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Everything posted by Hardkill

  1. Sorry to bump this thread, but I am really feeling so suicidal right now. No therapist or psychiatrist has been able to help me at all with this. Psychedelics are out of the question. Life purpose course is still too expensive for me to buy. My parents won't even let me get a real job. I am feeling incredibly desperate for a solution to deal with my emotions before I truly decide to do something that I will end up regretting.
  2. I need help too! I really wish I had the damn money to buy that life purpose course from Leo because I am at a total loss myself and I am having more suicidal thoughts now.
  3. Well, again, that all sounds good, but what happens when the workload gets too overwhelming for you or you become mentally fatigued to the point of feeling so depressed and irritable that you can't even work properly anymore? This is what happens to me often. I wish I had the stamina of ate least a normal working person. I actually don't even know why all of my dedicated years of training in martial arts, weightlifting, running, and even doing lots of reading on online articles and books never translated to having a strong enough work ethic towards my career and schoolwork. I've even tried meditation and even tried some motivational tactics from motivation gurus like Tony Robbins. Listening to my favorite music helps motivate me a lot, but I can't always do that, especially when I am at school, at home doing homework, or on a job. So, if I have already tried a number of ways to improve my work ethic for work and school, then am I a hopeless case?
  4. I can't just leave my home, man. Where the hell am I supposed to go? I don't even know how I will be able to make enough time to work on getting even a basic job that pays adequately.
  5. This video sounds all good, but I've already tried what he said before and it hasn't been enough. I can't always find something to like about a grind I am in. In fact, when it comes to deadlines and time management, I rarely can ever enjoy the grind I am in.
  6. I am having a hard time still with motivating myself with work harding at my job and being independent. I tried already for a couple of days in a row including getting up by myself early in the morning without my parents waking me up, managing my schedule for the day, starting my schoolwork and job work, and I was able to do pretty all of that by myself. However, it felt very exhausting and overwhelming and made me feel so depressed because I felt like I was a victim of all of the responsibilities I had to take care of all by myself. How can I deal with the painful stresses of doing all of this myself every single day?
  7. Okay, I will admit, that I kinda made a mistake in some of things I said regarding being a man. I actually do agree with everything Leo has said here in terms of being an authentic man. However, I still believe that a major part of being a man is about embracing those traits traditionally viewed as masculine including: strength, bravery, confidence, dominance, aggression, rationality/logical, decisive, etc. As a guy, learning to develop both those qualities as well as your own unique positive traits inside you that no one else will ever have, like what Leo was talking about in the above video, are what will truly make you into a true man.
  8. I remember that guy. I am actually surprised that he deleted his channel. He seemed like he knew what he was talking about. At least he's still on other vids on other channels on Youtube.
  9. Hey guys, believe it or not, but I have a girlfriend now and she's very hot with a sweet personality. Also, she's about 13 years older than I am. I know that I complained a lot on this forum about having been so sexually frustrated before and feeling so hopeless about my dating, sex, and romance life. However, I think that I am finally getting my payback after all of these years of dealing with so much agony from all of the heartaches I've had throughout my whole life, destroying my ego, doing a ridiculous amount research on attracting women, and going through the trials and tribulations of getting the results I wanted with women, as well as constantly still figuring out what women really are sexually attracted to (which is still something that I of course am continuing to do). I've dated this woman for over 8 months now, which is by far the longest dating period I've ever achieved with any girl ever in my whole life. Hell, my previous personal record was with this asian girl who I went out with for only 6 dates in a row over a period of about 4 months. Yet, I've now been on so many dates with my girlfriend that I can't even count at all how many we've actually been on. However, last week, I told my her that being non-monogamous should be acceptable as long as it is 100% completely honest between all of you. I said to her that there are guys I know or I've heard of who had or currently still have more than one serious girlfriend and/or wife(s) and that all parties have been perfectly fine with each other. She got upset when I said all of that to her on that night. The following morning, after she dropped me off back to my place, she didn't let me kiss her goodbye or even hold her hand for a moment before I got out of the car because she said that she really didn't really appreciate what I said to her the night before. When I told my parents all of this, they said that I really insulted and her and that I should apologize to her and tell her that you really only want to be with her. So, I did that same night and patched it up with her. However, it was at that moment that I declared my full commitment to her because I felt pressured by her and my parents to do so. I am not sure if I did the right thing now.
