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Everything posted by Hardkill

  1. I know that what I am supposed to do, but how do I know if every time a girl gets freaked out by what I did or say that it was because it was her and not me that was the problem?
  2. But how do I know if the girl I am talking to is too uptight about sex? Also, how do I interact with girls who are like that?
  3. In my opinion, the amount of uncertainty and danger in the world is the greatest it has ever been in decades. The War in Ukraine is still going on with no end in sight, even after it began over a year and half ago. Now, the War in Israel just happened and of course taken even more of psychological toll on everyone around the world, especially those within Israel and Palestine. Not to mention that this war could last for weeks if not months and may widen into a terrible regional war in the Middle Eat. We also are very worried about the serious possibility of China invading Taiwan within the next few years. Moreover, we may be the closest we have ever been to the threat nuclear warfare. The US and much of the global economy may be in a recession next year and may experience more supply shocks which would increase inflation significantly. The democracy of the US is still in grave danger as Trump or Trumpism could still prevail in the 2024 elections. How many of you are having trouble going about your day without having to think about all of these threats to the world? I know I am having a very hard time psychologically coping with all of this. It certainly doesn't help that none of the first world countries in the world have a leader in office who is able to effectively inspire great unity and hope for our world in the midst of all of these crises like the way that FDR, Churchill, Eisenhower, JFK, and Obama were able to during their presidencies.
  4. I wish I had Leo's confidence and optimism for the future.
  5. I get that women are sexually/romantically attracted to men with high social status or sexual charisma. Yet, because most women are either unattractive or have average level of attractiveness, most of them end up having to settle for men who are average to below average in personality, looks, social status, and wealth. Then again, I know many attractive women who have hooked up with, dated, and/or married men who have very little to no social status, have average to below average social skills/game, average to below average looks, and are not rich. Why is that?
  6. I don't see how you can compare those wars in the Middle East back then, compared to the 20-year War on Terror in the middle east we had from 2001 to 2021, the War in Ukraine, and the Israel-Hamas war which has a good chance of spreading into a wider regional conflict in the Middle East. Not to mention China likely to invade to Taiwan within the next few years, which will cause an historic global economic crisis comparable to the Great Depression. Things are much more dangerous in the world than in the 80s and 90s. There much less peace around the world than there was in the late 1900s. Also, 1st and 2nd world countries now have much more dangerous weapons than they did 20 to 30 years ago.
  7. After listening to one of the interviews with Mearsheimer, I realize that the world is now even closer to doomsday than ever before.
  8. He believes that he has done everything he can to become successful with women, but to no avail. That's why he feels pessimistic about his chances of ever succeeding. I can definitely relate to that, because I've been there before and most people don't understand how much a person like him is suffering.
  9. Then why is most of the whole world calling for a ceasefire?
  10. I know, but should he change his mind about it to help the Democratic party win back the young voters and racial minority voters they've already lost? Besides, he, Warren, and a number of other establishment Dems in Congress agree that Congress should put certain conditions in aid to Israel instead of just giving it a "blank check". After all, why does Israel really need it?
  11. (sighs) Yeah, I figured... Then why have experienced and pragmatic political leaders in the vast majority of countries around the world have called for a ceasefire? Also, why was the UN resolution supported by an overwhelming majority of the 193-member body of the United Nations? Should leaders such as Obama, Biden, and Sanders still call for a ceasefire to help inspire the whole world to condemn Israel's actions and win back young voters and racial minorities for 2024? What about putting conditions in aid to Israel?
  12. Do you think there should be a permanent ceasefire? Or not yet?
  13. and what about the fact that in the past multiple Palestinian leaders such as Yasser Arafat refused to make any peace deals or treaties that Israel Israel offered them? Why didn't it work out in Oslo during the 90s?
  14. So, not all attractive women are just waiting for some famous guy that is the right fit for them?
  15. Right. That is the point I am making. Doesn't mean that Israel could very well become an international pariah and lose all of its allies in the future?
  16. For over 5 decades, we haven't had a pro-democracy movement like the civil rights movement like in the mid-1900s. We desperately need a hero who is gifted enough to lead such a movement like Dr. Martin Luther King. I am getting more and more scared everyday about the day that 99% of the people in the world will become oppressed and exploited by the billionaire crime lords, corporate tyrants, and extreme right-wing authoritarians. We thought that Obama would be the hero who would lead our country out of the decades long extended era of Reaganism/neoliberalism and into a new decades long era of liberal politics, but he failed to do so, because he never had a strong enough liberal/progressive movement or a strong progressive media ecosystem to truly support his vision for "hope and change" in America. Even after he left office, he either hasn't been able to or willing to lead a serious pro-democracy movement, which is a damn shame. The progressives such as Sanders and AOC, have been trying the best for several years to lead the revolution against corporate greed and the toxic conservative movement, but for the most part they still haven't been succeeding. The Democratic Party, liberals, and progressives keep losing the messaging war to the Republican party, conservatives, and right-wing extremisms because the left-wing still doesn't have their own media ecosystem that is able to compete with corporate mainstream media and the right-wing media propaganda. Now, we are on the brink of authoritarianism and we may under the dictatorship of Trump if Trump or Trumpism wins next year. I fear that if we don't have an incredibly powerful movement that is highly organized and is highly devoted to saving and promoting democracy then not enough Americans will not realize the profound crisis we are in until it's too late. Moreover, if America falls into any kind of authoritarian rule, then that will set a horrific precedent for the rest of the world to fall under authoritarian rule.
  17. but what about the fact that Israel is losing so much international support?
  18. The United States has lagged behind other developed nations in high-speed rail. We only have one in the northeastern region of the country. However, it's looking like we will have another in the southwestern region of the country that goes from LA to Vegas and back by around 2027.
  19. The right-wing media, racism, xenophobia, fear of multiculturalism, lack of education, anger over not having a good financial life, and an unusually strong conservative beliefs.
  20. He can't win. The one way I see this being is if the majority of Americans rise against the billionaire crime lords and corporate tyrants.