential primaries. Let alone, we don't even know for certain if he truly has that exceptional once-in-generation charisma that appeals to the broad spectrum of voters like FDR or Obama in 2008 until he has been fully tested by all of the pressures of the presidential primaries. For all we know, Newsom could turn out to be an even worse presidential candidate than we thought. Many people, especially the Republicans themselves thought that Ron DeSantis would a terrific replacement for Trump as their leader because he would a much younger, more competent, more discipline version of "Trump without the baggage" and has had a great successful record of being a politician. He was supposed to be this promising rising conservative Republican young star in politics. Yet, not only did he lose badly Trump, but even Nikki Hayley did better than him. Kamala Harris and Corey Booker were expected to be very charismatic and strong presidential candidates in the 2020 presidential primaries, but surprisingly did poorly.
  11. He did lay out a number of progressive ideas for the country for a 2nd Biden term when he gave a speech in Detroit, Michigan recently. He will continue to repeat on the campaign trail. Also, Harris, Obama, and everyone of Biden’s surrogates will help sell his vision for the country as the campaign continues to unfold.
  12. Biden has recently put out his bold progressive vision for the country. Also, it looks like there has been a record number of older white voters switching over to Biden. There's been a record number of Republican voters against Trump. Also, what if Obama comes out swinging hard for Biden? Plus, what about the fact that ever since 2018, the Republicans have lost an extraordinary amount of elections because of Trump's right-wing extremism and chaotic vibe? Either way, if study the whole history of US presidential elections going all the way back to 1860, a presidential election is the only kind of elections where campaigns have no predictive value. This is because of the fact that presidential elections always garner the most amount of attention nationwide compare to any other election throughout the whole country. That's why a presidential election is the only race where it's primarily about how well the party in power has governed. Biden must run for re-election in order to maintain both the incumbency advantage and to best maintain the unity of the whole party for the Democratic party's best chances of winning the 2024 presidential election. Without Biden in the race (or him resigning the presidency to Harris ASAP) then Dems will very likely lose to Trump.
  13. I don't see how this would broaden the appeal of Trump's ticket.
  14. I am not sure why he picked Vance. He's not just another white christian man. He's even more of an extreme right-winger than Mike Pence was. Perhaps, because they felt like they needed to make sure they win Ohio for the electoral college and help Sherrod Brown's GOP opponent win for the US Senate race in Ohio. It's also probably because of how much more extreme to the far-right the entire Republican/conservative in the US has gotten.
  15. You know, I am thinking that now that we know that the shooter turned out to be a registered Republican, maybe the people will see more how crazy the whole Republican party has gotten.
  16. Yes, I was referring to Hillary Clinton having won 2.1% more of the popular vote than Trump did in 2016. For the 2000 presidential election, Gore won 0.52% more of the popular vote than Bush did. 2000 was undemocratic because of the staunch conservative SCOTUS who rigged it in favor of Bush and 2016 was undemocratic because of the will of the majority of the people, according to the popular vote, was subverted by such a totally outdated electoral college system.
  17. Guys, both his NATO speech and the way he answered all of the tough questions he was asked were phenomenal! Listen in depth to both the substance and the emotion he put in each of his responses. Even the mainstream media pundits who were critical of Biden's debate performance, were all genuinely impressed by how well he performed in the press conference overall.
  18. No, Trump's first popular vote was still not even close to Hillary Clinton's popular vote. He lost the popular vote by about 3 million in 2016. In the 2000 Bush vs. Gore presidential election, Bush lost the popular vote by about 500,000 votes, even though he officially won the electoral college by a razor thin margin and became president. Then again, the right-wing SCOTUS at the time really stole that election for Bush by not allowing a true full recount in Florida. In any case, 2000 was a presidential election that you can definitely say was a close call. Not 2016.
  19. Yeah, but Trump lost the popular vote twice by a lot to establishment Democrats. Also, MTG, Sanders, and AOC still don't represent the majority of Americans because they either are too far right or come off as too far left. None of them would be able to win in a swing area or in a more moderate district or state.
  20. I keep hearing from a number of commentators out there who say that people in America have become populists since the last decade because the people are tired of the status quo and the establishment. Do, you think that most voters in America really are now populists who want a populist leader to run the country or is that still not necessarily true?
  21. So, then they have no real morals then because they themselves are really incredibly selfish people. If Trump becomes president again, then how are they going to feel when or if Trump is able to shut down their news network because he would have such "unlimited power" as president? Not mobilizing people against an authoritarian like Trump, is completely irresponsible. There's an old saying: "It's not just the evil who wreak havoc on the world. It's the good people who don't do enough to stop them." Good quality responsible journalism is supposed to be the Fourth Estate for our country's democracy. Again, If Trump becomes president again, then what are they going to do when or if Trump is able to shut down their news network because he would have such "unlimited power" as president? Look at how Merrick Garland fumbled the whole thing with prosecuting Trump for his crimes by pussyfooting for WAY TOO LONG over the need to send a special investigator like Jack Smith to hit the ground running on both the Jan. 6 case and the Classified Documents case, all because Garland way too afraid of being seen as too partisan.
  22. MSNBC is not, but CNN is by constantly bending over backwards to seem like they are being "fair and balance" by continuing to their bothsidesism. They've been basically like "People are very worried about Trump being a danger to this country because of how much he's threatening our democracy, but people are also worried about the danger Biden poses because he comes off as a doddering old man. So, both of them are equally bad...." They are playing right into the hands of Trump by not talking a lot more about Trump, MAGA, project 2025, and the Supreme Court. Even Dan Pfeiffer from Pod Save America, mentioned before about how executives in CNN have admitted to not caring about our country's democracy. They said "Well, it's not our job to protect democracy in America. News is a business and viewership is what matters the most to us for our bottomline." As for the anti-mainstream left media, how are they going to sleep at night if Trump get elected president again? If they have such higher morals than most people in this country, like you say they do, then aren't they going to feel any remorse themselves for letting that evil monster become president again? Maybe, these anti-mainstream left pundits never really gave a damn about leftism and have been preying on their desperate left-wing audience for money and attention by pretending to be these "bleeding heart liberals/progressives." You even said before that Cenk is a real attention whore himself.
  23. So, then why are media outlets such as TYT, CNN, the Hill, and Breaking Points who know very well about all of this being complicit by helping Trump?