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Everything posted by Hardkill

  1. Why? How many girls have you slept with?
  2. and how do u get to sleeping with them? Please don't tell me it's just luck and waiting around like a wanker.
  3. See, this is problem with people giving the ego a bad connotation. The ego is crucial for survival and success. However, it does needs to be balanced with humility. Listen to these mental health experts, including one forensic psychiatrist who has studied the ego for decades. https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=egomania
  4. Of course it's all about sex. We try to make this world into a better one as much as possible so that we can have better rubbing and better orgasms.
  5. You're wrong, buddy. Lots of men are already taken. You gotta increase your odds, whether you're a girl or guy, by approach a lot of them.
  6. To be quite frank, this was a pointless question to ask OP. All you gotta do as a girl is work on looking pretty/fit, be confident, screen out men with bad character, and play the numbers game. It's that easy, and you will find someone whom you like. Consider yourself lucky. However, as for maintaining a relationship, there's not much for me to tell you because I've never been in one. However, make sure that you are mature enough and have your life together to be able to deal with your partner well and always support him. Furthermore, let him take charge of everything, unless of course he takes it too far to the point where he is physically or emotionally abusive. So good luck with that.
  7. I don't think that I'll ever be able to stop no-fap. I tried it and it's too impossible for me.
  8. and what if there aren't any new girls in your area to bang and whom you are attracted to? What if you can't even move out of your city?
  9. Can you blame him? Society is to fucking blame for these mental roadblocks. Parents who don't know how to raise their children well are also as much at fault for this.
  10. Both. Biologically speaking, men are indeed are attracted to good looks in a woman, more so than a woman is attracted to good looks in a man.
  11. Get the olive oil that USDA certified. That stuff has been tested properly and objectively by third party people who are highly qualified to test out which products are safe and high quality.
  12. We gotta setup a Hyper macho movement to take back some of the power we gave to these ungrateful manipulative women out there who decided to abuse their rights. It should be a new movement of men out there who are the New Age of hyper-masculine men who are able to both respect women and lead them well unapologetically. We also gotta eliminate these white knights patriarches out there who categorically responsible for the God forsaken mess we are in. Those guys really think they are being heroes who are protecting women out there, but they don’t even have the balls to approach women out there themselves. And yet, they have the nerve to slut shame women. These preachers, those GOPs conservatives who were dumb enough to elect Trump into office. They are the same ones who are either White Supremacist racists or are Latinos and African Americans and Jews, Arabs, and others who turned their backs on their own kind, all to support the conservative way of slut shaming women. They are also the very same ones who make sure that men DO NOT approach women, because it’s not “normal.” Yet they are hypocritical enough to cheat on their miserable wives with prostitutes and what have you. All of them are the ones who are RUINING IT ALL. I tell you, that countries like the US would be better places to live in without scum like them. The feminist movement was making their way towards great progress until these stupid Conservative pinheads our there had to instill the fear of God and social stigmas. If they don’t want progress to happen then where the hell will we men go to?
  13. They probably only get sex from guys who just settle. Also, relationships with heavyset probably don’t last long. Again, men are more visual than u think. That’s part of why the divorce is so high.
  14. If we were given proper coaching during high school on how to approach women successfully then I think that the REDPILL and MGTOW would never happen.
  15. Woman’s looks matter a lot for the relationship to continue. As Leo said one one of his videos on Youtube, Men are more visual than u think.
  16. It can be if used too much. That's why I also exercises a lot of times without music, even if I am lifting extremely heavy weight or doing a martial arts class and trying my hardest or running.
  17. Just to be clear, of course dating and relationships will not be my ONE AND ONLY long-term goal. I have many other long-term goals including attaining mastery as a martial artist until the end of my life, continuing indefinitely to get stronger, bigger, and more efficient with my weight training, improving my physical stamina by about 50% by around next year, getting my Master's degree in teaching, finding my true Life Purpose, wanting to get better at gymnastics even at my age, wanting to travel around the world as much as I can, learn and practice A LOT more Visual and Performing Arts related material, becoming a good public speaker, contributing to scientific progress in this world, etc., etc., etc. Does all of that sound crazy?
  18. Thank you very much, Aurum for this response. Yours was the most relevant and the most helpful of them all. This also helped me to feel even more assured and optimistic. Thanks again.
  19. Please don't shut down this forum, Leo. This whole entire forum, has been absolutely invaluable not just to me, but also to so many others. I don't see how you have been tricking anyone into doing anything malicious or wrong.
  20. Join a weightlifiting gym and do Starting Strength for a while or pick a martial art for a while, then after several months add in which one you did not pick and do that for a while. Those Heavy lifts will really develop the intensity of your mental toughness and so will martial arts to a degree. Eventually do some more cardio after doing both martial arts and weight training for several months. Otherwise, do martial arts and running for several months before you add in a weightlifting routine. The hard cardio will build the duration of your mental toughness. Get ready to choose your favorite music for your workouts.
  21. Not yet. Though I will one day, once I've saved up enough money for it.
  22. If your social skills suck then brace yourself for some years of pain, trauma, and suffering to improve your dating skills. Also, in all honesty, I am not 100% sure that even practicing talking to countless people can ever substantially increase your social skills to the point where u will be able to find and keep a group of high quality friends and a HOT girl.
  23. Until there is enough scientific evidence to prove that no fap works, I see no reason to stop fapping. It all sounds like a bunch of alternative therapy crap.
  24. I already tried for several months now and yeah my confidence has been restored to a degree. Though it’s not happening fast enough. I still feel like I am hanging by a thread.