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Everything posted by Hardkill

  1. I know that high status men get and retain the women they want; however, so do guys with great seduction skills. Yet, if we had to choose between the successful pickup artists and the high status men, who would ultimately come out as being the most seductive to women. I ask because maybe achieving high status from either my career or social circle or wealth or can completely substitute the need to learn how to attraction women through "game" with your personality. Like Leo said "pickup isn't the only way to attract girls you know. 99% of men do not know pickup, and yet they still manage to get laid." Hell the most well known men in the world who have gotten the hottest women out there have very likely never tried pick up in their entire life.
  2. How? I’ve tried practically everything there is. There seems to be no guarantee that I will be able to improve my charisma. However I am absolutely certain that I can raise my status in some way. Also, don’t tell me there are no guarantees in life because while that may true in the grand scheme of “life”, it’s a unhelpful cliche that does put me at ease. It makes me feel powerless and I know that there are certain things in life that can be ensured.
  3. No no. Something doesn't add up. Are you telling me that ALL of the most successful men in world who are businessmen, lawyers, athletes, actors, singers, politicians, princes, kings, models, etc., and who we know can get any woman they want, have always had great charisma since the day they were born? None of them ever had to work hard on developing their charisma? Also, good looks don't mean shit for men (I know from personal experience), except for a few of the freebies you may get on rare occasions.
  4. So then how do the vast majority of high status guys who have never pickup ever before in their entire life ever land the hottest women? How did they get enough game?
  5. So are u saying that I should neither try to raise my status nor learn pickup?
  6. Okay, I will buy the Life Purpose course some time in the future. It better work.
  7. Guys, I know I already asked if whether or not I should become an entrepreneur, but my parents have convinced me that it's not worth it (at least for the moment). I am in a Master's teaching program, but I am not really enthusiastic about becoming a teacher. I really don't know what I want to do and really wish I knew what my passion would be for a living. I cannot afford to pay for the Life Purpose course now or anytime soon. I believe that if I knew I what I wanted to do for a living then I would be completed 100% focused and productive. What do I do?
  8. The problem is that I don't know what avenue to choose that would be realistic for me. For example, it would great if I became a video game designer, but that's an extremely competitive field and I don't even have nearly enough computer skills to be qualified for such a job. Regarding other kinds of careers, I used to want to be a scientist, but I don't know exactly what kind of scientist I want to be and I don't think that I smart enough to become one (at least not yet). Also, I would have to go back for a lot more undergraduate schooling before I could ever seriously consider applying for a master's or doctorate level grad program. Plus, the positions for scientists are very competitive even amongst those who have a graduated with a formidable doctoral degree from a prestigious university. I also thought about medical school, but it's not only very hard to get into any medical school, but also it's very life-draining to do the program. I don't even know if I have the mental discipline for it. Hell, I thought about becoming a DPT and I don't know if I even have the mental discipline and organizational abilities to get through something like either. I've even thought of trying to open a fitness gym of my own, but that too seems very unrealistic. Practically speaking, all of the professions that I've ever dreamed of have become pipe-dreams that are very unlikely to come to fruition for me.
  9. I am not interested in want to have sex with ugly women. There have been a few girls in the past whom had propositioned me into being their boyfriend; however, I was never sexually attracted to any of them.
  10. Science, math, and art. I did sports and played too many video games and sometimes hung out with friends from school.
  11. I don’t judge if a girl sleeps around when she’s single. It’s better than cheating on someone.
  12. The vast majority of dating coaches and pickup experts do a terrible job at teaching men how to pickup. They don’t explain how many girls to approach per day. They don’t give effective methods to have good inner game even when you get rejected countless times. They also manipulate you into ultimately paying for their expensive courses or personal training. They tell you certain contradictions that are not helpful for your self esteem such as “don’t take it personally when you get rejected because the women you approached don’t know you, but then essentially say “you suck with women and u gotta own it and learn to be an alpha male or a better person.” Furthermore, they don’t effectively teach guys how to they can analyze and deduce what they need to fix given the seemingly infinite number of variables they are in any given interaction. Plus, many do not explain how much of pickup is a numbers game. It’s fucked up and these dating coaches and pickup artists need to be held accountable for misleading poor bastards on how to approach and date women. As far as I am concerned, men like me have been allowed to deceive ourselves into thinking that we definitely have a solid chance with the woman of our dreams. I am telling you, I’ll probably defame all of these dating coaches and pickup scum bags one day.
  13. Well, it's another week of torture in this god forsaken miserable world that we live in. Recently, I've thought about what I want to REALLY DO for a living and I can't decide what kind of career I want to have for the rest of my life. I actually envy people who already know what they want to do for a living and know that they will love it.
  14. I am extremely physically active and fit and eat healthy, and I am close to my family. I have a lot of hobbies. Yet, it’s still very hard to deal with the lack of success I have with women.
  15. I have become mentally disturbed by my thoughts and memories of all of the failures I've made in my life including my dating/sex/romance life, social life, school, work, etc. For years, these things have been negatively affecting my life including my concentration on my schoolwork, my job, my workouts, my social life, etc. It's as if I have demons in my head that have been haunting me for eternity. Since pickup, dating advice, and social advice of all sorts from A-Z have failed me I really wish I didn't feel anything towards anyone anymore. For over 15 years of my life, no therapist nor has any medicine been able to help me with this matter. Also, meditation takes years to for it to work. So, I don't know what to do and don't know where to go now other than committing suicide or continuing to suffer through this forever. I don't want to castrate myself literally because I am too afraid to do something so gruesome like that. I would like to somehow be like a machine with no feelings or emotions for about year. I know that if I were a robot then I would have 100% laser-like concentration and work virtually non-stop on achieving my personal dreams. I am begging with all of my heart, soul, and every fiber of my being that someone here could tell me how to lose my humanity, at least for a brief period of my life.
  16. Bullshit. I know guys whose lives are well put together and they still can't get laid.
  17. but there are so many things to try that I don't know I'll even live long enough to try them all.
  18. No I am not entirely happy with my other areas of my life.
  19. That's right. I am inspirational and full of high testosterone. In fact, I am sure that Leo would say that I am a hero.
  20. @ajasatya have u ever done intense physical training to the limits? Have u ever had a heavy bar on your shoulders and squat ATG or below parallel for a 1RM or for max reps? Have u ever pulled an extremely heavy weight from the floor until failure or for multiple reps with a moderately heavy weight? Have u even bench press or overhead press for multiple reps or for a 1RM? How about an intense kickboxing session for an hour until you’re about to puke? How a conditioning session where the lactic acid keeps building up and feeling like hell? How about a running training session until your cramping hard on your sides? Or a sparring session where u feel like you are about to die have experienced all of that for over 10 years. Most people tell me that they have never seen anyone like me have such mental toughness even though I am usually depressed. If u haven’t or haven’t trained consistently like a true warrior or a Marine corps or Navy Seals soldier then u haven’t ever felt real pain before.
  21. Thanks for the response, but I feel like I've seen countless vids and reading innumerable books on self-help. How many more books and vids on self-help do I need to go through to master my emotions? It's so overwhelming
  22. You know something? You are really useless and condescending. Yes they do get fed one way or another. If you want something so badly it SHOULD and WILL happen. I deserve better than my current situation.
  23. Oh yeah sure. I am just gonna quite my school program and move to somewhere in southeast Asia by paying a few thousand dollars or more to travel there. As much as I'd like to visit some of those places I have no interest in moving there just for sake of getting laid. Can't you give me a more realistic and compatible idea for me?