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Everything posted by Hardkill

  1. Sadly, yes. That's why the entire political environment needs to be fixed completely from the bottom-up in order to restore the political consensus and unity we used to have throughout most of the 1900s. Then, we can elect a phenomenally charismatic progressive president who will be able to rally every together so to speak at the right time and elect a supermajority of Democrats, liberals, progressives, centrists, and moderate conservatives in both chambers of Congress. Moreover, I don't get why progressive activists don't also try to work to bring the Republican party back to its liberal/progressive roots like in the early 1900s or like when it originally began as the party of Lincoln. Otherwise, I really don't see how we will be able to pass such major progressive reforms on the order of the Square Deal, New Freedom, New Deal, or Great Society.
  2. So, it really looks like if progressives really want to reform the system to the degree that TR, WWW, FDR, JFK/LBJ did then we need to wait for another once in a generation charismatic progressive leader to emerge sometime in the future: and it has to be someone with such exceptional charisma to the point of appealing to voters from across the entire political spectrum throughout the whole country. Not a progressive like AOC or Bernie or Warren who only appeals to liberals and progressives. Bill Clinton actually fell short of achieving such broad appeal when he first ran for president and during his presidency in the 90s because of the sexual allegations made by Flower in 1992 and other personal scandals surrounding Clinton limited his ability to build a broad coalition of support, making it harder for him to achieve the same level of cross-partisan appeal as Obama did in 2008. Obama did have that exceptional charisma in 2008, but apparently lost it during the 2012 because he was said to have let himself get caught too much in "the bubble of the pollsters, hucksters, handlers, and pundits" who I guess pressured him to speak a bit too much like a rehearsed politician instead of speaking more from the heart. They say that it is become harder to resist your inner circle when you become president than when you are running for president. It also, was because Obama rhetoric was too non-partisan and too pro-establishment in his rhetoric during his presidency. Moreover, there probably needs to be a time of great crisis in order to create a major opening for a progressive leader like FDR and/or needs to wins the presidency by a true landslide victory like FDR did in each of his elections or like LBJ in 1964 did in order to have major political capital for such major progressive reforms. We also need to continue: - Advocating for changes like nonpartisan redistricting, open primaries, and campaign finance reform to promote more inclusive and moderate politics. - Empowering citizens with fact-based information and critical thinking skills can reduce partisan divisions and promote more nuanced political discourse. - Revitalize the political center by promoting inclusive policies and constructive dialogue, rather than surrendering to partisan gridlock - building grassroots movements, citizen activism, and external pressure from progressive organizations and advocacy groups to push for change. - To identify, support, and elect moderate candidates who can bridge the partisan divide and promote constructive politics and elect more liberal/progressive candidates into office to further promote liberalism/progressivism in our country. - To grow our liberal/progressive media ecosystem to further promote liberal/progressive activism and combat the radical right-wing media ecosystem.
  3. Okay then, I now think I have enough of an understanding as why it is so improbable that the people in the USA will ever want to overthrow and replace the entire establishment with "populist" leaders, particularly in such a radical way, despite the historic rise in anti-establishment sentiment throughout our country. Thank you!
  4. Then, will there just be more civil unrest and culture wars to come in our country before America becomes totally stage Green?
  5. So, no revolt is coming for the foreseeable future, even as we head into stage Green?
  6. Per Capita, African-Americans have still been suffering unfairly compared to whites: - A larger percentage of blacks than whites in America still get incarcerated and hurt from police brutality to such an unfair degree - A larger percentage of blacks than whites in America are still hurting from Generational poverty in countless way. - A larger percentage of blacks than whites in America are still unable to get access to good quality education. - A larger percentage of black than whites in America suffer from voter suppression - A larger percentage of black than whites in America suffer from redlining Should I say more? It's all still abhorrent.
  7. Sounds to me like you have been very misguided even though your heart is in the right place.
  8. Please, don't tell me that you bought into the whole right-wing narrative.
  9. I see.... but will there probably be some kind of revolt in our country before our country completes its transition to stage Green?
  10. Will black people eventually riot against corporations, the rich, and the right-wing politicians as soon our country truly reaches the nadir of late stage capitalism?
  11. That's kind of true. Although, some experts have still warned that the current economic system, characterized by income inequality, wealth concentration, and declining social mobility, could lead to such very unwanted consequences for everyone including widespread rioting, economic collapse, Breakdown of social cohesion, sharp decline of public health, major breakdown of our natural environment, and so on. I remember you even mentioning that all of that before on your video on "Inside the Mind of Trump" about that and how that will occur before our country enters into stage Green. Do you think that's still likely to happen?
  12. So, despite the fact that the anti-establishment sentiment in our country has become so palpable these days we are still not even close to having any revolt for the foreseeable future? Is it because American society has already made such significant progress in many areas, providing a relatively high standard of living, social stability, and political freedom? Plus, the fact that America still has a strong tradition of democratic institutions, civil society organizations, and political processes that have allowed for peaceful expression of dissent and gradual reform? That's true. They indeed have been brainwashed by that and Trump. Conversely, Democratic voters haven't been brainwashed by anyone as toxic as Trump or by anything as toxic as the right-wing media. The left-wing media ecosystem hasn't ever promoted misinformation, conspiracy theories, and extremist ideologies anywhere near to extent that the right-wing media has. Also, even progressives like Bernie Sanders, who can be toxic at times, still have been much more civil and intellectually honesty by far than "right-wing populists" leaders like Trump.
