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Everything posted by Hardkill

  1. It's not clear that we will ever put forward an appealing candidate in 2028.
  2. I don’t think Biden used social media anywhere near as much as Trump did in 2020 and yet he still won decisively back then.
  3. Well, then why did they bother coming over to this country if they were hoping for more freedom?
  4. This guy's talking points were weak and played into the notion that MAGA supporters are out of touch with reality. Trump and MAGA are really on the defense. Most moderates, Independents, and undecided voters increasingly see Trump's party as extreme and truly disturbing.
  5. He wants the government to eliminate fluoride in water. He's a fucking weirdo. Have you listened to Obama's latest speeches?
  6. Most people in America are so Trump. Harris represents the new change our country really wants and will really fight for justice: How about Tim Walz?! He's a true populist and has a great sense of humor! Also, listen to Obama's fiery speech:
  7. OP, are you trolling? The radical right-wing justices on the Supreme Court have given the president absolute immunity for "all official" acts. That means that if Trump becomes president he will have much greater power as president compared to any other president in US History. The economy tanked so badly during Trump's last year as president. The economy right now is not perfect but it's the strongest it has ever been since the 1990s. Look at the GDP growth reports for each quarter since the beginning of 2021. Look at how low the unemployment rate has been for years. The percentage of those aged 25-54 years old in America who hold a job is the highest it has ever been in the history of this country except when compared to the period from 1997 to the middle of the year 2001. Plus, the percentage of those aged 55-75 years old in America who hold a job is the highest it has ever been in the history of this country. Biden presided over the creation of approx. 16 million jobs, including all of the 9.4 million jobs that were lost from the pandemic when he first took office and the new 6.6 million jobs that never existed before the pandemic. Also, Biden and his party have already created the most amount of very good paying jobs for the working class, middle class, and working poor due to their passage of historic pieces of legislation including the infrastructure bill, the Chips and Science and Act, and the landmark IRA. Also, the inflation crisis ended over a year and a half ago and wages/salaries have been outpacing inflation for most everyday people in the country for over a year and a half. Biden and the Democrats saved most of Ukraine from being taken over from Russia: He was found guilty of raping an innocent woman, he's been indicted over 90 times for grave crimes he has committed and was already found guilty on 34 counts for a case involving election interference: Btw, remember how there was widespread civil unrest during Trump's last year as president after the murder of George Floyd: Moreover, women's reproductive freedoms are on the line: Also, don't ever forget what happened on January 6 all because Trump refused to concede the 2020 election: Plus, Trump doesn't give a damn about climate change, whereas Biden, Harris, and Democrats passed the largest bill for dealing with climate change ever in US history and brought back a lot of pro-environment regulations:
  8. A whistleblower, formerly employed by TYT, claims the company attempted to suppress unionization: Is this really true?!
  9. Well, we now undoubtedly avoided a recession before the election. GDP growth for the 3rd quarter of 2024 was a solid 2.8% and the unemployment rate is still at an historic low of 4.1%. Plus, according to Lichtman's livestream episode tonight three days ago, he stated that key 10, which is false, and key 11, which is true, are now set in stone: So, it looks like Harris and the Democrats in the end got 9 out of the 13 keys for certain for this election. I think that should further cement Harris's victory. The 1888 and the 2000 presidential elections, were the only two elections since 1860 where the incumbent party lost 5 keys but still officially lost the White House to the party out of power. That's why I am really glad that Harris and her party only lost four keys. Since 1860, no incumbent party has ever lost the White House when losing 4 or fewer out of the 13 keys.
  10. Alright guys, I know some of you don't believe in Lichtman and his 13 keys system, but I am telling that his system has been proven to work based on hard science and US political history. Not magic. His system has worked for every presidential election since 1860 (1876 and 2000 were stolen elections). Since 1984, he has predicted five Republicans having won the White House and five Democrats having won the White House. So, he has never been biased whenever he has made any of his predictions. So, he predicts that Kamala Harris will win the 2024 presidential election! That being said, the only way she can lose is through voter suppression and election interference like what happened in the 1876 and 2000 presidential elections, especially if the race turns out to be extremely close. Therefore, we all have to get out there and vote as if our lives truly depend on it! We gotta get out there and vote in numbers that are too big to rig and too real to steal! Also, do whatever you can to help get out the vote for Harris/Walz and to vote Blue all the way up and down the ballot! Volunteer with organizations that work to increase voter turnout League of Women Voters Rock the Vote HeadCount https://votesaveamerica.com/ Help register voters Assist with voter registration drives Check if friends and family are registered to vote Educate yourself and others about voting Learn about voting requirements and deadlines in your state Share information on social media Host a voter registration event or workshop Encourage others to vote Offer to drive friends to the polls Remind others to vote on Election Day Emphasize the importance of voting in shaping our future Participate in get-out-the-vote campaigns Join phone banks or text banks to remind voters to cast their ballots Participate in canvassing efforts to engage with voters directly Support voting rights and access Advocate for policies that protect and expand voting rights Support organizations working to increase voting access Remember, every effort counts, and when the liberals/progressives, moderates, and even principled conservatives truly unite together in the USA then the Democrats win! The Harris/Walz slogan is "When We Fight, We Win!"
