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Everything posted by Hardkill

  1. I couldn't agree more. So, how often have you gotten girls you re-approaching to end up going out with you?
  2. So then what would you suggest someone like me do to learn step-by-step how to socialize without having any negative repercussions with any of my interactions, Aurum?
  3. I see. Alright that helps me understand things more. Oh FYI, I’ve actually stopped hitting on girls at my new gym for about 11 months. It has sucked, but I guess it is what it is. I wish I could go to a big city everyday and approach many attractive girls there everyday, but my parents won’t let me. I don’t know what I am gonna do with the beast inside me.
  4. And what if after several years waiting he still hasn’t found a good partner to fuck? Then how will he be able to deal with his sexual urges without turning into a pervert like those phony priests or monks who molested innocent children? Assuming the OP of this thread is young and has not had much experience with making love, then without sex or masturbation how will he be able to effectively manage his sexual desires if he continues to suppress and deny them indefinitely? I ask this because I feel like I am in a position where I can only use porn and masturbation to deal with my urges because I’ve hardly had any experience with love and sex and have never had a serious girlfriend before, even at the age of 30, and I have a relatively high libido.
  5. Really? Where did he mention that he was officially diagnosed with it?
  6. Why haven’t Leo or any of the moderators answered here?
  7. I wonder what Aurum and Leo would say about this.
  8. I've tried finding someone who is a reformed Aspie and learned how to overcome it especially when dealing with women, but I still have had no luck.
  9. I do agree that in general within any sort of skill, you still need to start taking consistent massive action with talking to girls and everything else you said in there, Girzo. However, having Asperger's or Autism can pose serious limitations on my ability to learn social skills. I am actually not sure anymore if I am really ready to cold approach women because now I don't know if I have enough basic social skills to practice effectively on women without getting into any trouble. What if I get reported for harassment even when I didn't mean to harass a girl all because I didn't properly read her non-verbal cues. Regarding Tourette's syndrome, that of course has always been considered as a social stigma, and can you make come off as being somewhat weird. However, I don't that that negatively effect's one's social, sex, and dating life as much as Asperger's because if someone with Tourette's syndrome knows how to be aware of other's people non-verbals like a normal person can and can act normal around others besides having the sporadic tics then he can still fit in with others if he works at it. He can just explain to new meet he meets that he has Tourette's and the vast majority of people will be very understanding of it. I actually knew someone in my undergrad years who had Tourette's syndrome. I first met him during my Freshman year and he seemed to be a very funny, confident, and cool guy even around a lot of other people in our dorm and elsewhere on campus. A couple of years later I coincidentally became his suite mate in a new dorm during my junior year, and he was still a very likable guy. He would often bring a group of regular guys and girls in his dorm to chat with. I didn't know that he actually had Tourette's syndrome until about a week after I began my junior year when he mentioned it to me and showed me the kind of twitches he tends to make on his face when it accidentally happens. However, when someone like me has Asperger's they usually get judged by certain people for sometimes being too annoying even when we don't mean to and I just trying to have a good time or not what to do or say when a person looks bored or saying a joke that was uncalled for.
  10. I see. Ok, so it is true that most people you meet and like will say no and that most employers will deny you a job you want because it's usually a long and hard process process to get a good friend you want and/or the job that you wish to have. Alright, Thank you for responses, @Key Elements
  11. I know that many people like me would like to have a lot of friends and be hired by almost anyone for virtually anything because we want to satisfy our egos as much as we can. Of course, I've always realized that in real life there will always inevitably be certain jobs out there that I will apply for, but will not succeed in getting hired for because I was not the kind of candidate that they were looking for their particular business regardless of how great my game and qualifications are for that job. Similarly, when it comes to establishing new friends, I obviously won't be able to be everyone's cup of tea, even if I had great social skills, high social status, and looked extremely attractive. However, I didn't think or believe beforehand until I watch one Youtube vid of Corey Wayne that MOST employers will never want to hire for their company and MOST people will not want to be your friend, no matter how much you have or what you have to offer to people. Is this actually true or is Corey Wayne really exaggerating?
  12. Right, but is it true that most people won't want to hire you and most people won't want to be friends with you?
  13. I agree that relationships themselves can't give you happiness. Now, You have not answered my question for the topic of this thread.
