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Everything posted by Hardkill

  1. You have a point that I will buy for the most part. I don't ever expect to a social super star by any means, but perhaps I could become a fairly competent in it if I sacrificed my whole life for it. However, I've already failed with over a thousand women I've approached, which much more than 90% of the men in the world have ever done. Also, I've variety a of venues from clubs, meetups, school, gym, etc. to making friends with people I can connect with well. However, I failed with all of those venues.
  2. Yeah, but what are the chances that a paralyzed dude will be able to regain full mobility of his entire body?
  3. Well this sucks. Nobody has an answer to this? How come there's an answer to the genetic potential of people building muscle or other physical abilities, but not for social skills?
  4. I know, but sadly this is reality. Just as it is reality that we cannot just fly by ourselves or cast a magic spell.
  5. So much for the stupid cliche statement "anything is possible as long as you put your mind to it." It a big fat lie that has allowed everyone to deceive themselves into thinking that they can be guaranteed to achieve any dreams they have with hard work and dedication. The longer you live the more you will realize that most of this world is filled with misery, pain, and futility. The work needed to achieve any dream is extremely energy draining and time-consuming and even if that didn't matter to you, most things in this world never go according to plan. Where there are victors, there will always be the vanquished. Where someone lives someone else dies. Where someone's life is saved, another's was sacrificed in the process. Where someone wins, another loses. Where there is light, there will always be darkness. Where some people live long lives, others live short lives. Where some are healthy, others are suffering debilitating or life-threatening diseases. These are the inevitable nexuses that can never be separated from each other in this world. What's the point of accepting anything in this accursed world when you can live in a virtual reality or play video games or watch tv and movies?
  6. If you're not good with girls from the start then it's going to be almost impossible to get noticeably no matter how hard u try or analyze your situation. I know hard work is not supposed to betray you in general, but I believe that it sadly does with women. In my honest opinion, like singing, It's a talent that you either have you or you don't. That's another reason why this world is mostly filled with suffering, hopelessness, and futility
  7. The only effective sources for getting better at socializing are: 1. a competent mentor or coach who is truly skilled at teaching socially deficient losers how to be normal and possibly cool. 2. A large city to troll and talk to an infinite amount of strangers until u hopefully get good at conversing and network. 3. Gene therapy for enhancing your genetic ability to effectively become a normal and possibly cool. Although this therapy hasn't come to fruition yet with regard to improving your social skills. Online books and sources suck. I've tried them and they didn't really do much to improve my social skills substantially.
  8. Society is screwed up so badly. There has not be enough people and educational resources to educated and train children and teens on how to socialize successfully. Even adults who still struggle to have a happy social and dating life aren't able to be guided well unless they pay a ridiculously hefty fee. The system is really f*cked.
  9. I've tried social meetups and they never worked. I already have positive things going in my life. I am going for my 3rd degree black belt in Hapkido, I worked up to squatting 360 lbs. below parallel, deadlifting 480 lbs., benching almost 275 lbs. I can run a mile in 6:30 min. and can run 6-8 miles at a 7:30 min./mile. I just starting training for half marathon and marathons 2 months ago. I am going to grad school for teaching. Also, I don't mean to sound arrogant, but many people throughout my life have told me that I look like a model. None of it helped me enough to be successful with women. Also, I have no talent for creating large social circles. So after trying almost everything possible, what proof is there that I have any REAL genetic latent ability for success with women?
  10. I know, but I am struggle to manage these demons. How can I when the evidence has proven that I am a failure at pickup? my approaches have been varied since I've tried so many things. Sometimes I wait for the girl look at me and smile before I walk up to her. Other times I cold approach her without her noticing me first. It's so hard to explain everything and I don't have enough time to explain each kind of approach I do with each girl.
  11. Well, I've done about 1,000 of approaches and I rarely see it as being anything, but funny. It's like I have a voice in the back of my head that says, "Look man, u've already failed over a thousand times with women. This isn't for you. I know that pickup isn't rocket science, but not everyone has talent for this just like not everyone has a talent for singing or being athletic at a certain sport. It's sad, but hopefully u'll learn to live with it someday." I've gotten kicked out of a university that I was in grad school for, permanently kicked out of a gym that I was a member of, kicked out of a mall, kicked out of a bar, kicked out of a club. I am hurting inside. Society is as fucked up as I am.
  12. Yeah, but how does getting rejected most of the time completely beneficial for your confidence?
  13. I know this has nothing to do with healing and I know that I am probably making a very ridiculous reference to an anime show, but I was just wondering if anything mentioned in Naruto with regard to Chakra happens to be true.
  14. There must be another way. I don't want to live in a salvation army organization for the homeless. Also, I don't really like camping and don't think that that's smart thing to do when it comes to possibly being surrounded by all sorts of wild animals and nasty bugs.