  11. Possible. Then again, many people in 2008 thought that there was no way that Obama could win the presidential election back then simply because they thought that the country wasn't ready for a black US president.
  12. Yeah, but most people aren't as racist or as xenophobic as the previous generation of voters in the past were. Plus, the growing younger generations of voters today are even less racist than the current older generation of voters in America. This isn't the 1900s, early 2000s, or even the early 2010s anymore. In fact, Michael Moore who has always had a truly remarkable pulse on who voters will vote for said that "Every study shows that there has been a significant shift in the last decade in the political beliefs of the majority of Americans — brought about mainly by the 36 million Americans who have turned 18 since Trump descended down the Golden Escalator in 2015 (a whopping two-thirds of whom vote Democratic in each election) — and the loss of 23 million of our most conservative voting demographic, the elderly, in that same time period. This has led to the new majority of Americans who now take the “liberal” position on nearly all the major issues." Moore also said that "Trump is HOLDING A 1930s-STYLE FASCIST RALLY AT MADISON SQUARE GARDEN! Only an absolute loser would do such a thing. " Btw, Trump in 2020 had lost the largest percentage of moderate voters in a presidential election compared to any other presidential nominee since either Nixon in 1972 or Lyndon Johnson in 1964. Trump also lost the largest percentage of Independent voters in a presidential election compared to any other presidential nominee since either HW Bush in 1988 or Reagan in 1984. Trump now has now come off even more extreme and psychotic than he was in either 2016 or 2020.
  13. Well, it certainly didn't help him win over any more Independents, moderates, or undecided voters. If anything, it probably turned them away from him make them more likely to go with Harris/Walz. This whole rally really had terrible PR.
  14. So, was Biden in 2020. He was an even much weaker candidate than Harris is. He ran on "Nothing will fundamentally change when I become president!"
  15. Kyle destroys Trump and Rogan on the terrible interview they had yesterday:
  16. The mainstream media has not been doing a good enough of covering Trump's increasing psychosis and real cognitive decline. Here's a video of highly respected psychologists who really go into great depth about the many troubling signs of his mind deteriorating:
  17. But generally the more left wing you are the less selfish and corrupt you are, right? Could it be that Cenk thought that because his company was only a small business at the time that his company wouldn’t be able to survive if it had labor unions?
  18. Wait, but TYT has been a stalwart supporter of the labor movement and unions. Am I missing something?
  19. Yes, but the point I am making is that the mainstream has been given Trump an incredible pass. They are treating this as though it was an ordinary election. The mainstream media is still not doing nearly enough to sound off the alarm on this. They instead devoted so much more time and energy to talk about Biden's age related issues. CNN, NBC, PBS, ABC, CBS, and every other "trusted news source" out there should all really be ashamed of themselves.
  20. Yeah, his brain is really melting and he's looking really moldy. Hopefully, he passes away very soon, which is very plausible given his terrible health and age. I wouldn't be surprised if he died of a heart attack by next year.
  21. It's true! I have to say, as much as I hate this whole war, I gotta hand it to Israel for killing the ultimate villain behind the Oct. 7th attacks. Sinwar was essentially the Osama Bin Laden of Hamas.
  22. When we talk about echo chambers or epistemic bubbles we generally refer to outlets on tv, on the internet, or on social media platforms that distort a person's view of reality by telling us what we want to hear or see, reinforce and amplify our own existing biases, and keep one isolated from diverse perspectives. Though hasn't religion actually been one of the earliest and most enduring forms of echo chambers? Religion often creates a shared identity and community among believers, which can lead to: Group polarization: Believers reinforce and validate each other's views, strengthening their convictions. Social insulation: Religious communities may limit interactions with outsiders, reducing exposure to diverse perspectives. Authority and dogma: Religious teachings and leaders can provide a framework for interpreting the world, potentially discouraging critical evaluation of alternative viewpoints. Yet, modern societies have actually made progress in mitigating the echo chamber effects of religion. So, if 1st world countries have made significant progress in reducing the influence of religious dogma through: The Enlightenment, Scientific advancements Secularism Separation of church and state Urbanization and diversity, Education and literacy, Global connectivity, Interfaith dialogue, Reformation and diversification, Liberal theology Therefore, couldn't we use those same ways to overcome the terrible effects of echo chambers from tv, internet, and social media in the future?
  23. So, what? The laborers will eventually find a way to coalesce together and revolt against a corporate oligarch like him when push comes to shove. Also, most people hate rich people like him these days. I wouldn’t be surprised if he gets frequent death threats in the future. History may not repeat but it does rhyme. Musk is getting very desperate because he knows that he won’t be able to hold on to all of the economic power he has for long.
  24. Even if Trump suppressed labor strikes, I really don’t think it would work in the end. This isn’t the Reagan era or the era of conservative politics like during the 80 to the early 2000s. Most people these days hate big corporations as much as they hate fascism or communism. Labor union sentiment and pro worker power sentiment are at the highest they’ve been since the 60 to 70s. Plus, economic inequality is at about a 40 to 50 decade high. The excessive suppression of labor strikes, especially during these times, will only backfire by causing widespread civil unrest like what happened during The Haymarket Massacre in the Gilded Ages or like what happened during the early 1930s.