  14. Sorry, I got preoccupied with other things in my mind and life. I did watch his video and I get the gist of it, which is that if you don't off as being needy then you will be very attractive. However, I don't quite agree with this. I've lately been much less than ever before over the past two months and it actually didn't improve my results with women or people in general. I talked about this with an acquaintance of mine who has been struggling with attracting women for years and has very little to no friends. Unlike me, he has hardly every complained about his lack of results with women and says that he doesn't ever care if he has any friends or not. He also says that he never texts a girl more than 2-3 times in a row. He also has pretty calm vibe to him every time I talk with him and I've seen some of his recorded approaches with women and while he does appear to come off as being a little quirky he actually seems like he's having a good time with each of the women he talks too. He's also a good looking guy who has a muscular physique. I've said to him before "you know XXXXXX, you don't appear to every be needy at all and you look good. I don't get why you haven't been able to attract a lot of women." His response was "non-neediness doesn't make you attractive, it just doesn't make you unattractive."
  15. I am looking forward to finding out what the mods have to say about this.
  16. Okay, cool cool. Yeah, one of these days I am gonna move into or at least very near to a big city. I get that you need to have that mindset of being the "chooser" and the fact that she didn't reject you for who you are because she's didn't really know you when you first met her. However, what I was trying to get at was have you ever got a got who said no to you or ignored you before to later on become interested in actually going out with you or sleeping with her?
  17. Hey guys, so I know that it's best to practice cold approach in a big city where there are millions of people there, including an ample amount of attractive women to meet. However, is it possible to ever be out of new HOT women who are single and available to approach in a major city like LA, San Francisco, NYC, Dallas, Austin, Houston, Chicago, Las Vegas, London, Paris, Rome, Madrid, Moscow, Prague, etc.? What about in a city that has only a population of about 500,000? What about in cities or towns that have a population that's much less than 500,000?
  18. So, does that mean that it’s impossible in a major city like Miami or LA, to run out of not just women, but HOT women to approach for the rest of your life? Regarding the same girls u approached many times before, did any of them reject you the first time u ever approached them but then got them to change their mind the next time you ran into them? I wonder what are the chances of that happening to any guy in general.
  19. @Aquarius where do u live? Also, check out Hayley Quinn’s vids and blogs on women approaching men. She’s been advocating for women to approach men. In fact, many guys have said that they would be impressed that u approached a guy. Hell I wish that hot women would approach me all the time. Btw, the vast majority guys don’t cold approach because they are worried that they will come off as a desperate weirdo to a random girl, which is not true as long as they approach in a respectful manner. When cold approaching, treat the guys you talk to with respect. Don’t do any cat calling or going up to a guy and be like “Damn boy! You look like you’re packing down there!” or saying “Are you a fire hydrant? Because you just got me soaking wet!” or go “Hey baby! You look like hot stuff! You wanna comeback to my place for a good time??” Also, don’t physically escalate too fast with men or start touching his upper thighs or butt from the getgo of any interaction. Remember, men are people too, not objects, and most of them are worried about being taken advantage of by women. I mean there are some guys who just want to get laid and have casual sex, but generally speaking men tend to look for an real emotional connection with a girl before they have sex and are looking to settle down with someone whom he can make a family with. Plus, they need to feel like they are safe and can trust a woman enough before they feel comfortable to fuck her.
  20. I believe I've taken massive action in trying to make new hangout friends, from multiple meet ups, and from my hobbies: martial arts, weight training, and running. Though they all failed for me. Either I must be a big-time social loser or I am missing something that is so obvious. I take an online course for my new Master's program so I can't meet new people in a class. I've been to social workers, psychologists, and psychiatrists countless times and I still couldn't get the advice I needed to help to me solve. I've read how to Win Friends and Influence People and the info. from that turned out to be mostly useless for me. It's not just making friends for the sake of improving my social and fun life, I will never make it far in the real world if I can't get effective social skills under my belt. Is there no helping me in this? Am I suppose to just be a victim to this fate of being a social loser forever?
  21. The frequency of cheating is quite high. Also, I do remember Leo mentioning in one of his Youtube vids, Why Men Cheat - And 8 Ways To Keep Your Man Loyal, that humans are actually biologically more polyamorous than monogamous. However, do most cheaters cheat because most cheaters are with the wrong person for themselves and have a certain flaw in their character or is it more because of our biological wiring as humans?
  22. So how the hell are some people able to do it easily ever since their mid to high school years? Don't tell me that's it because they are more socially gifted. There must be a secret that's holding me back. What exactly have the popular people or even a lot of normal people been doing to succeed at this?
  23. I see. Okay well thanks for the advice.
  24. I wonder what percent of people have ever been in a open relationship. Also, is it only a minority of people who only want to be in a non-committal relationship?
  25. Really? How can make good money work from working online? What would be a realistic way of doing this?