  13. 1. Oh I see! you know, I kinda thought that. So, that's why those in power, including the government officials and corporate interests, often must make concessions to the demands of the people to maintain social stability and avoid widespread unrest. This is a fundamental aspect of democratic governance and the balance of power in society. Correct? 2. Oh yeah, that's true. Yet, many of them lead to permanent positive fundamental changes for their societies and their people. 3. So, despite the notable rise in people's frustration and disillusionment with our country's institutions and the government, most Americans still have not been exploited badly enough to the point of wanting a revolt in the US?
  14. Hmm...Okay, I see what you're saying. But then how do you explain the fact that there have been many instances in world history where true anti-establishment revolutionists have successfully overthrown the powerful elites and fundamentally changed their country's entire system such as Trotsky and Lenin with their Bolshevik revolution, the leaders of the French Revolution (1789-1799), the Oliver Cromwell and the British Civil War (1642-1651), the Founding Fathers of the American Revolution, Frederick Douglass and other leaders of their abolitionist movement Lincoln and the American Civil War, the union leaders of the most intense labor strikes in the U.S. history (the late 1800s and early 1900), leaders of the early 1900s Progressive movement, FDR and his New Deal agenda, MLK and Malcolm X and their Civil Rights movement, the leaders of the counterculture movement of the 1960s and 1970s, Gandhi and his Indian Independence Movement (1857-1947) etc.? I mean those historic events no doubt were accompanied by great violence, horrific bloodshed, and significant human suffering. Yet, how or why were enough of the plebs in each of those movements inspired by their leaders to truly revolt like hell against the establishment? Isn't that what Bernie Sanders was trying to say when the country needed such a revolution?
  15. Yeah, but how come Trump ran for president successfully as right-wing populist and why does he still have such an unusually strong grip over so much of the GOP establishment? Yet, why didn't Bernie Sanders strong anti-establishment message ever work in either of his 2016 or 2020 presidential campaigns like it did with Trump from the right, especially when the American people became visibly angry with the establishment during each of those elections, particularly during 2016? Also, how does one still reconcile with what you're saying along with the fact that most people across the political spectrum in the USA have gotten sick and tired of the status quo and the establishment?
  16. Every safe and effective drug administered through prescription or under the guidance of healthcare professionals HAS SOME KIND OF POSSIBLE SIDE EFFECTS!!! COVID vaccines are no different. Not to mention, that the methods various platforms or mediums used to develop COVID-19 vaccines including Messenger RNA (mRNA) vaccines, Viral vector vaccines, and inactivated or killed virus vaccines, HAVE ALL BEEN HIGHLY SUBSTANTIATED by many years of extensive and rigorous testing in clinical trials involving tens of thousands of participants to evaluate their safety and efficacy. The entire research and testing process were performed by the best the medical doctors/scientists in the world. In fact, about 99.99% of all medical doctors/scientists have all concurred that practically everyone in the world should get the first one or two dose of the vaccine and then follow that up with booster shots regularly. Only a very tiny percentage of rogue quack doctors out there in the world have been speaking out against it because those weirdos have been running some kind of scam.
  17. Well, like I said before, the right-wing media will likely still be always a major part of both the mainstream media and alternative media. However, there seem to be something going on with the right wing media. What do you think it is?
  18. Of course, the right-wing media ecosystem will probably still always stand as a formidable force in America and throughout the rest of the world. However, if all of this is true and it continues to be true, then that's very good news for the country and the rest of the world, especially with the serious rise in the left-wing/liberal/progressive media ecosystem since the late 2010s.
  19. He says that he essentially has nothing positive to say about the future of our whole world, because how much trouble all of the most powerful countries are in, including America.
  20. So, it's going to take about a decade or so of more pain and suffering for us to get through these serious global problems and learn better from them?
  21. What would FDR, Lincoln, or Washington do? What would Winston Churchill do?
  22. Yeah, I agree with Bobby. The world has been more unstable than it has been in a long time. What do you predict will eventually happen to the world in a more positive note even when taking into account everything that professor Mearsheimer has said?
  23. Ok, who told you this?
  24. Btw @Bobby_2021 @actuallyenlightened the post WWII economic boom, otherwise called the Golden Age of Capitalism, which occurred approximately from 1945 to 1975, was arguably the greatest period of economic prosperity in American history, and the taxes on the rich and big corporations were the highest they ever were in US history. How about the 1990s? While the taxes on the rich and big corporations during that decade weren't as high as they were during the mid 1900s, they were actually significantly higher back then than during either the 80s, the aughts, 2010s, and 2020s. Yet, the 90s decade was another incredible period of economic expansion that also could arguably be considered the greatest period of economic prosperity in US history. Plus, it was also the only decade since the mid 1900s that saw a federal budget surplus and very significant decrease in the national debt. As for Biden and the Democrats since 2021, he and the Democrats in Congress raised taxes on the rich and corporations, and at the same time the economy has grown much more and much faster under Biden's presidency than it did during Trump's presidency. Even when you look at Biden's first 3 years and 2 months as president now and compare that with Trump's first 3 years and 2 months as president before the pandemic hit the country, the economy still has grown much more and much faster under Biden than under Trump. Plus, Biden and his party have been significantly reversing the economic inequality in our country ever since he first took office.