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Everything posted by Hardkill

  1. Given the non-stop concentration of wealth and political power at the top since the 70s to 80s, it's looking like the rich are going to one day take over the whole country unless some kind of drastic change or miracle happens that will stop this from happening in the future. So, what can we do to prepared ourselves for the serious possibility that in about 10 to 30 years from now, 99%+ of all Americans will suffer from the coming dark age of Gilded Age 2.0, whereby corporate tyrants and the billionaire crime lords will have turned America from a democracy into a plutocracy or an oligarchy ruled only by the wealthiest people in America?
  2. Doesn't matter for president Biden and the Democrats. Republicans has been looking into this for years, and yet have found nothing to connect Hunter Biden with Joe Biden. You're a real right-wing troll, OP. The right-wing media has brainwashed you with their right-wing conspiracy theories.
  3. Leo have mentioned before in a few threads that acting stupid is key to being successful with appealing to all kinds of people. In a thread titled "I’m a nerd logical guy. How the fuck to talk with a hot woman?" he said: He also said in a thread titled "Struggling with Blackpill": ""Haha, no one gets laid for his intelligence. If that were the case, I would have a line of girls queued up outside my house. Getting laid is more about being stupid than it is about being intelligent. The more stupid you act, the more likely you are to get laid. Girls are attracted to pure stupidity. Sorry, but that's the cold hard reality of it." In a thread on Marianne Williamson running in the Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events section he said: Yet, successful PUAs, dating coaches, and even Leo himself have talked about how you need to have social intelligence and social calibration skills to become good with women. Here Leo said: So, which is it? Or is it both? Or does it depend on specific situations?
  4. Trump is certainly highly charismatic, but he’s still no Reagan or Obama. Trump, like Bill Clinton, has only been able to appeal to less than half of the voters throughout the whole country that vote. Reagan and Obama, on the other hand, have or had such exceptional charisma to the point of being able to broadly appeal to much more than half of the voters throughout the whole country that vote.
  5. I am glad that they are also extending the deal for at least another couple of days.
  6. If outer space aliens are here, then what do they want?
  7. Today, Hamas released 17 more hostages, while Israel released 39 Palestinian prisoners. https://apnews.com/article/israel-hamas-war-news-11-25-2023-7d83895eb736c09fab3eada4c31524b0
  8. About a week and half ago, I made a thread about how young people are greatly losing faith in democracy, but no one responded to that. I get that no one owes me a response, but I can't help, but feel like this issue definitely has to be discussed on here because this getting to be disturbing for our world. Millenials, Gen Z, and Gen alphas, especially black and brown people from those generations, today have become pessimistic about the future. They feel like there is no hope for them be to become as successful as those from older generations. They are hurting a lot from the long-term effects of the late-stage capitalism and feel like they may not be able to survive for long. They feel like no one is listening to them enough. They don't believe the government will do anything to take on corporate tyranny, corporate greed, the right-wing megadonors, neofascism, provide access to adequate healthcare, address the skyrocketing problems cause by climate change and so many of these other crises out there that desperately need to be solved before things become unimaginably catastrophic for the future of humanity. Yes, the human race has gotten through many different kinds of historic crises before, but I honestly do not see any viable way that the problems we are facing now are going to be solved before it becomes too late. What can be done talk to talk young people off the ledge?
  9. 24 more hostages were released by Hamas as part of the deal they made with Israel to have this temporary ceasefire. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/hostages-released-hamas-israel-ceasefire-deal-thai-captives-egypt-rcna126380
  10. Well, I know that red states like Texas, Georgia, Kentucky, and Florida already passed a bunch of voting laws a couple years ago in each of their states that made it harder for black and brown people to vote. There's also the racial gerrymandering that's been going in the red states over the past 10 years and SCOTUS said that such matters should be left to the states to decide.
  11. I hope you're right. Everyday it feels hard to stay optimistic about it when I keep getting stuck in a plateau. I don't see how I can solve #1 and #2 anytime soon when the cost of even renting my own place is ridiculously expensive these days.
  12. But the sex shown in advertisements, magazines like cosmopolitans, movies/tv shows, porn, art, etc. is not creepy, pathetic, and needy?
  13. Very sad. I hope the people of that country one day sorely regret this....
  14. What's creepy about that, especially when sex has become more widespread all over the media than ever before and we are living a more sexually liberated society than ever before? Besides, I am not naturally a party person. That's never been a part of a core of my personality. I tried being that way for years, but too many people thought I came off as a too much of a try hard.
  15. 1) and 2) are definitely two of my top problems, but I don't have enough money of my own to move near or into a large city. I have to first get my DPT degree before I can finally make enough of a decent living to move out of my parent's home. However, I feel like even if I had the chance to be in the right city, right location to cold approach at least 30-40 girls new girls per week, I am not optimistic about being able to fix problems 3), 5), and 6) even after all of the coaching, knowledge, and advice I've gotten and the amount of trial and error I've done.
  16. I tried that to and that still wasn't enough to help me succeed with women.
  17. Wasn't life easier for minorities in the 1980s and 1990s, than it has been since the 2010s because of the 2008 financial 2008 followed by the historic levels of economic inequality we have had for years now? Also, what about the fact that minorities have been losing more and more of their voting rights for decades for now because of the radical right in the courts and in pretty much every red state? Not to mention that the MAGA Republicans and the right-wing megadonors have been destroying our democracy and freedoms for decades now to the point where we may literally be living in a nation taken over by the KKK and corporate tyrants.
  18. I also studied a lot of theory and tried diagnosing my own sticking points for years as well but that didn't work either. It ultimately took me a number of years cold and warm approaching and online dating to finally get one girlfriend.
  19. I tried getting help from a skilled wingman and from a coach, but neither of them really worked for me.
  20. I know that women are very interested in erotic novels like 50 shades of grey. Is there a way to bring that into a conversation with a girl you just met?
  21. My parents say that it's not worth trying to start a business because most fail anyways and if you bother trying then you will just end up with a massive amount of financial debt for the rest of your life after failing at it.