  10. Hey guys, I just realized something. You know how they say that "no one owes you anything" or "the world doesn't owe you anything" even if you do all of the right things. Well, if that's the case then why are any of us obligated to do what should be done for this world? For example, why should we help others who are desperately in need of money or sustenance? Nobody owes them food, liquids, or money just as nobody owes you food, liquids, or money if you were very poor. Let's take even another example. Why should anyone have to be honest about anything with their romance partners or even those who they are dating just casually? Hell, why not just cheat on your partner for that matter? The people you are dating don't owe you honesty and you don't owe them any honesty in return. How about when it comes to paying some money to someone you technically are in debt to? Besides, having to pay taxes and credit card bills because of the laws in our society, we don't owe anyone else to give them money in return for the money we got from others and vice-versa? Even when it comes to friendships and family, no friend or family member owes you their support in any way or form and vice-versa. In fact, they don't owe you any response from them just as you don't owe them any response at all. What do you guys say about all of this?
  11. I see that more of you guys here have brought up even more valid reasons as to why we sometimes do owe someone something. So would you guys say that the old axioms "the world doesn't owe you anything" or "you never deserve anything" or "you are never guaranteed or entitled to anything in this world" or "there are no guarantees in life" are not always true?
  12. This is so hilarious. I am LMFAO. You're responses haven't given me any suggestions or advice, but they simplistically prove my point.
  13. You're absolutely right. You don't. I don't owe you an answer either.
  14. Yeah all children know that these morals or ideals are the right thing to do. However, they are naive about the real world and how dark and unfair it is. This world cannot function on ideals and pleasantries. Sometimes we must go to the dark side to survive or succeed in life. Also, I don't trust people including women as much as I used to.
  15. Yeah, I agree with everything that you said here. So, when it comes to relationships or social situations, then why should I ever trust anyone if there are no guarantees in someone being there for us because neither one of us ever owes anything to the other when it comes to those kind of matters? Also, why should I have faith or confidence that our goals or dreams will come true for sure if there are no guarantees that the world doesn't ever owe us success in life?
  16. So, it's not that my life purpose now should be about making more money for myself. It's just the main thing that I need to focus on now is making more money, right?
  17. Well, ok. I don’t think that I can live in a cave by myself and survival out in the wild. I am grateful that my parents have been able to support me well. You’re right, I am lucky in that sense. The thing is that I because there are “no guarantees in life” I just don’t know what to do or what the best option is for me for the rest of my life. I don’t want to waste my whole life going down a wrong path and then end up regretting it on my deathbed. I remember you’re last post on one of my previous threads, where you mentioned about the fact that I need to make money first. So, is making money my life purpose for now?
  18. Valid point have been made here. However, what about when it comes to friends or people we are dating? I mean, there will always be time where people want to respond to any of your messages on any platform for whatever reason they have. It hurts, but none of the people whom you just met or barely know owe you a response. A lot of people cheat on their partners or take advantageous of them. It's not right that those people did that, but they don't owe anything to them really. So why don't we all just be rude, cheat, and lie? We don't owe it to anyone to be a decent human being.
  19. I met my very first real girlfriend last year when I was 30 years old and I don’t usually like to brag, but a lot of people throughout my whole life have told me that I look like a model or actor. Hell, some have even said that I am better looking than A LOT of models and actors, including celebrity level ones out there.
  20. As small as his size is downstairs.
  21. Leo, you can’t handle the brutal truth. ???
  22. Unfortunately, I can't find the time and money to buy an LP program like Leo's at this point in time. Believe me, I wish I could now, but I don't know how right now.
  23. Well yeah open relationships aren't necessarily more advanced in terms of the type of relationship. However, as @Elisabeth just said, managing an open relationship requires learning advanced relationship skills fast. I even just read a few reliable sources that explained that to be the case. Not to mention, the amount of time I would have to manage with my life for an open relationship, and I suck at time management.
  24. Alright, then I've believe that I've finally come to the decision of trying out this long-term committed relationship that I am in. After receiving the advice you guys all gave me and having further looked up more about polyamory relationships, I actually don't think that I am really ready for that. Hopefully in the future, after I've gained enough relationship experience in general, I will be ready for an open relationship. Thank you everyone.