  15. Yes, of course! I mean where am I gonna go? I don't really have much money of my own.
  16. So how do you explain homeless people out on the street who need to be hospitalized?
  17. How is not finding a job a limiting belief? I wish I had more stress tolerance and energy to continue improving my life
  18. I want to be an entrepreneur because I believe I have something to offer to this world. My belief is that if you can't change the world significantly then your life as a human is worthless. Also, the fitness and sports industries are so f***ed up that it needs someone like me to step in and help uncover the truths behind all of the lies spread to the vast majority of people all around the world. I am not saying that I am the only who can do this as there are already a number of other honest people who are competent fitness and athletic trainers who have started dispelling these lies and have continued to promote honest training and diet methods. However, I believe that I too should take part in this mission. Yet, I don't know where to began because the fitness and sports industries are so competitive and have become increasingly impossible to succeed in. So, I am very ambivalent over whether or not it would be wise for me to pursue this path.
  19. Hey guys, so I've been contemplating lately on becoming an entrepreneur for some time lately. We've all heard many stories of successful entrepreneurs and how they were able to achieve their success through perseverance, hard work, and smarts. However, I also am aware that trying to start your own business will inevitably you to many failures before you possibly reach the desire level of success. My parents don't think that I should even consider trying to start my own business because they know that it's too cutthroat and can lead to an unnecessary waste of time, money, and frustration. I am 29 years old and work for my father who's an architect/construction worker and my financial life is completely supported by them. So, I don't even have any capital to start off with. I want to run some sort of martial arts/fitness business of my own, but so many fitness, weightlifting, and sports businesses have already been established for several years all around the world to the point that the fitness/weightlifting/sports industries have become extremely competitive. I've always been very dedicated and disciplined to training and researching an abundance of information on martial arts, fitness, weight training, aerobic/anaerobic conditioning, flexibility, etc. ever since I was a teenager. I really wish I knew what the wisest decision would be for me to take.
  20. Well I wish I knew how to gain my independence from my parents. I would almost give anything for that.
  21. Damn. Well I don't feel at ease knowing that Erlend's advice here conflicts with everyone else's. Even if I gained complete independence from my parents, I am still not sure if entrepreneur ship could really become a suicide path for me.
  22. Thank you for responses, guys. I don't know where to begin or exactly would be the best plan of action for me take. Also, I've been expelled from a university (for reasons that I don't want to discuss with anyone on this forum) and have had my gym membership revoked from one gym before for alleged sexual harassment. I've failed miserably with women even after having made countless approaches and invites to women and having tried virtually every possible method method and avenue for seducing women effectively, which has severely damaged my self-esteem overall. So I don't know if I have the inner strength to handle anymore traumatic failures in my life, even with regard to trying to establish a successful business of my own. "It will grow you enormously, even if you end up utterly failing." What else besides becoming an independent man will I be GUARANTEED to gain from pursuing entrepreneurship? Can I be ASSURED that I will have a much happier life overall or feel more at peace with myself, at least in the long-run, if I pursue this type of career path?
  23. Thanks again for the replies. My medicine is absolutely vital for my daily function. Do not tell me that psych meds are not the answer because that is quite frankly a very ignorant response. Medical doctors and scientists have been trained extensively to methodically prescribe the best possible medication for people's health and well-being.
  24. Hi everyone, I am brand new to this forum and this is my first post ever. I've watched a lot of Leo's vids on Youtube on making friends, sex, attraction, love, mindfulness, meditation, goals, success, etc. I am 29 and a half years old and I've been struggling with improving my sex and dating life for almost 3 years. I've cold and warm approached hundreds of women in real life and tried many different kinds of online dating apps including OKC, POF, Tinder, Bumble, Happn, Match.com, Jdate, etc. I lost my virginity when I was 27 years and 9 months old and have never had a girlfriend in my entire life. Also, I've had sex with a total of 4 girls, but I've only had sex for a total of 7 times in my entire life (only two of the times where I engaged in full genitalia intercourse). I've read up and tried various methods of pickup from the PUA community including RSD, Kezia Noble, Hayley Quinn, Gambler's methods, 60 years of challenge, GoodLookingLoser, etc. and they all gave me limited results overall. I've tried going to meetup groups, social circles, bar, clubs, parks, fairs, streets, malls, college campuses, social circle, etc. Girls in middle school, high school, and somewhat in college used to tell me how attractive or cute I looked, but after college was when I realized how extremely difficult if not impossible it is for me to get a girl I want. The furthest I've ever gotten with a girl was through a 6th date over a 4-5 month period (I though I was close to making a friends with benefits relationship with her, but she stopped wanted to see again after our 6th date. I've done more work than most guys have, but still suck with women. Therefore, I fear that I may never find a girl I want who will be willing to be in a solid friends with benefits relationship with me or be my girlfriend.